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Metatarsal and midfoot injuries are common in American football. Footwear design may influence injury rates by altering plantar foot loading patterns in these regions. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of cleat design on in-shoe plantar foot loading during a football-specific, resisted pushing task. Twenty competitive football players (age 14.7 ± 1.8 years, height 1.72 ± 0.10 m, and mass 71.8 ± 26.9 kg) completed three trials of pushing a weighted sled at maximal effort in a standard shoe (CLEAT) and artificial turf-specific shoe (TURF), with flexible in-shoe force measuring insoles. Repeated measures ANOVAs identified mean differences in maximum force and relative load under all regions of the foot. Results showed higher forces in the CLEAT under the medial (p < 0.001) and lateral (p = 0.004) midfoot, central (p = 0.007) and lateral (p < 0.001) forefoot, and lesser toes (p = 0.01), but lower forces in the hallux (p = 0.02) compared to the TURF shoe. Additionally, relative loading was higher in the CLEAT under the medial (p < 0.001) and lateral (p = 0.002) midfoot and lateral (p < 0.001) forefoot, but lower in the medial forefoot (p = 0.006) and hallux (p < 0.001) compared to the TURF shoe. The two shoes elicited distinct plantar loading profiles and may influence shoe selection decisions during injury prevention or rehabilitation practices.  相似文献   

PurposeThe globalisation of artificial turf and the increase in player participation has driven the need to examine injury risk in the sport of football. The purpose of this study was to investigate the surface–player interaction in female football players between natural and artificial turf.MethodsEight university level female football players performed an unanticipated cutting manoeuvre at an angle of 30° and 60°, on a regulation natural grass pitch (NT) and a 3G artificial turf pitch (AT). An automated active maker system (CodaSport CXS System, 200 Hz) quantified 3D joint angles at the ankle and knee during the early deceleration phase of the cutting, defined from foot strike to weight acceptance at 20% of the stance phase. Differences were statistically examined using a two-way (cutting angle, surface) ANOVA, with an α level of p < 0.05 and Cohen's d effect size reported.ResultsA trend was observed on the AT, with a reduction in knee valgus and internal rotation, suggesting a reduced risk of knee injury. This findings highlight that AT is no worse than NT and may have the potential to reduce the risk of knee injury. The ankle joint during foot strike showed large effects for an increase dorsiflexion and inversion on AT. A large effect for an increase during weight acceptance was observed for ankle inversion and external rotation on AT.ConclusionThese findings provide some support for the use of AT in female football, with no evidence to suggests that there is an increased risk of injury when performing on an artificial turf. The ankle response was less clear and further research is warranted. This initial study provides a platform for more detailed analysis, and highlights the importance of exploring the biomechanical changes in performance and injury risk with the introduction of AT.  相似文献   

目的:探究习惯后足着地者和习惯前足着地者在跑步支撑期下肢动力学的不同。方法:采用 Kistler三维测力台(采集力学指标,1 000 Hz)采集受试者跑步支撑期(测试足从足着地到足离地)的动力学数据。结果:习惯后足着地组(RFS)在支撑时间上比习惯前足着地组(FFS)的时间微长,但二者不具有显著差异(P>0.05);RFS组在支撑期内外方向的最小值和最大值均小于FFS组,且呈显著差异(P<0.05);RFS组在支撑期前后方向的最小值(即制动力峰值)和最大值(即加速力峰值)均要高于FFS组,且呈显著差异(P<0.05);FFS组在支撑期垂直方向的最大峰值力和第一载荷率均高于RFS组,但不具有显著差异,且出现峰值时间无显著差异(P>0.05)。结论:跑步时不同的着地方式影响了下肢的生物力学特征,习惯后足着地者跑步支撑期下肢动力学特征与习惯前足着地者主要在内外方向和前后方向上具有一定的差异。  相似文献   

Shock absorption and stability during landings is provided by both, gymnast ability and mat properties. The aims of this study were to determine the influence of different mat constructions on their energy absorption and stability capabilities, and to analyse how these properties affect gymnast's plantar pressures as well as subjective mat perception during landing. Six mats were tested using a standard mechanical drop test. In addition, plantar pressures and subjective perception during landing were obtained from 15 expert gymnasts. The different mats influenced plantar pressures and gymnasts' subjective perception during landing of gymnasts. Significant correlations between plantar pressures at the medial metatarsal and lateral metatarsal zones of the gymnasts' feet with the different shock absorption characteristics of the mats were found. However, subjective perception tests were not able to discriminate mat functionality between the six mats as no significant correlations between the mechanical mat properties with the subjective perception of these properties were found. This study demonstrated that plantar pressures are a useful tool for discriminating different landing mats. Using similar approaches, ideally including kinematics as well, could help us in our understanding about the influences of different mats upon gymnast-mat interaction.  相似文献   

