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This article explores the relationship between conflict and violence through a review of the literature about young children's conflict with their peers. Information about the nature of young children's conflicts and how teachers respond is presented and discussed in relation to 3 questions. First, do conflicts between children lead to violence? Second, what constitutes competent conflict resolution behavior? Third, how do children develop competent conflict resolution skills? This review of the literature indicates that conflicts between children do not naturally lead to violence. Rather, it is when children are unable to resolve their own conflicts, and when they are not supported in their efforts at resolutions, that violence is likely to result. While conflicts with peers provide a natural opportunity for children to develop competent conflict resolution skills, teachers must provide assistance as needed. Suggestions for further reading on this topic are provided.  相似文献   

近年来,家庭教育中出现的偏差和失误以及由此而造成的不良后果的确令人堪忧。归结起来,家庭教育的失误和偏差主要表现在以下几个方面:①父母的育人意识淡漠。②重智力发展轻品德教育。③过分溺爱孩子。④教育过于封闭。⑤对子女的期望过高。  相似文献   

教学是一项十分复杂的文化性实践,教学过程中不仅有文化传承、文化理解与文化交流,也存在文化分歧、文化碰撞与文化冲突。教学过程中的文化冲突,对于以文化传递和传播为己任的教育影响至深,我们应对其有正确、清晰的认识。要使教学过程中的文化冲突成为个体发展和教学发展的推动力量,必须加强教学的民主化建设。  相似文献   

本文以浙江广播电视大学为研究对象,基于省级电大教师教学工作性质与内容,对教师授课教学、课程建设等教学内容评价进行研究。从现有省电大教学质量评价体系、处理评价具体问题等方面进行分析,提出了两点优化措施,对省级电大的教学评价工作具有一定的参考借鉴作用。  相似文献   

This study examined whether exposure to family violence, both in the form of direct victimization and witnessing violence, predicted dating violence victimization in adolescents through maladaptive schemas. A sample of 933 adolescents (445 boys and 488 girls), aged between 13 and 18 (M = 15.10), participated in a three-year longitudinal study. They completed measures of exposure to family violence, maladaptive schemas of disconnection/rejection, and dating violence victimization. The findings indicate that witnessing family violence predicts the increase of dating violence victimization over time, through the mediation of maladaptive schemas in girls, but not in boys. Direct victimization in the family predicts dating violence victimization directly, without the mediation of schemas. In addition, maladaptive schemas contribute to the perpetuation of dating violence victimization over time. These findings provide new opportunities for preventive interventions, as maladaptive schemas can be modified.  相似文献   

Objective: To reveal the prevalence of corporal punishment in a rural area of Colombia and its correlates to family structure and other socio-demographic variables. Method: A survey about childrearing and childcare was developed for this study, including a specific question about corporal punishment that was developed based on the Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS). Family structure was categorized as follows, based on previous literature: ‘nuclear family,’ ‘single parent’ family, ‘extended family,’ ‘simultaneous family’ and ‘composed family.’ Results: Forty-one percent of the parents surveyed admitted they had used corporal punishment of their children as a disciplinary strategy. The type of family structure, the number of children living at home, the age of the children, the gender of the parent who answered the survey, and the age and gender of the partner were significant predictors of corporal punishment. Conclusion: Family structure is an important variable in the understanding of corporal punishment, especially in regard to nuclear families that have a large number of children and parents who started their parental role early in life.  相似文献   

电大开放教育法学专业实践教学模式的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实践教学是制约电大远程开放法学教育发展、影响教学质量的薄弱环节。本文立足于法律实用型人才培养目标,基于法律学科性质和特点,通过探讨讨论式案例教学、实战性模拟法庭、法庭旁听三种教学形式,构建教学要素间多维交互下的实践教学模式,以期推动开放法学教学改革,保证教学质量。  相似文献   

