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In the last two decades, concepts have appeared that have influenced and even defined entire science and technology policies in Western countries: high technology, national system of innovation, information economy, knowledge-based economy, and the new economy. In all these policy developments, the OECD, acting as a think tank for its member countries, has been an important promoter of the concepts, turning them into buzzwords. This article looks at the concept of the new economy as the culmination of decades of work on technology and productivity, and explores the crucial role of the OECD in its dissemination and, above all, the role statistics have played in shaping science and innovation policies.  相似文献   

陈科  李大港 《科技与管理》2008,10(2):115-117
为了帮助企业正确利用信息化人力资源即e-HR这个利器来提升企业人力资源管理水平,通过探讨e-HR的发展趋势、当前企业人力资源管理的e化问题,从观念层、制度层和操作层3个方面提出了一套基于系统观建立信息化人力资源管理的思路。  相似文献   

The success of information retrieval depends on the ability to measure the effective relationship between a query and its response. If both are posed in natural language, one might expect that understanding the meaning of that language could not be avoided. The aim of this research is to demonstrate that it is perhaps unnecessary to be able to determine the meaning in the absolute sense; it may be sufficient to measure how far there is a conformity in meaning, and then only in the context of the set of documents in which the answer to a query is sought. Handling a particular language using a computer is made possible through replacing certain texts by special sets. A given text has a ‘syntactic trace’, the set of all the overlapping trigrams forming part of the text. When determining the effective relationship between a query and its answer, not only do their syntactic traces play a role, but so do the traces of all other documents in the set. This is known as the ‘information trace method’.  相似文献   

This paper deals particularly with those instruments of the index-and-scale and value-controlling types of the class of non-integrating instruments, as distinguished from integrating instruments and those used for comparison purposes strictly. Independent corroboration is adduced regarding the general characteristics of the hysteresis phenomena discussed in the author's earlier paper on the variance of measuring instruments.It is shown that the area of the hysteresis loop obtained on complete cyclic calibration is a measure of the energy dissipated in the operation of the instrument and that the smallness of the area of this loop, which may be used as a factor in a function exactly analogous to the resiliency in the case of other quasielastic bodies, is a measure of the excellence of the instrument as regards the reproducibility or invariance of its indications, so far as concerns mechanical sources of variation. The specific properties of the hysteresis loop are set down analytically and the physical nature and causes of the imperfect resilience of instruments are discussed in detail.Since the motion of an index or pointer through a displacement implies the existence of a motive force to bring about the deflection, in the presence of an equivalent reactive or restoring force opposing it, the essentials of a work diagram apparently always exist in the results of a properly perforined cyclic calibration. Indications are given of the methods to be followed in the process of reducing the results of the calibration to such form that the loop obtained correctly represents energy dissipation during a cycle, typifying an integral of the form
ByDy1 (Y)?Ø2 (Y)] dy
when By and Dy are the projections of the extremities B and D of the loop on the, axis of deflection or reading.The restrictions which surround the carrying out of cyclic calibrations in a manner calculated to obtain results of the character required are discussed, including the requirements of slow, aperiodic change of the variables, unreversed between the chosen extreme turning points, and accomplished in the absence of jarring or vibration. Attention is directed to the necessity of accustoming the instrument to the particular cycle over which it is to be calibrated, to the end of regularizing its performance.Both the form and area of the hysteresis loop should be observed, in order to arrive at regional as well as aggregate effects of the causes producing the variance. The amount and scope of the effects of vibratory treatment in modifying and diminishing the causes of lag are indicated.The possible causes of the lag known to exist in. the case of instruments using a surface of discontinuity between fluids as the indicating element are discussed, and it is shown that known phenomena perhaps hitherto unrecognized in their relation to instrument design and calibration may account for the variancy noted. Detailed experimental consideration of these factors is hoped for.Comparison of instrument performances on the basis of the hysteresis loss requires equivalence of the ranges of operation, or possibly reduction of the results on the basis of information not vet available in a form, capable of general application.The resiliency determination opens up a field for type-testing and selection of instruments on a basis quite discrete from that pertaining to the ordinary methods of calibration, in that the former permits selection between types of instruments rather than between individuals, making clearly discriminable the differences between the characteristics of given operating principles, designs of mechanical details, or qualities of workmanship. The more general methods of diminishing variance educible from the foregoing considerations are indicated.  相似文献   

