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王微 《培训与研究》2008,25(8):116-118
本文通过对当今高校校园存在的一些不和谐因素进行分析,提出了几点构建和谐高校校园机制的对策,即以效益为中心的发展机制构建;完善公平有效的激励机制;以人为本的人才培养机制构建;健全民主科学的决策机制等。  相似文献   

The behavior of schools of zebrafish (Danio rerio) was studied in acute toxicity environments. Behavioral features were extracted and a method for water quality assessment using support vector machine (SVM) was developed. The behavioral parameters of fish were recorded and analyzed during one hour in an environment of a 24-h half-lethal concentration (LC50) of a pollutant. The data were used to develop a method to evaluate water quality, so as to give an early indication of toxicity. Four kinds of metal ions (Cu2+, Hg2+, Cr6+, and Cd2+) were used for toxicity testing. To enhance the efficiency and accuracy of assessment, a method combining SVM and a genetic algorithm (GA) was used. The results showed that the average prediction accuracy of the method was over 80% and the time cost was acceptable. The method gave satisfactory results for a variety of metal pollutants, demonstrating that this is an effective approach to the classification of water quality.  相似文献   

张欣 《台州学院学报》2007,29(2):14-17,57
军阀幕僚政治属于一种非制度化政治参与。从运作机制的准则看,形成了一套特定的价值准则、行为准则和利益准则。同时,军阀幕僚机制是典型的人治,其政治的运作除了遵行以上的准则外,内部运作的好坏还与军阀首领各人的驭下之术关系极大,它往往决定幕僚群能否稳定,以及如何合理有效地利用群体优势,做到人尽其才,最大化地发挥幕僚作用。  相似文献   

The study on biochar derived from plant biomass for environmental applications is attracting more and more attention. Twelve sets of biochar were obtained by treating four phytoremediation plants, Salix rosthornii Seemen, Thalia dealbata, Vetiveria zizanioides, and Phragmites sp., sequentially through pyrolysis at 500 °C in a N2 environment, and under different temperatures(500, 600, and 700 °C) in a CO2 environment. The cation exchange capacity and specific surface area of biochar varied with both plant species and pyrolysis temperature. The magnesium(Mg) content of biochar derived from T. dealbata(TC) was obviously higher than that of the other plant biochars. This biochar also had the highest sorption capacity for phosphate and ammonium. In terms of biomass yields, adsorption capacity, and energy cost, T. dealbata biochar produced at 600 °C(TC600) is the most promising sorbent for removing contaminants(N and P) from aqueous solution. Therefore, T. dealbata appears to be the best candidate for phytoremediation application as its biomass can make a good biochar for environmental cleaning.  相似文献   


Teacher education in Botswana is offered at various higher education institutions (HEIs). Undergraduate pre-service teachers for the secondary school level are trained at the University of Botswana (UB) and the Botswana College of Agriculture, and both HEIs offer different and autonomous teacher-training programmes. The Faculty of Education at UB has its own quality assurance mechanisms for the Teaching Practice (TP) and Practicum. The purpose of the study reported on was to identify the quality assurance mechanisms and processes in place and then to establish their effectiveness. The research type adopted was the case study. Data for the study was collected through document analysis, an open-ended questionnaire and interviews with student teachers, TP coordinators and supervisors and those who have participated in moderation panels. Generally, the findings indicated that there are effective quality assurance mechanisms, structures, processes and procedures in place for the TP at UB.  相似文献   


This case study describes the process that the Humanities Programme Team, in Dublin City University’s Open Education Unit, has undertaken with regard to developing a systematic, programme-focused assessment strategy. It charts the development of an Assessment Matrix that facilitated the enhancement of programme coherence in the context of a distributed modular provision model, and facilitated the use of an appropriate range and scaffolding of assessment types in relation to learning outcomes. To conclude, four recommendations on developing a programme-focused assessment strategy are presented: explicitly link assessments to both programme and module learning outcomes; provide adequate supports and resources for those designing and writing assessments; provide those Assessment Writers with appropriate professional development, as well as an opportunity to be part of an assessment writing community; and to embed a programme-focused assessment strategy into a programme’s quality assurance processes.  相似文献   

可拓评价方法是处理现实世界中矛盾问题的一种新方法 ,它从定性和定量两个角度去探讨矛盾问题的规律和方法 ,能完整地反映样品的综合质量水平 ,在环境质量综合评价中依然有其合理性和适用性  相似文献   

教育质量是我国现代远程教育发展的核心问题,也是我国借助于现代远程教育实现教育普及、教育民主与教育公平,构建具有中国特色的全民终身教育体系的关键。但由于制约和影响远程教育质量的力量与消极因素的相互作用、凝聚合流形成了强大的阻滞机制,严重阻碍和拖延远程教育质量保障机制的构建与运行。探讨防治与破解的对策,对构建现代远程教育质量的保障体系与运行机制具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

