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进入21世纪,全方位加速教育现代化成为俄罗斯国家创新发展战略的重要组成部分。作为教育现代化重要指征的高等教育国际化一直是俄罗斯努力推进的重要领域,而提升高校影响力、扩大留学生规模又是其中尤为突出的任务之一。但多极化世界中的俄罗斯与昔日的苏联已全然不同,必须探索新型路径方能实现扩大留学生规模的初衷。在国家战略统筹、多元主体协同推进的原则下,俄罗斯通过五大路径取得了吸引留学生的明显成效,不仅数量规模和经济收效并举,而且已成为世界主要非英语留学目的国之一。俄罗斯吸引留学生新型路径的探索因循服务国家战略的三大行动逻辑:服从多方位外交战略,采取区域差别化策略;服务创新经济战略,打造服务型留学产业链;依从文化复兴战略,加强"俄语世界"的国际理解与认同。我国国情与俄罗斯有相似之处,在扩大留学生规模、提升吸引留学生政策效能方面,俄罗斯的主张与探索具有启发性。  相似文献   

This article investigates the transitioning process of international Chinese undergraduate students studying in Russia. The paper offers new insights into changes in the expectations and experiences of Chinese students at various stages of their joint educational studies in China and Russia. Drawing on a qualitative study of 20 Chinese undergraduates studying in Russia, the findings of the study indicate that before studying in Russia, most of Chinese students had low expectations about their study programme. However, once they were in Russia, students’ perception of the value of their international education experiences changes through varied opportunities for self-reflexivity in an unfamiliar cultural environment. The study also offers an example of methodological approach useful for researching international students’ experiences, particularly within but not limited to context of Sino-Foreign university partnerships.  相似文献   

俄罗斯信息技术课程的课程目标、课程内容和课程设置都有其特色。在俄罗斯的基础教育中,信息技术课程既关注学生信息文化的开发,又注重发展学生的创造能力和认知能力,其不间断教学的构想得到广泛的认可。  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a multi-level comparative approach to analyse Trends in International Mathematics and Science Survey (TIMSS) and Programme of International Student Achievement (PISA) mathematics results for a country, Russia, where the two tests provide contradictory information about students’ relative performance. Russian students do relatively well on the TIMSS mathematics test but relatively poorly on the PISA. We compare the performance of Russian students with different levels of family academic resources over the past decade on these tests compared to students with similar family resources in Russia’s neighbours and to Russian students studying in Latvian and Estonian Russian-medium schools. These comparisons and interviews with educators in Latvia and Estonia help us understand why students in Russia may perform lower on the PISA and to draw education policy lessons for improving international test performance generally and Russian students’ PISA mathematics performance specifically.  相似文献   

俄英对比教学是一种全新的外语教学模式,是部分高校针对二外选修课俄语教学中学生的现状所采用的教学方法,文章通过对俄英两种语言对比教学的可行性与实践性分析,揭示出俄英语言在语音、词汇、语法方面的异同,以增强俄语选修课教学的针对性,最终达到由教师启发性对比转变为学生积极地就所学项目进行对比。  相似文献   

赴俄罗斯高校学习的中国留学生毕业实习不同于普通高校,其与中俄合作办学的主要目标、为推动中俄经济贸易发展提供充足的俄语人才资源、全球化经济发展带来的对国际化人才的需求都有着紧密联系,应重视中俄合作办学中国留学生毕业实习面临的问题,积极引导其实习,为将来的就业做好充分的准备。  相似文献   

Comparative research data show that there is both a high level of ecological concern and a high level of ecological passivity among students in Russia, indicating that their ecological culture exists only on the symbolic level. The "green" culture of American college students, in contrast to that of Russia's college students, has become the "normal" paradigm and is propagated by the main social agents and social institutions.  相似文献   

Two decades of experience with the use of school counselors in rural areas of Russia has demonstrated their necessity in supporting students, but their further development and increasing effectiveness requires a significant increase in resources provided to them.  相似文献   

19世纪中期,汉学在俄国受到的重视是前所未有的,其研究水平已达到世界先进行列,取得的成绩也是令人瞩目的。这些成就的取得与俄国来华的留学生有密切的关系1.重视亲历目验的学术经历;2.重视语言能力的培养与语言学研究;3.重视文献与物质资料的积累;4.重视中国文化原典的翻译与研究。  相似文献   

