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刘迪 《鸡西大学学报》2014,(3):118-119,125
李健吾是我国现代文学批评史上十分重要的批评家,因标举"印象式"批评而闻名。他的批评一方面吸收了中国古典文学批评的传统,另一方面又受到西方印象主义批评流派影响,独具一格。试从李健吾《咀华集》《咀华二集》入手,结合作者所受东西方文化的影响,论述其文学批评的风格特色。  相似文献   

杜甫能成为一位集大成的诗人,原因有多个方面,而其中注重对前代文学传统的学习是极为重要的一个方面。《文选》这部前代典籍正是杜甫格外重视学习的对象之一。杜甫乐于接受《文选》的原因主要有三点:《文选》在唐代广为传播;科举取士制度的影响;卓越的创作才能与融通的文学思想之影响。  相似文献   

归有光《先妣事略》一文被《古文辞类纂》、《经史百家杂钞》等重要选本收入,受到后世读者和古文家特别是清代桐城派作家的普遍重视,在相关文学史写作中也常能占有一席之地。本文通过引证具体的文献,探究古文家特别是桐城派作家如何评价、接受归有光的《先妣事略》。他们的创作从中汲取营养,于是类似题材的作品形成了一个文章传统,这正是归氏此文的深远影响。  相似文献   

作为一种新的文学艺术形式的绘本具有特殊的性质和特征。大部分绘本将儿童预设为主要读者,反映和表现儿童生活与心理,成人绘本内容形式的儿童化,令绘本普遍具有鲜明的儿童性;绘本作为图文合一的艺术整体,以简明之文和形象之图协同讲解故事,在具象与抽象、表象与意象的矛盾统一中呈现丰富性和多义性;具有思想艺术独创性的绘本,同时为读者预留了广阔的阅读理解空间,让绘本的阅读具有开放互动的特质。  相似文献   


In Fun Home, Alison Bechdel recounts a version of her family’s history through moments of meaningful textual exchange. This paper takes up one such moment, when Alison’s father Bruce offers his daughter a queer text, which she uses both to understand her own sexuality and to broach the the queer connection she has just learned they have. I read this exchange as a case study for considering what happens when we share our meaningful books with others. Here I map the way literary works function in this text both developmentally, following Grumet’s reading of Winnicott, and erotically, following Bechdel’s own narration. I read the act of sharing books as an act of love that helps build the world worth noticing, core relationships, and individual identities, reading too how literature functions as ‘currency’ in the difficult father-daughter relationship at hand in this graphic memoir.  相似文献   

佛家自然观与我国诗学美学传统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
佛家自然观对自然形象及精神的推崇,影响了诗歌创作中描画自然的自觉,促进了诗论中情景的探讨与解决,情景关系的明了又使更高级的概念意境得以发展和完善。同时,这种创作和评论倾向又直接影响了我国古代崇尚自然美的审美传统。  相似文献   

试析新媒体时代传统文学名著之影视化重塑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新媒体时代传统的文学名著受到了极大的冲击,其生存状况堪忧,应该给予极大重视.文章分析了新媒体、影视等相关概念,并从新媒体时代传统文学名著的生存危机、文学名著与影视剧的联姻关系、文学名著的影视化重塑之深层动因以及改编后文学名著的生存状态等方面探讨传统文学名著的影视化重塑.  相似文献   

Harvard served as a model for English Departments in the past and, with its 2008–2009 changes, it seems to take the mantle in providing yet another model. However, I propose a much more radical approach to creating an undergraduate ‘English’ curriculum that does more than push the boundaries of traditional study of English literatures. I propose a complete redefinition of the English Major. Those who are currently ‘English’ Majors seem to be increasingly less concerned with studying a national literary tradition, but seek a world literary tradition. My proposal, thus, changes the name of the department and the major to Department of Literature and Language. Harvard’s new model is a start, but it still centres the study of literature and language on one literature and one language, English, and, thus, continues to offer a half solution.  相似文献   

