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教学方法正确,臻至巧妙,可以“点石成金”;教学方法错误,抑或愚笨,就会“点金成 石”。因此,教学方法巧妙与否,极其重要,是教育成功与否的关键一环。神话传说中,吕洞宾有一个特别的手指,能够“点石成金”,我们老师也需要有这个点石 成金的“手指”。学生接受教育,不仅希望得到“金子”—老师教授的知识;更希望得到点 石成金的“手指”—知识得来的方法。如果老师仅只教授知识,而不能传授方法,学生可以 取得一时的成功,但无论怎样也不能取得永远的成功。永远的成功,必须是拥有点石成金的 “手指”。“授人以鱼,只供一餐之…  相似文献   

We present the design of a new 3D animation tool for self‐teaching (signing and reading) finger spelling—the first basic component in learning any sign language. We have designed a highly realistic hand with natural animation of the finger motions. Smoothness of motion (in real time) is achieved via programmable blending of animation segments. The hand is utilised by a programme that automatically converts text to finger spelling with controllable playback speed and playback views. The programme can be operated in two modes for two basic applications: learning to read (finger spelling) and learning to sign. For both modes, multi‐sided views are provided. In addition, for the signing mode, a mirror view is provided for the common technique of using a mirror for feedback in practising finger spelling. An additional view revealing the joint structure of the hand allows the signer to practise the subjective view without having to guess the position of the fingers. This is the first example of highly realistic 3D animation that can be used practically to teach a basic aspect of sign language. The method is applicable more generally to sign language, and this finger‐spelling application should be regarded as a first step toward the extension of highly realistic 3D animation to sign language in general.  相似文献   

指纹识别技术在安检、门禁、考试等方面得到了很好应用,但指纹存在于皮肤表面,有一些不可避免的缺点,会影响识别效果.而手指静脉识别技术能完全克服指纹识别的缺点,使身份认证更加方便快捷.对静脉识别技术的特点以及国内外的发展现状进行了介绍.  相似文献   

对于0-6岁的婴幼儿来说,手指的活动,是大脑的体操.在手指游戏过程里活动的是手,锻炼的却不仅仅是手还有大脑.也就是说,手的动作与人脑的发育有着极为密切和重要的关系,对语言、视觉、听觉、触觉等方面的发展也有极大的帮助.  相似文献   

European Journal of Psychology of Education - What constitutes effective teaching of arithmetical skills in early school years is still uncertain. Finger use could play a crucial role in this...  相似文献   

The photoplethysmogram (PPG) of a pulse wave, similar in appearance to the arterial blood pressure (ABP) waveform, contains rich information about the cardiovascular system. The decay time constant RC, equal to the product of peripheral resistance R and total arterial compliance C, is a meaningful cardiovascular model parameter in vascular assessment. Using or ameliorating the existing ABP methods does not achieve a satisfactory estimation of RC from the PPG volume pulse (VRC). Thus, a novel non-iterative shape method (NSM) of evaluating VRC is introduced in this paper. The mathematic expression between a novel, readily available morphological parameter called the area difference ratio (ADR) and VRC was established. As it was difficult to calculate VRC from the complicated expression analytically, we recommend estimating it using a piecewise linear interpolation criterion. Also, since the effect of the PPG magnitude is eliminated in the calculation of ADR, precaliberation or normalization is dispensable in the NSM. Results of human experiments indicated that the NSM was computationally efficient, and the simulation experiments confirmed that the NSM was theoretically available for ABP.  相似文献   

Visual-kinetic communication systems - ancient finger numbers, medieval and Renaissance finger alphabets, conventionalized 'coverbal' gesture systems for oratory and the theater, the Roman pantomime, monastic sign lexicons, and the elusive possibility of natural sign languages - have all received the scholarly attention that has turned up the few surviving primary texts from the period before 1600. The extant documentation indicates that many visual-kinetic systems were sporadically in use among the general (i.e., hearing) population to a degree almost unimaginable to post-Renaissance societies such as ours that popularly associate 'gesture languages' with the deaf. In detail, however, the texts are often difficult to interpret, not only because of their scarcity and generally highly allusive nature, but also because of modern historians' often unproductive or misproductive approaches to them. This survey is meant to provide an overview of the textual evidence and a foundation for both sign language linguists and historians of the deaf education to analyze and interpret more accurately and usefully the extant evidence for visual-kinetic communication systems before the rise of Deaf Education.  相似文献   

互联网络与高校思想政治工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何运用网络技术拓展高校思想政治工作的空间,是高校思想政治工作面临的新课题,高校思想政治工作要坚持正确的舆论导向,筑起自己的网络阵地,发挥网络宣传教育功能,防范网络负面侵害提高高校思想政治工作队伍的网络素质。  相似文献   

新课标下的作文教学很注重学生表现内容的真实性和表达情感的真切性,但是不管是内容真实,还是情感真切,都要学生注重实践和现实感。笔者认为,这是对前一时期表现的作文弄虚作假的现象进行反思之后所做出的调整。有些学生甚至还不知道自己写的话本身所蕴含的真正意义,只是这样写就好像能提高作文的思想境界,就能得高分。而不管这些话该不该在这篇文章中出现。  相似文献   

高校历史文化资源指高校在其历史发展过程中创造或传承的物质文化资源和精神文化资源的总和,它所包含的历史事件、历史名人、思想文化以及地域文化资源等,成为高校独特的文化资本,不仅蕴含了高校发展的文化精髓,而且是落实立德树人根本任务的活水源头。通过深度挖掘高校历史文化资源、建立健全高校历史名人档案、提炼大学精神、汲取地域历史文化资源以及建立历史文化育人长效机制等措施,充分发挥高校历史文化资源的"以史育人、以德树人、以文化人"的综合价值。  相似文献   

The stronghold that games have on our society has made it imperative that educators understand the impact that video games can have. Owens (2012) presented two frames for how the press discussed the popular game Spore, which incorporates elements of science topics. One frame suggested that the game teaches children about intelligent design, while the other implied the game merely made students excited about science topics. While this debate is nothing new, having foundations in several theoretical perspectives; educators must identify their own perceptions of video games and how even commercial games can be used as tools for teaching.  相似文献   

女性主义和后殖民主义之间相互影响并相互借鉴,它们在理论和实践上有不少共同之处:都源于政治实践运动;都是一种政治文化批评而非纯学理式的文学批评;同属于后现代主义思潮,深受解构主义的影响,具有反权威、去中心的颠覆性.女性主义和后殖民主义的相互影响与融合,对20世纪西方文论的发展起到了促进作用.  相似文献   

在文学艺术的审美创造过程中,酒与文学结下了不解之缘。本文借用精神分析学的理论,探析了酒在文学艺术创作中的作用,认为酒是激发文学艺术家进入创作境界的触媒,但真正作品的形成离不开文学艺术家对文学创作规律的娴熟领会与运用。  相似文献   

政治哲学从总体上不是空虚的概念,必须与时代的方式、存在方式。与思想文化相关联。而现代的时代,是科学技术的时代,不能回避科学技术对人的政治生活方式产生的影响。这是必须正视的问题。  相似文献   

有时和时而都是时间副词,且都属于不定时时间副词的类别,在语义上它们都可以表示某种动作、行为或状态在某段时间可以进行和发生,用法上既有相同之处,又有许多不同之处。  相似文献   

在思政课教学中有效运用和发挥"微课"的独特优势,以"创新·开放·融合·共享"理念来促进高校思政课教学方式的革新,有助于激发和满足大学生学习思政课的学习热情和学习需求,从而提升高校思想政治理论课教育的吸引力和实效性。  相似文献   

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