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消费者概念的法律思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
谢晋 《科技创业月刊》2007,20(1):164-165
经济的发展带来了消费的繁荣,消费者的范围也随之扩大,但我国《消费者权益保护法》中关于“消费者”的界定却日益显示出弊端。从《消费者权益保护法》对“消费者”界定存在的缺陷出发,提出了“消费者”的界定标准,认为“消费者是指非以生产经营为目的而购买、使用商品或接受服务的个人”。  相似文献   

北京市工商行政管理局12315消费者投诉中心是直接面向社会,受理消费者投诉的机构。当您为生活消费需要购买、使用商品或者接受服务时;合法权益受到侵害;被投诉方属于工  相似文献   

近年来,国内对“文化自信”的认知及重视程度日益提高,国人也愈发重视中华文化的传承与发扬。“买国货、用国货、晒国货”逐渐成为新一代消费者的生活方式,“国潮现象”应运而生。以“国潮”为时代背景,基于符号消费理论,通过问卷调查收集数据,数据分析结果表明:文化自信会显著正向影响消费者的购买决策,即文化自信能够促进中国消费者对国产品牌的购买,进而扩大国内市场,降低对国外市场的依赖,刺激国内经济循环。  相似文献   

当今社会,不管你喜欢不喜欢、愿意不愿意、接受不接受,你都无法摆脱广告的影响,广告已成了现代企业攻击市场的利器。套用一句俗语:广告不是万能的,但不做广告却是万万不能的。广告的生命在于真实,这是广告发布者的应有商德,符合广告法的基本内涵,也是广大消费者的迫切要求。然而,笔者认为,在时下铺天盖地的广告攻势下,要让消费者对你的广告产生欣赏兴趣,进而产生对广告所宣扬的商品或服务的购买(消费)欲,就应该在广告形式上独运匠心、独辟蹊径,在确保广告所宣传的商品或服务名符其实的基本前提下,不断创新广告形式,突出卓…  相似文献   

生态消费已经成为人类消费行为最为重要的价值取向。生态消费不同于传统的节俭消费,也不同于炫耀式的奢侈消费,而是以科学、健康的生活方式和高质量的生态生活为重要消费指向的商品购买、使用和享受行为。积极倡导生态消费,对建设节约型社会具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

将消费者定义为感性和理性消费者两类,通过对杭州、广州、北京的大学生消费群体的调查和对网络商家的访问,采用标准调查统计方法,研究网络人际交流过程中的内容、媒介、场合等不同因素对消费者的购买意愿、忠诚度、反馈评价、再传播意愿等行为的影响和其程度。  相似文献   

<正> 一、消费心态的变化及消费 行为分析 (一)入世后,消费者消费心态的变化 入世以后,消费者的消费心态必然会发生诸多变化,具体表现在: 第一,积极的消费心态。入世,带来了国际商品和信息的大流通。消费者会认为:(1)产品更优,种类更多,选择  相似文献   

广告创意与消费心理的关系非常密切,研究消费者的消费心理是广告创意的本原和市场开拓的需要。消费者的心理状况直接或间接的影响着他们的消费行为,并影响着产品决策者对整个宏观市场的把握。优秀的广告创意必须建立在对消费者消费心理的科学调查和研究的基础上,以满足消费者的需求。消费者对某商品作出购买决策,是受到一定心理因素的制约态。因此,在创意设计过程中,有的放矢地对消费者作诉求,其产生一种有利于导致购买为的心理状态。  相似文献   

品牌熟悉度与炫耀性倾向对消费者购买意向的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘尊礼  余明阳  郝鸿 《软科学》2014,(11):98-102
基于Marcoux等的研究对消费者炫耀倾向进行区分,结合品牌熟悉度分析二者对消费者炫耀性产品购买意向的影响。结果显示,低品牌熟悉度及炫耀性消费倾向高的消费者,炫耀性产品购买意向更高。品牌熟悉度与炫耀性消费倾向存在交互作用,低炫耀性消费者低品牌熟悉度下炫耀性产品购买意向更高,而高炫耀性消费者不同品牌熟悉度下炫耀性产品购买意向无显著差异。  相似文献   

通过研究了解我国城乡保健食品的消费人群结构及消费者购买时的心理,探讨了对保健食品的安全性和有效性的担忧,分析了个人健康意识及生活状态的差异,家庭组成、家庭收入、性别、年龄,对价格敏感度等因素及城乡消费者对于保健食品的行为差异。从而指导厂家更好地搞好生产和销售,为消费者正确地消费保健食品提供参考。  相似文献   

Increasing numbers of consumers who engage in the development of new products are selling their innovations on online marketplaces. We contribute to the scarce research on the commercialization activities of consumer innovators by comparing the consumers’ price decisions with the pricing of firms. Our predictions build on the baseline assumption that the price decisions of consumers are influenced by the same motivations that originally prompt them to innovate. We use a sequential mixed-method approach with a quantitative main study and follow-up qualitative research. The quantitative results draw on a matched-pair analysis of 4,242 computer games released on the online game platform Steam. We find that consumer innovators charge lower prices than firms for comparable games and that consumers and firms show different inclinations in aligning prices with the games’ development costs and perceived quality. The subsequent interview study with 29 hobbyist game developers provides clear support for the motivational explanations of consumers’ pricing decisions. The findings contribute to research on consumer innovation marketing and nascent entrepreneurship. They also improve the understanding of welfare effects resulting from increasing commercial activities of consumers.  相似文献   

