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黄志红 《编辑学报》2016,28(5):418-420
从编辑人员的角度论述编辑与作者的合作,包括向作者虚心学习、对作者严格要求、为作者热忱服务,从而实现编辑与作者的密切合作,达到提高期刊质量、编辑与作者素质的目的.  相似文献   

高校学报提升作者群层次的途径探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
普通高校学报提升作者群层次必须锁定目标作者群,提升作者整体水平,主要途径有抓住本校高层次作者、扩大校外高水平作者、通过网络寻求高水平作者、通过学术会议结识高水平作者、挖掘高水平在校研究生作者、形成自己的核心作者群等。  相似文献   

刘扬  廖小刚 《中国编辑》2022,(7):81-84+96
作者是文本的创造者,是编辑生态系统的起点,也是编辑实践的作用对象。编辑通过强化作者意识、理解作者需求,提升专业水平、服务作者工作,提高媒介素养、改善文本质量,加强职业道德修养、赢得作者信任,充分调动和发挥作者在编辑实践中的作用。作者生态的良序建构和编辑活动的长效发展,需要从完善体制机制、发挥媒介功能、强化品牌效应、培育作者队伍等方面着力。  相似文献   

作者学术关系研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义] 作者学术关系是指从知识交流的角度出发,作者与作者之间表现出来的某种学术联系。对作者学术关系的研究有利于发现作者之间研究的相关度、学术共同体和科学知识结构,促进知识交流和知识传播,对知识创新和国家知识体系的健全和发展具有重要意义。[方法/过程] 采用综合归纳的方法,从作者合作关系、作者引用关系和作者链接关系3个方面对国内外作者学术关系的研究现状进行梳理。[结果/结论] 国内外学者对作者合作关系、作者共被引关系及作者链接关系的研究趋于丰富,对作者互引关系、作者耦合关系的研究还有待提升;研究领域主要集中在图书情报学领域。未来对作者学术关系的研究方向为作者重名问题分析、大数据引文挖掘及作者学术关系的拓展研究等。  相似文献   

"好书要靠好作者"。作者对出版的重要性不言而喻,建设一支相对稳定、成熟、发展的作者队伍是做好出版工作的重要保证。当前,科技图书市场竞争非常激烈,竞争作者资源、维护作者资源至关重要,因为编辑的策划思路最终要通过作者的辛勤劳动来实现,作者资源的建设是科技编辑  相似文献   

论文的学术质量是科技期刊的灵魂,高学术水平的医学临床及科研作者队伍是医学科技期刊得以生存和发展的基础。编辑人员只有善待作者,尊重作者,注意加强与作者的联系、沟通、交流,通过参加各类学术会议发现作者,建立作者信息档案遴选作者,时刻注重作者队伍建设,才能保证期刊持续发展,长盛不衰。  相似文献   

对107名审稿专家进行问卷调查,主要涉及第一作者和通信作者的概念、通信作者的责任和权益、通信作者的作用以及共同通信作者问题等几个方面。通过调查分析目前医学期刊通信作者署名中存在的问题。认为:科技期刊应明确通信作者的概念、责任和权利;通信作者作为责任作者应承担更多的责任;编辑应在促进通信作者的规范使用中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

对于专业出版社来说,一支学术水平权威、专业特色突出、梯队配置合理、涵盖领域全面的作者队伍,是其从事图书出版活动的核心竞争力。作者是优质的出版资源,作者队伍建设至关重要。本文以中国建筑工业出版社为例,从依靠老作者、培养新作者、稳定作者队伍、规范操作流程、加强梯队建设等方面探讨了专业出版社作者队伍建设的方法和途径。  相似文献   

罗燕鸿 《编辑学报》2022,(5):543-547
近年来,我国优秀稿源外流严重,中文科技期刊间稿源的竞争越来越激烈,优质稿源的竞争归根到底是优秀作者群的竞争。离开了作者提供的稿件,期刊就成了无源之水、无本之木。想留住优秀的作者就要常怀感恩之心,全方位为作者服务,优化出版服务能力,提高作者体验感。为此提出从以下途径提高作者体验感:优化投稿流程、提升投稿渠道、提高采编系统的稳定性与兼容性、加强移动终端采编平台建设、提高时效性、优化审稿流程、改善与作者沟通方式、增强编辑的服务意识、提高编辑业务能力、满足作者合理需求、与作者建立互相信任的关系、优化文章发表后的持续服务、重视作者反馈、对优秀稿件及作者的鼓励政策。  相似文献   

长尾理论对药学期刊作者队伍建设的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张静  黄文龙 《编辑学报》2010,22(4):297-299
利用经济学中的2个重要定律--帕累托定律和长尾理论分析药学核心科技期刊作者队伍分布的状况,并从中得到药学科技期刊作者队伍建设的启示.认为在科技期刊作者队伍建设中,科技期刊编辑应针对核心作者和潜在作者做到有所为,大有可为.从退修技巧、学术沟通、期刊网站建设、参加学术会议、构建作者档案平台等多方面出发,建设药学科技期刊作者队伍,使其日益稳定充实、发展壮大.  相似文献   

