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Seventy‐seven children of divorce and their selected grandparents completed questionnaires that included a demographic section, the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale‐II (FACES II; Olson, Bell, &; Portner, 1982) to assess their relationships, and an instrument designed to identify shared activities and desires in these areas. Partners had similar present and future perceptions of relationship and activity factors. All participants desired future increases in both areas. Grandchildren and grandparents connected emotional bonding with grandparents’ listening, keeping them safe, and gift giving; grandparents also thought a good relationship with the custodial parent was important. Most healthy and least healthy subgroups were identified. Membership in the healthiest group was related to geographic proximity, feminine gender for both partners, and being married and employed full‐time for grandparents. Grandparents who were related by blood to custodial parents, had a good relationship with them, and negotiated their role were more likely to have a healthier relationship. Helping professionals are encouraged to explore these variables as they help family members negotiate the grandparent‐grandchild relationship, use skill training to foster development in areas amenable to change, and use supportive tactics in areas of liability.  相似文献   

Recognising that many art educators are increasingly using the term visual culture, rather than art, to describe their central concern, the author examines why this development is taking place, what visual culture might mean in the context of art education, and how pedagogy might be developed for visual culture. The paper draws on attempts by both art educators to redefine their field and others outside art education who are attempting to define visual culture as an emerging trans‐disciplinary field in its own right.  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(3):149-174
In the Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (1989) advocated that "appropriate calculators should be available to all students at all times" (p. 8) and that calculators (or any instructional tool) should be allowed in the assessment of those students. In response, large-scale assessments such as the National Assessment of Educational Progress, Scholastic Achievement Test, American College Testing, Advanced Placement, and a variety of state-mandated tests moved to incorporate the allowance of calculator technologies in the assessment scheme. Although rhetoric and large-scale assessments have embraced the allowance of technology, classroom teachers may have difficulty developing their own assessments that permit calculator use. This article discusses the factors involved in h e design and implementation of calculator-available assessments. In particular, four issues associated with calculator-available assessments are examined. (a) the benefits and problems associated with calculator use in assessment, (b) the components of various types of calculator-available assessments, (c) the construction of calculator-available assessments, and (d) the need for additional examination of items included on calculator-available assessments. From this examination, teachers and test developers are provided with a set of recommendations that focus on developing calculator-available assessments and minimizing difficulties arising at the item 1evel.  相似文献   

本文采用文献回顾的方式,探讨了教育测试中的两个基本问题:测试的内涵及测试的目的。在本文中,测试指对学生的学习表现进行测评或评价。本文强调,测试的根本目的在于促进学生学习、促进教师教学以及促进学校的教学管理。换言之,测试旨在提高教育质量,培养优秀人才,而不仅仅局限于对学生的学习结果做出评价。  相似文献   

There is a large body of literature on the instructional design process but little information about the planning practices of Human Resource Development (HRD) practitioners, those who may be devising training or organization development interventions. This article describes qualitative research conducted on the planning processes of five experienced HRD practitioners. Results indicate that subjects had similar mental models of the planning process, portraying the general framework as: a) discerning the desired outcomes, b) understanding the current situation, and c) designing a process to meet the needs. They characterized the planning process as holistic and iterative, involving the use of scenarios, and paradoxical in nature. This paper will identify how the subjects' values, beliefs, and principles of practice influenced their planning. It will also describe techniques used by the subjects to enhance their planning, which involved activating internal resources (prior experience), seeking external resources (reading, talking to others), and tapping into their subconscious for insights or answers. Implications for education, practice, and further research on the planning practices of HRD practitioners will be proposed.  相似文献   

地方大学作为高等教育体系的重要组成部分,如何立足实际,寻求内涵发展是新时期摆在地方大学面前的一个重要课题。内涵发展是地方大学落实科学发展观的根本要求,是解决地方大学发展困境的现实需求,也是提升地方大学的办学水平和质量,实现服务区域经济发展的客观需要。为此,地方大学应从实际出发,通过构建科学合理的人才培养模式、加强特色化的学科建设以及大学文化建设,健全教师激励制度等,坚持走内涵发展之路。  相似文献   

伴随着中外合作大学的发展,品牌建设应该成为促进中外合作大学顺利办学的关键路径.品牌建设是中外合作大学应对教育市场激烈竞争的选择,是维系大学机构持续发展的需要,亦是增进社会公众对大学信任度的产物.从品牌理论视角分析,结合中外合作大学的主要特性,重点探讨了中外合作大学品牌建设的战略思路,认为中外合作大学的品牌目标确立应以教育消费者满意度提升为核心定位,品牌质量的打造应以培养国际型人才为重要内容,品牌形象的塑造应以理念、行为和视觉识别系统的完善为关键策略,品牌传播的开展应以大学国际知名度提升为主导方向.  相似文献   

In this article, we provide an empirically based framework for school leaders to support the replacement of separate means of providing services for English learners (ELs) with more inclusive learning supports. The framework encompasses evidence on cultivating language proficiency, ensuring access to a high-quality curriculum, and promoting sociocultural integration. To illustrate the ways that research has informed practice to better meet the needs of ELs, we also present initiatives by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction that have helped propel a vision of equity and diversity at both the school and district level. We conclude by providing additional resources that leaders can use to promote the professional growth of the school.  相似文献   

