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蔡海燕  王赋  姜扬丰 《大众科技》2005,(9):93-93,95
文章介绍了快速成形技术的优点、原理和分类,以及国内外RO技术的现状.  相似文献   

从技术整合看技术创新   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在产品创新的整个过程中,面向新产品创新的技术整合能力与面向制造流程的技术整合能力不强己成为制约我国制造业提高国际竞争力的两大瓶颈,同时也成为新产品开发全过程中急需跨越的两大鸿沟.技术整合已成为我国制造业技术创新和提高竞争力的必由之路.对国外技术整合的现状进行了介绍,并对我国技术整合的必要性及技术整合与技术创新的关系进行了分析.  相似文献   

介绍了快速成形技术的起源和特点,并对几种典型的快速成形工艺进行了比较。最后讨论了引入快速成形技术后的产品开发模式及其在产品开发中的作用。  相似文献   

我国快速成形制造技术的发展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋天虎 《学会》2001,(6):3-4
快速成形制造(RPM)技术是国外80年代后期发展起来的一门新兴技术.RPM技术尽管发展的时间不长,但发展速度很快,而且从其重要性和对制造业的推动作用来看越来越受到人们的关注.RPM技术是由CAD模型直接驱动的快速制造任意复杂形状的3维实体的技术,是机械工程、CAD、NC、激光、材料等多学科相互渗透与交叉的产物.可以说,它是自动地、快速地、准确地将设计思想物化为具有一定功能的原型或直接制造出零件(包括模具)的技术,是制造技术的一次新的变革.当前,RPM技术的研究方向主要集中在理论、方法、材料、制造技术与生物工程等,领域跨度很大.其核心是基于数字化的新型的成形技术,因此,RPM技术是信息技术和传统制造业的有机结合,或者说对传统制造业的改造或提升有很好的促进作用.  相似文献   

通过增加行业技术密集度和技术差距变量,本文将南北技术框架下的创新与增长模型延伸到行业层面,由此讨论了行业技术特征对知识产权保护技术创新效应的影响。结果表明:行业特征的异质使得知识产权保护的技术创新效应呈现差异,高技术密集度行业对知识产权保护更加敏感,而随着行业技术差距的缩小,知识产权保护地技术创新效应会越发明显。运用1995-2011年中国高技术产业19个细分行业数据的实证研究也较好地支持了上述结论。因此,有别于现有的"一刀切"的知识产权保护传统,本文将19个行业按技术特征分为四组,提出基于行业技术特征的差异化的知识产权保护政策。  相似文献   

近年来,集中先进的激光技术,粉体技术和计算机控制技术的选择性激光烧结(Selec Live Laser Sintering,简称SLS)工艺日渐成熟,SLS无需模具就可将金属和非金属粉末直接逐层烧结成近净形致密零件,具有成形灵活性强,周期短,原料广泛等特点,在汽车、造船、机械、航空与航天等诸多领域逐渐得到广泛应用,成为当前成形技术中的一个研究热点和极具发展潜力的前沿技术该文简要介绍了SLS技术的基本工作原理及工艺过程,以及近年来的研究进展和工程应用情况,并着重讨论了粉末物性等因素对SLS质量的影响。  相似文献   

所谓创新集群(cluster)是J.Schumpeter在创新理论的研究中首先发现的,技术创新具有在一定的时间和空间成群出现的特性.在他之后的许多学者对这一理论进行大量研究.尽管理论界对集群理论有了很好的阐释.但是,现有的创新集群理论没有从技术群体结构方面,对各种不同层次的技术进行更深入的分析、从技术群体的动态发展的角度提出集群创新的动态模型,从而无法把握创新集群的时机和按不同情况促进创新集群的手段.  相似文献   

