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多元智能理论和全纳教育理论是21世纪最受人们关注的教育理论,在教学中应予以重视。如何在多元智能理论下进行高师全纳课堂教学是值得研究的问题。高师院校是培养中小学教师的摇篮,只有把高师院校的学生培养成合格的全纳教师,才能使他们在将来成为合格的中小学全纳教师,因此在高师院校进行全纳教育有着特殊的意义。笔者重点阐述了全纳教育教学理论的系统化、教学策略的多样化、教学评价的多元化等几个方面。  相似文献   

论全纳教育的教育原则   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
要实施全纳性教育 ,就须遵循全纳教育的基本原则 :主体性原则、教育正常化原则、早期干预原则、成功教育原则、平等教育原则、系统教育原则、个别化教育原则等。当前推进全纳性教育还存在许多问题 ,因此必须形成关于全纳性教育的系统理论 ,在全纳性教育的原则指导下 ,推进全纳性教育改革。  相似文献   

在理念层面上,全纳教育将教育从"什么知识最有价值"的价值判断维度,转移到"谁的知识最有价值"的价值判断维度上来,体现了教育知识观的根本变革。在课堂教学实践层面上,全纳教育主张建立基于个体的、发展性的、关系型课堂,注重调动各方面的积极因素、加强对学生的行为控制。知识经济时代的到来,使全纳教育进入一个机遇与挑战并存的时代。  相似文献   

进城务工人员子女教育问题的提出,是由我国流动人口的现状决定的,他们是我国任何一座城市都无法回避的一个特殊群体.全纳教育的民主、平等和“零拒绝“原则使我们再次意识到进城务工人员子女教育所面临的迫切性、复杂性和严峻性.进城务工人员要想获得相当的公民权利和民主权利,真正迈入全纳社会,我们还有很长的路要走.  相似文献   

作为教育新思潮的全纳教育理念正契合了我国当前基础教育改革的基本要求,在教学过程中贯彻与实施全纳教育,不但能够更好地体现教育的公平性,而且重视学生的个体差异,使教育更具针对性和发展性。建构主义教学理论、多元智能理论和因材施教原则是全纳教育理念的重要理论基础,以“水的组成”为例剖析了教学目标确定、教学过程设计和教学评价的制订,目的在于促进全体学生的全面发展。  相似文献   

论全纳性教育课堂教学资源的有效利用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
全纳性教育课堂教学对象存在的客观性、广泛性决定了在教学过程中只有合理、有效地利用教学资源,才能在最大程度上开发所有学生尤其是特殊需要学生的个性潜能,使它们获得全面和谐的发展。全纳性教育课堂教学资源的有效利用,能在一定程度上为全纳教育课堂教学顺利实施提供一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

随着大量农村剩余劳动力进城务工就业,进城务工人员子女教育问题日趋突出,从根本上讲是我国现行的城乡二元化的户籍管理制度与以地方为主的义务教育的财政投入体制的产物。全纳教育的民主、平等和“零拒绝”原则,使我们再次意识到进城务工人员子女教育问题的迫切性、复杂性和严峻性。全纳教育、金纳学校、全纳社会的一系列构想也为我们解决进城务工人员子女教育问题提供了有力的支撑。  相似文献   

在中国发展全纳性教育   总被引:6,自引:10,他引:6  
特殊教育在过去的两个世纪的发展中经历了四个发展阶段。目前特殊教育已经成为一个国家发展水平的标志而倍受重视。“特殊教育”由过去的为少数儿童服务的教育正发展成为为每一个儿童的“特殊需要教育”。在正常化原则、全面参与社会原则的推动下,特殊教育与普通教育结合起来,成为一体化教育。一体化教育又称为残儿童随班就读,在中国已走过了充满活力的十年。现在一体化教育的更进一步发展成为全纳性教育。全纳性教育可以分解为全纳教育体系、全纳性学校、全纳性课堂。在中国的教育界引起重视并发展起来。  相似文献   

全纳教育是21世纪世界教育的重大发展趋势。本文在解读全纳教育定义与本质特征的基础上,分析体育课堂教学中的全纳教育,旨在将全纳教育的思想应用到学校体育教学活动的实践当中,促进学校体育教学科学、全面的发展。  相似文献   

全纳教育有狭义和广义的区分。狭义上的全纳教育,是主张把特殊儿童接纳到普通学校,并通过特殊儿童对各种文化、课程、社区活动的积极参与,使他们最大限度地融入到普通学校。广义上的全纳教育,所关注的不仅仅是一部分特殊儿童,而且包括所有的儿童。从广义的全纳教育的理念出发,从入学机会均等、幼儿园课程的构建、幼儿活动组织三个方面简述了对落实全纳教育理念的思考。  相似文献   

客观性教学原则是第二语言课堂教学组织原则中的一条重要原则。其必要性表现为 :课堂教学中的文化差异要求客观性原则 ;作为第二语言教学目的语的汉语使用现状要求客观性原则 ;教师队伍的现状要求客观性原则 ;第二语言学习者的复杂性要求教师对学生的评价坚持客观性原则。坚持客观性原则就是避免课堂教学中的主观随意性和母语教学对第二语言教学的负面影响  相似文献   