"公司财务"课程是电大开放教育金融学本科于第一学期开设的必修课,因此,要搞好该门课程的教学改革,应教育学员把握该课程的性质和地位,引导学员重视自学的主动性和有效运用现代化教学资源.教师应设计好面授辅导课的内容,合理安排作业讲评的内容,积极采用多种教学形式,包括答疑辅导、送教上门,指导学员完成实践性教学环节的财务实习报告等.  相似文献   

接纳冲突:当代教师面对师生冲突   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
人类社会发展经历过三种冲突观:传统冲突观、人际关系冲突观和相互作用冲突观。人们对待冲突的态度也经历了因惧怕而回避冲突、接纳冲突、自觉利用冲突的正面功能三个阶段。冲突是民主社会的特征之一,冲突具有不可忽视的正面功能,接纳冲突是当代教师应具有的冲突观。在接纳冲突的基础上,教师可以利用冲突处理策略妥善解决师生冲突。  相似文献   

The prevalence and context of violence against children in their families was surveyed as part of a study on the sexual abuse of children. A random sample of 409 comprehensive school classes with approximately 9,000 15-year-olds was asked to anonymously fill out questionnaires. The majority filled out the questionnaires in the privacy of the school nurse's office, the rest in their classrooms. Of the selected classes, 88.8% participated in the survey, and the response rate of the students in those classes was 96%. Mild violence (slapping, pushing, etc.) was reported by 72% of the respondents, and severe violence (hitting with a fist, kicking, use of weapons) was reported by 8%. Violence was committed by the parents sometime before the children reached age 14. Incidents of violence during the year preceding the survey were reported by 19% and 5%, mild and severe, respectively. Mild violence was committed slightly more often by mothers than fathers. Severe violence was perpetrated more frequently by fathers. Girls reported mild abuse more often than boys. Severe violence was experienced equally often by both sexes. Children living with single mothers reported less-than-average mild violence, but more frequent severe violence. The highest incidence of severe violence was found among youth living in families with a stepfather. Unemployment in a family tended to increase both mild and severe violence. Violence was reported least often by children living in farming families or Swedish speaking families (which make up about 6% of Finnish population). Overall the frequency of violence toward children in Finland is significantly lower than in the U.S. Comparison to Sweden seems to show an identical level of child abuse, although different study methods make comparisons difficult.  相似文献   

Starting from the state of conceptual diversity, semantic ambiguity, and poor connection of family life education practices to current policies and theoretical models in Romania, our study aims at understanding the underlying meanings of these issues by recourse to the history of approaches in the field. To this purpose, we carried out a qualitative historical research, based on the thematic analysis of a set of educational works produced between the sixteenth century, when the first Romanian texts were written, and the present time. Primary historical sources are supplemented with reliable secondary sources, while the criteria used for the selection of texts were their relevance to family life education (FLE), and the notoriety of the works in the corresponding historical periods. As in western countries, the concept of FLE was coined in Romania at the beginning of the twentieth century, when the family education discourse was outlined, but the roots of the field can be traced even in the first printed texts. Although marked by strong moral and religious emphases during pre-modernity, FLE has entered the slow process of secularisation and evolved from the perspective of political, social, and moral reconstruction goals of modern Romania. However, FLE’s goals and contents were redefined during Communism, and the discrepancies between discourses, practices, and realities compromised the functionality of the pedagogical model promoted at the time. A unitary definition of FLE in relation to Romanian contemporary families’ needs requires reconciliation with historical, cultural, and educational premises, as well as a careful contextualisation of western models and practices.  相似文献   

This study investigated the kinds of dialogues utilized by Open University students while studying an intermediate level physics course. Research objectives were twofold: to document what dialogue types, mediated through which resources, were (1) generally utilized by students as they learned; and (2) were specifically utilized by students to overcome conceptual difficulties. It was found that all students initially chose individual study characterized by intrapersonal dialogue. Only when individual study failed did students opt for interpersonal dialogue. This finding conflicts with the assumed importance often ascribed to interpersonal dialogue by some distance education theorists.  相似文献   

