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中学语文实行选科制的思想源于清末的分科制,五四前后正式兴起,南京政府成立后逐步取消.通过对其发展过程的梳理及对其兴亡原因的分析可以发现,为了使21世纪初的高中语文选修课程得以顺推进,需要对必修与选修课程的地位、价值作必要的区分以使二者相互配合;需要对中学语文与大学中文的课程内容作必要的区分以编写语文选修教材.  相似文献   

A stratified random sample of 226 U.S. nursing schools was surveyed to determine the extent and nature of current death education training for nursing students. Of the 205 responding schools, 5 percent reported offering a required death and dying course, while an additional 39.5 percent indicated that a death and dying course was available for their students on an elective basis. The authors challenge the current pedagogical approach toward death education in U.S. nursing schools. They propose the need for the development of a model that would formally link a death education course, or courses, with the clinical phase of training. It is hypothesized that such an approach would enhance the nursing students' recognition and management of their feelings regarding death and dying and therefore result in more effective means of relating to terminally ill patients.  相似文献   

区域教育差异与英语课程设置   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社会的发展和中国区域教育差异的客观存在,决定了大学英语课程的设置也必须结合区域教育差异进行改革。大学英语课程的设置应从对必修课分级教学,选修课分类指导;联系地方实际,开设专业英语课程;采用多媒体多渠道的教学方式;完善的测试和评价体系四个方面进行。  相似文献   

In mainland China, histology and embryology (HE) are taught in one course as an essential component of medical curricula. The effectiveness of HE courses directly affects the quality of medical students. To determine the present situation and changes in HE teaching in Chinese medical schools, a nationwide survey was conducted among the HE departmental leaders. In total, 66 responses were included in the study, representing prominent Chinese mainland medical schools. The results revealed that most HE teachers have medical educational backgrounds; an increasing number of teaching staff with PhDs have joined the teaching staffs. A range of 71 to 90 HE curriculum contact hours is predominant. The ratio of theory to practice for HE contact hours is 1:1 at half of the surveyed medical schools. The numbers of students in each laboratory are less than 30 and from 31 to 60 at 23 and 36 medical schools, respectively. Virtual microscopy is employed in 40% of the surveyed medical schools. Didactic teaching is the most common strategy, although new teaching approaches are being employed gradually. During the past 20 years, both the total number of HE teachers and the number of HE teachers with medical educational backgrounds have been reduced in at least half of the surveyed schools. A total of 83.33% of the surveyed schools have reduced their HE contact hours. Almost half of the Chinese medical schools remained unchanged in both their ratio of theory to practice and the number of students in each laboratory. The data derived from this study help to understand the development of the HE discipline at Chinese medical schools.  相似文献   

王君玲 《海外英语》2012,(14):105-106
为顺应时代发展及人才培养需求,在医学院校开设医学英语课程势在必行。该文结合宁夏医科大学医学英语选修课教学实践,探讨在医学本科生中开设医学英语选修课的教学方法及效果。  相似文献   

香港作为东西文化交汇的国际都市,语言使用和语言教学呈多元化的发展模式。随着香港与内地联系的日益紧密,针对本地学生的汉语教学以及众多外籍人士的对外汉语教学都有了很大发展,并已初见成效。  相似文献   

浅析高校实施体育教学俱乐部   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前,我国高校体育教学改革已从单一的课堂教学向多方位、多渠道方向发展,我们针对高校开设体育教学俱乐部的情况进行分析和研究,为进一步实现高校体育教学改革提出一点建议。  相似文献   

语文作为基础性和人文性的学科,是高职学生必修的文化课程之一,通过对语文的学习,可以促进高职学生人文素养、科学素养以及职业素养的快速形成。教师在教学过程中最重要的是帮助学生形成良好的语文意识,根据高职语文教学的现状,语文教师要通过转变教学理念,优化教学方法等柔性教学管理模式,增强学生的阅读意识、审美意识和主人翁意识,从而达到培养和提高高职学生语文意识的目的。  相似文献   

医学模式的转变不仅要展示出医学技术的进步,同时还要弘扬医学人文精神,提升医学道德的进步。为提高贵州省属高等医学教育和学生人文素质水平,需借鉴国外先进经验,改革医学院校人文课程体系,提高全体教师的人文素养,加强人文师资队伍的建设,加强医学生临床实习阶段人文精神的培养。  相似文献   

高中选修课实施现状与对策的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选修课是新一轮高中课程改革的一个亮点。调查研究发现,选修课实施成就明显:教师对选修课及其模式认同较高;实验进展良好;师资培训多样;课程管理制度初步建立。同时,也存在一些主要问题:选修模式理想与现实存在矛盾;选修课教材不够成熟;实施乏力;师资培训不足;学分认定有失严肃;课程管理软化等。针对这些问题,改进选修课实施的对策有:进一步优化选修课程模式;加强选修教材建设;强化师资培训工作;建立独立的选修课评价体系,加强学分认定的指导、监管;完善选修制度;切实改善办学条件,为选修课实施提供物质保障。  相似文献   


Sixty accredited MSW programs were surveyed to determine whether there were significant differences between those programs offering discrete ethics courses and those not doing so on a number of ethics education related variables. Results suggest virtually no significant differences on the variables examined, with the exception that programs offering discrete courses more often expose students to literature on the broad topic of moral philosophy. Also examined was the extent to which all of the programs surveyed were following the pedagogical recommendations of the ethics education literature reviewed. The results suggest that many MSW programs are not following these recommendations in a number of respects. The implications of these findings are discussed, and specific suggestions are offered for those faculty concerned with the ethics component of their course offerings.  相似文献   