The advent of digital technology has significantly transformed human lives and added new dimensions to our consumption behaviours. Responding to these constant changes in socio-cultural dynamics, this commentary defines and theorises digital consumer culture and explains how digital consumer culture facilitates digital acculturation. We pioneer a conceptual framework that explains the reciprocal, iterative and dynamic inter-relationships between digital consumer culture and digital acculturation and spells out the three inherence characteristics of digital consumer culture. These include consumer empowerment, reciprocity between online and offline worlds and decompartmentalisation of identities; together they make digital consumer culture unique. Finally, by identifying and discussing three outcomes of digital acculturation: digital integration, digital separation and digital deprivation, we make further contribution to theories, with the view of generating debates in studying acculturation in the digital age.  相似文献   

We empirically explore the associations between social media use at home and shopping preferences using survey data. We focus on popular retail firms including brick-and-mortar firms such as Walmart, Target, Nordstrom, and Best Buy, and online retailers, such as Amazon, Walmart, Target, and Best Buy. Social media use of popular platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Skype and a general category Other Social Media are analyzed. We find that use of LinkedIn, Skype and Other Social Media at home, in the model without control variables, is associated with shopping at Nordstrom, Walmart and Target. Shopping online at Amazon, Best Buy and Walmart, without control variables in the model specification, is associated with use of Facebook, Skype, Twitter and Other Social Media at home. We report additional insights using an alternative specification that includes social media use at work. Media Richness Theory (MRT) and Strength of Weak Ties from Social Network Analysis (SNA) and related theories help explain our results. Our results have important implications for social marketing campaigns and social media policies for consumer retail firms.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been an increasing number of mitigation procedures against consumer unfairness in personalized rankings. However, the experimental protocols adopted so far for evaluating a mitigation procedure were often fundamentally different (e.g., with respect to the fairness definitions, data sets, data splits, and evaluation metrics) and limited to a narrow set of perspectives (e.g., focusing on a single demographic attribute and/or not reporting any analysis on efficiency). This situation makes it challenging for scientists to consciously decide which mitigation procedure better suits their practical setting. In this paper, we investigated the properties a given mitigation procedure against consumer unfairness should be evaluated on, to provide a more holistic view on its effectiveness. We first identified eight technical properties and evaluated the extent to which existing mitigation procedures against consumer unfairness met these properties, qualitatively and quantitatively (when possible), on two public data sets. Then, we outlined the main trends and open issues emerged from our multi-dimensional analysis and provided key practical recommendations for future research. The source code accompanying this paper is available at https://github.com/jackmedda/Perspective-C-Fairness-RecSys.  相似文献   

Ad blockers are a category of computer software program, typically run as web browser extensions, that allow users to selectively eliminate advertisements from the webpages they visit. Many people have alleged that using an ad blocker is morally problematic because it is bad for content providers and consumers, and it is morally akin to theft. We disagree. In this paper, we defend an independent argument for the conclusion that using an ad blocker is morally permissible. In doing so, we respond to the criticisms that ad blocking is bad for content providers and consumers, that it is morally akin to theft, and that it violates a contract between consumers and web publishers.  相似文献   

闫莉莉 《大众科技》2014,(7):209-210
文章从2012年的《中国统计年鉴》中收集到了1987~2011年的国内生产总值和消费需求的相关数据,并以这些数据为基础,运用单位根检验、协整关系检验、格兰杰因果关系分析以及误差修正模型框架,分析研究了这33年来国内生产总值与消费需求之间的关系。  相似文献   

刘佳刚 《科研管理》2012,33(3):155-160
将虚拟手机生产企业作为研究对象,利用情景实验法公布正负面两类公开信息,采用结构方程模型分析企业公开信息对消费者行为的影响,研究企业形象和产品评价在企业公开信息对消费者购买意向影响中的作用。发现这两类变量具有完全中介作用的效果,发现企业能力对产品评价的影响,高于企业社会责任对产品评价的影响,发现企业社会责任对企业形象的影响,要高于企业能力对企业形象的影响。发现企业公开信息主要通过产品评价发挥对消费者购买意向的影响。  相似文献   

消费者网络团购参与意愿分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络团购已成为近两年最流行的购物方式之一。然而,随着团购网站的高速发展,网络团购市场也出现了阻碍其发展的一些问题,所以有必要对消费者网络团购参与意愿进行研究,帮助团购网站增强营销能力。在对技术接受模型及其相关理论进行回顾的基础上,构建网络团购的消费者参与意愿模型,并进行实证研究。通过问卷调查收集相关数据,运用spss 13.0进行数据分析以验证各个变量间的关系以及该模型的合理性。  相似文献   

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