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主权理论经历了由主权绝对论到主权相对论的发展历程,它是一个历史性概念,其内涵随着时代的变化而发展。随着国际法学的发展与国际合作的加强,主权让渡理论应运而生。欧盟作为一个超国家组织,其制定的法律与一般国际法不同,对成员国具有直接效力和优先效力,而欧盟法的效力原则以及欧盟的制度框架体现了欧盟成员国主权让渡的机理,即欧盟各国通过对部分主权权力的让渡,实现权力的共享,最终实现欧洲利益的最大化。  相似文献   

In this paper, we try to unravel some of the unintended and intended academic effects associated with post-Soviet educational reforms by focusing on three cases: Estonia, Latvia and Russia. We have chosen this comparison because a unique ‘natural experiment’ in the three countries allows us to compare the changing academic performance on an international test of a largely similar population in the three countries—Russian origin students attending Russian-medium schools—subjected to three variations of post-Soviet reforms. We find that relative to students in Russia, Russian-medium students in the Baltics made significant gains in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) test. In Latvia, these appear to be an unintended effect of somewhat ‘softened’ state language policies, the conditions surrounding minority rights, and the general context of maintaining social cohesion. In Estonia, the (later) relative gains of Russian students appear to an intended effect of locally grown educational (and language) policies and increased, more effective cooperation with Russian medium schools to further improve PISA performance in a relatively high scoring, PISA-focused country.  相似文献   

加强和改进高校党的建设,是办好中国特色社会主义大学的根本保证。高校学生党员教育工作是高校党建工作的重要内容之一。在推进高校党员持续教育高质量发展和提升治理水平过程中,面临着在内容上的通识教育与精准需求、形式上的传统供给与多样需求、制度上的机制缺失与成效追求的三大短板问题。结合新时代高校学生党员教育呈现的阶梯型、多样化、规范性的需求特征,从内容体系、组织体系、保障体系三个方面探索路径措施,提出了创新面向不同阶段不同层级的"塔式"教育内容,延伸教育链继而吸引"多元"的教育主体形成教育力量,健全面向教育全过程的"链式"制度保障教育的高质量发展。  相似文献   


Two national reports published in 1986 marked the beginning of teacher education reform in the United States of America. Both of these reports proposed a twofold approach to teacher education reform: first, to enrich the professional education of teachers by eliminating undergraduate teacher certification programs and requiring graduate level training; and second, to change the structure of the teaching profession by replacing the existing undifferentiated system in which all teachers have the same rank with a two-tiered system in which lead teachers or career professionals would assume higher level responsibilities and receive higher salaries than regular teachers. A ten-year follow-up report identified some progress toward these goals of teacher education reform but criticised schools of education for not making greater efforts to connect their educational programs to elementary and secondary schools. The report argued specifically for professional development schools to link university schools of education to school systems. Most of the recent efforts to reform teacher education have adopted this approach. A particular focus has been the preparation of new and experienced teachers to educate an increasingly diverse student population.  相似文献   

一、美国远程教育发展状况简介   人类已进入信息文明时代,以电子计算机、现代通信技术为代表的高新技术突飞猛进,深刻地改变着人类的工作和生活.信息技术在对教育产生巨大冲击的同时,也带来了前所未有的挑战和机遇.   ……  相似文献   

以柳州职业技术学院调查为例,分析高职院校学生党员发展工作的现状和存在的问题,为进一步探寻新时期加强党的组织建设的途径和方法,建立起高职大学生党员质量保障与评估机制,进行前期调查研究。  相似文献   

欧盟是一体化程度最高的区域性国际组织。欧盟法具有“超国家法”的特点,不是传统意义上的国际法,也不是国家法。欧盟在依法行使其作为共同体的权力的同时,又注意充分反映共同体全体成员国的意志。在区域一体化及法律融合方面,欧盟的经验值得借鉴。  相似文献   

远程教育项目实施的关键因素之一就是学习支持服务。传统的学生支持服务观念将其界定为除课程材料制作和传送之外帮助学生学习取得进展的一切活动(Simpson,2000)或者课程制作之外的所有过程(Sharma,2000;Keegan,1996)。随着在线学习的发展及其在远程教育中所处的主导地位,有必要反思学习支持,且不同于传统或第一代远程教育中的学习支持。网络技术促进了知识的社会创建/建构和对用户生成内容的共享,二者均将学习者看作是知识创建/建构的积极参与者。本文分析了开放与远程数字化学习情境下学习支持服务的关注点,并重点关注在线学习者的挫败感、在线讨论中的沉默文化、基于共同体的学习支持,以及教师在整个学习支持服务提供中的角色。文章主要基于菲律宾开放大学十多年来实施开放与远程数字化学习的经验,并就学习支持系统应具备的属性提出了建议。  相似文献   

Although measures of the home environment have gained wide acceptance in the child development literature, what constitutes the "average" or 'typical" home environment in the United States, and how this differs across ethnic groups and poverty status is not known. Item-level data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth on four age-related versions of the Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment-Short Form (HOME-SF) from five biennial assessments (1986-1994) were analyzed for the total sample and for four major ethnic groups: European Americans, Asian Americans, African Americans, and Hispanic Americans. The percentages of homes receiving credit on each item of all four versions of the HOME-SF are described. For the majority of items at all four age levels differences between poor and nonpoor families were noted. Differences were also obtained among African American, European American, and Hispanic American families, but the magnitude of the effect for poverty status was greater than for ethnicity, and usually absorbed most of the ethnic group effects on HOME-SF items. For every item at every age, the effects of poverty were proportional across European American, African American, and Hispanic American groups.  相似文献   

