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作为残疾人中的弱势群体的智障人士,需要家庭和社会的照顾与支持,作为社会成员,他们同样也需要融入社会和参与社会。本文以青海省H智障人士服务机构为例,拟对智障人士社区化服务模式的困境作一初步探讨,以期有利于当前智障人士社区化服务的进一步开展。  相似文献   

There is limited information about specific research constructs developed by adults with intellectual disability in undertaking research despite increasing involvement in research with rather than on these individuals. Participatory research was used with three young adults with intellectual disability to collaboratively develop a training programme and investigate the skills used and developed when undertaking the research project. Three research domains—Knowledge, Conceptual understandings and Skills, were identified, within which 18 subsets were categorised. Development in all domains and subsets occurred for all young adults, with variations in gains across subsets and participants. These young adults attained research knowledge, understanding and skills that enabled them to become collaborative researchers within this project.  相似文献   

上海市成年智障人士性教育状况调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对上海市124名阳光之家工作人员,27名成年智障人士及其家长进行问卷调查和个别访谈,了解目前上海市阳光之家成年智障人士性教育状况,结果发现:成年智障人士存在较强烈的性教育需求;家长和工作人员对性教育在认识上持肯定态度,但在实际教学中仍有所回避;目前机构中,教学材料缺乏、工作人员教学能力不足是性教育教学难以开展的主要原因.因此,在社区安置机构中开展成年智障人士性教育教学工作依旧任重而道远.  相似文献   

试论建构主义学习观在培智学校教学中的运用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前我国在广泛开展提高培智学校课堂教学质量的研究 ,若想取得突破性进展就需要有先进的理论指导 ,本文介绍一种与培智学校课堂教学密切相关的、近些年兴起的新的学习理论———建构主义理论 ,并主要围绕如何应用、特别是课程设置问题展开论述  相似文献   

弱智儿童适应性教育再思考   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
适应是弱智儿童成长发展的基本形式和趋势。适应力决定了弱智儿童真实生活的水平与质量。本文以新的适应观“适应是弱智儿童与环境双方的改变、调适”为主导 ,论及弱智儿童适应过程、特点。明晰弱智儿童适应性教育诊断 ,适应性养成教育的思路。启发对障碍、对环境建构的理解  相似文献   

This research investigates the feasibility of assessing the self‐perceived stress levels of people with mild intellectual disabilities by self‐report. People with intellectual disabilities generally find it difficult to complete commonly used self‐report checklists when they are administered in the prescribed manner because of unfamiliarity with both the language and the paper and pencil format. A measure of daily stressors was therefore adapted to a standardized interview format and administered to 28 people with mild intellectual disabilities on five consecutive days. The interview format using standardized questions enabled all participants to complete the questionnaire. The use of follow‐up clarifying prompts by the interviewers ensured that the participants understood the questions and gave responses that they could support with explanations or examples. The data appeared to have reasonable levels of internal consistency. On average, each person experienced seven stressful events per day which they generally rated somewhere between ‘not so good’ and ‘bad’. The daily events found to be most stressful involved difficulties in interpersonal relationships. The evidence, however, suggests that many of the events that people with mild intellectual disability find stressful may not be covered in standard instruments such as that used in the present study. Future research should continue to develop a more sensitive, standardized measure based on events that people with disabilities report as stressful in their lives.  相似文献   

为了解培智学校教师对目前课程的看法 ,本研究对培智学校教师进行了调查、分析。结果表明 ,培智学校教师对课程内容、课程设置、教学效果多方面不满意 ,希望课程改革 ,但又安于现状。因此 ,在培智学校课程改革中有必要让教师参与其中 ,要充分发挥教师的主动性和创造性。  相似文献   

The pressures frequently encountered by the parents of children with chronic conditions and the concomitant impact on family life have been well‐documented. Family‐focussed interventions have been advocated to address parents’ difficulties. The present evaluation study was undertaken to ascertain long‐term outcomes of the psychoeducational support program, Caring for Parent Caregivers. The aim of the program is to empower the individual and thereby strengthen family resources. Quantitative and qualitative analytical procedures, which included the written evaluations of treatment subjects, were employed to examine program effectiveness. For the fathers and mothers of children with disabilities, psychological health and well‐being was assessed on the General Health Questionnaire, using a pretest and follow‐up control group design. Results showed a statistically significant difference between groups, 12 months after treatment, with program participants displaying less emotional distress than control group subjects. The positive direction of behavioural and attitudinal outcomes, which emerged from evaluation of the small group intervention, were similar for both mothers and fathers. Overall satisfaction with the program was very high, with useful recommendations for program development and for future research and practice being identified.  相似文献   

A computerised search was conducted in May 1995. PsycLit and Eric databases (1974‐1995 and 1965‐1995, respectively) were consulted. A total of 27 references were listed under the topic of Parent Training Program for Parents with Intellectual Disability. However, the results of the review indicated that only one reference was pertinent which was on basic child care skills training for mothers with mean IQ 74 and the mothers who were regarded as having provided neglectful child care. Through personal communication, 10 studies on parent training programs for parents with intellectual disability were obtained and also reviewed. Eight studies applied single‐subject design; two used quantitative methods; one used both single subject design and statistical analysis. Among the 10 studies, one was basic child‐care skills training, two were decision‐making in child rearing; five of them were safety and related topics, and three were concerned with mother‐child interaction. A total of four studies included mothers with normal IQ as a comparison or to serve as a norm. As a whole, research in parent training programs for parents with intellectual disability is still in its infancy. Much more work needs to be done in the area of basic child care skills, comparative studies, identifying situational and subject characteristics for the best outcome of training, and programming to facilitate generalisation.  相似文献   

