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通过选择适当的性科学教育内容帮助大学生学习性生理和性心理等科学知识,加深对人类性本质的理解,建立正确的性价值观,使大学生拥有健康的性意识和性道德,促进他们身心的健康发展。  相似文献   

性是古今中外人们和社会十分关注的话题,性健康教育已受到国内外学者和民众的普遍关注。人类的性既具有自然属性,也具有社会属性。性对人类社会来讲,一方面可以使人类生命得以延续,另一方面也可以破坏、危害社会。自20世纪70年代末以来,学校性教育在我国受到重视。当代大学生面临的各种性困惑,性行为与性反应周期、怀孕与避孕、恋爱与婚姻、正确认识性幻想、正确处理好手淫等常见的性困惑和性问题,它可影响社会的安定,也可影响到家庭的和谐幸福。因此消除性愚昧和性无知,预防性传播疾病,促进性生理和性心理正常发育,引导学生注重自身性情和人文素质与科学素质的培养在高校素质教育显得尤其重要。  相似文献   

大学阶段是心理健康发展的关键时期,在各种影响心理的因变量和自变量的共同作用下,大学生心理状态处于一个不断变化的过程中,这些变化最终影响甚至改变大学生的整体发展方向。本文通过研究各变量之间的关系和变化轨迹,提出从动态管理、多因素管理、个体化管理、认可管理等四个方面促进大学生心理健康。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that influence undergraduate college student use of emergency contraception (EC) and their level of knowledge about the product, in order to assist in the development of intervention programmes to increase its use, which could lead to lower rates of unintended pregnancies in this population. A response rate of 98.4% included 1553 surveys from students at 11 Midwestern universities. Students were predominantly female (63.5%), white (75.3%) and aged 18–21 years (80%). They ranged from first-year students (23.8%) through to fourth-year students (13.8%), with second-year students comprising the largest group (32.6%). The majority of respondents reported being heterosexual (92.1%), and 34.1% of those completing the questionnaire reported being in a committed relationship. Most respondents reported having had sexual intercourse at least once in their lifetime (78.9%). Of the 8.4% of sexually active students who had experienced an unintended pregnancy, 18.1% had used EC in the past 12 months. Knowledge of EC was not high; but as knowledge increased, the use of EC increased. The Integrated Behavioural Model predicted 50% of the variance in intention. Each construct contributed a portion of variance except experiential attitude, which was not statistically significant in the path analysis. The model could be used in any future interventions to increase EC use and decrease unintended pregnancies among college students.  相似文献   

近年来,随着社会的急剧转型及西方思潮的冲击,尤其是“性解放”“性文化多元化”等因素的影响,当代大学生群体的性观念、性道德、性心理等也随之发生了巨大裂变和转型。因此,必须尽快普及性知识,消除性神秘,改变性观念,端正性态度,促使大学生进一步遵守性道德,杜绝性犯罪。  相似文献   

情绪智力是个体对情绪信息的加工和处理能力。它是促进个体心理健康发展的重要心理资源,也是促进心理健康的一种心理能力。探讨了情绪智力的概念及其与心理健康的关系,为高校教师进行大学生心理健康教育提供一种理论依据或实践模式。  相似文献   

以"实施体质健康测试及评价,促进大学生体质健康发展,及鼓励大学生以高度的热情积极参加体育锻炼,继而养成良好的锻炼身体的习惯。"为主要目标的《国家学生体质健康标准》既是对学生进行体制健康检测、评价的重要制度之一,也是一种主要的激励及教育手段,这也是体育实践教学必须贯彻和落实的重要宗旨。至此,笔者依据自己多年的工作经验,针对当前研究不多的体质健康信念对大学生体育锻炼行为意向及行为习惯的影响问题谈谈自己的看法。  相似文献   

现如今,越来越多的"80后"教师投入到高校辅导员的队伍当中来,我们发现这支辅导员的队伍日益年轻化。那么如何发挥"80后"高校辅导员的优势和作用而实现师生之间的有效交流与沟通、促进学生健康成长、做好学校与学生之间的桥梁与纽带,已经成为目前各大高校关注的焦点,亦是高校辅导员工作的重点。本文通过分析大学生的个性特点及存在的普遍问题,解析如何做好大学生思想教育管理工作。  相似文献   

如何科学构建《大学生心理健康》课程教学体系,切实做好心理健康教育工作,培养学生良好的心理素质,是高校学生思政工作主要任务之一。文章基于行动导向教学法,在高职《大学生心理健康》课程中综合运用多种教学方法,以提高学生独立解决实际心理问题的能力,促进学生身心健康发展。  相似文献   

目的:为促进理工科大学生性生殖健康提供理论与实践依据。方法:以某院校2017、2018级理工科156名学生为观察对象,问卷调查理工科大学生性生殖相关知识认知状况及性态度,随机抽取30名作为干预组,干预前后问卷与访谈调查理工科大学生性生殖相关知识认知状况及性行为态度。结论:医学生同伴参与理工科大学生生殖健康教育能有效提高性生殖相关知识知晓度,纠正学生错误的行为认知,有效预防艾滋病病毒和性传播疾病,转变性态度,促进大学生生殖健康。  相似文献   