BackgroundPEGylation, defined as the covalent attachment of polyethylene glycol, allows the synthesis of PEGylated therapeutic proteins with enhanced physicochemical properties. Traditional alkylating N-terminal PEGylation reactions on amine groups involve the use of modified linear mono-methoxy polyethylene glycol (mPEG) molecules looking for the synthesis of mono-PEGylated products. However, this approach requires different purification steps since inevitably undesired cross-linked products are synthesized. Herein, we propose the use of reactive aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) to produce and purify PEGylated therapeutic conjugates using Ribonuclease A (RNase A) as a model protein.ResultsSelected linear 5 kDa and 20 kDa mPEG – potassium phosphate systems were produced according to equilibrium data obtained from constructed binodal curves. All reactive systems were able to generate biphasic systems and to PEGylate RNase A. Two 5 kDa and two 20 kDa systems were selected based on the reaction yield percentage and the feasibility of purifying the mono-PEGylated RNase A from the di-PEGylated and native RNase A by contrasting the differences in their partition behaviors. The remnant biological activity was of 94% and of 100% for the mono-PEGylated RNase A purified from the 5 kDa and 20 kDa mPEG systems when compared to the mono-PEGylated conjugate obtained by standard procurement methods.ConclusionsThis novel approach using reactive ATPS shows that it is feasible to simultaneously produce and purify PEGylated therapeutic proteins with conserved biological activity and presents another example where reactive ATPS can be successfully implemented.How to cite: Campos-García VR, Benavides J, González-Valdez J. Reactive aqueous two-phase systems for the production and purification of PEGylated proteins. Electron J Biotechnol 2021;54. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejbt.2021.09.003  相似文献   

零售企业核心竞争力:概念、内容和测评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李飞  曹兰兰 《科学学研究》2006,24(Z2):564-569
在借鉴工业领域核心竞争力理论成果的基础上,充分考虑零售行业的特殊性,探讨零售企业核心竞争力的概念,以及与工业领域不同的核心竞争力载体、内容及测评方法,为零售企业建立、评价核心竞争力和经营创新提供理论依据。  相似文献   

战略生态理论的演进:概念与基本问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析国内外关于战略生态理论的大量文献的基础上,给出了战略生态的概念,提出了战略生态的元素及其关系、同态(构)现象、互动、平衡与稳定以及在企业战略规划实施中战略生态的有效嵌入等战略生态应该关注的几个基本问题,指出了这些基本问题对于企业战略管理的重要意义。  相似文献   

Modelling of switching systems using bond graph is a research issue. There have been many proposals in this context. However, there are many issues that need consideration. This paper proposes the concept of switched power junctions that is a generalisation of the conventional junction concept in bond graph modelling. This approach removes most of the difficulties associated with other methodologies. This method ensures that causality remains invariant during mode switching thus keeping the state vector and its dimension time invariant. Further, the switched power junction displays all feasible system modes at the same time on the same graph. This concept is further illustrated through simulation using examples of switching systems in the electrical domain.  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,我国非常重视国家安全,提出了总体国家安全观。经济安全是国家安全的基础。随着科技与经济社会发展的深入融合,技术对经济安全的影响日益突出。在当前经济全球化与新一轮科技革命和产业变革兴起的背景下,迫切需要关注技术因素对经济安全的影响,开展理论与实证研究。文章从一个新兴学科建设的视角,提出了技术经济安全的概念,从时间、空间与技术-经济三个维度阐述其9个特征,分析了技术经济安全与产业安全、技术安全、技术经济等相关研究的联系与区别,并提出了技术经济安全研究应关注的重点问题。  相似文献   


Long‐distance education is now possible because of advancements and improvements in international telecommunications. This paper sets forth the concept of a “University of the World” in which students use computers, radio, and television to take courses in their chosen discipline and, in return, receive course credit and even academic degrees. The author describes the concept, its educational goals and objectives, the availability of courseware, the impact of global instructional technology, and questions of cost and technological capability. The organization, governance, funding, and operation of the University of the World are also described, including remarks on the benefits of membership and the functional value as seen from the student's perspective.  相似文献   

培育核心能力: 中小旅行社生存与发展的关键   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中国加入世贸组织和信息技术的普及,旅游市场竞争日益加剧,“小,弱,散,差”的中小旅行社的生存发展问题引起了广泛关注。从中小旅行社的发展现状出发,结合企业核心能力的基础理论,认为中小旅行社生存,发展的关键在于培育核心能力,并提出了中小旅行社核心能力的结构及培育方法和途径。  相似文献   

李晓梅 《大众科技》2013,(4):263-264
对机遇的重视使公司建立了一种创新与企业家的文化,不同岗位上的员工会以不同的思路与角度审视公司的战略。当不同岗位的员工为企业的战略而争辩时,企业才可能在时代风向标开始转变的第一时间抓住机会脱颖而出。  相似文献   

