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The International Conference on Globalisation and the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights convened from 20 to 21 January 2007 in Beijing,China.Present at the Confer- ence were approximately 200 experts and scholars from the IP community of the United States of America,Germany, Japan,Israel,China,and the Taiwan region of China.They held special in-depth discussions on the issues relating to the protection of intellectual property rights within the envi- ronment of globalisation.  相似文献   

At long last,after two decades of endeavor,China’s first high energy astrophysics research probe is about to take of f.The 2.5-ton Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope(HXMT),which is set to be sent 550 km above the ground early2017,will be carrying a trio set of detectors to gather X-rays emitted by black holes and neutron stars in the 1-250ke V band,and enable Chinese scientists to explore the distribution and property of these mysterious sources–with their own data,for the first time in history,in the next four years or more.In August,BCAS reporter XIN Ling had the privilege to meet astrophysicist ZHANG Shuangnan of the Institute of High Energy Physics(IHEP),Chinese Academy of Sciences who is now principal investigator of the HXMT project.During the interview,ZHANG talked about the telescope’s research missions,potential challenges in orbit,as well as its history and lessons to be learned in developing one of the nation’s first science satellites.  相似文献   

The International Energy Agency (IEA) Report 2008 illustrated that the CO2 emissions from energy consumption in China was 5.6 billion tons in 2006, accounting for 20% of the global total (28 billion tons). Looking into the future, rapid economic development in this country and its coaldominant energy structure will lead to a further growth of the CO2 emissions, making China subject to increasing pressure from various sides.  相似文献   

This article draws inspiration from the development of chemical science over the past 100 years,as well as its contributions to the advancement of other scientific disciplines and human civilization. It also highlights the rapid growth of chemistry in China and makes suggestions on its future development in the new era facing the challenges of energy,resources,materials and the environment.  相似文献   

A panel of CAS Academic Di-visions (CASAD) hasdrafted a report on the mid-and long-term S&T strategy plan forenergy development in China. OnSept. 4 a meeting was held to solicitcomments.Along with the rapid increase inenergy demand in China, says thedraft report, the energy shortage andenvironment problems have becomebottlenecks for social and economicdevelopment. To overcome the dif-ficulties and provide secure supportfor the drive to build a well-offsociety, scientists suggest, the gov…  相似文献   

Under the auspices of CAS and the US Department of Energy (DOE), a Workshop on Future PRC-US Cooperation in High Energy Physics was held from June 11 to 16 at the CAS Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) in Beijing.  相似文献   

The name of physicist Xie Jialin (Hsieh Chia-lin) is related to many firsts in China and the world. He invented the world’s first high energy medical accelerator for electron beam therapy. He developed the first linear accelerator in China. He was the chief designer of the Beijing Electron-Positron Collider (BEPC), China’s first collider and large-scale scientific facility and one of the  相似文献   

An energy report entitled Lighting the Way. Toward a Sustainable Energy Future by the InterAcademy Council (IAC), and the other one entitled Addressing the Challenge: Developing a Sustainable Energy System by CAS, were jointly released recently. The Sustainable Energy Forum: Panel Discussions on IAC/CAS Energy Reports, organized by CAS and held in Beijing on the afternoon of 22 October 2007, attracted around 50 distinguished participants, including senior governmental leaders, experts, and industrial representatives from both domestic and foreign energyrelated organizations.  相似文献   

Under the auspices of CAS and the US Department of Energy (DOE), a Work- shop on Future PRC-US Coopera- tion in High Energy Physics was held from June 11 to 16 at the CAS Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) in Beijing. The meeting brought together nea…  相似文献   

The science and technology (S&T) of resources and the environment are the indispensable groundwork for realizinga country’ssustainable socio-economicdevelopment and one of vital components in contemporaryscience and technology. Their research features includeimmensity in their research scope and involvement, com-plexity in the problems and issues they have to deal with,interdisciplinary cross-breeding and openness of researchsystems. China faces a lot of challenges and problematic…  相似文献   

To mark the 30th anniversary of China's reform and opening-up and the lOthanniversary of the CAS Knowledge Innovation Program, a forum was held under the auspices of CAS from 11 to 14 November, 2008, in Beijing. Leaders of State science institutions from 16 countries across the world were present at the meeting to address the roles of their organizations in a national innovation system.  相似文献   

The name of physicist XIE Jialin (Hsieh Chia-lin) is related to many firsts in China and the world. He invented the world's first high energy medical accelerator for electron beam therapy. He developed...  相似文献   

On the occasion of the 25thanniversary of the foundingof the CAS Guangzhou In-stitute of Energy Conversion(GIEC), CAS President LuYongxiang made an inspection tourto the institute on Oct. 21.Accompanied by GIEC Direc-tor Chen Yong, Lu visited the Dem-onstration Quarter for New EnergySources in the Innovation Park,which was recently set up by GIEC,and the new research and pop-sci-ence buildings. He also held discus-sions with GIEC researchers on is-sues of the development of bio…  相似文献   

To enhance the communication and cooperation between the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the European Union, a special information seminar themed "Research and Innovate with Europe" was held on March 26 at the CAS Academic Hall in Beijing, bringing together a group of 19 science diplomats from European embassies to China, headed by Science Counselor of EU Delegation to China and Mongolia Dr. Philippe Vialatte, and some 200 officials and researchers from CAS.  相似文献   

<正>Energy is the key to our future.Whether to the production,storage or use of energy,carbon materials could provide a good solution.They are closely related to people’s daily life and regarded as one of the most promising candidates for the flexible electrodes in energy storage devices.Recently,a research team from the Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology,Chinese Academy of Sciences prepared a well-defined  相似文献   

<正>1.High-voltage DC transmission technology is the key to interconnecting large-scale power generation from renewable energy China has plentiful renewable energy sources,which will serve as the dominant energy sources in the future.Statistics show that each year,all land in China receives a total solar radiation equivalent to the energy of 2,400billion tons of standard coal.China’s total reserve of wind energy at ten meters above the earth amounts to about3.226 billion kW,of which one billion kW is available for development and utilization.The theoretical reserve of China’s hydraulic power is nearly 700 million kW,accounting for 40%of the total conventional energy sources of the nation.By the end of 2011,the installed capacity of the gridconnected renewable-energy-based power generation in China had reached 51.59 million kW,accounting for 4.89%  相似文献   

The first state-level lab in China’s energy sector, Dalian National Laboratory for Clean Energy was officially inaugurated at the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) on October 10, 2011. It will focus on the study of the clean conversion and use of fossil fuels, clean and renewable energy technologies as well as strategic planning to address national  相似文献   

我国信息服务业的发展策略研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
With a brief introduction to the characteristics of information service industry, this article analyzes the gap between the information service industry in China and abroad, and predicts the challenges and chances brought by China's acceding to WTO to the information service industry in China. Suggestions about the develolanent of the information service industry in China are also given.  相似文献   

To commemorate the interdisciplinary expeditionary research of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (Tibetan Plateau) over the past 30 years, a symposium was held on Oct. 21 and 22 in Beijing. Chaired by CAS Vice President Chen Yiyu, the meeting was attended by heavyweights in the field, including experts of several generations ranging from veteran experts in their eighties to young researchers, State leaders and local government officials.The intensive uplifting of  相似文献   

1.Introduction Solar radio astronomy is an important branch of solar physics,which deals with the radio emission from the solar atmosphere.In solar physics,one of the greatest challenges is to understand the energy storing in the hot atmospheric plasma above sunspots and its sudden releasing in eruptive processes,such as solar flares,eruptive filaments,and  相似文献   

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