在高校体育教育中,通过加强体育理论课的健康教育内容,组织引导课外锻炼与竞赛,建立咨询与健康监督机构,来提高大学生的健康素质。  相似文献   

采用创伤后成长量表和心理健康量表对高校237名经历创伤的大学生进行调查。结果发现:创伤后成长总分及其各维度存在显著的性别差异,但不存在专业差异;不同等级的创伤后成长水平在心理健康的心理症状与负向情绪上不存在差异,在其它几个维度上存在极其显著的差异。创伤后成长各因子与心理健康各因子有显著相关,能有效预测心理健康水平。  相似文献   

The social norms approach is an increasingly widely used strategy of behaviour and attitude change that is based on challenging misperceptions individuals hold about their peers. Research to date has been carried out predominately in the US college system, with a focus on substance use behaviours. The aim of the current study was to explore peer perceptions of both substance use and other behaviours in a British student sample, as the first step in determining whether the social norms approach may be applicable within Europe. Students at eight further education colleges in the UK were surveyed on their personal and perceived peer health and college engagement behaviours and attitudes by means of a printed and online survey. Respondents reported a perceived norm of frequency of substance use that was higher than the reported norm. Results relating to the injunctive norms of substance use were mixed but demonstrated that the majority of respondents do not actively approve of tobacco, cannabis or other drug use. Respondents also reported a norm of academic engagement that was more positive than the perceived norm of their peers. The results relating to substance use are consistent with work conducted in the US college system, despite the differences in culture and legislation. In addition, the results indicate that there may be similar misperceptions around other areas of health and college engagement. This suggests that the social norms approach may be a viable method of behaviour change in UK students.  相似文献   

爱国热情是爱国主义教育的重要基石。新时期大学生的爱国热情呈现出新的特点,高校管理部门应如何适应时代的发展,创新爱国主义教育方式,保护大学生的爱国热情、并引导大学生将爱国热情转化为坚定的爱国主义信念和正确有益的爱国主义行为。对此,本文通过现状调查,问题分析,提出了解决改进的对策和建议。  相似文献   

目前大学生心理健康问题受到全社会的普遍关注,为促进大学生的心理健康,高职院校普遍开设了心理健康课。高职院校如何定位这门课,如何提高教学效率,并使这门课指导学生处理好在现实生活和学习中所遇到的问题,成为了心理健康课教师难以回避的一个问题。本文从高职院校学生的学习、行为、教学现状着手,结合心理健康课教学实践,简要的探索了适合高职学生心理特点、易于被高职生接受的教学方式。  相似文献   

体育舞蹈是一项体育运动,也是一种艺术表现形式,对促进大学生身心健康发展具有重大的意义,那么,其意义的具体表现形式有哪些?那么,现在高校的体育舞蹈选项课又有什么样的问题呢?我们又可以采取什么样的具体措施,来促进体育舞蹈选项课真正帮助大学生身心健康发展呢?本文将对这些问题进行分析解答。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between school sex education and sexual health behaviours at first sex and later in adulthood, using nationally representative data. Respondents were adults from the 2010 Irish Contraception and Crisis Pregnancy Survey, a cross-sectional survey designed to assess knowledge, attitudes and behaviours relating to sex, contraception and pregnancy in Ireland. Results indicate that respondents who received sex education were more likely to have first sex at an older age and use contraception on this occasion. Sex education also significantly increased the likelihood of using contraception at first sex, when first sex occurred before 17 years of age. The effect of sex education and sexual health behaviours into adulthood was also investigated. Sex education increased the likelihood of having a history of sexually transmitted infection testing and decreased the likelihood of having experienced a crisis pregnancy. No association was found between sex education and contraception use over the past year. Findings suggest that sex education is an important factor in the context of first sex and later sexual health, and programmes should continue to equip young people as they make immediate sexual behaviour decisions and further sexual health-related decisions throughout their lifespan.  相似文献   

运用测量法、数理统计法对河南科技学院上不同体育项目选项课的大学生的体质健康和身体成分等各项指标进行测量与统计分析,发现大学生的体质指标与身体成分各项指标间的相关性因其所选上体育选项课不同而不尽相同.体育教师在今后的体育选项课教学中,应注意根据各个体育项目的特点加强学生其它方面的身体练习,使其体质健康与身体成分的关系更合理.  相似文献   

在经济全球化、政治多极化、文化多元化的持续影响下,大学生出现了信仰问题。树立大学生的马克思主义信仰,被摆在了突出位置上,我国宪法和中国共产党的党章明确规定了马克思主义是我们党和国家的指导思想。思想政治教育要努力帮助大学生树立马克思主义信仰,培养中国特色社会主义建设的合格建设者和可靠接班人。  相似文献   

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