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本研究考查了我国初中生教育期望的城乡差异现状,并从个人家庭与学校社会两个视角探究了差异产生的机制。研究发现,我国初中生对于获得普通高等教育的期望存在显著的城乡差异,城市户籍学生的教育期望高于农村及流动学生。这种差异受学生认知能力、家庭背景及学校环境共同影响,其中家庭背景的影响大于认知能力,学校户籍结构的影响作用最为明显。研究认为,营造良好学校教育氛围、缓解学校户籍分割、增强学校融合是促进我国教育公平与社会公平的重要举措。  相似文献   

Studies which have investigated the influence of education on adult earnings are almost exclusively concerned with men and take little account of family influences on either education or later earnings. Those studies which have information on women's earnings focus on gender differentials rather than differences between women in opportunities and outcomes. This paper which examines the influence of education and family background on the midlife earnings of a national cohort of British women born immediately after the Second World War is an attempt to redress this situation. It shows that the few women who were able to take full advantage of the expansion in educational opportunities and achieve high educational qualifications earned significantly more in adult life than less educated females. Family background played an important role, both through its effect on early educational achievement and attitude to school work, which in turn influenced the type of secondary school attended and the achievement of educational qualifications, and also by well‐educated mothers raising their daughter's career expectations or providing successful role models. In adult life, employment characteristics which indicated a long‐term commitment to full‐time work and the decision not to have children, or to delay childbearing, were also important predictors of later economic success in this cohort, but did not explain the prior effects of education and family background. Advanced educational qualifications were the key to economic success for women bom in the early post‐war period.  相似文献   

Research has shown that family structure changes negatively influence educational attainment, but they overlook qualitative distinctions in college choice, such as college selectivity. Yet, college choice research has largely focused on static measures of family structure, failing to account for year-to-year family structure changes that occur during high school. We merge literature in family and college choice to investigate the role of family-life events on college choice. We found family structure changes that occur early and late in high school influence the selectivity of the college where a student applies, and this relation persists in spite of controls for race, gender, family background, and pre-high school family structures. Including educational expectations, parent–student discussions, and coursework rigor account for the negative association between family structure changes during high school and the selectivity of the college where a student applies. However, late family structure changes during high school continue to correlate negatively with a student’s college enrollment, potentially reflecting realities and financial burdens of attending college, especially selective colleges.  相似文献   

蒋帆  姚昊 《中学教育》2022,19(1):43-53
基于PISA 2018中国四省市数据,对家庭背景、学校氛围与学生抗逆力的影响机制进行分析.研究发现,对标OECD国家进行比较,中国四省市抗逆力表现略低于国际水平;家庭背景层面,家庭文化资本和经济资本对学生抗逆力提升更有效,而家庭社会资本则无显著影响;学校层面,学校氛围能显著正向影响学生抗逆力;学校氛围和家庭背景对学生抗...  相似文献   

2005年末,国家提出农村义务教育经费保障新机制,以促进义务教育资源配置均衡本研究使用三个省区的校级和县级数据,基于准实验研究设计,以小学为例,构建倾向分数配对模型对新机制的影响进行实证研究。研究发现,该政策有利于编小生均公用经费、生均预算内公用经费的县域内支出差异,一定程度上促进了义务教育均衡发展,同时生均支出水平、教师平均工资在县域内还存在一定差异。  相似文献   

This paper studies the influence of parental involvement in the educational process on the educational achievements of Russian students and their educational strategies, such as studying in high school and successful admission to university. We argue that the patterns of parental involvement represent a link between the formal (school) and informal (family) educational institutions and can have a beneficial effect on academic performance and contribute to the choice of the educational pathway to higher education. Based on data from the longitudinal study ‘Trajectories in Education and Careers’, it was shown that the results of school state examinations are positively associated with the active participation of parents in school meetings, the employment of tutors (except for the Unified State Exam score in mathematics), and the provision of additional literature for the child. A negative relationship was found between homework control and student success. In general, the factor of ‘rational’ (not excessive) involvement is positively associated with educational achievement and educational choice, which may indicate the non-linear nature of the relationship. Parental involvement itself depends on the family characteristics, such as mother’s education, family income and the number of books at home. In addition, family has a positive impact on educational success and educational strategies, and high school characteristics are especially important for the results of the Unified State Exam and the university choice.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the impact of attending kindergarten, the most common early childhood care and education program in West Germany, on children’s placement at secondary school level. The analysis is based on an education production function that controls for parental background and regional variation in the educational system. The analysis confirms the hypothesis, that kindergarten attendance can have a long-lasting positive effect on educational chances. In four of six specifications a longer attendance of early childhood care and education increases the probability of attending a higher level secondary school. However, there are diminishing returns to early childhood education.  相似文献   

