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Two important types of observed score equating (OSE) methods for the non-equivalent groups with Anchor Test (NEAT) design are chain equating (CE) and post-stratification equating (PSE). CE and PSE reflect two distinctly different ways of using the information provided by the anchor test for computing OSE functions. Both types of methods include linear and nonlinear equating functions. In practical situations, it is known that the PSE and CE methods will give different results when the two groups of examinees differ on the anchor test. However, given that both types of methods are justified as OSE methods by making different assumptions about the missing data in the NEAT design, it is difficult to conclude which, if either, of the two is more correct in a particular situation. This study compares the predictions of the PSE and CE assumptions for the missing data using a special data set for which the usually missing data are available. Our results indicate that in an equating setting where the linking function is decidedly non-linear and CE and PSE ought to be different, both sets of predictions are quite similar but those for CE are slightly more accurate .  相似文献   

The study examined two approaches for equating subscores. They are (1) equating subscores using internal common items as the anchor to conduct the equating, and (2) equating subscores using equated and scaled total scores as the anchor to conduct the equating. Since equated total scores are comparable across the new and old forms, they can be used as an anchor to equate the subscores. Both chained linear and chained equipercentile methods were used. Data from two tests were used to conduct the study and results showed that when more internal common items were available (i.e., 10–12 items), then using common items to equate the subscores is preferable. However, when the number of common items is very small (i.e., five to six items), then using total scaled scores to equate the subscores is preferable. For both tests, not equating (i.e., using raw subscores) is not reasonable as it resulted in a considerable amount of bias.  相似文献   

等值对考试具有重要意义,而我国的大部分考试却没有实现等值,在少数经过等值的考试中,大多只限于对二级记分题目的等值,鲜有对多级记分题目的等值研究。该研究针对包含多级记分题目的国内某大型语言类考试,探讨了等级反应模型下的同时校准法、固定共同题参数法以及链接独立校准法中的平均数标准差方法、平均数平均数方法、Haebara法和Stocking-Lord法六种等值方法的效果,从而优选最适合该考试的等值方法。  相似文献   

In the nonequivalent groups with anchor test (NEAT) design, the standard error of linear observed‐score equating is commonly estimated by an estimator derived assuming multivariate normality. However, real data are seldom normally distributed, causing this normal estimator to be inconsistent. A general estimator, which does not rely on the normality assumption, would be preferred, because it is asymptotically accurate regardless of the distribution of the data. In this article, an analytical formula for the standard error of linear observed‐score equating, which characterizes the effect of nonnormality, is obtained under elliptical distributions. Using three large‐scale real data sets as the populations, resampling studies are conducted to empirically evaluate the normal and general estimators of the standard error of linear observed‐score equating. The effect of sample size (50, 100, 250, or 500) and equating method (chained linear, Tucker, or Levine observed‐score equating) are examined. Results suggest that the general estimator has smaller bias than the normal estimator in all 36 conditions; it has larger standard error when the sample size is at least 100; and it has smaller root mean squared error in all but one condition. An R program is also provided to facilitate the use of the general estimator.  相似文献   

Based on Lord's criterion of equity of equating, van der Linden (this issue) revisits the so‐called local equating method and offers alternative as well as new thoughts on several topics including the types of transformations, symmetry, reliability, and population invariance appropriate for equating. A remarkable aspect is to define equating as a standard statistical inference problem in which the true equating transformation is the parameter of interest that has to be estimated and assessed as any standard evaluation of an estimator of an unknown parameter in statistics. We believe that putting equating methods in a general statistical model framework would be an interesting and useful next step in the area. van der Linden's conceptual article on equating is certainly an important contribution to this task.  相似文献   

Score equating based on small samples of examinees is often inaccurate for the examinee populations. We conducted a series of resampling studies to investigate the accuracy of five methods of equating in a common-item design. The methods were chained equipercentile equating of smoothed distributions, chained linear equating, chained mean equating, the symmetric circle-arc method, and the simplified circle-arc method. Four operational test forms, each containing at least 110 items, were used for the equating, with new-form samples of 100, 50, 25, and 10 examinees and reference-form samples three times as large. Accuracy was described in terms of the root-mean-squared difference (over 1,000 replications) of the sample equatings from the criterion equating. Overall, chained mean equating produced the most accurate results for low scores, but the two circle-arc methods produced the most accurate results, particularly in the upper half of the score distribution. The difference in equating accuracy between the two circle-arc methods was negligible.  相似文献   

This study applied kernel equating (KE) in two scenarios: equating to a very similar population and equating to a very different population, referred to as a distant population, using SAT® data. The KE results were compared to the results obtained from analogous traditional equating methods in both scenarios. The results indicate that KE results are comparable to the results of other methods. Further, the results show that when the two populations taking the two tests are similar on the anchor score distributions, different equating methods yield the same or very similar results, even though they have different assumptions.  相似文献   

本研究对单组设计中平均数等值、线性等值和等百分位等值三种等值方法的群体不变性进行了探讨。研究数据来自中国汉语水平考试,考生按性别被分为不同的子群体。研究结果表明,平均数等值和线性等值两种方法在子群体和总体考生中的等值转换关系很接近,具有较好的群体不变性;而等百分位等值法在子群体和总体考生中的等值结果差异较大,群体不变性较差。  相似文献   