"以服务为宗旨,以就业为导向"是我国职业教育的发展方针。然而,部分高职学校片面理解这一方针,过于追求学生专业技能素质,忽略了学生人文素养的培养,导致高职生缺少文化底蕴,发展后劲不足,高职教育陷入规模有余而内涵不足的发展困境。在培养学生专业技能素质的同时,努力做到成人和成才目标相结合,专业技能课程与人文素养课程相结合,市场调研与学生人文素养差别化培养相结合,课内训练与课外濡染相结合,定性评价与定量考核相结合,着力培养学生人文素养,提高学生可持续发展能力,是高职学校摆脱发展困境的良策之一。  相似文献   

自2004年9月开始,土耳其哈西德佩大学(Hacettepe University)医学院在本科生医学教育中增设了医学人文学科课程。这是土耳其医学院校开设的第一门医学人文学科课程,其目的是帮助医学生获得作为一名优秀医生必须具备的技能和态度。本文作者介绍了该课程的计划、实施和评价,并对进一步完善课程计划提出了建议。  相似文献   

通过与相关老师电子邮件联系和因特网查询,收集了全国43所高校的物理教育专业的最新培养方案。对教师教育类课程中的公共必修课、专业必修课、专业选修课的设置及其学分和课时进行统计,对统计结果分析与讨论后,总结出高校物理教师教育类课程设置的特点,发现其存在的问题,提出了课程设置与教学内容的改革建议,并得出了物理教师教育类课程的设置方案。  相似文献   

授受式学习和探究式学习作为两种学习模式,在各类学校的各种课堂上被广泛采用。对于高等师范院校的公共选修课而言,学生的知识储备水平、对探究式学习的了解情况、公共选修课的课时和特征等因素,决定了授受式学习依然是高师院校公选课中的主要学习模式。而现代社会对创新人才的需求、公共选修课的主要目的及师范院校的特征等,也决定了在高师院校的公选课教学中,应适当采用探究式学习。在高师院校的公选课课堂中,应有效整合授受式和探究式两种学习模式。  相似文献   

日本文部科学省为适应社会经济变革、以学生"生存能力"为培养目标的教育改革以及培养教育领域高层次专门人才的要求,在各大学设立了教师教育研究生院。其教师培养课程体系的基本框架包括两部分,即确定以实践能力为核心的教师教育培养目标和由必修课程、学科领域的选修课程及学校现场的教育实习构成的研究生层次的教师教育课程体系。其借鉴意义在于,研究生层次的教师教育应以培养"实践能力"为目标,应强化实践性、应用性课程内容。  相似文献   

《当代世界经济与政治》是教育部规定高等学校的公共政治理论课之一,根据教育部课程改革规定,自2006年暑假开始,《当代世界经济与政治》由公共必修课改为公共选修课。结合课程性质的变化和该课程自身知识丰富、内容新颖、时代性、时效性和政治性的特点。我们不断探索教学模式改革,其根本的理念就是进一步强化学生的主体意识,激发学生的发散思维;优化教师主导作用,注重对学生进学习能力和分析问题解决、问题能力的养成;完善本课程的学科定位,培养学生的国际视野和爱国情怀。  相似文献   

为深入探讨我国博士生课程设置的现状及问题,对全国48所研究生院8064名在校博士生进行了调查。调查结果显示,学生认为博士课程设置应至少遵循强调研究方法训练、与研究方向相结合以及强调应用知识能力三种取向。然而,现实中博士生课程仍与硕士课程有较多或非常多重复,在选修课的选择范围和研究方法课程量上存在明显不足;课程内容的广度与深度以及前沿知识与跨学科知识比重有待提升;课程设置体现出较大的学校与学科差异。研究认为,应激发博士生主体意识,鼓励博士生参与课程建设;明晰本硕博课程的层次性,提高课程衔接度;适当扩大选修课的选择范围,增加前沿知识与跨学科知识比重,实现不同学校和学科博士课程的横向拓展与纵向深化。  相似文献   

From our correspondent Jiao Xinzhu: According to the Petitions Department of the State Education Commission, thousand of letters have been received from twenty-six provinces and municipalities nationwide complaining about the problem of county and township (townlet) middle and primary schools indiscriminately charging and increasing tuition fees and miscellaneous fees [self-imposed fees; self-fixed rates; student recruitment at "negotiated prices"; paid repeater courses]. The existence of this phenomenon has increased the financial burden on students' parents, obstructed the implementation of China's nine-year system of compulsory education, and created a new batch of illiterates. Many parents are demanding that the state take measures to end the indiscriminate imposition and raising of tuition and miscellaneous fees as quickly as possible.  相似文献   

There has been a good deal of research into the problems Chinese postgraduate students studying in English-speaking universities face with regard to critical thinking. This project is an attempt to tackle this issue from a new perspective. It aims to explore how a unique aspect of the university curriculum in China – the so-called ‘four treasures’ (four compulsory modules of political thought taken by all Chinese undergraduate students: ‘The Fundamentals of Marxism’; ‘Maoism and Chinese Characteristic Socialism’; ‘The Outline of Modern Chinese History’; and ‘Moral Thoughts, Legal and Civic Education’) – influence Chinese students in terms of their political and cultural values. It will trace the emergence of this programme and offer a content analysis of the curriculum. The study also uses focus groups to investigate how the Chinese postgraduate students regard their undergraduate courses in China. This article will argue that the higher education curriculum in China, which is heavily regulated by the state, has become one of the main obstacles preventing Chinese undergraduate students from developing independent and critical thinking, particularly in the arts, humanities and social sciences.  相似文献   

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