滇池污染现状、趋势及其综合防治对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来滇池草海属异常富营养化水体,外海属富营养化水体,水中TN比TP增加快.以至于滇池水质污染程度在短短十多年时间已上升了一个台阶.应从污染源治理和控制、内源综合治理、水污染防治管理和法制建设等方面采取综合防治对策.  相似文献   

以最新的两部电视剧即美剧《蛇蝎女佣》第一季和大陆剧《欢喜冤家》中的道歉对话作为语料,采用定量分析法、定性分析法和比较分析法,对中美道歉策略及其影响因素进行对比研究。研究结果表明,中美道歉策略存在共同点;由于文化和价值观的不同,两者在策略方面也存在明显的差异。这些异同都归结于文化差异、权利差距、性别差异和冒犯程度等影响因素,其中文化差异和权利差距是最主要的影响因素。  相似文献   

美、德高校教师流动机制比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美、德两国高校教师的流动机制主要有四种:晋升机制、招聘机制、任期机制与兼职机制。这四种机制体现了主动流动与被动流动、近亲繁殖与学术交流、学术压力与学术自由及层次结构与教师流动之间的关系。  相似文献   

名师成长的实质是教师作为教育专业人才的专业化高度发展过程,是教师不断超越自我的创新过程。名师的成长,体现了周期性与阶段性规律、共生性与复杂性规律,也表现出师承效应与转益多师规律以及马太效应与期望激励等诸多规律。影响名师专业成长的因素很多,解读名师成功的人生轨迹,研究名师的成才规律、影响因素与机制,感悟名师的人生智慧,对探索富有成效的教师教育、培训与管理策略具有重要意义。  相似文献   

学生在机械设计竞赛、课程设计和毕业设计环节中出现了对机械产品开发设计过程不清楚,缺乏对机械系统进行建模、分析和优化设计的能力等问题,基于学习产出的教育模式(Outcomes- Based Education,缩写为OBE模式)对“机械原理”教学各环节进行改革。笔者提出了如下措施:从设计方法学的角度组织课程教学内容,教授过程中强调设计环节各知识点的关联性,培养学生掌握和规划机械产品开发设计过程的能力。以“机械原理”中典型机构为主,从机构运动模型构建、运动分析和优化设计三个层次设置不同项目,培养学生机构运动方案分析的能力,并在教学过程中进行了教学实践探索和持续改进。  相似文献   

通过对我校99级部分男学生的体质和身体素质情况追踪调查和分析,发现规律性问题,提出教学改革建议,以便于体育教学的提高。  相似文献   

乡村教育高质量发展的关键在于师资,具体是教师教学质量,因此提高乡村教师教学质量是发展乡村教育的紧迫任务。文章基于对广西壮族自治区3市3县(区)6个乡镇的25所乡村学校的乡村教师的调查发现,乡村教师教学质量有待提升,尤其是教学能力和教学策略与方法方面较为欠缺。调研发现性别、年龄、教龄、婚姻状况以及家乡所在地这些因素对乡村教师教学质量上存在显著性影响,研究还发现,接受正规师范教育及职后培训是影响乡村教师教学质量的重要因素,此外职业认同与乡村环境适应性越高,乡村教师教学质量越高,但是薪资、生活待遇以及机会激励机制等因素对乡村教师教学质量未呈现显著影响。  相似文献   

比较近十年海南省大学生思想状况,发现大学生基本思想观念有着很大稳定性,但有些方面则存在较大差异性。海南省大学生思想状况变化主要表现在政治信仰、价值观、人生观等方面,大学生思想存在的突出问题有:对一些重大政治理论问题认知模糊;存在较明显的实用、功利性政治取向;价值信仰迷茫;知行悖离等。前期教育、高校思想政治教育,社会、经济环境,信息科技更新等以及大学生自身生理及心理等是主要影响因素。  相似文献   

比较了虾几丁质酶和木瓜溶菌酶对再生几丁质与溶壁微球菌作底物时的水解速度 ,证明各有其最适底物 .两者对再生几丁质底物有不同的水解产物 ,证明一为内切酶一为外切酶  相似文献   

Performance assessments have been touted for their multidimensional and ‘realworld’, or authentic, appearance, yet this complexity is at the heart of the most serious problems in the use of performance assessments. If performance assessments are more multidimensional and situational, then perhaps performance assessment scores represent other things besides the construct of interest. This study empirically explored that possibility, namely that scores on a performance assessment reflect a motivational variable (perception of control), in addition to the construct intended, while an objective test does not. Data from high school Spanish students who took an objective test, a performance assessment and a measure of perceptions of control suggest that perceptions of control indeed predict performance assessment scores but not objective test scores.  相似文献   

木霉菌生防机制及分类的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简述了拮抗木霉菌的作用机制,包括产生抗生素、重寄生作用、溶菌作用、竞争作用等,或以多种机制的协同拮抗作用,抑制病原菌生长与繁殖及木霉分类的研究。  相似文献   

我国高校教师激励机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国高校对于教师的激励水平直接影响到他们的工作努力程度,继而影响到高等教育的质量.本文通过对我国高校激励模式的分析,提出了高校在建立教师激励机制时应该遵循的原则.  相似文献   

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