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上海市普通中小学课程的基本理念是以学生发展为本,坚持全体学生的全面发展,关注学生个性的健康发展和可持续发展。倡导自主探究、实践体验、合作交流的学习方式与接受性学习方式的有机结合,倡导“做”“想”“讲”有机统一的学习过程,语文新课程强调要重视学生的活动和体验。体验性是现代学习方式的突出特征,在教学活动中,  相似文献   

论教师的生活体验写作与教师专业发展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
实现教师专业发展最重要的因素就是反思与学习。教师的生活体验写作是促成中小学教师进行有效的反思与学习的最重要的方式之一。教师的生活体验写作是一种自我存在的彰显、一种思维的训练、一种个人知识的管理、一种反思习惯的养成;教师的生活体验写作亦是一种教育科研的基本方式,这使“教师成为研究者”获得了其基本的现实性。生活体验写作是一种随机写作,要求教师保持对教育学世界的敏感性与亲切性,以质朴、简单、直接的语言及描述性语言呈现生活世界,要求教师在不断“重写”的过程中实现“描述”与“解释”的统一。通过生活体验写作,中小学教师将成为一个敏行的教育学实践者。  相似文献   

《数学课程标准》多次提到“体验”二字,足见“体验”这个刻画数学活动水平的过程性目标动词在数学教学中的重要地位。要使学生在数学活动中真正获得必需的体验,教师就应当转变陈旧的教学模式和手段,发展有助于奠定学生人格基础与学业基础的数学教学活动、策略与方式,引导学生转变学习方式,亲历“做数学”的过程,谋求数学学习的全新体验。  相似文献   

美国人大卫·科尔伯于1984年提出体验学习理论,强调学习过程中体验的核心角色和情感成分对学习的作用。长期以来,受评价方式的制约,在思想品德教学中,教师更注重知识教学,强调“双基”,教学方法单一,讲授偏多、活动偏少,形成“教师教、学生学”的课堂教学模式,难以调动学生的主动性和积极性,忽视学生情感体验,与体验学习理论背道而...  相似文献   

“亲历和体验”使综合实践活动在新课程改革中独具魅力。“亲历和体验”的过程是教师与学生共同学习活动的过程,它由单一的被动接受性学习逐渐转变为主动探究性学习,改变了学生的学习方式,也改变了教师的教学方式。学生对人生、社会以及世界的认识,不再局限于“书本世界”。  相似文献   

谷凤姣 《湖南教育》2005,(15):22-22
体悟,指的是体验和感悟。所谓体悟式学习,是指学生在教师依据教学内容和目标营造“身临其境”“绘声绘色”的体验氛围作用下,主动、自觉地通过“体验”和“内省”进行自主学习,实现知识内化的一种学习方式。在具体教学中,怎样让学生在体悟中学习呢?听中体悟。这一方式就是让学生通过听来学习数学知识。例如,教学“分数的初步认识”中“几分之一”的读法时,教师一般先是举出一个分数,如21,告诉学生:读分数时先读分母,后读分子,再范读或带读两三遍,这样的教学,学生始终处于接受式学习中。如果让学生以体悟式方式学习,则可以这样教:教师先说出…  相似文献   

我国课程改革的重点之一是促进学生学习方式的改变,《数学课程标准》明确提出了“倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式”.随着教师教学理念的转变和学生学习方式的改变,合作学习已成为我国课堂教学中一种重要的学习方式,备受广大教师的重视和推崇.  相似文献   

