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加拿大作为多民族和多元文化的马赛克国度,在公民教育中秉承自由主义的多元文化主义公民资格观——差异的公民资格以及国家认同与族群认同并重的公民教育观,并将此理念贯彻落实在公民教育的实践中,通过公民教育实现了国家认同与族群身份的有机统一。对于同样面临多元文化和民族差异问题的中国来说,加拿大的公民教育理念及实践具有一定的参考和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

加拿大中小学公民教育传授与国家和社会相关的公民权利和责任,并以培养国家和自身族群的双认同感为目的,实践路径有课程、校园活动、校外活动三种路径。作为奉行多元文化政策的国家,加拿大中小学的公民教育形成了多门学科渗透的立体课程体系,奉行差异公民身份观,关注少数民族的差异性并关注弱势群体诉求,强调多维度公民教育实践。  相似文献   

加拿大是一个由移民和土著民族(印第安人、因纽特人)组成的多民族、多宗教、多文化的国家。加拿大民族教育政策经历了由同化到多元文化再到强调同一性认同的公民教育。与此同时,加拿大的民族教育政策受到了来自理论界的批判和实践领域的质疑。加拿大民族教育政策正处在一个新的历史转型时期,在新自由主义、新保守主义与自由社会平等话语等思潮的交互式影响下趋于多元化发展。  相似文献   

"平静的革命"给加拿大魁北克社会带来了深刻变化,也使魁北克公民教育获得了新的发展.新的魁北克公民身份和认同逐渐形成.而魁北克社会的多元文化现实又使其在发展过程中形成了自己独特的公民教育理念--文化间性主义.法语教育、历史教育和文化间性教育成为学校中公民教育实施的主要途径.面对复杂的民族关系,魁北克试图实现多元文化社会中的公民整合与民族建构.  相似文献   

随着国际公民教育趋势的发展,加拿大对其传统公民教育进行改革,加拿大各省教育政策也积极促进主动公民教育方向的培养,然而现实中主动公民教育培养的课程和教师专业发展都存在难以克服的障碍,加拿大在主动公民发展目标上努力的方向值得探析。  相似文献   

加拿大是世界上经济比较发达的国家之一,是一个汇聚了许多民族的移民之国,一部加拿大历史实际就是一部各种移民奋力开发和共同生活的历史。多元化的社会风貌,是加拿大的显著特征。加拿大政治、经济、文化、思想等的多元化模式,反映在教育领域里,既有法国教育的血缘,又有英国教育的缩影,既有美国教育的灵魂,又有亚洲国家教育的精萃,是一个典型环境下的典型教育形象。加拿大的教育宗旨是在培养国家需要的优良公民的前提下,充分发展学生优良的个性天资,发展个性和强调个性化教育是加拿大教育目标的显著特征。  相似文献   

公民社会就是"公民"作为社会主体的社会,公民社会在成长和发展中应具有相应的价值观念和精神文化体系。公民社会与公民文化是融为一体的。公民社会的本质不仅可以从制度层面体现出来,而且有着深刻的文化价值蕴涵。公民社会的文化价值状态反映着公民文化的内涵。公民文化是社会民主制度建构的基础。公民文化的培育既是公民个体的自觉实践,也是一项根本的社会使命。公民文化的培育能够促进公民社会的发育和完善。公民社会与公民文化是公民教育产生和发展的基础。公民文化与公民教育是相互促进、共同发展的。公民教育主要包括公民意识教育、公民伦理教育和公民责权教育。公民教育作为一种文化现象,是文化传统的反映和文化合理性的表达。理性精神、伦理精神和公共精神是公民教育的文化诉求。  相似文献   

公民教育的政治——文化范式解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公民教育与国家政治契合一直是西方社会的传统,公民教育实质就是公民意识的培养教育。从政治-文化角度探讨公民教育就应充分认识到公民文化对公民意识形成的重要性。在我国践行公民教育,政府应从集权过渡到放权,学校应从“政治”教育过渡到公民教育,公民则应从义务本位过渡到权利本位。  相似文献   

