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数字化学习包能承载更多类型资源,能为不同类型的学习者提供个性化学习手段。建设数字化学习包应注意满足学生个性化学习资源的多样性、人才培养目标的应用性、学习过程的整体性。应发挥系统优势,建设示范性学习包,推动教学资源的建设和应用。  相似文献   

1 动机的心理学概念 动机是指引起和维持个体的活动,并使活动朝向某一目标的内部心理过程或内部动力。人的各种活动是在动机的指引下向着某一目标进行的。和学生学习有紧密联系的需要包括自我实现的需要、认识与理解的需要,在此基础上产生的两种动机是:成就动机、兴趣。兴趣是人们探究某种事物或从事某种活动的心理倾向,是推动人们认识事物、探求真理的重要动机。成  相似文献   

初中学生学习自我控制量表的编制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自我控制是影响学习的主要因素,它是学习活动得以顺利进行的重要保证,这种自我控制在学习上的表现:自觉与专心学习,控制干扰的情绪,排除无关的干扰,编制一套有效的量表是研究学习自我控制的基础。根据Kuhl和Corno的行动控制理论,本研究提出了自我控制的三个结构的构想,并参考程炳林和林清山编制的“中学生学习行动控制量表”,编制了中学生学习自控力量表。经过因素分析得到了三个二级因素。初步验证了三个维度的构想,量表的信度与效度表明:自编的初中学生学习自控力量表具有一定的信度与效度。  相似文献   

如何使初中学生在化学学习中顺利地过渡到高中的学习中,笔者认为应加强对学生学检测结果的分析和利用,充分利用教学教具,巧妙地分解难点,巩固重点,在复习初中知识的基础上,优选教学方法,讲清新概念,有效地利用课堂实验,培养学生的多种能力。  相似文献   

中学生数学学习元认知水平的调查分析   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
通过调查显示了中学生数学学习元认知水平方面存在的一些问题,并分析了其中的原因。  相似文献   

现代背景下的学校领导模式正如现代企业领导模式一样,面临着挑战与变革。导致这种挑战与变革的直接原因,是内在的学习型组织的形成。  相似文献   

通过对高职学生学习动机现状的调查,发现高职学生学习动机不足,既有客观因素,也有学生自身的主观因素。高职教育工作者应通过改革课程体系、改进教学方法、成立学生社团、规划职业人生、提升就业能力、丰富就业路径等不同层面来满足学生的需求,使学习需求由潜在状态转入活动状态,如此才能使学生产生强烈的学习愿望,激发其学习动机。  相似文献   

此文研究了英语非母语学生,在美国某所公共大学网络课堂上学习时候所需要的帮助和支持。建立在网络教学文化差异研究的基础上,本研究关注这些学生在网络学习中可能面临的各种挑战(语言、文化、社交)等。研究揭示了这些挑战在这所大学网络课堂上的显现,并且建议了教学改进方法,比如教师应该更多地理解不同文化背景学生的学习方法和技能,从而改进教学设计和实施。  相似文献   

对中职学生缺乏人际交往能力的原因作了分析,提出了对中职学生进行礼仪教育的必要性和措施。  相似文献   

This study draws on recent research on the central role of representation in learning. While there has been considerable research on students’ understanding of evaporation, the representational issues entailed in this understanding have not been investigated in depth. The study explored students’ engagement with evaporation phenomena through various representational modes. The study indicates how a focus on representation can provide fresh insights into the conceptual task involved in learning science through an investigation of students’ responses to a structured classroom sequence and subsequent interviews over a year. A case study of one child’s learning demonstrates the way conceptual advances are integrally connected with the development of representational modes. The findings suggest that teacher-mediated negotiation of representational issues as students construct different modal accounts can support enriched learning by enabling both (a) richer conceptual understanding by students, and (b) enhanced teacher insights into students’ thinking.  相似文献   