技术发明与技术创新是技术活动不可缺少的两个部分,技术发明创造和积累知识,技术创新把这些知识成果转化为现实生产力。现有的技术史研究只注重技术发明史而忽视技术创新史的研究,因而是片面的。只有技术创新史的研究,才能说明技术发明得以流传的深层次原因。技术创新史的研究包括对技术创新通史、技术创新国别史、技术创新断代史和技术创新专门史的研究。  相似文献   

随着我国经济和科技的发展,市场竞争日趋激烈,产品更新换代加速,能否对市场需求快速响应,关系到民族制造业的生存.快速成形技术就是因应这种发展而产生的一种先进制造技术.通过描述快速成形技术的产生及发展过程中的情况和技术特色,讲述了科技创新中的一些基本思路和方法,探讨了社会需求是科技创新的直接动力,多学科交叉渗透是科技创新的途径,逆向思维和发散思维是科学思维的主要思维形式及科技发展趋势等问题.  相似文献   

企业技术创新的主要特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

金融发展的内涵包括金融规模、银行业结构、金融生态环境3个主要方面,从这3个角度剖析金融发展对技术创新的作用机理。基于我国30个省份的面板数据,利用因子分析法衡量各省份技术创新能力,比较不同地区技术创新水平的差异;基于因子分析结果,建立全国范围、东部、中部、西部地区的静态面板模型,比较分析不同地区的金融发展对技术创新的影响及成因。研究结果表明:(1)我国金融发展与技术创新水平均呈上升趋势,但区域之间存在差异且发展水平为东部中部西部;(2)发展良好的金融体系能够促进技术创新;(3)股票市场的发展相比商业银行规模的扩大更有利于技术创新;(4)银行业竞争程度越低越不利于技术创新水平的提高;(5)信用环境的改善能够显著推动技术创新;(6)外资投入带来的技术外溢未能被当地企业"消化吸收",且这种作用在东部地区较中、西部地区更为明显。  相似文献   

论技术创新的动力机制与期望理论   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文在分析已提出的技术创新动力模式的基础上,提出了技术创新的期望理论。该理论认为,技术创新动力=技术创新产生的效益×成功的概率。  相似文献   

Recent studies have advocated different technological innovation capabilities (TICs) and discussed their impact on a firm’s competitive performance. This paper introduces a study framework of innovation audit and examines the relevance of seven TICs to building and sustaining the competitiveness of Chinese firms. Empirical data was acquired through a recent study of 213 Chinese firms in Beijing, China. Regression analysis was employed to examine the correlation between TICs and innovation rate, sales growth, and product competitiveness among these firms. The findings verify that R&D and resources allocation capabilities are the two most important TICs. A strong R&D capability could safeguard innovation rate and product competitiveness in large and medium-sized firms, whereas a resources allocation capability would enhance the sales growth in small firms. However, the impact of learning and organising capabilities on a firm’s innovation performance has yet to be investigated.The findings of this paper suggest that Chinese firms should consider a more balanced focus on their TICs’ harmonising enhancement. In order to maintain their sustainable development, effectively plan and implement their innovation strategies as well as enhance their whole innovation capability, Chinese firms should closely relate their TICs to the formulation of technology strategy and harmonisation of innovation and R&D activities.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(9):103802
Technological imitation may play a crucial role in motivating firms to innovate. However, theoretical predictions and empirical findings on the role of imitation have not yet reached a consensus. One major gap in the previous studies is that the empirical tests are based on samples consisting of only one industry over a short period of time. This study uses a novel measure of industry-level technological imitation proxied by quick citations by competitors to examine the relationship between imitation and innovation. Using US patent data for the period 1977–2005, we find that there are inverted U-shaped relationships between the degree of industry-level technological imitation and industry-level innovation activities and between the degree of industry-level technological imitation and the value of firm-level innovation. Our results suggest that positive externalities from the interactions among firms during the innovation process outweigh the negative effects of free-riding concerns on firms’ innovation activities and incentives to innovate up to a high degree of technological imitation, while free-riding concerns outweigh the positive externalities when the level of technological imitation is extremely high. The sector-by-sector analyses show that the relationship between technological imitation and the quantity and market value of innovation are not very different across Pavitt sectors. A comparative analysis on the role of imitation between agglomerated and non-agglomerated industries suggests that the positive effect of a moderate level of imitation and the negative effect of an excessive level of imitation are more pronounced for agglomerated industries. The results suggest that creating innovation clusters, such as Silicon Valley in the United States and Shenzhen City in China, and allowing different innovators to cooperate, imitate and compete with each other would be very effective in promoting corporate innovation. However, an excessively high level of technological imitation is more detrimental for firms in innovation clusters because it lowers those firms’ incentives to innovate more radically.  相似文献   