基于FPGA的智力竞赛抢答器实验设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对大学生电子技术综合实验的要求,在介绍Max plusⅡ的EDA软件平台的基础上,基于FPGA设计了一款实验用智力竞赛抢答器,给出了各模块及具体电路图。通过编辑、编译和器件编程,将编程器文件以在线配置方式下载到ISP实验板的EPF10K10LC84-4器件中,经实际电路测试验证,达到了预期的设计要求。该电路不但能实现互锁和自锁,并且能用声音、数字准确提示抢答的优先结果。  相似文献   

该研究旨在对一名11岁智障儿童的打人、大喊"安静"这两项课堂干扰行为进行干预,采用单一个案研究法(ABA设计),以积极行为支持方案进行为期四个月的干预。研究发现:个案课堂干扰行为的功能是引起他人注意;积极行为支持能有效减少个案的课堂干扰行为;积极行为支持能增强个案正向行为。  相似文献   

本文以个案研究的方法,对一名智障学生的自我决定能力发展作了家庭支持干预研究.结果表明,研究人员、学生父母及学生三方共同讨论,为学生制定自我决定能力家庭支持计划并实施干预是有效的.  相似文献   

This article presents a review of the literature on object permanence with an emphasis on research on children with severe disabilities. Object permanence is the realisation that objects continue to exist in time and place even when they are no longer visible. This understanding is achieved across Stages IV(VI of Piaget’s Sensorimotor Period. Children with intellectual disability, physical disabilities, blindness, and autism develop object permanence in a similar sequence although at a slower rate than children without disabilities. Challenges with regulation make it difficult for children with autism to demonstrate object permanence knowledge in Stage VI tasks. There is ample evidence that children with severe disabilities benefit from direct and systematic instruction of object permanence. Assessment‐based instruction, establishment of visual attention, consideration of the characteristics of the object to be hidden (including the impact on differential attention), repeated naming of the object, individually appropriate prompting procedures, and direct reinforcement have been found to support mastery of object permanence in children with disabilities.  相似文献   

智力落后成年人的生活质量问题在国外备受关注,相关研究也不断涌现和深入.生活质量概念如何界定?如何测量和评估智力落后成年人的生活质量?智力落后成年人的生活质量呈现什么样的特征?相关影响因素有哪些?文章就上述四个问题的已有研究做一综述,旨在为我国智力落后者生活质量的研究提供参考.  相似文献   

在高师中学化学教学法实验教学中,开展探究性化学实验教学,关键是要有有意义的实验探究课题和可行的教学模式。对化学实验探究问题的类型、内容、教学模式与过程进行了探讨,使教学法实验课程的内容更为丰富和有意义,使教学效果更为明显。  相似文献   

新加坡培智教育学校构建了从学前教育至成人职业教育的较为完整的课程体系,课程包括三大类:功能性课程。辅助课程活动和专业服务,充分体现了医教结合思想。三类课依教育阶段及学生障碍程度的不同而不同,学校在课程设置上表现出一定的自主性和较大的灵活性。新加坡培智学校的课程体系对我国当前进行的培智教育改革,特别是《培智学校课程设置实验方案》的推行和完善有一定的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new scale to measure the life quality of people with an intellectual disability. The Comprehensive Quality of Life Scale‐‐Intellectual Disability incorporates features that reflect contemporary understanding of the quality of life construct and exists in a parallel form for the general population. Psychometric data are presented and comparisons are made between data collected from 59 people with an intellectual disability, the vicarious responses of each respondent's primary caregiver, and 69 university students. It is concluded that the scale represents a useful instrument to measure comparative life quality.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of a computer‐assisted social skills intervention on the social competence of 73 students with a mild intellectual disability (age range: 11.0 to 15.0) within an experimental and control group design. The experimental group (N= 38) was trained with the I Found a Solution computer‐supported package while the control group (N= 35) worked on computer‐related keyboard and writing skills. The intervention consisted of the computer‐supported program and teacher‐guided work, small‐group discussions and transfer to actual real‐life conflicts. Each student was assessed before and after the training on: teacher‐rated social skills and disruptive behaviour, peer‐rated social acceptance, and self‐rated loneliness. A 2‐way MANOVA with repeated measures (grouping by gender, with pre/post training scores as the repeated measures) revealed that the experimental group increased their different measures of social competence, and the differences between them and the control group were significant following the intervention. However, no significant differences between the experimental and control groups were found in their loneliness experience. Implications for intervention and additional research are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect on families and the changes that occur in relation to a child with disability or independently are considered through the life span. The recent advances in prenatal screening, special care baby units and genetic counselling may increase fear of disability and have not decreased the incidence. As the rest of the family grow older, the disabled child goes through school years, faces adult life, often with disappointments, and remains having special needs and specific vulnerability until old age.  相似文献   

Although children with the most profound forms of intellectual disability are clearly capable of learning, they are frequently unable to acquire skills and knowledge through the familiar social learning processes of modelling and verbal instruction. Instead, they rely on more basic learning processes, such as habituation, classical conditioning, and operant conditioning. This paper defines these basic processes and indicates their importance in allowing behaviour to adapt flexibly to changing environmental circumstances. Research on basic learning processes in which children and young adults with profound intellectual disability have acted as participants is then evaluated. The literature indicates that work of this kind is of clear relevance to those involved in facilitating the development and education of children with intellectual disability. This is because research and theory in the area of learning suggests effective ways of assessing non‐verbal children's cognitive capabilities and preferences and indicates ways of changing behaviour to produce educational outcomes and remediation of problem behaviours. Work of this kind thus provides the basis for intervention programs that can enhance the quality of life for this most disadvantaged group of children.  相似文献   

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