近年来,越来越少的农村学生能够进入我国的顶尖高校,农村孩子的教育问题引起了社会的广泛关注。随着我国不断加大在农村地区教育经费的投入,家庭背景是否仍是制约农村学生教育抉择的关键因素是目前迫切需要回答的问题。我们通过中国住户收入分配数据库,分析了从1988年到2007年间家庭背景对子女上高中的影响趋势。结果发现在控制了一系列相关变量后,家庭背景对农村子女上高中的影响程度呈现倒U型变化,在最近几年开始呈现下降趋势,但父母受教育程度的影响一直很稳定,没有显著变化。此外,将孩子分成不同年龄组的回归结果,得到了相似的结论。本文构建了一个两阶段的教育选择模型,从教育经费的视角对此现象进行了剖析。发现当公共教育经费增加时,父母收入对孩子受教育程度的影响会减弱,而父母受教育程度的影响与公共教育经费无关。上述结论意味着,公共教育经费的增加,可以在一定程度上减弱家庭背景的影响,增加社会阶层的流动性,但当公共教育经费增加到较高水平时,对家庭背景的影响可能会非常微弱。这些结论具有很强的政策含义。我国政府在21世纪初对义务教育投入了大量的经费,经验分析的结果表明,家庭收入对孩子接受高中教育的影响在2007年左右已经不显著。分不同年龄组的回归结果显示,家庭收入对1986年以后出生的孩子的影响在显著下降,说明我国公共教育经费的投入取得了显著的成效。同时,这也隐含地表明今后的教育投入应该有所侧重,对贫困地区、中西部落后地区增加义务教育阶段的公共教育经费,可能会提高孩子的受教育程度;但对于发达地区,增加义务教育阶段的公共教育经费的效果可能会不明显。  相似文献   

We indicate the size of family background effects in Sweden, Finland, and Estonia – countries that differ in both the rhetoric and extensiveness of the system-level school choice policies. Family background effect is defined as the dependence of student achievement on family background characteristics, such as parental education, income, and social status. The number of books at home is used as a proxy when operationalising family background, and its effect is measured as a percentage of individual-level PISA scores. Fixed-effect regression results reveal that family background remains a powerful determinant in the educational results of 15-year-old students in all three cases, being largest in Sweden. Furthermore, we show how the family background effect is moderated by school-level choice policy, that is, how students and schools are matched. The analysis reveals that zoning policies have statistically significant negative effects on the impact of the family background effect, independent of country-level policies.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effect of migration age on school performance. We exploit that siblings have different migration age, but share the same family background to identify the effect of migration age on educational attainment in lower secondary education in Norway. We estimate a separate effect for migrants from countries with low access to a high quality school system.We find negative effects of migration age on exam results, and larger effects for migrants from countries with low school access. Language intensive subjects are substantially affected for all migrants, while there are differences according to school access for mathematics performance.  相似文献   

A common concern among policy makers in Europe is the low level of qualifications of some school leavers and the possible consequences of this for their life chances and for countries' economic prosperity. This article considers the impact of young people's low levels of educational attainment on their later life chances, especially on labour market participation. It identifies the long‐term negative effects of low attainment and explores the extent to which family background also continues to influence young people's outcomes. It examines the outcomes of low attainment among young men and women and considers whether low attainment has a different impact on the prospects of young men and women. The article also investigates whether staying on at school improves longer‐term chances and opportunities for low attainers. These questions have strong policy relevance, and are explored using data from a nationally representative survey of Scottish school leavers.  相似文献   

Papua New Guinea is a developing country which gained its independence from Australia in 1975. Many of its educational structures inherited from the time of the early missions and the colonial administration influence the practices of today. Women have not advanced in the new country as far as was prophesied in the early 1970s leading up to Independence. Although the current poor economic conditions have some effect on women's advancement, the difficulties they face in even obtaining a basic education form one of the major factors which hinder their progress. This paper describes a number of the barriers which prevent girls from accessing education at every level, from gaining enrolment in the first year of school to positioning themselves for university entry. Distance education provides one of the few "second chances" that young Papua New Guineans can gain, provided they can afford the fees and engage with the somewhat independent study required for success.  相似文献   

This paper examines differences in mathematics achievement among eighth-grade students using a secondary analysis of the data. The students, who are from Malaysia, had participated in the Trend International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 1999. A series of school, home, demographic and socio-economic variables were used to investigate the differences in the mean student mathematics scores. Evidence from the data shows that gender, the language spoken at home, expected educational level, family background, and home educational resources and aids have a significant influence on the students’ level of mathematics achievement.  相似文献   

比较我国城市地区义务教育阶段家庭社会经济地位与子女就读学校水平之间的对应性的实证研究发现:相对于不择校家庭,择校家庭的社会经济地位与子女就读学校水平之间的正相关关系更强;在其他条件相同的情况下,择校家庭的社会经济地位对子女就读学校水平的正向影响更强。说明家庭社会经济地位与子女就读学校水平之间的一致性增强,义务教育阶段的择校行为在一定程度上强化了社会分层与教育分层之间的对应性,从而进一步引发教育机会分布的不公平性。  相似文献   

