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以生态学及信息生态链理论为研究基础,对商务网络信息生态链的含义及特征进行分析,深入探讨商务网络信息生态链的组成部分,明确阐述商务网络信息生态链的三大结构要素——"节点"、"节点关系"及"链接模式";在此基础上,借鉴"价值链"、"供应链"及"复杂系统论"等相关理论研究方法,从信息、信息主体、信息环境及信息技术4个因素出发,构建商务网络信息生态链的结构模型。  相似文献   

对我国明代著名目录学家祁承璞的目录学思想,主要是"因"、"益"、"通"、"互"的分类、著录原则进行了分析,就其在理论及实践等方面的成就及对后世的影响作了论述.  相似文献   

对我国明代著名目录学家祁承(火業)的目录学思想,主要是"因"、"益"、"通"、"互"的分类、著录原则进行了分析,就其在理论及实践等方面的成就及对后世的影响作了论述。  相似文献   

在中国,图书馆员没有职业化,何来"去职业化"及研究?中国图书馆还没有进入"职业化"——法律的界定,"图书馆员去职业化"及研究是"非理性"的。然而,中国图书馆和图书馆员事实上的职业化是存在的,图书馆员职业是图书馆员赖以生存的物质来源、是图书馆员善心悦目的精神基石、是图书馆员朝夕相伴的职业港湾。业务外包是图书馆员去职业化的风险投资与不当支出,图书馆员"职业边缘化"及研究具有客观性,"图书馆员去职业化"及研究却是虚妄的。面对着中国图书馆职业"边缘化"的趋势和风险,应该推进图书馆员职业化,而图书馆员"去职业化"研究应该滞后。  相似文献   

范素锋 《声屏世界》2013,(3):102-105
2月9日,万众瞩目的央视蛇年春晚圆满落下帷幕。2013年是春晚第31年的全新起航,四个半小时的直播以"新春中国"为主题,分"新春到"、"新喜来"、"新意展"和"新篇开"四个节目群。全场晚会结构紧凑流畅,看点亮点很多,收视及关注度高,在媒体及网络上所引发的话题更是持续、广泛、深入。  相似文献   

电商作为迅猛发展的新兴行业,市场竞争非常激烈。如何利用广告更好的促销产品、占领市场及树立品牌形象是一个亟待研究的领域。文章立足广告诉求方式,通过分析"配送快"、"价格低"等理性诉求策略和"人文情怀"、"以情动人"及"幽默搞笑"等感性诉求策略,论述电商进行广告诉求策略选择的重要性。  相似文献   

推广阅读是图书馆的重要职能之一。本文在客观分析了新时期读者阅读需求行为特点及当代图书馆发展变化的基础上,提出了采用"嵌入式营销"、"手机阅读营销"、"品牌营销"、"网络视频营销"几种现代营销手段促进阅读推广,同时较为详细阐述了这些营销手段的具体实施方法及效果。  相似文献   

卢敏 《河北科技图苑》2014,(3):50-52,44
对公共图书馆"两会"服务的服务概况、服务内涵及模式、服务障碍及策略、"两会"服务意义等方面的研究情况进行了综述,并提出了有待进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

针对社会及公众对当前我国全日制专业硕士生招考及培养过程中存在的诸多议论,诸如"缓解就业"论、"收益"论、"差生"论、"换汤不换药"论、"招考模式雷同"论等质疑,提出自己的看法。文章以四川大学出版专业硕士生培养个案为例,阐明四川大学出版专业硕士在培养过程中的种种做法,并力图在实践中纠正全日制专业硕士培养过程中存在的问题和偏差,从而以自身实际行动回答社会及公众对专业硕士培养中提出的种种质疑。  相似文献   

张培琼 《今传媒》2016,(1):116-117
本文从"春晚"所呈现出的年俗文化角度入手,通过对"春晚"的来源及发展历程、新年俗文化的特点、"春晚"所具有的"新年俗"文化品格及观众对其文化心理解读的综述和深入分析,探讨了"春晚"在当代"新年俗"文化构建中的意义,并指出近年"春晚"存在的问题,对"春晚"的未来发展提出合理性建议.  相似文献   

Academic library provision for students with disabilities has become an important issue in the UK as a result of legislation enacted in recent decades. Successive studies have investigated current practice in relation to legislation such as the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act (SENDA), but none has specifically surveyed disability provision in higher education libraries supporting Art, Media, and Design (AMD) students, a group generally thought to include higher prevalence of disabilities, particularly dyslexia. The current study reviewed related literature to gain understanding of the area and inform the design of research instruments. Structured observations and semi-structured interviews were conducted to identify best practices and key challenges in disability support at a purposive sample of eight libraries in England serving AMD students. All the institutions had specialist disability provision and many demonstrated innovative best practice. Participants confirmed high levels of disability among the target population, but did not make specific provision for AMD students, though measures linked with dyslexia support were prominent. The results mostly supported findings from the literature and were used to develop recommendations of best practice that should be of value to schools and further education colleges, in addition to higher education institutions. Supplemental materials are available for this article.  相似文献   

This article presents a report of libraries and librarianship in Georgia during the recent decade. Consideration is given to a variety of libraries, numerous programs and services, Open Source, library science education, and changes from Post-Soviet to contemporary library systems. The insights about this decade of change in this report resonate with many other libraries across the globe. The in-depth look at libraries in Georgia increases awareness of the recent past, current, and immediate future environments for libraries and librarianship.  相似文献   


