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一、AneffectualwayofmotivationItiscommontosaythatateachingmethodisal soavitalaspectforagoodteacherbesideshiswideknowledge.NowadaysmoreandmoreEnglishteach ershaverealizedtheimportanceofthisproblemssothattheyhavebeenmakingtheireffortstoreformthetraditiona…  相似文献   

Through a focused discussion on literature and the reading of texts, this essay explores the cultures and histories students bring into the classroom. I investigate how students approach school and home literacies. At the heart of this research is (some) Muslim male students’ perception of reading and literacy, their sense of what English is and what schooling has to offer them. It aims to understand the complex relationship between curriculum knowledge and out-of-school knowledge.  相似文献   

“终身学习”已成为当前国际成人教育领域的一项重要议题;从“终身教育”到“终身学习”的转变代表了成人教育发展观念的一次根本性变革。后现代知识观为这一变革提供了内部逻辑需求;全球化过程的持续推进则为这一变革提供了外部动力。  相似文献   

我国公民社会的兴起呼唤具有公民意识的现代公民。鉴于我国大学生公民意识的培育还面临着基础比较脆弱、培育体系不健全、培育环境不完善、培育方法不得当等诸多困境,大学生公民意识的培育应该通过多元途径:高校思想政治理论课教学和以政府为主导规划设计的公民教育体制,同时还应该注重大学生的自我教育。  相似文献   

Changes in global patterns of residence mean that preschool teachers welcome immigrant children and families into preschools in increasing numbers. Many teachers report both anticipation and apprehension about having immigrant children in the classroom. Apprehension is related to concerns about a lack of enough knowledge about languages and cultures to sensitively work with children and families. To overcome apprehensions and challenges, teachers are encouraged to learn from the work of other adults. This study builds upon research that suggests that teachers can also look to the children as a source of knowledge. The purpose of this study was to explore how preschool immigrant children might use a disposable camera to communicate with their teachers. The participants of this qualitative study were immigrant and native-born students in a local preschool. Each child was given a disposable camera, instruction about taking photographs and the request to take pictures of what was important to them. Data were collected by recording each child telling the teacher about the pictures. Data were analyzed for themes, patterns and categories. Findings indicated that the messages that the children conveyed to their teachers included important information about language development and family cultural identity. Findings also identify teacher strategies that helped and hindered child ability to communicate during the photo-narration process. An implication of the study was a shift of child agency within the teacher child relationship during photo-narration activity.  相似文献   

试论"因材施教"的现代诠释在教学实践中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"因材施教"始于孔子,发展于王守仁、陶行知.进入现代,"教"被赋予了新的涵义."材"不仅被理解为学生,而且被理解为教材.文章从教学过程的三个基本因素出发探讨如何将"因材施教"原则贯彻到教育实践中,调和三因素之间的矛盾,促进教学的发展.学生方面从认知水平、生理、智能、气质、个性的角度谈如何"因材施教".教材方面从知识分类的角度来谈,主要针对陈述性知识、程序性知识、策略性知识、辨别性知识的特点,制定相应的教学策略.  相似文献   

The purpose of Science in Action (SIA) was to examine the relationship between implementing quality science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) service-learning (SL) projects and the effect on students' academic engagement in middle school science, civic responsibility, and resilience to at-risk behaviors. The innovative project funded by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) included 6,000+ middle school at-risk students (eligible for at least 50% free or reduced-cost lunch), 126 science teachers who integrated STEM problem-based SL pedagogy into science instruction to teach students to solve real problems in schools and communities. The project involved 20 schools and communities with assistance from 120 community partners. Participants completed pre- and post-SL surveys on academic engagement, civic responsibility, and resilience; qualitative data were collected from journals, interviews, focus groups, observations, and field notes. Results highlight exemplary SL projects that demonstrated increased student academic engagement and achievement for students living in high poverty areas with potential at-risk behavior. Implications for future research and educational practices are discussed.  相似文献   

Educators around the world participate in virtual communities, social media sites, and online networks in order to gain support and ideas for improving their practice. Many researchers have explored how and why teachers participate in these online spaces; however, there is limited research on how participation might impact teaching and learning. This study was designed to examine how K–12 teachers' participation in the Edmodo math subject community, an informal online space for educators, shaped their learning and practice. Data were collected through an online survey of 150 participants and in-depth, follow-up interviews with 10 participants. Three themes emerged from the participants' responses: motivation, empowerment, and innovation. The participants were motivated to spend time learning how to improve their practice, they felt empowered to make changes to their practice, and they believed they were able to adopt innovative, student-centered practices. Implications and ideas for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

世界佛学苑图书馆依托董事会筹集运行经费,并持续获得了足够的发展经费,促进了我国近代佛教图书馆经费运行体制的近代化转型。文章简要探讨了世界佛学苑图书馆的经费来源和经费构成,并进一步分析了其经费分配和使用的特点。  相似文献   