The Pacific eLearning Observatory at the University of the South Pacific (USP) conducted an online survey of educational technologists (n = 60) to assess levels of access to information and communication technologies (ICT) in education and identify ways of lowering the barriers to ICT in the Pacific region. Almost half of USP’s 22,000 students are distance based, and access to ICT defines their learning activities. The survey addressed perceptions of educational ICT, development strategies and initiatives, and ‘guesstimates’ of ICT accessibility.

Results show ICT access between 1 and 11%, with tertiary‐level access at 70%. Capacity building, curriculum development, infrastructure, policy, and government support are the most important development factors. Findings are analysed through eight barriers to education, and proposals are made to help USP improve access to ICT in the region.  相似文献   

Der Beitrag zeigt am Beispiel der Reformpädagogik die vielfältigen Wechselbezüge zwischen der deutschen und der amerikanischen Pädagogik. Die Initiation dieser Wechselwirkung beginnt mit den Klassikern Fröbel, Herbart, Kerschensteiner einerseits sowie Dewey und Kilpatrick andererseits. Die “Education Fellowship” bildet für diese Auseinandersetzung weitgehend das Internationale Forum.  相似文献   

We review the state of genetics instruction in the United States through the lens of backward design, with particular attention to the goals and assessments that inform curricular practice. An analysis of syllabi and leading textbooks indicates that genetics instruction focuses most strongly on foundations of DNA and Mendelian genetics. At the same time, a survey of faculty indicates that other concepts, such as the application of genetics to society or the environment, are viewed as equally or even more important than foundation concepts. This disconnect suggests a need for more explicit goal setting prior to curriculum development. We also review the relationship between concept inventories, multiple-choice tests measuring conceptual understanding, and curricular goals. Existing concept inventories offer a strong foundation on which to build community-developed concept assessments of genetics knowledge. Concept assessments such as these would allow the genetics education community to test hypotheses of curricular change.  相似文献   

Children's conflict management in three close relationships was studied longitudinally in 38 second born children, observed at home with their mothers and siblings at 33 months and at 47 months, and with friends at 47 months. Children used significantly more other-oriented argument with friends than with their mothers or siblings. Their use of reasoned argument with their siblings, but not their mothers, was related to their emotional understanding assessed formally at 40 months. The emotional context of conflict interactions was found to be important as an influence on children's use of reasoned argument, with less reasoning shown by children when they were upset at 33 months. The differences in patterns over time and in links with emotional understanding for these different relationships is discussed, and the significance of child-child interaction in the development of social understanding is highlighted.  相似文献   

Children's conflict management in three close relationships was studied longitudinally in 38 second born children, observed at home with their mothers and siblings at 33 months and at 47 months, and with friends at 47 months. Children used significantly more other-oriented argument with friends than with their mothers or siblings. Their use of reasoned argument with their siblings, but not their mothers, was related to their emotional understanding assessed formally at 40 months. The emotional context of conflict interactions was found to be important as an influence on children's use of reasoned argument, with less reasoning shown by children when they were upset at 33 months. The differences in patterns over time and in links with emotional understanding for these different relationships is discussed, and the significance of child-child interaction in the development of social understanding is highlighted.  相似文献   

以北京市教育集团成员校教师和校长为研究对象,采用问卷和访谈法调查了成员校教师发展现状。调查结果表明:教师队伍年龄结构合理、教学经验丰富,但性别比例失衡,女教师人数远高于男教师,40岁以上教师感觉其发展受到了忽视;教师对自身专业发展现状感到自信、满意,但不同年龄、职称教师在一些具体内容上有差异;教师对工作有热情,半数教师感到职业压力大,年龄越大、职称越高的教师对工作环境、学校福利待遇越不满意;教研组(或年级组)同事关系融洽、能相互支持和帮助,但没形成规模合理的团队,也难以有效促进教师发展;教育集团为成员校教师提供了更多发展机会和平台,但目前的组织运行现状难以满足成员校教师与本部教师深入交流的需求。建议:树立正确的教师发展观;关照40岁以上教师的发展;打造新型教师团队,建立教师学习共同体;重视组织发展。  相似文献   

The study examines the relationship between parental and adolescents' perceptions of (communicative) ways of parental power assertion in situations challenging parental authority (dialogical communication, parental reminder, nonreciprocal communication), the perceived most probable outcomes of these situations, and attitudes toward ideal outcomes (adolescent's compliance, agreement, parental tolerance, adolescent's self-responsibility, adolescent's disobedience). The sample consisted of 194 firstborn children aged 11 to 18 and both of their parents living in Slovenia. The study shows that parents and their preferences continue to be the driving force behind the rules within the family while children have little maneuvering space regarding their parents’ demands, but they develop different forms of compliance, from internalized obedience to solely superficial and provisional compliance.  相似文献   

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