In Germany, age and readiness for school are still the main criteria for school entry decisions. As a result some children start school earlier or later than scheduled. Since the 1970s it is well known that school entries not according to the cut-off date are coupled with the social and ethnic family background of these children and result in differential school careers. Thus an early or delayed school entry may be seen as the starting point of cumulative educational inequalities. New results from three series of interviews with parents, Kindergarten teachers, and school headmasters being part of the longitudinal study BiKS (“Bildungsprozesse, Kompetenzentwicklung und Selektionsentscheidungen im Vor- und Grundschulalter”, educational processes, competence development and selection decisions in pre- and primary school age) now reveal how these decisions develop. One of these qualitative studies is dedicated to school entry decisions in families with Turkish migration background. It is concluded that especially two measures can reduce these early inequalities: (1) better information for the parents and (2) early preventive support for all children making delayed school entries no more necessary.  相似文献   

Similar to the relation between the inflows of immigrants and educational outcomes that are found in immigration studies, the spatial distribution of internal migrants within a given country also may influence educational outcomes, at least in the short run. This could be particularly true in Turkey, where inter-provincial mobility is high and where striking differences in educational resources and therefore educational success across regions persist. Using the 1990 and 2000 Turkish Censuses, this study exploits variations over time in the inflow of internal migrants across provinces to identify the causal effect of internal migration on natives’ educational outcomes. The evidence suggests that the inflow of migrants lowers natives’ completion rates for middle school and high school. Evidence also indicates that while the negative effects appear to be greater among native children from low-SES households, native high-SES households are able to mitigate these adverse effects for their children. Furthermore, the estimated effects exhibit some differences by children's gender and migrant status.  相似文献   

There is persistent evidence showing that care leavers tend to have lower educational outcomes compared to their peers. There is, however, less knowledge of whether this educational disadvantage transfers to the second generation. This study adopts a developmental contextual life-course approach to examine: (a) the extent of educational inequality of children of care leavers from school entry to public examinations at age 16; (b) the relative role of different psychosocial family resources as predictors of educational attainment; and (c) the role of early school readiness assessments as predictors of later educational attainment. Drawing on data collected from families living in England at the first sweep of the nationally representative UK Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) (n = 11,514), the findings suggest intergenerational transmission of educational disadvantage among children of care leavers (n = 287), which is manifest in a direct assessment of school readiness (age 3), at the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) (age 5) and in General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) attainment (age 16). However, once inequalities in family socio-economic background or area deprivation and housing are controlled for, children of care leavers perform comparably in their educational progression to those whose mothers had no experience of being in care (n = 11,227). Moreover, the findings highlight the significance of early school readiness assessments in predicting later educational attainment for the whole sample. Findings are discussed regarding their implications for policy, in particular the need to address educational inequality for children in care, area allocation and housing that is offered to care leavers, and the general importance of early interventions.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the educational attainment of the total primary school population (13,984 children) of a city based on a series of tests between the ages of 6 and 12. The children were surveyed in Aberdeen in the 1960s. The attainment of each age-group in each school is analysed against the background of their parental class, the social status of their neighbourhood and the life style of their family. A steep gradation of attainment across all class levels, already apparent in early school years, persisted unchanged up to the age of 12. Class influence on physical development was similarly marked at school entry. School intakes reflected the social character of their neighbourhood which in turn dominated the schools' educational potential. The paper looks at attainments atypical of nominal class and asks why a system based on equality of input produces gross inequality of outcome.  相似文献   

贵州苗族音乐的学校教育传播萌芽于上世纪50年代,"文革"时期曾一度中断,上世纪80年代初期,贵州部分学校再度将苗族音乐引入学校,开始了苗族音乐学校教育传播的真正创建。进入90年代以后,苗族音乐的学校教育传播逐步扩大,新世纪之交,贵州苗族音乐学校教育传播进入理论探析和反思阶段,并在此基础上开拓前行。贵州苗族音乐学校教育传播的萌芽、创建、扩大和反思,与近半个世纪社会文化背景、教育文化背景以及音乐教育研究的变迁密切相关。  相似文献   

Not just in Germany, but also in other countries of the western world, gender-specific educational success has changed within the last decades: Whereas boys showed higher educational achievements in the 1960s, today it is the girls who obtain higher educational certificates. A number of scholars have pointed to the absence of male role models in boys?? social environment (family and school) as a reason for their worsening school performance. In this article, we use data from the German Micro-census 2008 to analyze the following question: Does it make a difference for boys?? and girls?? transition to academic track secondary school (Gymnasium) whether they grow up in a nuclear family or with single-mothers or single-fathers? The results of the analyses yield no evidence for the claim that the absence of fathers in the family has a negative impact on boys?? performance at school.  相似文献   

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