学生正确的人生观特别是正直品质的形成 ,首先要靠老师言传身教 ,其次 ,建氛围、搞活动、拓环境都是必须相应跟上的措施。  相似文献   

学生在长期的传授教育中没有形成自主学习的习惯,需通过预习、课堂教学的"过程与方法"、课外阅读来培养,使学生获得终身学习和发展的能力.  相似文献   

学风建设是高校教育改革与发展的永恒主题,是高校培养高素质人才的重要保证。本文从高校学风的现状入手,阐明了学风建设在学生教育管理工作中的重要性,并着重从高校学生教育管理工作与学风建设有机结合的角度,提出了有针对性地措施,创建优良学风,提高高校教育教学质量。  相似文献   

如何提高学生学习计算机课的兴趣   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中等职业学校计算机基础教育,应更多地侧重于培养学生计算机的应用能力。在实际的教学过程中我们发现,目前计算机教学中存在着许多不尽人意之处。如果还采用陈旧的教学方法和教学内容,学生容易感到枯燥乏味,失去学习的兴趣。因此,改革课程体系和学习模式,提高学生学习计算机课的积极性,是当前需要解决的首要问题。  相似文献   

Walls  Jeff 《The Urban Review》2021,53(5):761-784
The Urban Review - Misalignments in caring between home and school can often be a source of alienation for minoritized students. This study explores how African immigrant middle school students at...  相似文献   

知识全球化引发出对作为知识根据与基础的形而上学问题的激烈讨论。尽管各个民族形而上学的超越性相同,但思维方式、语言表达及其道德伦理目标不尽相同。如何在新一轮的知识论研究中更深入地触及这一哲学主题,不仅标志着东西方文化新一轮的思想碰撞,更是哲学以生存方式为新视角的中西哲学比较主题的理论创新。  相似文献   

随着人类迈向知识经济时代步伐的加快,人们对知识的重要性的理解和认识也在逐步深入,甚至有些观念发生了根本的改变,这就要求人们及时调整学习理念,以适应这一知识观的变化,尤其是那些正在求知的道路上跋涉的大学生更应如此。  相似文献   

Problem-Based Learning: What and How Do Students Learn?   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Problem-based approaches to learning have a long history of advocating experience-based education. Psychological research and theory suggests that by having students learn through the experience of solving problems, they can learn both content and thinking strategies. Problem-based learning (PBL) is an instructional method in which students learn through facilitated problem solving. In PBL, student learning centers on a complex problem that does not have a single correct answer. Students work in collaborative groups to identify what they need to learn in order to solve a problem. They engage in self-directed learning (SDL) and then apply their new knowledge to the problem and reflect on what they learned and the effectiveness of the strategies employed. The teacher acts to facilitate the learning process rather than to provide knowledge. The goals of PBL include helping students develop 1) flexible knowledge, 2) effective problem-solving skills, 3) SDL skills, 4) effective collaboration skills, and 5) intrinsic motivation. This article discusses the nature of learning in PBL and examines the empirical evidence supporting it. There is considerable research on the first 3 goals of PBL but little on the last 2. Moreover, minimal research has been conducted outside medical and gifted education. Understanding how these goals are achieved with less skilled learners is an important part of a research agenda for PBL. The evidence suggests that PBL is an instructional approach that offers the potential to help students develop flexible understanding and lifelong learning skills.  相似文献   

In a context of financial restraint and enterprising university managers, teacher-researchers have reason to be sceptical about the trend towards online teaching and away from learning for its own sake. This article departs from both economic and technological determinism and turns instead to ideas about technology embedded in social and political institutions. Activity theory offers a useful means of analysing such embeddedness. Its Marxian assumptions about human nature specify a non-deterministic approach to technology. Its dynamic model of the subjects, tools, and objects of activity within a context of rules, a community, and a division of labour helps to specify aspects of the authors process of learning how to use electronic conferencing effectively. A full deployment of activity theory would also analyse the activity of students. Here the evidence comes mainly from the activity of researcher-teachers engaging greater activity among students. The numbers of students involved precludes reliable quantitative analysis but qualitative evidence from students does support conclusions about researcher-teachers learning how to make best use of electronic conferencing.Dr Andrew Vandenberg is a senior Lecturer in Politics at Deakin University, Australia. The conclusion of the research in this paper was assisted by a small grant from the Teaching and Learning Unit in the Faculty of Arts at Deakin University, led by Associate Dean Kevin OToole  相似文献   

College counseling clinicians need to understand how students use technology to form, sustain, and end romantic attachments. Students now frequently incorporate aspects of these technologically based interactions, or mediated communications, into counseling sessions and often make important attributions based on them. Heavy daily use of a growing array of options includes telephonic conversations, text messaging, chat, Facebook, and e-mail. This article will provide a theoretical framework that integrates attachment and communications theory to assist college counseling clinicians to make positive therapeutic use of this remarkable shift in how students communicate in romantic (and other) relationships.  相似文献   

在教学中应根据学生的个体差异因材施教,注意发挥每个学生积极因素,使他们的能力能得到最大限度的发挥,面对后进生,应该肯定后进生也有学习动机。  相似文献   

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