The risk of soccer players sustaining mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) following head impact with a playing surface is unclear. This study investigates MTBI by performing headform impact tests from varying heights onto a range of third-generation artificial turf surfaces. Each turf was prepared as per manufacturers specifications within a laboratory, before being tested immediately following installation and then again after a bedding-in period. Each turf was tested dry and when wetted to saturation. Data from the laboratory tests were compared to an in situ third-generation surface and a professional grass surface. The surface performance threshold was set at a head impact criterion (HIC) = 400, which equates to a 10% risk of the head impact causing MTBI. All six third-generation surfaces had a >10% risk of MTBI from a fall >0.77 m; the inferior surfaces required a fall from just 0.46 m to have a 10% MTBI risk. Wetting the artificial turf did not produce a statistically significant improvement (P > 0.01). The in situ third-generation playing surface produced HIC values within the range of bedded-in experimental values. However, the natural turf pitch was the superior performer – necessitating fall heights exceeding those achievable during games to achieve HIC = 400.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether an increase in the forefoot bending stiffness of a badminton shoe would positively affect agility, comfort and biomechanical variables during badminton-specific movements. Three shoe conditions with identical shoe upper and sole designs with different bending stiffness (Flexible, Regular and Stiff) were used. Elite male badminton players completed an agility test on a standard badminton court involving consecutive lunges in six directions, a comfort test performed by a pair of participants conducting a game-like practice trial and a biomechanics test involving a random assignment of consecutive right forward lunges. No significant differences were found in agility time and biomechanical variables among the three shoes. The players wearing the shoe with a flexible forefoot outsole demonstrated a decreased perception of comfort in the forefoot cushion compared to regular and stiffer conditions during the comfort test (p < 0.05). The results suggested that the modification of forefoot bending stiffness would influence individual perception of comfort but would not influence performance and lower extremity kinematics during the tested badminton-specific tasks. It was concluded that an optimisation of forefoot structure and materials in badminton shoes should consider the individual’s perception to maximise footwear comfort in performance.  相似文献   

Although landing in a plantarflexion and inversion position is a well-known characteristic of lateral ankle sprains, the associated kinematics of the knee and hip is largely unknown. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the changes in knee and hip kinematics during landings on an altered landing surface of combined plantarflexion and inversion. Participants performed five drop landings from 30 cm onto a trapdoor platform in three different conditions: flat landing surface, 25° inversion, or a combined 25° plantarflexion and 25° inversion. Kinematic data were collected using a seven camera motion capture system. A 2 × 3 (leg × surface) repeated measures ANOVA was used for statistical analysis. The combined surface showed decreased knee and hip flexion range of motion (ROM) and increased knee abduction ROM (p < 0.05). The altered landing surface creates a stiff landing pattern where reductions in sagittal plane motion are transferred to the frontal plane, resulting in increased knee abduction. A stiff landing pattern is frequently related to increased risk of anterior cruciate ligament injury. It may be beneficial for athletes at risk to train for alternate methods of increasing their sagittal plane motion of the knee and hip with active knee or trunk flexion.  相似文献   

以第16届亚运会日本、韩国和朝鲜男子足球队所参加的决赛阶段比赛为研究对象,选取球队传球和抢断球的次数作为球队进攻和防守能力的指标,球队核心球员传球方向的次数、成功率和比例作为球队技战术特征的指标进行数据统计和分析,以期为我国男子足球队在今后比赛中能够更好地应对对手提供理论依据。  相似文献   

研究背景:现有研究文献尚无有关在着地过程中不同表面倾斜度和踝关节护具效应的运动学、动力学和地面反作用力的综合数据。通过对比25°斜面和平面的着地以及使用和不使用踝关节护具情况下来检测踝关节的生物力学特性。研究方法: 11名健康受试者[年龄:(24.6±3.5)岁,身高:(24.6±0.10)m,质量:(65.6±14.9)kg)参与本次研究。受试者在4个动态运动条件下各进行5五次实验:从0.45米高处垂直下落至25°的斜面(IS)或平面(FS)上,使用或不使用半刚性踝关节护具,同时采集三维运动学和测力台地面反作用力数据。利用2×2(表面X踝关节护具)的重复测量方差分析来评估选定的变量。研究结果:与平面着地相比,斜面着地造成较小的垂直和内侧地面反作用力峰值。研究还发现踝关节背曲运动范围、着地角度和背曲速度、最大外翻与跖曲角速度提高,但产生了更大内翻角度和运动范围、着地内翻速度和最大跖曲力矩。踝关节护具在斜面着地时减少了达到地面反作用力第二垂直峰值的时间、着地角度、背曲速度、最大外翻和跖曲速度,但增加了跖曲力矩的最大值。研究结论:斜面增加踝关节额状面的运动范围和踝关节负荷。但是,就斜面着地而言,踝关节护具对踝关节额状面的运动范围和踝关节负荷的影响是相当有限的。  相似文献   

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