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张斌峰 《寻根》2004,(4):19-24
如果以现代价值观来透视中国先秦墨家的价值观,我们便不难发现墨家价值观之多元多维的新阐释,更可彰显出它所具有的鲜活的现代价值。  相似文献   

U.S. classrooms reflect the diversity of a nation in the midst of transformation. These issues of student diversity force educators and policymakers to explore and more importantly address the needs of a changing population. A key person in the school to help facilitate positive interactions between diverse students, parents, and faculty is the school counselor. Sometimes referred to as change agents, counselors are in the position to affect attitude through changing awareness, providing necessary knowledge and skills, and enhancing opportunities that foster respect for cultural differences. This article discusses the current literature on culture and diversity and the need for classroom cultural congruity. In addition, discourse on school counselors' role in promoting respect for diversity is advocated with a school-based social justice intervention strategy.  相似文献   

儒家经典中的科技知识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
儒家经典中包含了丰富的古代科技知识,甚至还有专门的古代科技著作,而且,在儒家文化作为主流文化的背景下,儒家经典中的科技知识是古代科学家从事科学研究的基础知识和专业基础知识的重要来源.  相似文献   

Historians often present the evolution of Islamic philosophy through a limited number of philosophers beginning with al-Kindī and concluding with Ibn Rushd. This practice tacitly asserts that Islamic philosophy developed only in accordance with this “sequential” or “chronological” context that assumes it was the inevitable evolution of Aristotelian thought in Arabic. However, most of those who present Islamic philosophy in this manner appear to have overlooked the fact that it developed in the context of a philosophical conflict that emerged between the two schools to which the majority of Islamic philosophers belonged – the School of Baghdad and the School of Khorasan, which appeared in the tenth century and introduced philosophy to Islam and Muslims. This study stands apart from earlier attempts to present Islamic philosophy by considering these two schools and the frequently violent disputes that occurred between them. It is based on an historical-analytical approach accompanied by a rereading of numerous historical and literary texts and presents a reinterpretation of the works of Ibn Sīnā that differs from past interpretations of the history of Islamic philosophy. The study concludes with a thorough examination of the texts and contexts, which demonstrates the existence of the two philosophical schools and their significant contributions to the development of Islamic philosophy, albeit with their own distinctive elements. The study also argues that the philosophical School of Baghdad migrated to Morocco and Andalusia and arrived, in some respects, in Europe through Ibn Rushd, whereas the School of Khorasan appeared in Suhrawardī’s Philosophy of Illumination and in modern Iranian philosophy.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined preservice teacher perception on the modeling of principles of multicultural education at a university of predominantly White students. Preservice teachers (N = 79) at the end of a multicultural education course responded to a survey based on the principles of multiculturalism. The students conducted an 8-week evaluation of the modeling or integration of multiculturalism in their teacher education classes. Statistical analysis indicated that 95.4% of preservice teachers perceived an integration of instructional principles of multicultural education, whereas 69% perceived integration of curricular principles of multicultural education. Findings suggested that diversity is a critical element of multiculturalism in the teacher education program needing attention.  相似文献   

唐向荣 《寻根》2002,(3):9-15
孔孟儒学发展至北宋时期(960~1127年),完成了“理学”博大精深的理论形态和思想体系,并出现了以周敦颐为代表的“濂学”、以程颐程颢为代表的“洛学”、以张载为代表的“关学”、以朱熹为代表的“闽学”等重要学派。  相似文献   

Historically, words are powerful! In many cases, they are used appropriately when we value people and used inappropriately when we hate them. As a result, they have become powerful tools in multicultural education and interactions. In today's changing world with demographic shifts in power and paradigm, the society is bombarded with words that hate and words that love. As it appears, words are used to satisfy jaundiced and myopic views, and they are constructs that frequently lead to labels, stereotypes, and illusory generalizations. While we do not advocate policing or legislating words, we advocate words that can help individuals to maximize their fullest potential in our multicultural society. In this article, we advance this premise and suggest ways to increase multicultural education in schools and communities.  相似文献   

书院教学的革新精神   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王炳照 《寻根》2006,(2):11-15
书院在中国历史上存续近千年,清末改书院为学堂也已百余年,翻阅一下书院发展史,研读一下书院研究的著述,我们似乎有一种深切的感受,这就是:古人创办书院,今人研究书院,都贯穿着一条主线,这条主线就是对教育进行革故鼎新的强烈愿望、执著追求和笃实行动。革故鼎新精神是书院生命力的象征,也是书院研究者关注的核心与焦点。  相似文献   

张文霞 《寻根》2010,(6):72-79
<正>一西南出郑州约70公里,嵩山南麓,太室山下,古谓嵩山之阳。诸峰环绕之中,长流溪水之畔,参天松柏掩映之下,一所静谧清雅的古代教育机构悠然呈现在游人面前。这,就是著名的嵩阳书院。  相似文献   


The Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Summer School is a Biennial event that invites Masters and PhD students from around Asia to participate in conversations around developing and building an Inter-Asia Cultural Studies thought process. Hosted by the Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society along with the Consortium of universities and research centres that constitute it, the Summer School is committed to bringing together a wide discourse that spans geography, disciplines, political affiliations and cultural practices for and from researchers who are interested in developing Inter-Asia as a mode of developing local, contextual and relevant knowledge practices. This is the narrative account of the experiments and ideas that shaped the second Summer School, “The Asian Edge” which was hosted in Bangalore, India, in 2012.  相似文献   

邢兆良 《寻根》2004,(4):25-27
梁启超先生曾在其《〈墨经校释〉自序》中说:“在吾国古籍中欲求与今世所谓科学精神相悬契者,《墨经》而已,《墨经》而已。”这个断语,在近代科学文化日显其旺盛的生命力和巨大的物质、精神力量,而中国传统文化日显其迟滞、僵化、衰落、惰性的社会背景下,不无扼腕感叹之意,然而  相似文献   

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