家庭心理健康教育概论   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在整个心理健康教育系统中,家庭心理健康教育是其重要的组成部分。本文从学校心理健康教育的角度,对家庭心理健康教育的目标,任务,原则,内容,策略和途径等基本理论问题作了初步论述,以期教育者和管理者对学校心理健康教育视野中的家庭心理健康教育有了一个基本的了解与认识。  相似文献   

中央广播电视大学在2005年春开设了开放教育英语专业《商务英语阅读》选修课。文章介绍了作者教学中针对开放生和普专生的实际情况所采用的不同教学方法,并对教材的改进提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Catholic college and university presidents leadat the confluence of academic authenticity andreligious faith. They attempt to frame anddefine changing realities in institutions thathave become increasingly secular, and subjectedto many of the same problems common to highereducation in the public sector. Externalpressures, including recent efforts tostrengthen the Catholic identities of theseinstitutions, have added a measure ofcomplexity to leadership roles and challengedthe conflict management skills of institutionalexecutives. The purpose of this study was todevelop a profile of conflict managementbehaviors of US Catholic college and universitypresidents. The profile revealed four factorsthat were common to managing conflict with bothfaculty and trustees: avoidance, smoothing overdifferences, compromise, and collaboration. Abureaucratic forcing factor was linked tofaculty conflict, and a defensive assertivenessfactor emerged for conflict with trustees. Presidents seldom employed a bureaucraticforcing strategy with faculty, but defensiveassertiveness was the second most frequentlyadopted strategy in conflict with trustees. Collaboration was the most frequently usedstrategy for dealing with both faculty andtrustee conflict. Some differences in conflictmanagement approaches were noted in terms ofgender, lay-clergy status, years of experience,and institutional size.  相似文献   

开放教育法学专业教学方法的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从开放教育法学专业人才培养目标角度,论述了法学教学方法的改革必须有利于学生创新能力培养和综合素质提高,以促进学生在知识、能力、素质方面协调发展。在此基础上,作者创设并实践了几种新的教学方法。  相似文献   

Despite the heavy emphasis on online learning in recent years, print is still an important medium for course delivery in distance education. Distance educators have argued that, with the incorporation of appropriate access structures, distance learning materials can be self‐instructional and interactive. This study aims to explore the extent to which students on a distance teacher education course considered that the print materials had achieved the course objectives, and how they made use of the in‐text access structures. The results indicate that, although teachers on the course agreed that the materials were able to achieve the course objectives, the extent to which they made use of the access devices varied considerably.  相似文献   

This paper develops work carried out under the aegis of a European Commission‐funded university continuing education (UCE) network. It compares the ways in which UCE has developed in three countries within Northern Europe. The authors firstly review the developments of university education in general in Finland, the UK and Sweden, paying particular attention to the factors that historically have influenced UCE. They then focus on developments and policy imperatives of the last decade. A number of convergences and divergences in policy and practice in the three countries are pointed to. In both Finland and the UK, UCE is well defined by state or quasi‐state agencies and is an activity that has been located within well‐defined structural units in most institutions. Universities in these two countries have a diverse mission based on a national lifelong learning agenda. By contrast, in Sweden, whilst there is a longstanding international tradition of adult education rooted within democratic movements and a recognition of the importance of equality of access, the provision is to a large extent embedded in universities and not manifest as UCE. What provision that does exist as UCE is patchily distributed across the university sector and nonuniform in character. UCE provision within Finland and UK to varying degrees in becoming more diverse in its make‐up. The presence of new providers in a ‘CE market’, an emphasis on UCE as an economic instrument, moves towards the accreditation of provision and the loss of a particular identity for UCE are amongst factors creating increasing heterogeneity of provision in these countries.  相似文献   

教学管理模式改革是中央电大"人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点"项目的核心内容,"导--学"是教学管理模式改革的重点.构建和实施"导--学"教学管理模式应坚持做到采用"三三制"课程导学制度;抓好教学过程六个环节建立有效协调运作机制.  相似文献   

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