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由于信息革命的推动和产业结构的变迁而导致劳动力在不同职业间流动,20世纪70年代以来,发达国家工人阶级就业的职业构成经历了一个"白领化"的历程.这一白领化的实质是白领雇员的"无产阶级化",这表现在白领工人在技能水平、工资待遇和失业状况等方面,日益与蓝领工人趋同.  相似文献   

In an attempt to assess the importance of formal and nonformal education for the acquisition of skilled blue-collar jobs in the Brazilian modern industrial sector, 62 job applicants were interviewed in five factories in Salvador, Bahia. Data pertaining to the applicants' residential background, educational activities, industrial work experience, and the specific context of their applications were subjected to path analytic treatment, utilizing a fully recursive causal model. The analysis reveals that extended participation in nonformal education (mainly vocational preparation courses) performs two important functions on the labor market: it directs participants to the technologically and organizationally more complex factories, and it tends to increase the chances of being contracted. The amount of formal education received, on the other hand, fails to appear as an important predictor for the acquisition of employment. It is suggested that the relationships between formal education and the industrial labor market are of a complex non-linear nature: an effect of ‘academic over-qualification’, likely to occur with white-collar aspirations which are valued negatively by employers, seems to militate against the assumption of a simple linear contribution of formal education to obtaining industrial employment.  相似文献   

高职学院应当把培养高级蓝领人才作为自己的培养目标。要强化高级蓝领人才的政治素质、业务能力、创造思维能力和其他必备的素质能力 ,通过高职教育改革达到人才培养的目的。  相似文献   

大学生就业焦虑心理的调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用“就业焦虑量表”、“消极完美主义问卷”和“自我和谐量表”对贵州省三所高校一至三年级的700名专科生进行随机调查,结果表明,女生就业焦虑程度高于男生,文科生高于理科生,追求消极完美主义的大学生就业焦虑程度高。关注大学生就业心理,可以为其降低就业焦虑程度、促进顺利就业提供良好的心理基础。  相似文献   

社会和科学不断进步,现代教育技术手段得到深度发展,如何将现代化的教育技术手段应用到高职教育中,为社会输送高级蓝领人才,现在还鲜有研究。本人主要从高职教师利用好现代教育技术需要具备的基本素质,利用现代教育技术拓展学生视野,提高高职教育学生的学习效率等方面,对现代教育技术在高职教育中的应用进行初步探索。  相似文献   

"蓝领程序员"的培养是为了扩展我国软件产业的后备军队伍,高等职业院校当之无愧应承担起这个重任。教师在教育教学过程中起着至关重要的作用,对教师教育行为的规范,也就是从根本上对培养"蓝领程序员"负责。这种模式除了包括基本教育素质的规范,还应该扩展引进"国际标准"机制。  相似文献   

通过对2006~2011年全国大学毕业生人数、就业期望值、再就业情况等统计图表的分析可知,由于毕业生人数越来越多、就业期望值过高等原因,大学生就业工作的难度明显加大。这需要高校乃至全社会进一步明确就业工作指导思想,更有效地加强就业指导与服务,以推动大学生就业工作的科学发展。  相似文献   

择业观念是影响大学毕业生就业的一个重要因素。实证研究结果表明:大学毕业生择业时,其对单位性质和职业类型的要求与就业机会获得和地位获得后的月收入水平呈负相关;求职主动性与就业机会呈正相关;工资水平期望与地位获得后的月收入呈正相关;职业苦乐意识与职业满意度呈负相关。因此,高等学校必须大力加强就业形势教育,引导大学毕业生树立正确的择业竞争观、职业地位观、职业苦乐观,端正择业态度,转变择业观念,从而有利于其职业地位的获得。  相似文献   

对浙江省13所高职院校学生的抽样调查表明,浙江省高职生的就业信心明显不足。对国家就业促进政策、社会用人情况、学校教学管理、目前和将来的就业形势、求职自信心等方面,高职生的评价并不高,尤其是对就业形势的评价,普遍认为比较严峻,而在求职自信心方面则相对较高。  相似文献   

The concept of job-hunting is an important factor affecting university students’ employment. This empirical study shows that while hunting for a job, graduates witness negative correlation between their expectation of the nature of work and the demand for occupational types and the accessibility to a post and monthly income; positive correlation between students’ initiative and employment opportunities; positive correlation between salary expectation and real income; negative correlation between mental preparation for hardship and job satisfaction. Therefore, institutions of higher learning must strengthen their employment education, guiding students to foster a sound sense of competition, the concept of occupational position, mental preparation for vocational hardship so that students can rectify their attitude towards employment and adjust their employment concept, thus benefiting them in gaining a position.  相似文献   