在当下琳琅满目的“书海”里,“文学选本”是一个值得关注的现象.特别是现当代文学“选本”,不仅不同的文体、流派、主题、时期、年度的作品选源源不断地大量涌现,而且因为作家、题材、选文的现实性以及市场机制的驱动(如排行榜)也显现出了不可小觑的影响力,在一定程度上,它反映和标示着文学及其市场化的发展脉络和基本走向.论文从教科书的“选本”角度契入,联系编选实践对之做延展性的思考,以期将问题的探讨拓宽并进一步推向深入.  相似文献   

There is little question that popular television shows influence the shaping of social norms, identities, and the ways we navigate daily life. High profile shows are also a common magnet for critical attention. No primetime television show has provoked as wide a range of reactions as Fox's The Simpsons. From shock radio to public broadcasting pundits pour condemnations, accolades, and adulations for this unique cartoon sitcom. From the masses to the literary elite, the world's most famous animated family touch one and all, from the raw funny bone to the higher intellect. In a parallel vein, there is no lack of strong and varied opinion regarding education in the USA, and few venues do a more effective job at representing its core controversies than this weekly cartoon. Here I angle a mirror at the primetime television screen and suggest some ways this animated series reflects inner, outer, and systemic relationships with education. The beauty of The Simpsons in this regard is that the translucent motility of an ostensibly average nuclear family in the anywhere USA town of Springfield buffers the gaze just enough to allow us room to laugh, however uneasily.  相似文献   

中国上古文学观念何时发生,有许多探讨的方法,本文从分析文学主体和文学观念的联系入手,探讨了这一问题,作者认为,殷商是一个宗教思想占主要地位的时代,“鬼治主义”是其文化特色,巫觋是其文化主体,所谓“诗言志”只是达到“神人以和”宗教目的的祭祀之乐的一个关目,独立的文学活动并不存在,独立的文学观念也未能发生,西周重视人间世务,加强礼乐文化建设,明确提出“敬德保民”,人文精神得到发展,“诗”成为天子听政以“补察其政”的政教工具,文学观念在潜滋暗长,春秋时期,“礼崩乐坏”,文化下移,学术解放,士成为文化学术的主体,以孔子为代表的儒家重视西周以来的人文传统和文化典籍,以人文教化为基本内容的文学观念才得以产生出来,正是这种文学观念成为了中国的正统文学观念的核心内容,形成了中国古代文学的时代特色和民族特色。  相似文献   

家族文化是东晋士族对当时文学产生巨大影响的一个重要因素.首先,东晋士族渊深的家族文化传统是东晋士族能够在文学上取得丰硕成果的深层原因;其次,东晋士族家族文化中的尚文传统更是直接在文学人才的成长、文学创作及文学批评诸方面于文学的发展有直接的影响.  相似文献   

Over the past fifty years, children’s picture books have made great strides toward literary equity by including more perspectives from and stories about marginalized groups, such as those whose gender identities do not conform to heteronormative standards. While texts featuring gender-variant male characters engage in topics that are far too often shoved into the proverbial closet, what is yet to be determined is the degree to which they adequately reflect the complexity of (gender) identity and to what extent such picture books can counter narratives related to traditional “masculinity.” The purpose of this paper is to critically examine picture book representations of gender variance, as exhibited by male characters, in order to determine the books’ potential for exploring issues of social justice with elementary-age students. This study utilizes a critical multiculturalist lens to challenge the ways in which gender variance is represented in children’s literature and the reasons that young gender-variant male protagonists achieve—or do not achieve—communal acceptance.  相似文献   