Historic buildings in Denmark have a high relative humidity (RH) all year, so the interiors are exposed to biological degradation. The acceptable range for RH is 60–70%, which is higher than the usual recommendations for museums and galleries. There are two options for humidity control: conservation heating or mechanical dehumidification. Calculation of the energy performance of a generic building was used to determine which method is the most efficient. Studies of a cottage in Liselund Park, and of two medieval churches in Hellerup and Vemb have confirmed these predictions: dehumidification is less energy consuming than conservation heating in buildings with poor thermal insulation and a moderate air infiltration rate (AER?<?0.6?h?1). Dehumidification is suitable for historic buildings, where heating is not needed for human comfort. A condensing dehumidifier uses less than half the energy per kg water compared to an absorption dehumidifier. But it does not work at temperatures below 2°C. The combination of a condensing dehumidifier and a little heating to prevent frost is the most energy efficient solution for humidity control. These results are only valid in mild and humid climatic conditions similar to Denmark.  相似文献   

The quantity of information distributed today on the Internet, especially through the World Wide Web, is rising much more quickly than the quantity of information available through other mass media. Just as we do not like or believe everything we read in the newspapers, see on TV, or hear on the radio, we cannot like or believe everything on the Internet. Consequently, it is necessary to critically assess the quality of websites and to determine the extent to which they meet our needs and requirements. This paper is an attempt to analyze information evaluation concept and process-based on some quality management concepts, rools and methods in order to propose some basic criteria to evaluate website quality and to select suitable websites.  相似文献   

The Information Revolution has resulted in dynamic changes in information dissemination services. It is difficult for most people to understand the dynamic causes, processes, and the effects of these changes on the information world. Gender as a variable has been identified in some studies as a possible influencing variable in information seeking research. Some social psychology depicts physical, mental and social differences between men and women in society. Gender as a variable may be useful for better understanding the cognitive and social background of human information processing and may have important implications for information dissemination services and systems. Hence, it is pertinent to explore the gender-specific differences in information seeking behavior of university students so as to better assist them in their information search processes.

The objective of this study was to determine whether gender as a variable is related to the information seeking behavior of university students. Data were collected from 600 university students studying different disciplines (arts, science and commerce) from three state-aided universities in West Bengal, India. Data tools included a General Information Schedule and an Information Seeking Behavior Inventory. Significant differences were noted in most of the domains of information seeking behavior with respect to gender (male and female). Females scored high on all the domains of information search except in diversity in search where the males were found to be high. The findings may have implications for research and practice in psychology, especially in the subfields of educational institutions, library science, cognitive development, and training and performance appraisal.  相似文献   

The Information Revolution has resulted in dynamic changes in information dissemination services. It is difficult for most people to understand the dynamic causes, processes, and the effects of these changes on the information world. Gender as a variable has been identified in some studies as a possible influencing variable in information seeking research. Some social psychology depicts physical, mental and social differences between men and women in society. Gender as a variable may be useful for better understanding the cognitive and social background of human information processing and may have important implications for information dissemination services and systems. Hence, it is pertinent to explore the gender-specific differences in information seeking behavior of university students so as to better assist them in their information search processes.The objective of this study was to determine whether gender as a variable is related to the information seeking behavior of university students. Data were collected from 600 university students studying different disciplines (arts, science and commerce) from three state-aided universities in West Bengal, India. Data tools included a General Information Schedule and an Information Seeking Behavior Inventory. Significant differences were noted in most of the domains of information seeking behavior with respect to gender (male and female). Females scored high on all the domains of information search except in diversity in search where the males were found to be high. The findings may have implications for research and practice in psychology, especially in the subfields of educational institutions, library science, cognitive development, and training and performance appraisal.  相似文献   

美国公共图书馆家庭作业服务研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国公共图书馆从众多免费服务项目的设立、严格的服务质量管理、深入细致的服务细节策划等方面着手,吸引青少年读者。其青少年家庭作业服务,无论从服务内容的架构、服务资源的建立、服务方式的搭配、服务工具的选择,或是服务实施主体的规范、服务实施过程的控制,还是对教育环境的延伸服务,都无不渗透着美国公共图书馆及社会各界对青少年学习和成长的全方位关注。这对中国公共图书馆青少年服务具有启迪作用。  相似文献   

The large number of conservation and restoration works recently completed in Qatar show that there exists a need to enhance appreciation of the local architectural and building traditions, as a way of bringing to light the historical memory of these local places, using local techniques and materials to conserve existing buildings and to typologically integrate them. This paper offers an update on the status of some recent conservation projects in Qatar, analysing and comparing a number of completed restorations of historic buildings on the basis of the categories into which they can be organised; the extent to which they had deteriorated before restoration; the methods that were adopted; the construction materials and techniques used; the philosophical approach taken to restoration; and the various proposals for reusing the restored buildings. Comparison and analysis of the data make it possible to classify these methods and techniques in ways that could be applied to other conservation projects in future. The aim is to define a philosophy and methodologies that are consistent, and will be able to give expression to the specific local culture in matters of conservation, while respecting shared international rules.  相似文献   

文章针对高校图书馆联盟发展现状和所存在的不稳定因素,提出了开展联盟组织学习以提高整个联盟的应变与创新能力的建议。文章分析了联盟内存在的联盟层面和成员馆层面的学习代理人和学习代理类型,并构建了知识获取阶段和知识共享阶段学习代理模式。  相似文献   

This article offers detailed analysis of the patterns of book advertising in Marchamont Nedham’s government-sponsored newsbook, Mercurius Politicus. It contends that, for a brief period, Politicus was the nearest thing that the mid-seventeenth century had to a literary periodical and contests standard accounts that Politicus was only successful because government monopoly made it so. Instead I show that Politicus was instrumental in creating an image of the Commonwealth and Protectorate as a Republic of Letters; the cheap print of its small advertisements insisted that the publication of a book was an event, that London was a city of the book, and that its inhabitants might respond to the uncertainty of political revolution by eagerly imagining a future comprised of new books as yet unread.  相似文献   

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