刘晓巍 《教育评论》2014,(1):147-149
19世纪下半叶至20世纪上半叶,作为民族国家的日本和加拿大开始形成。面对国内教育领域突显的少数族群和多元文化问题,日本提出以单一的民族或文化理念为基础的国家融合概念,即文化或民族认同模式。加拿大则试图通过公民理念达到国家融合,即构建公民认同模式。日本的文化或民族认同模式在实际中几乎没有为本国少数族群提供发展空间,加拿大的公民认同模式虽然没有这一问题,但却对国家团结形成一定挑战。20世纪60年代,两国开始逐渐调整教育政策,采取具体措施,试图在两种模式之间保持适当的张力。  相似文献   

当前我国公民教育研究领域中几个亟待解决的问题   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
社会主义公民教育的基本内涵和框架构建、公民教育与思想政治教育的关系、公民教育的国际化与西方公民教育理论中国化的关系等是当前我国公民教育研究领域亟待解决的问题。我国公民教育的基本框架由公民的思想教育、公民的民主法制和政治素质的教育、公民的科学文化素质教育和智能素质的培养、生活素质以及心理素质等非智能素质教育四部分组成;公民教育与思想政治教育的关系是相互补充、共生相长、相互促进、相得益彰的关系;中国特色社会主义现代化和社会主义和谐社会建设离不开公民教育,公民教育必须与中国传统文化相结合、与中国社会主义现代化建设实践相结合,走中国化的道路。  相似文献   

This paper looks at access to adult education and vocational education and training (VET) provision in fishing communities in the Western Cape, South Africa. Fishing communities are being disadvantaged due to geographical and socio-political marginalisation, and the predominance of informal sector employment in the context of worldwide marine resource depletion. Neither public nor private provision is adequately serving rural areas or the informal sector in this context. Using the sustainable livelihoods approach as a tool of analysis, this paper argues that a more cross-sectoral approach is needed to tackle equity and poverty concerns in adult education and training provision.  相似文献   

高等职业院校应把培养具有"工程师素质、技师水平"的职业技能型高职毕业生,作为人才培养的出发点和宗旨,接近生产实际的实训实践教学是探求"产、学、研"的教学内容和"教、学、做"的教学形式相结合的有效方法,体现的是"以教师(师傅)为主导,以学生为主体"的教学理念,是办好特色职业教育的有效途径。  相似文献   

“人的可持续发展”概念的提出,要求我们对职业教育的内涵作出新的阐释。以此为基础,可将未来职业教育的创新趋势全面纳入人的可持续发展的视野中,提出未来职业教育创新趋势的个人建构,即以个体生命的发展为出发点,通过职业教育赋予受教育者可持续发展的精神和能力,提升其生命质量和人生境界。  相似文献   

This article examines the status of current policies aimed at promoting gender equity for young children in the South and South East Asian Region. It details the main themes and concerns within these policies and argues that there is still considerable work to be done before gender equity programmes fully permeate all aspects of the delivery systems of education for young children. In conclusion ten elements for successful gender equity programmes are outlined as a basis for developing a strong strategic approach to gender equity within the region.  相似文献   

An ethnographic case study of two mainstreamed, multicultural day-care centers was conducted over a school year. Children's responses to formal and informal curricula dealing with aspects of human diversity (e.g., race, ethnicity, gender, and exceptionality) were analyzed, as were children's interaction patterns. Although both programs emphasized acceptance of individual differences, few planned activities dealt with race or cultural diversity. Programs were seen as more consistent with a human relations approach and not fully implementing education that is multicultural. The use of nonsexist language and nonbiased materials and teachers' attempts to prevent gender stereotyping were found to have positive, though limited, effects. Children at both centers appeared to accept their mainstreamed peers, with cross-ability interactions improving over the year. Issues in early childhood applications of education that is multicultural are discussed.  相似文献   

