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This essay focuses on how immigrant mothers and second generation interracial daughters construct, perform, and negotiate racial and ethnic hybrid identities. Placing my mother's experiences in dialogue with my own experiences, I (auto)ethnographically examine how we navigate our mother-daughter relationship and intercultural and interracial identities in relation to discourses of Asian American-ness. I identify three sites for identity formation: location, language, and the dialectical tension of assimilation-preservation. I argue that the enactment of a racial self is not always a conscious part of one's identity. Rather, we each enact racialized cultural identities that are contextually performed and continuously shifting.  相似文献   


This essay examines the relationship between globalization and the diasporic movements of cultural groups as manifested in their communication practices of identity. I argue that diasporic groups dynamically reconstitute their understandings of cultural tradition, authenticity, and identity in line with their diasporic contexts and experiences. I frame my argument around two different diasporic Pacific Islander groups Tongans and Hawaiians—each situated in a particular kind of diasporic/global movement with specific historical, political, and economic dimensions. Qualitative in-depth interviews were conducted with each of these groups in this study.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates a theoretical model for the influence of social networking on cultural adaptation. Through the integration of cultivation theory and ethnic group vitality, this model proposes social networking affects immigrants’ interactions with the dominant culture as well as in-group communication.  相似文献   

Utilizing a cognitive appraisal approach, this study examines how acculturation affects racial minority members' appraisals of and responses to racial discrimination. Racial minority members (N = 345) completed questionnaires about their prior experiences with racial discrimination and coping responses. Controlling for participants' prior experiences with racial discrimination and primary appraisals, the results revealed that acculturation helped explain individuals' need for social support, support message evaluations, and the pursuit of disengagement coping strategies. Findings from this study provide helpful information for the development of intervention and outreach programs for individuals in our communities who are coping with racial discrimination.  相似文献   


One of the under-studied effects of global migration has been an increase in transnational marriages. This phenomenon has greatly impacted Taiwan as women from Southeast Asian nations and Mainland China, through professional marriage brokers or personal contacts, enter into marriages with Taiwanese men. How well these women adapt to Taiwan's culture and learn its local languages is studied through the lens of two theories of intercultural communication: Kim's theory of cross-cultural adaptation and Kramer's theory of cultural fusion. Based upon in-depth interviews with 28 women, results show some support for both theories. However, the postulates of cultural fusion demonstrate a better fit: Learning is an additive process; long-term association with co-ethnics appears to correlate with greater satisfaction and adaptation; and women's negotiated identities follow a range of outcomes.  相似文献   

The vernacular discourses of Latino/a and South Asian American bloggers in the context of SB 1070, legislation recently passed in Arizona, illustrate how their shared experiences of discrimination (re-)articulate “brownness” as a complex racial formation aligned with constructions of “illegal” immigrants. Bloggers' differentiation of their subjective experiences of alien citizenship and racialized belonging from white or black citizenship problematizes the rigidity of their “middling” positionality within the U.S. racial structure, encouraging a more contextualized approach. I consider the bloggers' varied constructions of brownness, its distinctive positionality within racial structures, and their contestations of the discourses that racialize brown identities.  相似文献   


This article problematizes the theoretical assumption of communication-as-symbolic that delimits the way identity is theorized. I argue that deconstructing identity requires moving beyond the symbolic construction of social categories, and instead focusing on how a perceptual and embodied subject is constituted through communication. Informed by Merleau-Ponty's phenomenologically driven approach to critical inquiry, I present a multimodal approach that reveals how perceptual subjectivity and the reflexive body are constituted within, and constitutive of, the symbolic mechanisms of social construction. Utilizing various examples pertinent to intercultural communication, I theorize cultural identity through the perspective of communication-as-embodied.  相似文献   

This paper examines the contribution economic analysis can make to the study of museums as productive organisations, and considers some related policy issues. The paper also suggests areas where research by economists might prove most fruitful.  相似文献   