Debates about the nature of practical knowledge and its relationship with declarative knowledge have, over the last ten years, been lively. Relatively little has, however, been written about the educational implications of these debates, particularly about the educational implications of the two broad families of positions known respectively as ‘Intellectualism’ and ‘Anti‐intellectualism’. Neither has much appeared in the literature about what Ryle called ‘intelligence epithets’ or evaluative elaborations on attributions of know how. Yet the use of intelligence epithets is a central feature of Ryle's account of knowing how and that account cannot be adequately understood without an appreciation of their importance. The paper will offer a qualified defence of anti‐intellectualism about practical knowledge, paying particular attention to the importance of intelligence epithets and, second, argue that anti‐intellectualism offers the best opportunity for constructing a rationale for vocational and professional education that gives broad forms of agency, autonomous action and the pursuit of excellence their due place in such programmes.  相似文献   

Towards a research training curriculum: What, Why, How, Who?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Our purpose in this paper is to investigate the ways in which the work of research higher degree supervision is being reshaped from within and outside universities. Our interest is in the means by which new ‘content’ and ‘process’ knowledge — and thus a new set of pedagogical tasks and relationships — are being configured in the field of higher degree research. The outcomes of research training have traditionally been products of a one-on-one supervisory relationship, that is, academic apprentice-to-disciplinary mentor. This is especially the case in the fields of arts/humanities. Any ‘curriculum’ necessary to such a model has been both implicit and at the discretion of the disciplinary ‘master’.  相似文献   

造成目前我国农民化科技素质偏低的原因很多,其中主要有:1.传统农业低下的生产力水平和粗放分散经营的方式,靠锄头、犁钹和畜力,小学化水平的农民就可以完成农业生产全过程,即使农业总产量有所增长,也不可能带来农业经济和农民人均收入较大的增长。正如经济学家所言,传统农业不可能成为高经济增长的产业。因此农业本身的收益只能是维持农民生存需要,不可能有更多的剩余价值,来普遍提高农业劳动的化科技素质,实现农民发展的需要,客观上造成我国农民素质低下。  相似文献   

作为基础教育阶段开展人工智能教育的主要载体和《普通高中信息技术课程标准(2017年版)》落地的重要依托,《人工智能初步》教材为人们理解人工智能教育提供了代表性样本。文章使用内容分析法,对目前完成的四本《人工智能初步》教材从知识内容、篇章结构、活动设计、评价方式和技术载体五个维度进行了全面分析。研究发现:教学内容方面,教材覆盖了人工智能概念、特征、发展历程、核心算法、典型应用、模块开发、伦理与安全等学科大概念及知识点,各有侧重和拓展;篇章结构方面,四本教材风格各异,章节流程明晰;活动设计方面,主要通过研究性、项目式、探索式活动引导学生拓展思维,具有丰富性、趣味性和协作性等特点,兼顾了知识建构的深度和广度;评价方式方面,均以基于项目的学习评价为主、知识测试为辅,将学生高阶能力发展置于首位;技术载体方面,主要选用国产人工智能开放平台和Python语言。受多种因素的影响,每本教材也各有不足,文章讨论了可能的改进思路。  相似文献   

赏识教育作为一种颇具活力的教育方法,能否有效实施关乎儿童的全面发展。赏识教育在儿童主体意识激发、生命意识唤醒以及和谐关系维系等方面体现出诸多可为之处。但由于受到多重因素影响,当前中小学生赏识教育存在为难之境。如:赏识教育形式化、物质化、偏差化、泛滥化、片面化等问题,使赏识教育遭到不同程度的批判,致使赏识教育备受质疑。笔者认为,采取多元赏识,注重差异;适度赏识,把握原则;分层赏识,强化互补等措施是应对赏识教育所面临的难为之境的可为之举。  相似文献   

哈耶克从知识的特殊性质、政府的家长主义关怀、共享基本价值观和共同文化背景、知识和教育的外部性、历史路径依赖等几个方面论证了政府干预教育的正当理由。基于一贯的古典自由主义立场,哈耶克指出政府干预教育应当恪守以下原则:资助与举办分离;坚持教育内容的开放性和多样性;在决定哪些人获得更多教育方面避免采取单一、整齐划一的标准。  相似文献   

Teacher stress can be conceptualized as an imbalance between risk and protective factors. Stress emanates from risk factors at the personal, interpersonal, and organizational levels. When risk factors exceed protective factors, teacher ability to cope with adversity is inhibited, likely resulting in stress and pernicious consequences. In this paper we draw on empirical evidence as well as our own professional efforts at reducing stress among novice teachers to explain the phenomenon and recommend interventions.  相似文献   

学生综合能力的提高有赖于认知结构的构建,良好的认知结构直接受学校课程设置、学科知识的构成、教师传播知识的方法等影响。只有通过良好的综合课程的设置、综合的学科知识的构建,才能实现学生综合能力的培养与提高。  相似文献   

通过剖析“说课”的内容和作用 ,论述了实习生开展“说课”活动的好处 ,以及培养实习生“说课”能力的途径  相似文献   

New advances in neurobiology are revealing that brain development and the learning it enables are directly dependent on social-emotional experience. Growing bodies of research reveal the importance of socially triggered epigenetic contributions to brain development and brain network configuration, with implications for social-emotional functioning, cognition, motivation, and learning. Brain development is also impacted by health-related and physical developmental factors, such as sleep, toxin exposure, and puberty, which in turn influence social-emotional functioning and cognition. An appreciation of the dynamic interdependencies of social-emotional experience, health-related factors, brain development and learning underscores the importance of a “whole child” approach to education reform and leads to important insights for research on social-emotional learning. To facilitate these interdisciplinary conversations, here we conceptualize within a developmental framework current evidence on the fundamental and ubiquitous biological constraints and affordances undergirding social-emotional learning–related constructs and learning more broadly. Learning indeed depends on how nature is nurtured.  相似文献   

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