The traditional role of the facilitator in outdoor education is frequently seen as outside the group of participants, either in a position of power over the participants or detached and passive. Following an ethnographic study at a residential outdoor centre, an in-depth analysis of the facilitation process was carried out, which revealed that the facilitator is always part of the group, and that the type of influence that the facilitators have on the outdoor learning process depends on the way that they approach their role within the group. For the purpose of this paper, the term ‘facilitator’ is used to refer to both centre staff as well as visiting teachers accompanying the school groups. This paper addresses critical questions regarding the effectiveness of the outdoor learning process when a position of power is adopted. The paper will also show the impact that recognizing the facilitator as a member of the group has on the learning experience in the outdoor classroom.  相似文献   

This paper considers perceptions of children’s learning and classroom practice to support learning in the Pakistani early years educational context. In Pakistan, there is a growing focus on quality provision of early childhood education and building early childhood education teacher capacity. Over the course of one academic year, data were collected from kindergarten teachers in a Pakistani urban school through interviews and classroom observations as part of a larger study. Findings presented in this paper are based on the interview data of two teachers in the sample, a novice and an experienced teacher. Data analysis examined their perceptions of kindergarten children’s learning and of their practice to support kindergarten children’s learning, taking into consideration the gender perspective. The results showed tensions in the teachers’ perceptions which contrasted between a constructivist approach and a teacher-directed skills approach. Perceptions of their practice reflected a formal, teacher-directed approach rather than a constructivist approach and a teacher-directed skills approach to teaching. Several factors, including deep-rooted perceptions as well as curriculum structure, time, number of staff and resources, contributed to this.  相似文献   

Alan Tuckett 《Open Learning》2013,28(2):160-163
This case study relates to distance learning students on open access courses. It demonstrates the use of predictive analytics to generate a model of the probabilities of success and retention at different points, or milestones, in a student journey. A core set of explanatory variables has been established and their varying relative importance at different milestones identified. The explanatory variables, milestones and reference points when the model is run will be different at other institutions but the approach may be generalised to distance learning institutions and, more broadly, to any HE institution. Institutions, and especially distance education institutions which do not have the advantages of frequently seeing students, need to make full use of any recorded information they hold to try and identify students who are, or become, at potential risk of leaving. The importance of different factors, at different milestones, may help tailor student support to individual students and therefore improve low retention in open access distance education.  相似文献   

Research indicates that teachers’ conceptions of and approaches to teaching with technology are central for the successful imple-mentation of educational technologies in higher education. This study advances this premise. We present a 10-year longitudinal study examining teachers’ conceptions of and approaches to teaching and learning with technology. Nine teachers on an online Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy and a Master of Pharmacy programme at a Swedish university were studied using a phenomenographic approach. Results showed clear differences between novice and experienced teachers. Although novice teachers initially held more teacher-focused conceptions, they demonstrated greater and more rapid change than experienced colleagues. Experienced teachers tended to exhibit little to no change in conceptions. Supporting conceptual change should, therefore, be a central component of professional development activities if a more effective use of educational technology is to be achieved.  相似文献   

Levy  Philippa 《Instructional Science》2003,31(1-2):87-109
This paper presents a methodological frameworkfor practice-based research in the field ofnetworked learning, based on the author'sapproach to carrying out a case studyevaluation of a networked professionaldevelopment initiative for information servicesstaff in higher education. The theoreticalcase for the framework is made with referenceto principles associated with constructivistprogramme evaluation as well as withinterpretivist and critical traditions inaction research. The purposes and politics ofthis approach, and the question of validationcriteria for claims about its effectiveness forbuilding theory, as well as for evaluating andimproving practice, are discussed. Issues todo with using computer-mediated communicationas a medium for participatory research are alsoraised. An overview is given of the way thisresearch approach was implemented in practice(including the use of a combination of on-lineand face-to-face data collection methods) andsome methodological issues that arose in thecourse of carrying it out are highlighted. Thepaper concludes by suggesting that as amethodology for evaluating, theorising andimproving practice, `networked action research'also offers an approach to pedagogical design,most obviously in the context of networkedprofessional development for educators andlearner support staff.  相似文献   

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