在外出学习时,几次听专家教授讲这样一个实例:在国外的高校中进行理论知识考查,获第一名的肯定是中国学生;而进行实际操作时,只要有一名中国学生,那么动手能力最差的肯定是他。我没有考证这个实例的真实性,但在我们教学中,过于注重书本知识的传授,忽视学生的实践体验,确实是一个不争的事实。体验学习是较高层次的自主学习方式,而学习方式的转变又是本次课程改革的显著特征。转变学习方式从根本上说就是要从传统学习方式转向现代学习方式,而现代学习方式是以弘扬人的主体性为宗旨、以促进人的可持续发展为目的,体验学习就体现了现代学习方式的突出特征,所以“体验教学”在“增强德育实效性”“优化思想品德课教学”呼声较高的今天,就显得尤其重要。怎样在思想品德课中进行“体验教学”?笔者在实践中进行了有益的探索。践——“亲历、体验、悟理”的过程, “要让孩子学会游泳必须要让孩子下水”,不能把动作与水分离,否则永远学不会游泳。(三) 主动性在体验学习的过程中,体验者的主体地位得到确立与保证,真正成为学习过程的主体。体验学习强调学生积极主动地参与,没有主动参与,就不能产生任何体验,更谈不上明理导行了。(四) 深刻性体验学习具有明显的深刻性,只有通过自身的体验才能掌握和形成,而一旦掌握和形成,就很难忘记。尤其是情感上的体验,有时是刻骨铭心、终身难忘的。(五) 社会性体验学习的根本目的是促进少年儿童的社会化。由于家庭是社会的“细胞”,成人对儿童的影响是“社会化”的主流,所以要社会化,必须做好“家庭化”。  相似文献   

小学数学新课程标准实施以来.体验学习作为一种重要的教学和学习理念。日益影响着学生的学习方式.引领着教师的教学行为。体验学习的主体是学生.老师是组织者、引导者与合作者。那么.实践教学中应让学生“体验学习”什么呢?  相似文献   

体验是一种极为重要的学习方式,是走向理解、学习建构和运用的重要路径,对培育和发展语文学科核心素养具有不可替代的重要意义。要将语文教学中的“体验”落到实处,就要抓住关键,给“体验”足够的空间,对“体验”进行精致的定制,为“体验”创设鲜活的情境。在实施体验式教学时,教师要“先行体验”,并从“先行体验”中积累经验和总结教训,以保证教学更有效地促进学生体验。  相似文献   


The authors find justification for integrating science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in the complex problems that today's students will face as tomorrow's STEM professionals. Teachers with individual subject-area specialties in the STEM content areas have limited experience in integrating STEM. In this study, the authors investigated the conceptual changes of secondary school teachers teaching domain-specific STEM courses after a week-long professional development experience integrating earthquake engineering and domain-specific concepts. They documented and then triangulated outcomes of the experience using participating teachers' concept maps and teacher-generated written materials, respectively. Statistical comparisons of participants' concept maps revealed significant increases in their overall understanding of earthquake engineering and more accurate linkages with and among science domain-specific concepts. Content analyses of teachers' learning products confirmed the concept map analysis and also provided evidence of transfer of workshop learning experiences into teacher-designed curriculum products accurately linking earthquake engineering and domain-specific STEM content knowledge.  相似文献   

This paper describes the analysis of teachers’ journal reflections during an inquiry-based professional development program. As a part of their learning experience, participants reflected on what they learned and how they learned. Progress of subject matter and pedagogical content knowledge was assessed though surveys and pre- and posttests. We found that teachers have difficulties reflecting on their learning and posing meaningful questions. The teachers who could describe how they reasoned from evidence to understand a concept had the highest learning gains. In contrast those teachers who seldom or never described learning a concept by reasoning from evidence showed the smallest learning gains. This analysis suggests that learning to reflect on one’s learning should be an integral part of teachers’ professional development experiences.  相似文献   

优质教学的教学论解读   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
余文森 《教育研究》2007,28(4):66-71
有效教学是对教学的基本要求,优质教学是追求的目标,新课程呼唤优质教学。优质教学坚持三维目标整合的整体发展观,秉承注重思维过程、生活经验、开放建构和整体联系的知识观,倡导主动性、交往性、创新性和体验性学习的学习观,要求教师由传授者走向促进者,由拥有知识到拥有智慧。优质教学的核心是学生的优质发展,而促进学生的优质发展则需要优质的知识、优质的学习和优质的教师。  相似文献   

Three propositions about quality learning when linked to the concept of graduate capability provide a framework for examining the extent to which learning outcomes are embedded within the provision of authentic learning environments, a focus on global issues, and the development of skills to support life‐long learning. A case study in nursing at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) is used to illustrate a student learning experience that addresses graduate capabilities, develops an authentic learning environment, addresses global issues, and fosters the development of skills to support life‐long learning.