As the U.S.-Mexico border becomes more diverse and militantly guarded, interactions between various cultural groups grow more frequent and convoluted. This article describes the ways in which a group of Chinese transnationalists as recent arrivals (re)construct the meanings of El Paso in quotidian interactions. Recurrent themes on the ways in which participants constructed El Paso as an unauthentic American space are discussed. I argue that spatial identities are products of various forces and further reconceptualize the natural connections between place, people, and culture.  相似文献   

当代遗产保护与发展理念正在经历从遗产本体到遗产所在地周边环境保护、从静态的保护到动态的监测管理、从遗产本体保护到其与人/社会的良性互动关系的保护发展的演变过程,为融合多源数据的分析带来了需求.数字化与大数据技术为遗产保护与发展带来新的可能性,同时也对遗产数字化保护及发展理论认知与实践引导提出了新的挑战与诉求.针对当前遗...  相似文献   

This study examined the dynamic interplays between emotions (i.e., anger and compassion), face threat, forgiveness, and reconciliation in relational transgressions in U.S. and Chinese cultures. Results indicated that Chinese participants reported more relationship-oriented forgiveness than U.S. participants, but no distinction was uncovered in self-oriented forgiveness. Results also showed that, relative to preforgiveness, there was less postforgiveness anger but more postforgiveness compassion in both cultures. Anger had a negative association, but compassion had a positive association, with forgiveness and reconciliation in both cultures. Perceived face threat first evoked initial emotions, which influenced forgiveness and counterinfluenced reactive emotions, which then affected reconciliation.  相似文献   

In this analysis, I present a cross-cultural comparison of U.S. mainstream evangelical and Chinese Indonesian Evangelical Christian (CIEC) discourse on best ways to implement a popular evangelical Christian practice known as “relational evangelism.” My aim in conducting this comparison is two-fold: (a) to demonstrate how religion and ethnicity intersect in the communicative act of persuasion and (b) to unveil how these persuasive acts reflect differing cultural premises of personhood and relations. As each group attempts to persuade their members to share their faith with non-Christians in their lives, they reveal culture-specific limits of what counts as reasonable action.  相似文献   

研学课程开发使研学基地(营地)成为教育与文旅融合的桥梁和纽带。首先提出研学基地是开展研学旅行的载体,立德树人是研学基地课程开发的根本任务,文旅融合是研学基地课程开发的核心内容。实际调研发现,研学基地当前有3种课程开发模式,即基地自主开发模式、中小学老师自带课程+学生开发模式和研学培训机构介入开发模式。进一步提出构建国家级—省级—市级—区县级4层次、5种类型的研学基地系统,并具体分析了构建的4个标准:契合地方文脉、类型多样独特、服务功能完善、空间分布均衡。最后分析了徐州研学资源基础、研学主要存在的问题,并分层次与类别构建了徐州市研学基地系统。  相似文献   

规划实施评估作为城乡规划编制的重要一环,作用日渐凸显,尤其对于历史文化名镇保护规划的实施评估更为重要.其不仅能全面了解保护规划实施效果的真实情况,也利于摸清"家底",找准保护工作中的短板,进而在新一轮保护规划中,以此为要义,有针对性地提出保护措施和发展路径.以周庄古镇为例,将"人"的感受和作用纳入评估对象,坚持真实性、...  相似文献   

Papermaking has a special place in the cultural heritage of China. Papers made from different types of plant fibers were, and are still used for particular applications. Bamboo paper is a handmade paper that has been traditionally used for book printing and restoration of ancient paper objects since antiquity in China, whereas Xuan paper, the subject of recent previous study, is used for traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting. Following our previous approach on Xuan paper, four modern Bamboo papers manufactured using traditional or chemically-facilitated techniques were artificially aged by UVA radiation and changes to their optical properties were evaluated by reflectance and 3D-fluorescence spectroscopies. Paper samples produced by different methods displayed different fluorescence spectra and UVA photolysis of paper resulted in decreases in the fluorescence intensities and reflectance values, manifested as differing photoyellowing of the papers. Assays of reactive oxygen species, ROS, revealed that papers made by chemically-assisted pulping methods generally produce more hydrogen peroxide or superoxide radicals than those made by traditional methods, which correlates with their relative yellowing rates. Different spatial distributions of calcium and chlorine were also observed by SEM/EDS analysis in the chemically-manufactured papers, probably arising from the specific pulping and/or bleaching chemicals used in their manufacture.  相似文献   


