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Researchers in the area of educational effectiveness should attempt to develop a new theoretical framework. A critical analysis of the current models of educational effectiveness research is provided and reveals that a dynamic model of effectiveness must: (a) be multilevel in nature, (b) be based on the assumption that the relation of some effectiveness factors with achievement may be curvilinear, (c) illustrate the dimensions upon which the measurement of each effectiveness factor should be based, and (d) define relations among the effectiveness factors. In principle, each factor that refers to the classroom, school, and system, can be measured by taking into account five dimensions: frequency, focus, stage, quality, and differentiation. Examples of measuring effectiveness factors operating at different levels using these 5 dimensions are given. More attention in describing in detail factors associated with teacher behaviour in the classroom is given, since this is seen as the starting point for the development and the testing of the dynamic model. Finally, suggestions for the next steps in the development of other parts of the model are provided.  相似文献   

Through processes that originated in the eighteenth century-but were greatly accelerated by Brahmin academics at the end of the nineteenth-a separation has developed between literacy instruction in the schools and the literacy needs of the competent citizen. Formal reading instruction today is primarily oriented toward understanding and appreciation of fine literature. Non-fiction materials are treated as unpleasant and boorish intruders into the otherwise serene, romantic kingdom of plot, character, and author's viewpoint. A single impotent strategem centering on rapid skimming with rereading is usually suggested for all non-fiction, be it math story problem, cooking recipe, or biological exposition. The result of this disparity, as revealed by the more valid components of various national literacy surveys, is the ever apparent chasm between competency needs and literacy instruction, a chasm that can be crossed only through a reorientation of literacy training toward the true needs of society.  相似文献   

日语专业毕业论文校企合作联合指导模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毕业论文是学生在校学习的最后阶段,也是对学生的知识、能力和素质进行综合检验的有效手段之一,是学生学士学位资格认定的重要依据。在对4所高校日语毕业论文工作的实施情况进行了调查和分析的基础之上,尝试设计了符合日语专业的校企合作联合指导模式,旨在为同行提供参考。  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between shared governance and one school district’s (in)ability to advance educational equity. Specifically, we consider the district’s policies, discourse, and practice around equity within the context of site-based management and shared decision making. We suggest that if equity is indeed a major district responsibility, then it seems inconsistent to leave equity at the mercy of shared governance and occasional externally-imposed mandates because most individual school leaders and educators are not currently taking up this agenda or implementing changes that would result in equitable education. Thus, our work suggests that progress toward educational equity may best be achieved through top-down, directive leadership in districts.  相似文献   

Voice is co-constructed, a result of the “text-mediated interaction between the writer and the reader.” The present study, using the context of U.S. college writing, explores the complicated process by which an L2 novice writer—one who has a growing awareness of, yet peripheral access to, discourse practices—constructs a voice. Through interviews and a close analysis of a text, a comparison is made between the voice the L2 writer wished to project in an assigned paper and the voice constructed by two readers in the course of their anonymous readings of the paper. The significant gap between the L2 writer’s aims and the readers’ responses suggests that a writer’s view of her voice stems from the ways in which she conceptualizes discourse conventions, in association with her particular linguistic, social, and cultural background. The pedagogical implications of the L2 writer’s process of negotiating identity, and her struggles to learn discourse expectations, are discussed.  相似文献   

In this article, I argue that when design and intervention are central to the research process, context as a construct is problematized. How we define context can facilitate or impede our ability to construct rich and veridical accounts of learning. A design stance may predispose us to less profitable notions of context. I present the advantages of design-based research for understanding how to enact novel forms of learning and for understanding the means through which this learning occurs. I discuss the characteristics of a design focus that threaten the efficacy of the research and illustrate this with a case example. I conclude with implications for challenging, but more amenable, ways of conceptualizing context.  相似文献   

小学数学课堂教学生活化探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

教学理想与现实的冲突:理解与超越   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
走进中小学校,倾听教师心声的同时,也反思自己作为教师所走过的教学历程,我常常有一种难以名状的复杂心情。仔细想,其实每年都有一大批怀着对教学的美好理想走上讲台的青年教师,他们信心十足地想用自己的教学理念把自己塑造成一个有自己教学方式,尊重、热爱学生,又受到学生爱戴的好教师。可是,一年又一年,随着岁月的流逝,又有多少教师为了生存逐渐地屈从于学校规矩,最后“入乡随俗”,失去了教学的应有理想,过着没有激情的教学生活。这似乎是一个永恒的怪圈。要走出这一怪圈,不仅需要教师付出艰苦的努力,更需要学校、家庭乃至全社会的深刻理…  相似文献   

Few studies have examined the impact of mastery learning on mastery goal structures or even on students’ motivation more generally. In this study, we examined one middle school that implemented a schoolwide mastery learning system, conducting interviews with a sample of administrators (n = 3), teachers (n = 4), and students (n = 9) to determine how the system was envisioned by the school leadership, implemented by the teaching staff, and perceived by the students. We used deductive qualitative analysis (DQA) to determine visions, practices, and perceptions aligned with achievement goal theory. Results indicated that evaluation practices have the greatest potential to undermine other positive motivational impacts of mastery learning–based instruction. Implications and transferability for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

校企合作专业建设模式的主要类型有:合作就业模式、校企协同模式、引企入校模式及校企一体模式。这四种模式在合作维度、目标一致性、合作体制、运行机制及主要教学模式诸方面各有特性。本文以江西交通职业技术学院为例探讨校企合作专业建设模式实践:校企协同模式实践,即订单培养驱动,校企协同育人;引企入校模式实践,即企业入驻校园,校企密切互动;校企一体模式实践,即专业企业一体,生产教学融合。  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - Research examining the relationship between science and religion has often painted a narrative of conflict for students with various religious beliefs. The purpose...  相似文献   

高中作文教学虽说又出现了一些新问题,但大多数还是一些久研不决的老问题。陶行知的生活教育理论仍是破解当前高中语文教学难题的最佳选择,在教学中,我们可以引导学生进行生活化作文,启发学生生活化作文的意识,优化生活化作文训练的内容和形式。当然,教师也要深化生活化作文教学研究.进一步推进高中作文教学改革。  相似文献   

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