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道尔顿制是流行于我国20世纪20年代的著名教育实验。它的发展与时代文化变迁、学校改革环境和教育家的探索都有密切的关系。它的历史命运为今天我国教育实验如何保持长久生命力提供了深刻的文化反思。  相似文献   

道尔顿制的传入与实验是我国现代教育在发展初期为解决当时班级授课制和年级制的弊端而进行的大胆探索。在新文化运动的背景下,通过倡导新教育的人们不遗余力的宣传,道尔顿制在我国很快得到传播,并在一些著名的中小学校进行实验。在实验的过程中,人们及时总结经验和教训,并对其进行了适当的改革。这一著名的试图用外国教育理论解决我国教育实际问题的实验,对今天的教育改革富有启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

"道尔顿制"于1922年被引入上海吴淞中学,舒新城等教育学者开展了本土化实验,到1930年的偃旗息鼓。关于上世纪二三十年代"道尔顿制"中国实验失败的原因,一些专家学者曾作分析。从世界范围看,欧洲至今仍有300多所道尔顿学校,美国道尔顿学校历经90年仍生机勃勃。结合现今教育改革的理念与要求,"道尔顿制"有着再实验的意义与价值,吴淞中学已开始了"道尔顿制"新一轮本土实践。  相似文献   

文章首先概述了道尔顿制和"菜单式"教学法,然后阐述了基于道尔顿制的"菜单式"教学在会展实训教学中的应用,包括"菜单式"教学资源设计;"菜单式"任务设计;图表合约控制项目进度;多元化、个性化考核方式。  相似文献   

针对当前班级授课制实施过程中的问题及其可能的改进思路,文章介绍了美国道尔顿制的原则及其实施形式:以自主合作为原则,采用布置作业、记录学业进展、建立学科实验室等形式,旨在满足学生的个性化学习需求,培养学生的自主学习能力。在此基础上,文章分析了20世纪20年代初道尔顿制在中国实施的成效与不足,分析了实施失败的原因并对失败进行了辩证反思。结合当前"互联网+时代"教育所具有的优势,文章提出了当前中国课堂教学改革的可行思路,即整合班级授课制与道尔顿制的优势,推进混合式教学。  相似文献   

教学作为培养人的基本途径,在实施的过程中有一定的组织形式;对教学组织进行划分的一种维度,是将其划分为班级教学与个别教学两种。本文通过对这两种教学组织形式的历史变迁进行梳理,认为教育组织形式的选择与确立,是教学组织形式的适切模式与钟摆现象共同作用下的博弈与平衡。  相似文献   

道尔顿制曾于20世纪20年代在中国风行一时,其在中国的兴衰可以用"其兴也勃,其亡也忽"来形容。文章通过考察道尔顿制在中国的历程,提出道尔顿制在中国兴衰的四点启示:教育改革既要适应潮流更应观照国情,应重视教育实验在教育理论或模式推广中的作用,进行教育改革的时候一定要重视教师素质的提升,在推进教育现代化的过程中应重视中国传统教育的价值。  相似文献   

“华夏园丁大联欢”活动是以展示祖国新貌、增强民族情感、促进教育交流、体现华夏园丁风采为主题的大型教育交流活动。  相似文献   

时间是历史的基本属性,解释是历史学习的重要素养。在历史专题复习中,教师恰当地"使用大事年表进行对比分析,可以帮助学生建立整体史观念,培养学生时序性观念,理清历史事件的框架"[1]。建立时序能够帮助学生进行历史解释,提高历史思维能力。本文拟以"改革开放时期的中国"专题复习为例,设置各类年表,对此做些实践探究。  相似文献   

目前我国文科研究生的教学主要采用传统的班级授课制形式,这种教学组织形式由于过于强调“教师中心”、“教材中心”、“课堂中心”而为学生所不满,因而需要变革。实现道尔顿制与“菜单式“班级授课制的有机结合,有助于发挥各自的优势,取得最佳的教学效果。  相似文献   