Issues of maintenance offer exceptional opportunities for advancing our understanding of how market-driven innovation can meet societal objectives for energy transitions. In this article, I present a case study of ongoing attempts by two spin-outs and one start-up to stabilise innovative socio-technical agencements – ‘customer journeys’ – designed to catalyse economic exchange of certain singular goods – energy retrofit products – in the Netherlands. This market-driven innovation relies on sustaining carefully crafted relationships of trust among supply-chain actants and homeowners. I mobilise the analytical lens of ‘care’ to show how the multiplicity of connections that form through socio-technical agencements – and function as a market – are tentative, contested, and unpredictable. Trust relationships are in a constant process of becoming through contestation and convergence among supply-chain actants. In doing so, I expose the precarious and arduous work involved in maintaining a market for singular public goods. This implies a knowledge politics as well: in a call to sensitise us, market scholars, to processes of maintenance integral to market-driven innovation for energy transitions I propose to advance Callon’s call to civilise markets by sharing troubled, though encouraging, care-infused market tales in an effort to counteract the storification of energy transitions as innovation fairy tales.  相似文献   

The problem of environmental monitoring aimed at identifying and evaluating the weathering mechanisms affecting historical stoneworks is here discussed and a methodology based on the use of already available, long record, urban-scale environmental data is proposed. An example of its application to the Cathedral of Modena (Italy, XII-XIV century, included in the UNESCO's World Heritage List) is then presented. In this case, the methodology allowed the identification of the main degradation causes, which found significant confirmation by material diagnostics on the available samples and finite element structural modelling. Thanks to the decay causes identification allowed by the proposed methodology, more effective restoration procedures can be outlined.  相似文献   

Understanding the chemical and physical alteration in archaeological bones, occurred after burial, is very interesting for researchers. In this paper, we present a study on the diagenetic alteration of human archaeological bony tissues from Paestum (South Italy), by combining complementary spectroscopic techniques, such as solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), infrared spectroscopy (IR), and X-ray diffraction. In particular, 13C nuclear magnetic resonance–cross polarization-magic angle spinning (13C NMR CP-MAS) spectroscopy allows to identify and discriminate the adsorbed calcite, that is a diagenetic contaminant, from the structural one of apatite and 1H NMR-MAS spectroscopy shows how the degradation of organic phase of collagen is related to the time. The NMR data are combined with crystalline index, measured by X-ray diffraction, and with the splitting factor obtained by infrared spectroscopy. Moreover, the evaluation of the relative content of biogenic structural carbonate and of diagenetic fluorine is reported.  相似文献   

自发性空间是城市居民生活的真实写照,而一个城市的历史文化街区中的自发性空间,既可以反映当地居民的生活风貌,又可以展现街区肌理的特点。以武汉昙华林历史文化街区为例,通过文献阅读、实地调研、总结归纳等方法,对昙华林的自发性空间进行定点式调查、统计、拍照并总结分类,分析自发性空间的类型、种类、功能特点,以及与当地居民生活行为之间的关联性,进而得出昙华林历史文化街区中根据原住民生活行为需求而生成的自发性空间形态,并根据研究结果提出保存本地区原住民生活风貌,以及街道空间的更新策略。  相似文献   

我国城市发展已由增量时代转向存量时代,山地城市存量空间更新、激活是实现城市可持续发展的关键。在长期发展的过程中,山地城市遗留了大量密度高、环境差的老旧小区、棚户区,以及低效闲置用地,这些空间与人民日益增长的美好生活需求相背离,亟需更新改造。以贵阳市老城区(云岩区、南明区)为研究实例,探究山地城市更新改造策略。首先摸清贵阳市老城区城市更新底数,并总结老城区目前更新存在的困境,然后针对性地提出分区引导、容量控制、分类实施、政策保障的更新策略,最后提炼出几点适用于山地城市更新的策略。  相似文献   

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