We study the effects of an article featured on the cover of the journal Nature on citations to all articles published by its authors. Based on 30 years of bibliometric data, we find that cover articles are cited significantly more than non-cover articles, with this difference being long-lasting. However, when considering all articles (past and future) by Nature authors, we find that the publication of a cover article causes citations to previous articles by its authors to decline relative to citations to articles by non-cover authors.  相似文献   

The journal impact factor is widely used as a performance indicator for single authors (despite its unsuitably in this respect). Hence, authors are increasingly exercised if there is any sign that impact factors are being manipulated. Editors who ask authors to cite relevant papers from their own journal are accused of acting unethically. This is surprising because, besides publishers, authors are the primary beneficiaries of an increased impact factor of the journal in which they publish, and because the citation process is biased anyway. There is growing evidence that quality and relevance are not always the reasons for choosing references. Authors' biases and personal environments as well as strategic considerations are major factors. As long as an editor does not force authors to cite irrelevant papers from their own journal, I consider it as a matter of caretaking for the journal and its authors if an editor brings recent papers to the authors' attention. It would be unfair to authors and disloyal to the publisher if an editor did not try to increase the impact of his/her own journal.  相似文献   

周锐  宋胜合  李晓波  王强 《编辑学报》2016,28(3):260-263
编辑的眼中不应只有“稿件”,而更应有“作者”.科技期刊编辑不仅应具备服务作者的专业素质,而且应具备良好的服务作者的意识.文章总结科技期刊编辑服务作者的特点,归纳其主要途径.这对提高科技期刊办刊质量具有一定借鉴意义.  相似文献   

引用认同—— 一个值得注意的概念   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
针对被引次数在科研影响力评估中的局限性,介绍一种不同于引文分析的引用分析方法--引用认同分析,分析引用认同的组成和特征,探讨引用认同与学术风格、引用深度的联系,然后以已故情报学家王崇德教授为例作实证分析,分析两种不同的引用认同,讨论引用认同的集中-离散分布规律等。呼唤国内情报学界更多地开展引用认同的研究与应用。  相似文献   

90����й�����ѧ�о�״������   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过对90年代初中国文献学论文发表情况的定量分析,全面剖析了文献学的发展状况。认为文献学研究正处在一个全面调整内部格局的阶段,注重从整体上研究文献的产生、分布、利用的现代文献学正在兴起,并对文献学的前景作了预测。  相似文献   


Mississippi State University (MSU) Libraries recently held its first library-centered First-Year Experience course. To develop an appealing class for first-semester students, the authors turned to game-based learning in conjunction with a portion of the school identity to teach the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy that they hoped would resonate with the students. This article discusses the games that were implemented along with the corresponding IL framework and assessment of the course. The authors were able to increase student scores from 66.4% (pretest average) to 84.31% (post-test average).  相似文献   

方红   《编辑学报》2014,26(5):462-463
目前,国内期刊社关于论文作者稿酬的支付没有统一的标准,有的期刊社不支付稿酬,有的期刊社稿酬支付仍然沿用1999年发布的《出版文字作品报酬规定》,还有些期刊社采取优稿优酬制度,导致作者意见较多。为了更加公平合理地给期刊论文作者支付稿酬,建议国内期刊社可采用基本稿酬+被引频次支付部分稿酬的办法,并就其依据、实施方法、统计被引频次时间范围、不同期刊引用区别对待及其应用的可行性进行分析总结。  相似文献   


Bibliografiia, founded in 1929, is the oldest professional journal in Russia. The author, its editor-in-chief, discusses some important points in its past, current directions, and plans for the future. Among other future directions, the editors hope to increase the number of articles by foreign authors.  相似文献   

No Phone Zone     

This article reports the results of a survey of cell phone policies in university libraries conducted over a three-month period in 2005. The authors sought information about the libraries' problems regarding cell phone use and attendant noise by students and other library users. The authors began with an 18-question survey of one hundred libraries, with at least one library from every state. When the response was low, the authors expanded their research by looking at every library Web page that had the word “University” in its title. Finally, they contacted several larger libraries that had policies banning cell phone use altogether to see whether they worked. Most respondents found cell phone noise a problem. Most respondents indicated that public service staff and security officers enforced the policies; comments from the original survey were insightful concerning compliance solutions.  相似文献   

Authors and Open Access: Effective Ways to Achieve OA in China   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Although there are effective methods available to authors for providing open access to their work, more than half are still not doing so and provision in China is poorer than in many other countries. There are a number of issues and concerns that dissuade authors from making their work open access : some are still unaware of the concept and of the increased visibility and impact that open access brings; many are unfamiliar with open access journals and how they work; many are uninformed about self-archiving and for some of those who are aware of the possibility of providing open access by this means, concerns about copyright and technical issues remain. Yet all these worries can be addressed with simple facts that reassure and encourage authors to adopt open access to benefit themselves, their research and their teaching. There is also a wealth of resources now available to authors that provide information and advice on open access and its effects. As institutions and research funders, both with a strong interest in maximising the visibility and impact of research they support, begin to develop formal policies on open access, models for its provision are emerging. The optimal model is a network of institution-based open access repositories from which content can be harvested by open access search engines ( the basic' no frills' variant) or by service providers who add functionality or selectivity to provide users with value-enhanced products.  相似文献   

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