According to Salomon's (1981) model, children usually invest less effort in television viewing than in book reading, with the result that information from television is less deeply processed than information from books. The amount of invested mental effort, in its turn, is assumed to depend on the way a medium is perceived. Most children perceive television as an easy medium and books as a difficult one. In this article, Salomon's model and the research in which the model was tested are discussed, and a replication study is presented. The study determines the internal structure of the Dutch versions of Salomon's instruments and tests some predictions following from the model. Unlike their American peers, Dutch children do not unconditionally perceive television as an easy medium.  相似文献   

In the picture book Shortcut (1995), the mediated telling of the fabula (the story) by David Macaulay results in a nonlinear and nonsequential syuzhet (the plot). Several metafictive devices used in the construction of the syuzhet of Shortcut draw attention to its status as text and fiction. Although researchers and theorists have written about metafiction, there is a lack of research that has explored students' literary understandings of and responses to books with metafictive characteristics. As well as defining metafiction and identifying various metafictive devices described in the literature, this article discusses young children's responses to and understandings of some of the metafictive devices in Shortcut.  相似文献   

近年来历史的影像化书写,已构成了一种不容忽视的文化景观。这一现象的产生除了我国独特的文化传统及影视创作传统外,还与当今大众的接受心理以及创作者受商业利益的驱动密不可分。这些影视历史剧固然繁荣了当代影视艺术的创作,但存在的问题必须引起我们的高度重视。  相似文献   

The “hypothetical”, a panel game developed and popularised by Geoffrey Robertson on Granada Television in the U.K. and on Channel 9 (initially) and ABC Television (finally) in Australia, has proved to be readily adaptable into a technique for the training of adult educators.

In the television version, participants play themselves in an imaginary scenario invoked by a compere whose role is to provoke them into making decisions about key social dilemmas of contemporary public concern, such as drug trafficking, marriage breakdown, AIDS, police corruption.

In the training adaptation described here, the dilemmas are constructed around issues of concern in daily professional practice. The primary goal changes to the professional development of participants and (if present) of an audience who are also professionals, rather than the goal of mass entertainment or general audience edification as in the television version.

This paper describes the adaptation of this popular 1980's television production into a training tool of considerable power, and gives an account of how it has been developed and used in one institution. It argues that, whereas the hypothetical is clearly a close relative of a number of familiar experiential training techniques, it makes its own unique contribution to the catalogue of training strategies available.  相似文献   

从英汉习语看隐喻的民族性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
隐喻是一种思维方式,是一个认知过程.隐喻的这些特点决定了它的表达与接受必然受制于一定的历史、文化、风俗和价值标准.习语承载着不同的民族文化特色和文化信息,它与文化传统紧密相连,不可分割.同时,大多数的习语都具有隐喻性.因此,习语的选择和使用必然折射出一定的文化特征,表现出隐喻的民族性特点.隐喻的民族性体现于民族的地域性特征、民族思维方式、民族习俗、民族文化传统和历史文学典籍五个方面.  相似文献   


A composite measure was developed to identify kindergarten children from 21 classrooms who had a high or low interest in literature. Parent questionnaires, teacher evaluations, and tests provided information concern- ing children’s free-time home activities, parents’ characteristics and activities, school achievement, and the quality of the in-classroom literary environment. Significant differences were found between the high- and low-interest groups in most areas. High-interest children were read to more often than low-interest children, watched less television, and had more children’s books placed in many rooms at home. Parents and teachers of the high-interest children provided supportive literary environments at home and in school, whereas those in the low-interest group did not. The results are compared to investigations of early readers and older voluntary readers.  相似文献   

新马是中、港、台之外的华文文学重镇,华文文学自1919年扎根于新马,一直接受中国文学的灌溉。1949年新中国成立,促使马华文学向本土独特性方向发展,同时因殖民地政府政策,禁止中国书籍输入,断绝了中国与新马之间的文学交流长达40年。香港在1959—1975年取代中国的角色,大量向新马输入各种文艺书刊,影响马华文学的发展甚大。此文从香港期刊、香港文艺丛书和作家方面,说明香港文学对新马文学的贡献。  相似文献   

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