美国著名教育史家、比较教育学家、哥伦比亚大学师范学院教授保罗·孟禄(PaulMonroe,1869-1947),曾于1913-37年间10余次来中国调查教育、讲学和从事文化交流活动.1921年9月,由实际教育调查社聘请,孟禄来华进行了大规模教育调查与讲学.他还长期担任中化教育文化基金董事会副董事长,参与领导该会工作.盂禄来华对于改进中国科学教育和科学研究,推动"六·三·三"学制颁行,促进文化教育事业的发展起到了积极的作用,对中国教育理论与实践的发展产生了较为深远的影响,是近现代中美文化教育交流史上十分重要的一页.然而,多年来,由于种种原因,中美学术界对这段历史的研究尚属空白.本文在搜集和整理大量中美有关文献资料的基础上,编写了此份<孟禄在华活动年表>,希望能为人们研究孟禄提供一个基本依据,推动国内外学术界对孟禄的研究.  相似文献   

明正德十一年(1516),王阳明受命南赣巡抚,次年正月到任。在南赣巡抚任上,先后平定南赣动乱和宁藩之乱,在赣州提出致良知说。王阳明在南赣的活动时间主要分两段:一是自正德十二年至十五年的南赣巡抚任上,二是嘉靖六年赴任广西途径南赣及次年归途再经南赣并在南安府青龙铺去世。  相似文献   

Dalton education is the largest educational reform movement in the Netherlands. Around eighty years ago it spread throughout the world; Dalton education was found in the USA, England, Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, the Soviet Union, India, China and Japan. Today there is a revival of interest in England and Germany. We examine the origins of Dalton education by comparing the work of its founder Helen Parkhurst (1886–1973) with developments in American education towards the end of the nineteenth century. From 1870 onwards, in numerous American cities, there were experiments with alternatives for lockstep teaching, including experiments with individualised instruction, individual assignments, differentiation, self-direction, self-pacing, freedom, tutor learning and co-operation. In part, these innovations stemmed from methods that were already customary prior to the dissemination of lockstep teaching – methods which, at the onset of the twentieth century, were actually still common in rural one-room schools. The Dalton Plan proves to be not very original. Parkhurst recycled various ideas and methods which had already been developed and tried out in the preceding decades. Her pretension of having introduced something new and authentic is implausible. That raises two questions: how to explain the discrepancy between the image Parkhurst presents of her own work and the image derived from historical comparison, and how to explain the popularity of the Dalton Plan in the 1920s, given that it was not unique or particularly innovative.  相似文献   

道尔顿制盛行于20世纪20年代的美国,几乎在同一时期传入中国,并在我国中小学开展了较大规模的实验。道尔顿制实验中国化的历程,一方面促进了我国中小学教育实验的开展,培养和造就了一批教育理论家和热心教育实验的教育工作者;另一方面它揭示出,教育实验是一项易受各种因素影响、社会外部环境制约、其自身逻辑演变所左右,较难控制与掌握的科学研究。道尔顿制实验在给我国基础教育带来积极影响的同时,亦留下了深刻的经验教训。  相似文献   

This article examines the transformation of progressive pedagogic practices at the Dalton School in New York City. Founded in 1919 by Helen Parkhurst, the Dalton School was the site for the implementation of her internationally renowned Dalton Plan, with its constituent parts: House, Laboratory, and Assignment. Based upon archival research, school assignments, and interviews with teachers, students, and administrators, the article traces the evolution of the school from its early progressive roots to its present status as an elite, independent college preparatory school, with vestiges of its early progressivism. In particular, the article looks at how the Dalton Plan has changed during the subsequent administrations of Charlotte Durham, Donald Barr, and its current head, Gardner Dunnan.


In the Netherlands there are 400 Dalton schools, while Dalton education has all but disappeared elsewhere, including in its country of origin: the USA. Following a brief period in the 1920s in which it enjoyed strong international interest, it disappeared from the scene. How can it be that the Dalton Plan still exists only in the Netherlands? This article compares the history of Dalton education in the Netherlands with that in Britain and the USA. Circumstances were more favourable in the Netherlands in the 1920s, although the growth was modest. Factors that inhibited the increase of Dalton education in the Netherlands in these early days are similar to those that presumably hastened its disappearance elsewhere. There was a growth spurt in the Netherlands from the 1980s onwards. This seems to be a side effect of the introduction of a new Education Act and the pressure on schools to market themselves.  相似文献   

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