何杰 《辽宁高职学报》2011,13(3):109-110
在高校大学生就业形势普遍严峻的情况下,高职院校学生近年就业状况相对呈现喜人景象,但是也出现了高职学生就业数量和就业质量的矛盾等问题。造成这些问题的其中一个重要因素是高职学生就业法律教育的不足。因此,要从就业法律教育角度入手,提高高职学生的就业质量,以此获得就业率和就业质量的双赢,实现学生乃至高职教育的可持续发展。  相似文献   

高职学生就业问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在就业形势严峻、高职生的就业观念与就业市场不适应情况下,高职院校要通过适应就业市场需求的教育,使学生认识自我,认识社会;锻炼实践能力,进行生涯规划;开展求职实务训练,全面提升学生的综合职业素质,为步入职场做好充分的心理储备。  相似文献   

影响女大学生就业的因素是多方面的,除了就业结构失范、传统文化中的性别歧视和偏见、就业保障机制不健全、传统的社会分工模式、高校部分专业设置等客观因素外,还存在智能结构上的性别差异、女性生理特征的高劳动成本、自身就业观念的偏差等主观因素。政府应加强制度设计和政策引导,给女大学生提供一个公平的就业环境;社会应积极提高女大学生的社会期望值,为女大学生就业创造良好的社会文化环境;高校应与时俱进,为女大学生就业提供服务;女大学生应转变观念,积极寻求自身就业的最佳契合点。  相似文献   

从"构建和谐社会与高职教育发展"等两个方面,阐述了强化高职就业教育的必要性;在树立"全程化"就业教育理念的基础上,针对强化高职就业教育,提出了以培养"专业技能、团队合作技能、求职面试技能"等为核心内容的一些思考.  相似文献   

分析了人力资本理论对毕业生就业区域、就业单位、就业起薪等就业期望的影响,得出了毕业生受教育层次越高,人力资本积累程度越高,就越希望所从事的职业能与自身的价值相匹配的结论。  相似文献   

拓展大学生就业素质,提升就业成功率是当下社会关注的焦点、热点问题,也是高等教育研究迫在眉睫的重要课题。创新意识、逻辑分析能力和团队素质是大学生就业能力的重要培养内容。媒介素养教育作为一种素质拓展的新手段,能够通过引导大学生判断媒介信息的意义和价值,启发大学生创新意识、锻炼逻辑分析能力和强化团队素质,从而提升大学生的就业竞争力。高等教育应重视和运用媒介素养教育,进一步拓展大学生的就业素质。  相似文献   

通过对4所高职院校毕业生职业心理素质的问卷调查显示,多数高职毕业生具有一定的职业意识和职业目标,意识到就业形势的严峻,并认为已经做好求职受挫的心理准备。但仍有部分学生表现出就业依赖心理较强、就业心理准备不充分等问题。高职院校应通过建立职业心理素质培养体系,改进心理健康教育等途径加强学生职业心理素质的培养。  相似文献   

Changes in educational policy in Russia will affect the proportion of young people who obtain their occupational qualifications in a university and in secondary-level professional training schools. There is currently a shortage of skilled blue-collar workers in Russia, and more needs to be done to ensure high-quality training for this sector of the labor force.  相似文献   

This article analyses the changing links between higher education and the labour market in terms of changing conceptions as to the capacity of higher education to reduce social inequalities, on the one hand, and to channel its graduates into the more prestigious forms of employment, on the other hand. It turns out that for the most part higher education does not reduce social inequality and may in fact reinforce it. At the same time, given the increased numbers of graduates and changes in the demand for graduates having certain specializations, it is clear that higher education no longer offers the same guarantee of prestigious employment to all its graduates as in the past. But higher education remains a form of employment insurance policy for them in that it will help them minimize their risks in terms of future employment and possible downward social mobility. It is the key that along with other forms of cultural and social capital, which are not equally distributed, will help open the door to employment, admittedly wider for some than for others.  相似文献   

Abstract: The employment quality of college graduates is a recent topic of heated discussion in China. Given the differences in the talent development goals of academic and vocational institutions and in individual job search approaches, this research compares the differences between the job search approaches and actual employment outcomes of graduates of undergraduate and vocational institutions, and analyzes the correspondence of vocational graduates’ job search approaches with their job search outcomes to identify the effect of higher vocational education on employment. Using the proposed methods, this study finds a significant gap in job search approaches between the two types of graduates and that higher vocational education significantly affects employment approaches and outcomes. The job search approaches of vocational graduates also influence their employment outcomes. The study concludes that the employment quality of vocational graduates is not necessarily worse than that of four-year undergraduates.  相似文献   

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