高技术传播的概念与模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈健 《科研管理》2002,23(3):69-73
由于传统技术与高技术的重大区别 ,在分析高技术传播现象时 ,传统技术传播研究和国际技术转移理论的研究方法存在种种困难。本文从传播这一最基本的概念出发 ,在对高技术特质充分重视的前提下 ,尝试给出扩展的、综合的高技术传播概念及其模型的理论描述 ,以便为现实的高技术传播现象提供某种分析框架  相似文献   

LED节能灯的优势和设计的构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林桂文 《大众科技》2013,(5):126-128
节能减排是当前我国十分关注的问题,随着社会的发展和人们生活水平的提高,照明用电量逐年增加,照明在能源消耗和环境污染上的问题已引起人们的重视。发光二极管以其节能、高效、长寿命、绿色环保、无辐射等显著特点,给全世界照明市场带来了新的契机。半导体照明产业充满诱人商机,在照明市场上具有广泛的应用前景,其中最令人期待的是代替白炽灯和荧光灯。文章详细介绍了恒流源LED照明灯设计与研制的过程,并对开发出的产品进行了较为全面的性能测试。  相似文献   

虚拟企业的概念辨析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在综合分析相关文献的基础上指出了“虚拟企业”的三个本质特征,即功能特点专长化、运作方式合作化、联盟形式动态化,并以此为核心来分析虚拟企业与相关概念的区别。  相似文献   

知识群落概念模型   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
刘福林  康洁  李淑萍  宋唯一 《科学学研究》2010,28(10):1445-1453
通过建构知识群落概念模型,能够全面揭示知识群落概念本质,进而有助于破解知识群落的内部结构规律与调节规律,促进第三代知识管理理论体系的建立,推动认识规律、创新规律与知识规律研究的深入发展。又经分析发现,目前文献并没有完整的界定知识群落概念本质。为此,采用仿生学演绎,由生物群落概念模型推理建立了知识群落概念模型,经实证研究,该模型揭示了知识群落概念本质,包括时间、区域社会环境与知识种群3个维度,演替与波动2种动态。并由此推导出了知识群落研究的新思维与内容。该研究是现有成果的突破,是基于仿生学发现的重要基础理论,适用于信息与知识相关研究领域,具有重要科学意义与应用价值。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to determine the resistance antecedents to enterprise systems. Thus, by reviewing the extant literature with respect to resistance behavior to information systems, a theoretical model containing the factors that influence user resistance behavior to enterprise systems was compiled. Then, via a web survey, 169 valid questionnaires filled out by Brazilian IT managers who had already implemented enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems were obtained. From there, the research drew on factor analysis and structural equation modeling techniques to refine and test the proposed model. It was found that “systems” and “personal inclination” factors explain about 49% of the variance related to resistance to enterprise systems. The former factor reveals that the characteristics of the enterprise system to be implemented can lead to resistance to implementation per se, whereas the latter suggests that individuals with an inherent bias to resist change might make the implementation of a new ERP system difficult.  相似文献   

Respiratory viral infections are leading causes of death worldwide. A number of human respiratory viruses circulate in all age groups and adapt to person-to-person transmission. It is vital to understand how these viruses infect the host and how the host responds to prevent infection and onset of disease. Although animal models have been widely used to study disease states, incisive arguments related to poor prediction of patient responses have led to the development of microfluidic organ-on-chip models, which aim to recapitulate organ-level physiology. Over the past decade, human lung chips have been shown to mimic many aspects of the lung function and its complex microenvironment. In this review, we address immunological responses to viral infections and elaborate on human lung airway and alveolus chips reported to model respiratory viral infections and therapeutic interventions. Advances in the field will expedite the development of therapeutics and vaccines for human welfare.  相似文献   

Systems integration encompasses both system design and management of supplier networks. We examine the “second face” of systems integration related to the organization and management of supplier networks. We analyze a unique dataset on the supply chains for three major U.S. weapon systems to examine how systems integrators balance the economies-of-scope benefits of general-purpose technologies and the benefits of horizontal supplier specialization. We show that horizontal specialization – an establishment’s focus on a particular market – differs with distance from the systems integrator. Systems integrators derive the benefits of specialization primarily (though not exclusively) from their direct suppliers, and they access general-purpose technologies from lower-tier suppliers. Some of the lower-tier suppliers themselves integrate complex subsystems, belying the image of the supplier network as a “production pyramid” with simple firms at its base. We further find that the supply chains of the three weapon systems that we study are dominated by facilities whose main line of business is in non-defense markets, because of the large number of lower-tier suppliers that serve commercial markets. This demonstrates the importance of the supply chain as a source of commercial-military integration, linking defense production to the wider economy and casting doubt on the view that there is a “wall of separation” that prevents the U.S. defense effort from gaining access to civilian technologies.  相似文献   

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