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<正>Introduction The span of the distance between the Bretton woods system collapse time and present time is about 40 years.During this period of time,the international exchange rate system has transformed from gold-dollar standard into multiple exchange rate arrangement system which gives priority to fl oating exchange rate.However,due to the blemishes of Floating exchange rate system,further reform of the international monetary system has  相似文献   

This ethnographic study explores the educational practice of interpretive naturalists in a Midwestern US state park. The construction of affective memories and direct experiences is examined from the perspectives of a group of naturalists to understand how they teach about a specific place. Enlisting phenomenological insights of lived experience and embodied and emplaced awareness, a conceptualisation of re-membering is developed. This retooling of the concept of re-membering addresses the intersection of direct experience and embodied memories as central foci of naturalist practice. Further, this re-membering is a key way that naturalists teach about sustaining and preserving human experiences, memories and places. The findings highlight the important ways that naturalists perceive memory construction and how this is connected to place through direct experience and subsequently as a way to teach preservation.  相似文献   

早在上个世纪20年代,成人教育学术研究与专业建设就已经在世界上不少国家起步,并得到迅速发展。然而,时至今日,国外学者对于成人教育学合法性的质问好像从未停忠过,成人教育理论内部的分歧似乎也一直未消弭。通过对其历史源流和当代境遇的梳理,我们可以大体勾勒出国外成人教育学近一个世纪成长与发展的整体脉络。  相似文献   

National undercount adjustment factors from the 1970 and 1980 U.S. censuses are used to prepare population projections for Ohio, which are in turn compared with unadjusted projections. "The findings suggest that decisions concerning adjustment factors have varying effects on short-term, long-term, and strategic forecasting. These effects are particularly salient for selected age-groups and the impact on state government budget decisions typically associated with these age-groups. We recommend that the effects of alternative adjustment possibilities be examined by state demographic centers and budget offices."  相似文献   

随着我国改革开放进程的加速,农村流动劳动力异军突起.他们既给城市建设乃至整个社会进步带来生机与活力,又对城市发展乃至整个社会发展带来了矛盾与问题.他们需要全社会以慎重的态度来对待,也需要成人教育以审慎的态度来考量.  相似文献   

试论反思与成人学习研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
反思已成为当今成人质变学习、非正式和偶发学习、叙事学习等多种成人学习研究的基石,其原因既在于反思的本质,也来源于反思性教学的影响及其符合成人学习的特点.成人学习研究中反思的目标主要在理性的认知、解放的行动、发展的方略和精神的联结.加强群体和组织的反思、厘清教师在反思中的角色、确定成人学习中的反思模式以及推动成人学习逻辑起点的研究,是反思在成人学习中需要进一步拓展的研究课题.  相似文献   

The interaction between dyslexia and its secondary emotional problems, especially those arising from unproductive defenses, is illustrated in the history and successful treatment of an adult dyslexic male. At the start of treatment, the 33-year-old subject was illiterate, despite an average IQ and a history of many previous educational and therapeutic interventions. Psychological problems, including low self-esteem, alcohol abuse, temper outbursts, and poor relationships with women were seen as largely secondary to the subject’s learning problem. A review of the treatment, consisting of remediation concurrent with psychodynamic psychotherapy, reveals specific ways in which these emotional problems hindered educational efforts, as well as ways in which their exploration and resolution in psychotherapy helped the remediation. Similarly, ways in which the subject’s learning problem contributed to the development of his emotional problems are discussed. Finally, with reference to the psychoanalytic concept of sublimation, the relationship between improvement in the subject’s reading skill and improvement in his impulse control is described.  相似文献   

废名之诗名,向来被研究所忽视。实际上,他禅意浓郁、中西融合的精短诗作,看重含蕴、专注自由的诗学主张,率性而为、追求美善的创作态度足以成就其不菲的诗名。  相似文献   

省际人口迁移与云南省人口控制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人口迁移是重要的人口现象和社会现象 ,它影响着一定地区的人口总量、人口分布和人口结构。迁移人口的持续增长是现代经济发展的必然产物 ,社会经济发展水平越高 ,人口迁移量越大 ,反之 ,则越小。云南省人口省际迁移在数量、类型、原因、模式上有其特殊性 ,这些特殊性决定和影响着云南省人口的发展 ,针对这些特殊性提出的云南省人口控制对策 ,有利于把握云南省人口迁移的发展动向以及加快云南省人口城市化的进程 ,提高人口素质 ,控制人口数量。  相似文献   