Scientific literacy is an important goal for science education, especially within controversial socioscientific issues. In this study, we analysed 143 students' research reports about stem cell research (SCR) for how they addressed specific source evaluation criteria provided within the assignment. We investigated students' opinions about SCR, how they used the evaluation criteria to evaluate online sources and whether the evaluation criteria and/or the specific sources influenced their opinion and/or understanding of SCR. We found that most of the students supported some form of SCR and reported that their sources were credible and contained more factual information than opinions. Students critiqued the language of the authors, as well as status in their respective fields, along with the content within each source. Additionally, students reported that their sources influenced their content knowledge, but had little influence regarding their SCR opinions. Through this work, we present a new working model and suggest the need for additional research about the understudied interface of opinion, understanding and evaluation within the context of important socioscientific issues. Students' opinions and content knowledge, located at the model's centre, influence and are influenced by the research topic, the sources used, the evaluation criteria and the evaluation of the sources that students use to provide evidence for claims.  相似文献   

中学化学教师可根据学生的心理特点,采用"对话式教学".恰当运用化学语言,因材施教,促使学生卷入学习;进一步引导学生对前期学习进行正确归因,促使学生再次卷入.  相似文献   

学生的培养是学校的根本任务,充分了解学生的学习需求,可为学生的教育教学提供具体的指导方针。本次调查针对大连大学口腔医学专业2011—2015级本科生的学习需求进行,旨在了解我校口腔医学专业学生的学习现状及对医学教育教学的需求。为该专业学生创设良好的学习环境,帮助学生更好的成长,并为口腔医学专业学生的培养提供更具体、实际的方针策略。  相似文献   

研究性学习在当前的课程改革中是一大亮点,成为不少学校和教师的研究课题.对此,学者们也有不少论述,提出了很好的意见和建议.从目前看,无论在理论上还是在实践上对高中阶段的研究型课程介绍比较多,而对初中阶段如何进行研究性学习的探索却为数不多.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to explore how to teach students with learning disabilities (LD) to cope effectively, so that they may develop self-determination (independence) skills in middle school. Teachers need to understand the definition of coping and what makes coping effective. They can then tailor instruction of students with LD with effective coping in mind. I describe the various ways in which the frame of instruction and specific methods can allow students with LD to cope effectively in school and hopefully, beyond it.  相似文献   

As the demand for counseling within a religious setting increases, clergymen are expressing a need for more counselor education. If pastoral counseling is considered distinctly different from other counseling, then pastoral counseling education is the province of the seminaries. If the pastoral counselor is not considered basically different from other counselors, a secular counselor education program can serve the needs of ministers as well as other counselors by having a central core of required professional courses and then optional branches for specialization in counseling. Finding appropriate instructors for the pastoral counseling courses could be a problem. Candidates for pastoral counseling should be as carefully screened and tested as other graduate students in counseling. The counseling program should offer ministers the opportunity to learn about group work and, ideally, the opportunity for supervised practicum work in several different settings. There should be some provision for individual and group therapy for the pastoral counselors themselves as a means of enhancing their own effectiveness. When a secular institution feels that it cannot adapt its regular program to fit the needs of pastoral counselors, it can be of service by arranging special workshops and conferences for the clergymen of the area, and counselor educators can be available as consultants to seminaries and churches that request assistance.  相似文献   

大学生网络英语学习适应能力的调查与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络教学离不开学生较强的网络学习适应能力.针对西安交通大学一年级学生的基于网络的任务式英语教学就是如此.学期末问卷调查与访谈结果显示,绝大多数学生并不能完全适应这种新型的教学模式,主要的影响因素包括自学能力特别是自控能力、与教学模式和学习观念相协调的学习方式以及计算机应用能力等.  相似文献   

在大学生的物理学习中,学习困难的原因有多方面,学生物理学习的思维障碍是学生学习物理感到困难的主要因素之一,属于心理因素的范畴。  相似文献   

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