采用扎根理论并借助Nvivo10质性分析软件,深入剖析高校科技创新能力的内涵与外延,在定性分析的基础上结合概念、范畴的定量分布特征,制定出一个包含91个概念20个范畴及8个主范畴、4个核心范畴的评价模型,并根据三级编码过程中参考点与材料来源的数量分布拟定各主范畴与核心范畴的权重系数,以期为高校科技创新能力的评价提供有益参考。  相似文献   

基于TRIZ理论面向企业技术创新平台的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在介绍TRIZ理论及其应用的基础上,分析了基于TRIZ理论面向企业技术创新平台的内涵和建设目标与原则,探讨了基于TRIZ理论面向企业技术创新平台的基本结构和各子平台的功能,以期为产学研合作创新平台的建构提供具体的思路,加强学校与企业科技创新的合作与交流。  相似文献   

This research has endeavoured to build on earlier research on the relationship between a firm's technological resources and the direction of its diversification, by trying to confirm the endogeneity of this relationship and by addressing the influence of innovation on the choice of the mode of diversification. Based on a sample of Spanish firms, our results suggest that innovation drives diversification, but not the reverse. The second important finding of this research is the empirical confirmation that knowledge assets are not related to the diversification mode.  相似文献   

构建交叉融合科技创新体系是实现技术融合和创新驱动协调发展的必要条件。基于区域创新系统理论,从体系创新主体和运行过程出发,对现阶段我国交叉融合科技创新体系的发展现状与存在问题进行剖析,在此基础上提出包含基础环境、组织保障、工作运行在内的分系统交叉融合科技创新体系构建思路与对策建议,进一步推动交叉融合科技创新体系高效、顺畅运行。  相似文献   

This study examines technological capability accumulation and the Brazilian rice industry's technological trajectory. Multiple case design was chosen, with an analysis of seven firms involved in the Brazilian rice industry. The results indicate three factors: The first was the identification of technological landmarks for firms in this sector (peeling and polishing, electronic grain selection, electronic packaging, use of forklifts and palletizers, and Industry 4.0). The second is related to the fact that different firms implemented innovative activities and technologies at different speeds, originating from the sector's different technological trajectories. The third is associated with identifying activities within the Brazilian rice industry that can be generalized to other food industries. These results have implications for formulating public policies in the sector, such as creating producer support mechanisms (research and technology transfer institutions), qualification of professionals, and encouragement for economic efficiency and competition.  相似文献   

Technological acquisitions have become a popular complement to internal innovation in order to overcome the time-compression diseconomies of internal innovation. As such, acquisition success greatly depends on the expeditious leveraging of target knowledge. Confounding our understanding of leveraging target knowledge is that targets play two distinct innovative roles post-acquisition: conduct innovative activities in conjunction with acquirers (integrative innovation) and continue innovative activities independent of acquirers (independent innovation). To understand how factors differentially affect these two types of innovation, I connect two disparate concepts: relative absorptive capacity and selective intervention. I develop theory and find evidence that while relative absorptive capacity creates the communication capabilities that accelerate integrative innovation, it simultaneously deteriorates the information asymmetries between targets and acquirers leading to greater opportunities for acquirer intervention into target innovative activities that delay independent innovation.  相似文献   

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