由于测验安全性、试卷组卷不当等问题,有些测验的题本相互之间不能或者没有设置锚题。对作答不同题本的被试进行分数比较时,需要用到测验等值技术。不同于有锚题测验能通过题本之间的锚题进行等值,无锚题情境下的测验需要借助于一些特殊方法进行等值。目前,对无锚题测验进行等值主要有三种方式,一种是通过测验中具体的题目,也就是构建相同的"锚题"来进行等值,如构造随机等组测验法和利用题目先验信息进行等值的方法;一种是通过构建相同被试组来进行等值,即构造随机等组样本法;还有一种是借助于测验题目所考查的认知属性来进行等值,一般是基于一种认知诊断模型——规则空间模型来进行操作。  相似文献   

全球化时代传统文化的"全球本土化"策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球化对非西方世界的传统文化带来了极大的冲击与挑战,同时也带来了机遇。本文批判了对于传统文化的本土化全球化二元对立的错误思想,提出了对于传统文化应该采取全球本土化的策略。结合青春版《牡丹亭》的成功案例,具体分析了全球本土化策略是如何应用在传统文化革新的实践中的。最后,指出通过对传统文化的现代性革新,来实现传统文化与西方文化之间平等的对话和交流。  相似文献   

随着新媒体时代的到来,大量基于新媒体语境进行的作品创作也越来越多。本文主要研究了在新媒体作品的创作过程中,声音元素的设计使用与考虑。声音作为信息传递的主要手段,因为其具有"不可见"性而容易被忽略,因此本文在对相关作品设计过程进行调查与思考的同时,结合新媒体作品的艺术表现手法分析,以及对用户心理感知的考量,同时对于新媒体作品叙事结构完整性与作品临场感的营造手法进行了详尽论述,提出在新媒体作品的创作过程中需要重视声音设计的观点。将良好的声音设计理念结合其他感知手段带入到作品的设计创作中,才能够创作出更好更优秀的新媒体作品。  相似文献   

Smoothing is designed to yield smoother equating results that can reduce random equating error without introducing very much systematic error. The main objective of this study is to propose a new statistic and to compare its performance to the performance of the Akaike information criterion and likelihood ratio chi-square difference statistics in selecting the smoothing parameter for polynomial loglinear equating under the random groups design. These model selection statistics were compared for four sample sizes (500, 1,000, 2,000, and 3,000) and eight simulated equating conditions, including both conditions where equating is not needed and conditions where equating is needed. The results suggest that all model selection statistics tend to improve the equating accuracy by reducing the total equating error. The new statistic tended to have less overall error than the other two methods.  相似文献   

众所周知,教学设计是课堂教学实施前必须的准备工作,而教案的设计又是其中的关键部分,直接决定着教学效果.新课程背景下,英语教案的设计要突破传统侧重知识重点和难点的讲解、测练题的选取和教学步骤的安排,呼唤关注学生知识技能、情感态度的统一,使学生"在双基、过程与方法、情感态度和价值观都得到发展".新课程呼唤与之相应的英语教案设计.  相似文献   

为降低学生学业负担,避免学生因偶然因素导致的考试误差,新一轮高考改革要求为考生提供两次外语及学业水平考试机会。在此背景下,如何比较两次考试成绩成为关键。测验等值技术作为心理测量学的重要组成部分,恰能有效解决测验分数比较的问题。通过对等值概念、等值设计、等值处理方法及等值评估等问题的探讨,分析了高考等值应注意的问题及其可能采取的等值方法,为实现高考成绩比较科学化提供技术支持。  相似文献   

传统的教学模式强调知识的传承,把传授知识当作教学的主要目标,忽视对学生自主学习、自主探究能力的培养。教学改革要求教学方法也应作出相应的改革,要加快推进教学从传统的知识传授型向多种新型教学方式转变,建立以学生为中心、教师为主导、共同学习的新型师生观。《多媒体课件设计与制作》是我校开设的主要课程之一,新型教学方法在其中的运用,是该课程改革的重点。  相似文献   

词汇教学新思路   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
英语词汇的使用在语句中呈现一定的模式,这种模式,即预制语块实际上是词汇与语法在一定程度上的结合。文章首先给出预制语块的定义和分类,分析其主要特征,然后从二语习得的角度,论述了预制语块在词汇记忆口头交际以及书面话语等方面的优势,旨在找到一种词汇教学的新思路。  相似文献   

提出基于神经网络的多音字标音处理方法。该方法具有结构简单、易实现和对汉语知识依赖性不强的特点,而且通过开集测试和闭集测试,证明神经网络解决多音字标音处理具有较高的正确率。  相似文献   

凸函数在最优理论和求极值方面有很好的性质,研究凸函数的判定方法有一定意义.本文在总结已有的判定凸函数的基础上,给出了几个新的判定方法.  相似文献   

随着国际化进程及海洋开发的需要,国家越来越重视船舶与海洋专业人才在专业能力及国际交流能力方面的培养。为了配合国家的发展策略及人才培养目标,船舶与海洋专业中的主要课程应该开展双语教学。现以"海洋立管设计分析"课程为例,借鉴外语教学的模式和方法,摆脱传统陈旧的教学思路,提出了两种新的教学方法,以提升学生双语学习的兴趣及专业外语听说、阅读等能力,期望对未来的双语教学研究提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

This article considers two new smoothing methods in equipercentile equating , the cubic B-spline presmoothing method and the direct presmoothing method. Using a simulation study , these two methods are compared with established methods , the beta-4 method , the polynomial loglinear method , and the cubic spline postsmoothing method , under three sample sizes (300 , 1,000 , and 3,000) and for three test content areas (ITBS Maps and Diagrams , ITBS Reference and Materials , and ITBS Capitalization). Ten thousand random samples were simulated from population distributions , and the standard error , bias , and RMSE statistics were calculated. The cubic B-spline presmoothing method performed well in reducing total error of equating , whereas the direct presmoothing method appeared to need some modification for it to be as accurate as other smoothing methods.  相似文献   

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