Research undertaken in 2000–2001 in one modernScottish university shows that most currentuniversity teachers' conceptions of andapproaches to using the Web for learning andteaching are far removed from the concept of`networked learning'. The argument is made thatuniversity teachers' preferred approaches toteaching and learning are informed by theirconceptions of teaching and learning. Ifapproaches to using the Web are to move closerto definitions of networked learning, teachers'conceptions need to develop from instructivist,information transmission mode toconstructivist, learning facilitation mode. Therole of experience and contextual factors arediscussed in achieving the development ofconceptions and networked learning.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study examined the influence of prekindergarten teacher characteristics and classroom instructional processes during mathematical activities on the growth of mathematics learning scores in prekindergarten, kindergarten, and first grade. Participants attended state-funded and Head Start prekindergarten programs. Mathematical performance was measured in fall and spring in prekindergarten and spring in kindergarten and first grade using the Test of Early Mathematics Ability–3 (TEMA-3; Ginsburg & Baroody, 2003). Two dimensions of the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS; i.e., instructional learning formats and concept development; Pianta, La Paro, & Hamre, 2008) were scored based on observed classroom mathematics activities. Teachers provided information about their education and years of prekindergarten teaching experience. Research Findings: Instructional processes that included elements of the CLASS concept development dimension, such as discussions and brainstorming to encourage children’s understanding, were related to growth of mathematics scores. Neither teacher characteristics nor instructional processes of the CLASS instructional learning formats dimension, such as using different modalities and materials, and learning objectives, were related to growth of mathematics scores. Practice or Policy: The findings extend our understandings of how instructional processes impact children’s early mathematical performance. These findings may be helpful in increasing our understanding of the types of instructional processes that might be emphasized in teacher professional development specifically related mathematical activities. Professional development that focuses on the CLASS concept development dimension may be easier for teachers to remember and implement in their classrooms and, consequently, have a greater impact on mathematics learning.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study of the impact of an initial teacher education programme on the development of a conceptual change model of instruction in prospective biology teachers. Analysis of the performance in teaching practice indicates that the subjects achieved significant improvement in the various skills related to this instruction model. However, mastery of these skills was not evident, especially in the response to pupils' alternative conceptions, the presentation of chalkboard layout, the use of high order questions to probe understanding and facilitate concept development, and the conduct of interactive learning activities. This can be related to the subjects' lack of teaching experience and inadequate subject knowledge, the passive learning attitude of pupils, constraints in time and resources, and the non-supportive conditions in schools.  相似文献   

对当前我国教师教育中存在的“钟摆”倾向的反省   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
教师学习是教师基于发展这一目的而对外在教育经验、观念的吞吐、适用和整合活动。在当前,一种以教师个体、经验、实践为本的教师学习观大有主宰我国教师教育主流之势,导致了"钟摆"倾向的产生。教师的发展需要教育理论,需要教师教育者,需要接受学习。从内因与外因间的互动转生关系出发,重建"教师学习"概念,是我国教师教育实践走出钟摆困境的应然出路。  相似文献   

为适应新高考改革,选课走班逐渐在我国高中阶段普及开来。它是一种新型的个性化教学组织方式,旨在打破传统固定教室的班级授课形式,尝试通过走班的形式推动个性化教育发展。个性化教育旨在根据个体的学习兴趣、需求为其提供适合的资源、工具支持,改善学生学习体验,提升学生学习效率和学习质量,从而达到个性而又全面发展的目的。如何在选课走班背景下真正实现个性化教育,如何在班级建设过程中融入个性化教育理念将是此研究关注的问题。  相似文献   

随着老龄化趋势的日益加重,代际学习作为一种可能促进老年人积极老龄化的社会活动,日益受到社会的关注与支持。欧洲作为老龄化程度最严重的地区之一,同时也孕育了诸多代际学习项目。基于跨个案研究的方法,以“大足”“IT指南”和“班级爷爷”三个较为独特的代际学习项目为研究对象,通过对三者的项目愿景、利益相关者、行动路径和项目效果进行比较,分析三个代际学习项目的经验与特点。在此基础上,探讨其对我国代际学习实践的价值:一是坚持终身学习观念,打破年龄的界限;二是秉承社会资本动态化,促进资源共享;三是考虑问题与优势,谋求本土化发展。  相似文献   

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