二十世纪二十年代,在全国的"留俄热潮"中广西产生了第一代留俄生。新桂系时期留俄生的选派主要有由广州国民政府及广西当局公开招考、广西省军政机关特别派送三种方式;回国后他们当中的一部分人从事教育工作,一部分人成为中国共产党的领导骨干,一部分人则成为国民党新桂系集团中的党政军干部,在三十年代的广西政治舞台上颇具影响。  相似文献   

中俄两国之间在贸易的发展往来上越来越加密切,商务俄语作为一门培养对俄贸易专业外语人才的课程,已经受到了高校的普遍关注和重视。在这门课程中应更加重视对商务俄语文化方面的渗透,使高校培养的对外贸易俄语人才所学知识更适应日后从事的经贸活动。本文将对商务俄语中的商务文化渗透进行研究探讨。  相似文献   

《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(2-3):161-186
It is very difficult to estimate the number of Chinese students in Russia, because the Soviet government never announces it in public and the administration is being done outside the framework of official relations with the Chinese embassy in Russia. Therefore, even the Chinese legation does not have definite information regarding the number, profession, and home address of Chinese in Russia, although the legation roughly estimates the number at about 10,000. (1, 2)  相似文献   

The traditions of higher education in Russia dealing with elements of student government have been weakened in recent years, but recent research shows support among Russian students for greater involvement in activities related to their lives as students.  相似文献   

Integrating Learning Communities into Study Abroad, piloted in Russia, was a joint effort including students, faculty, and community leaders. Participants researched business practices and studied the humanities of Russia in different cities. Future learning communities will focus on business and humanities in Italy, Hungary, and Greece.  相似文献   

We estimate the influence of classmates’ ability characteristics on student achievement in exogenously formed university student groups. The study uses administrative data on undergraduate students at a large selective university in Russia. The presence of high-ability classmates has a significant positive effect on individual grades in key economics and mathematics courses as well as on overall academic performance. While a simple linear-in-means model reveals moderate peer effects, non-linear specifications give strong evidence that students at the top of the ability distribution derive the greatest benefit from high-ability classmates. Less able students are not affected by peers and have no significant influence on peers’ outcomes.  相似文献   

俄罗斯普通教育机构自1991年9月起开设生命安全基础知识课程,对中小学生进行安全教育,此为中小学生接受安全教育的最重要途径。除此之外,俄罗斯政府通过社会各类传播媒介培养中小学生的安全意识。俄罗斯中小学生安全教育呈现出鲜明的特点:政府重视,相关法律基础健全;安全教育目标服务教育总体目标;教育内容丰富,理论与实践结合;教育途径多样,各方有效合作。  相似文献   

This study investigates the concept of 'success' and the various ways contemporary Russian students are endeavouring to achieve and value success. The findings are set in the context of changes in the understanding and achievement of success among students in Russia over the past 30 years.  相似文献   

凯洛夫、赞可夫和艾—达关于教学与发展的理论,基于不同的学生发展观,开展不同的教学活动,在俄罗斯基础教育领域成为一道独特的风景线。三种理论之间既有区别又有继承。基于三种理论的不同教学体系,丰富了学生发展的要求,也奠定了俄罗斯基础教育领域的多样化、系统化。从比较的角度梳理三种理论之间的关系,借鉴于我国基础教育教学改革。  相似文献   

俄罗斯国家统一考试及其对我国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
俄罗斯在历经多年的各大学独立招生、自主命题、口试笔试相结合的大学入学考试制度之后,近几年开始对该制度进行改革并向国家统一考试方向发展。这是正在进行的教育现代化改革的一项重要举措,也是其建立独立的教育评价系统的第一步。从其改革的背景、目的与任务、进展情况与主要结论几个方面对俄罗斯国家统一考试进行介绍,同时对我国正在进行的高考改革提出建议,希望通过介绍俄罗斯的国家统一考试制度对我国的高考改革能有些启示。  相似文献   

Research on the extent and kind of political involvement of college students in Russia shows that there are a number of distinct groupings within the category of Russian youth.  相似文献   

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