针对古建筑木结构保护修缮特点,对5种木材的横纹弦向、径向以及斜向局部压缩破坏过程进行试验观察并分析。结果表明:木材局部承压破坏时横截面产生水平裂缝,承压板两侧木材起翘突出,直接承压部分密实化;针叶树种横纹局部承压力-位移曲线为具有平台段的3段式曲线,阔叶树种横纹局部承压力-位移曲线则不具有明显的平台段;针叶树种横纹局部抗压强度与晚材率成正比关系;木材横纹局部抗压强度高于横纹全截面抗压强度。  相似文献   

2000年以来,我国的成人教育社会学研究在原有基础上获得了长足发展。系统回顾近年来我国成人教育社会学的研究状况,深入透析其进展特点,全面解读其研究热点,在此基础上理性地瞻望其发展势态,将有助于我国成人教育社会学研究在不断提升其自觉意识的过程中趋向成熟和完善。  相似文献   

北宋西京国子监是东京开封之外的又一个重要国家级教育中心,为当时的人才培养和科举选拔发挥了积极作用。其前身是河南府学,在宋仁宗景祐元年正式成为西京中央分司机构——西京国子监。此后,一直存在到北宋靖康年间。受时政变迁的影响,西京国子监的政治地位、学官选任及施教内容也必然多有变化。  相似文献   

So as to compare predicted achievement based upon WISC-R IQs and observed achievement by the WRAT standard scores, both instruments were administered by the same school psychologist to 282 urban students referred for psychological evaluation. The correlations obtained, even on this nonrandom population, were substantial, significant (p < .001), and should be useful to school psychologists in statistically relating intelligence test scores to school achievement.  相似文献   

成人学习的研究是一项涉及到心理学、社会学、成人教育学等多学科、多领域的研究范畴。而在成人学习领域中对成人元认知能力的研究,则是研究成人学习能力与其相关影响因素的一个突破点。  相似文献   

With the rise in numbers of mature adults becoming interested in returning to college, information is needed if programs are to be designed to meet the needs of these students. A critical input into the re-designing of programs is the faculty. This study was undertaken to identify the needs of the mature adults by use of a questionnaire sent to undergraduate faculty asking for their perceptions of mature (ages 25 or older) adult student. Results indicate that there is intense interest in the needs of the mature adult population but that there is little experience with this audience among the faculty. This and other data suggest that there is a need for an orientation program to acquaint the faculty with the mature adult population, and to develop an instructional program to fulfill their needs.  相似文献   

舍伍德〖KG-*4〗·〖KG-*4〗安德森被认为是二十世纪美国小说创作中最重要的作家之一,他在1919年发表的《小城畸人》奠定了其在美国文学史上的地位。这部作品没有叱咤风云的人物,也无惊心动魄的情节,但却受到了文学评论家的一致好评。文本从《小城畸人》的自传色彩、作品形式、象征手法的运用等方面入手,着重探讨该作品的写作特色及其对后世作家的影响。  相似文献   

本文提出的成人教育的个性化教学模式包括六个步骤:首次教学前的准备活动;为成人学习者提供有利于学习的学习环境;制定教学计划;确定学习形式;实施教学计划;评价学习结果。其中师生共同制定教学计划、学生签订学习合同并依据它进行学习结果的评价等尤能体现成人的特色。  相似文献   

《瓦尔登湖》是美国超验主义大家梭罗的代表作,许多读者感觉其晦涩难懂。采用语料库语言学方法,通过分析《瓦尔登湖》的平均词长、类符形符比、平均句长以及主题词,能够揭示出其独特的文体风格以及其产生的言内和言外原因。  相似文献   

良好的心理素质是现代人的标志,开放教育学生中逐年低龄化趋势和独生子女群体等特点,在求学过程中不同程度地存在着学习、人际关系、人格、感情等方面的心理障碍,利用实体的校园文化活动和虚拟的网络文化等“隐形课程”对开放教育学生进行有针对性的心理健康教育活动,增强他们的心理承受能力,具有十分重要意义。  相似文献   

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