The middle level classroom presents unique challenges to educators who strive to provide opportunities that acknowledge learner diversity in terms of social, cognitive, physical, and emotional development. This is confounded even further within inclusive middle-school classrooms where the responsibility to differentiate instruction is even more critical. One way to meet the needs of all students is through cooperative grouping. Through cooperative grouping, middle-level educators can differentiate instruction and promote active learning by leveraging the naturally social nature of young adolescents. In this article, the authors present research on cooperative grouping as well as several considerations for effectively designing and implementing cooperative grouping for middle-level learners in an inclusive setting. Suggestions and examples with regard to group size, membership, group structure and roles, and classroom management and clear expectations are provided. Additionally, the four-clue group strategy is presented as a specific instructional method to support effective group learning experiences in the inclusive middle-level classroom.  相似文献   

The flipped classroom is a teaching methodology that has gained recognition in primary, secondary and higher education settings. The flipped classroom inverts traditional teaching methods, delivering lecture instruction outside class, and devoting class time to problem solving, with the teacher's role becoming that of a learning coach and facilitator. This methodology provides an avenue for more hands‐on and student‐driven learning during class time. The benefits of a flipped classroom include increased student motivation, differentiating instruction, self‐pacing lessons and mastery learning, increased collaboration and instant feedback for formative assessment. Although limited research has been conducted regarding students with learning difficulties in inclusive settings using a flipped learning model, initial research indicates flipping a classroom can be beneficial. Information is provided on inclusive practices from numerous countries that are beneficial to students with learning difficulties, as well as strategies and resources for individuals who may want to implement a flipped classroom.  相似文献   

理论联系实际是马克思主义哲学的基本特征,马克思主义哲学原理教学的最有效的方法是理论联系实际。理论联系实际的做法是多种多样的,在课堂教学中主要是把与学生生活经验相联系的、与社会历史实际紧密结合的知识引入课堂,用实际材料引出哲理、印证哲理、化解哲理的难度,加深对哲理的认识并运用哲理分析实际材料。  相似文献   

Differentiated instruction is a proactive teaching model and philosophy with demonstrated potential to cater for diverse learners and create inclusive classrooms. There is little research, however, into the implementation of this approach in the senior secondary classroom. Teachers’ implementation of differentiated instruction has been shown to be linked to teacher attitudes and self-efficacy in other settings. This study investigated the impact of teachers’ self-efficacy and attitudes towards the implementation of differentiated instruction in the senior secondary context across two Australian states with a total of five participating teachers. The A (Affective) B (Behaviour) C (Cognitive) model was employed to define teacher attitudes from interviews concerning differentiated instruction. Findings indicated that teacher knowledge was a major factor influencing differentiation, in addition to attitude and self-efficacy. The discourse analysis demonstrated that teachers held a greater knowledge of differentiation strategies than the concepts that underpin the differentiated instruction framework. Additionally, time constraints and feelings of failure in implementing differentiation strategies impacted teacher attitudes. Teacher knowledge, attitude and self-efficacy were interrelated and impacted on teachers’ implementation of differentiated instruction in the senior secondary classroom. Implications for professional development to address student needs through differentiated instruction in the inclusive senior secondary classroom teacher are discussed.  相似文献   

在新课程改革进程中,课堂演示试验仍然是一种重要的课堂教学手段。通过演示实验可以帮助学生形成生物学概念,进一步理解和掌握生物学知识。教师在使用演示实验进行教学活动时,应在新的课程理念指导下,注意把握演示实验的应用原则及要点,充分利用每个演示实验,提高课堂教学效率。  相似文献   

Koomen’s study of Wizard—an articulate, inquisitive, energetic seventh grader with a penchant for science—adversely juxtaposed his learning-centered identity with classroom experiences that marginalized him. I claim in my response that critical commentary about Wizard’s race is germane to any analysis of his experiences, as participation in an inclusive science classroom can be conceptualized as a racialized form of experience. My paper contributes a counternarrative to deficit normalizations of African American children—including students identified with exceptionalities—by rendering the inequities of differentiated instruction visible and theorizing about how this approach restricted Wizard’s learning and participation by positioning him as low status and less competent. I discuss four reasons why the strategy of differentiated instruction is ideologically opposed to goals for equitable classrooms and argue that this model invites reproductions of status orderings from the larger society into the classroom. I conclude with recommendations for an equity pedagogy through Complex Instruction developed inside teacher community as a viable alternative for this work.  相似文献   

The incidence of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is increasing in the United States. The rate of diagnosis, combined with the trend towards more inclusive classrooms, means that general education teachers will most likely be teaching some students with ASD. In their teacher preparation course in special education, pre-service teachers learned about characteristics of students with ASD by reading literature with positive portrayals of individuals with ASD. In conjunction, pre-service teachers received instruction on teaching strategies to use in the classroom for students with ASD. By combining good literature with instruction in inclusive teaching practices, teacher educators can model the use of disability literature in the classroom to the benefit of all students.  相似文献   

课堂教学是最普遍的教学组织形式之一,当前存在6个薄弱之处,这是需要研究解决的重点问题。课堂教学设计是上好课的前提,教材是课堂教学最主要的依据。课堂教学评估要坚持过程、方法、效果相统一的原则。改革的方向是突出职业性。  相似文献   

课堂评价作为一种典型的形成性评价,与学校的教学和学生的学习有着紧密的关系,当前在我国教育领域内却备受冷落。本次国际研讨会从课堂评价、课程标准与外部考试一致性;课堂评价设计和实施的理论和技术;学习进展、学生发展与课堂评价系统的设计;课堂评价与教师专业发展;促进学习的课堂评价:学校经验报告等五个方面进行了深入研讨,以期引起教育领域内对课堂评价的关注,提升课堂评价的研究质量,促进学生学习和发展。  相似文献   

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