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The Rise and Fall of the Neo-liberal University   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The rise of neo-liberal universities over the last 15–20 years has been characterised as an inevitable effect both of globalisation and the associated dominance of capital. In this article we will analyse that rise, seeking to understand how it has come about and its impact on intellectual work. In the final pages of the article we turn towards its fall.  相似文献   

In order to meet the South Dakota Board of Regents requirements for an upper level writing course with global perspective for all graduates, the administration at the University of South Dakota established an interdisciplinary course to be taken by all majors. Two faculty members from different disciplines were assigned to teach each section with support from an English Ph.D. student. The institution built an active learning classroom for 18 teams of 6 students taught simultaneously in each section. However, after only four semesters, the administration canceled the course. In this article, we offer an analysis of this situation and suggest lessons learned, both positive and negative, during the development, implementation, and redesign of this interdisciplinary course.  相似文献   

奥数在中国潮起潮落,关键在于利益的嵌入。这种利益以机会、条件与资源的形式分布到奥数场域中。利益的存在引发奥数场域中主要的利益相关者——学生、学校、培训与出版机构的利益博弈,并且导致教育付出不对称的利益代价,伤害了教育本身。要消除全民奥数,避免奥数沦为利益博弈的工具,回归教育的本真,需要依赖教育、制度与行政层面的作为来缩减利益空间、规范利益分配、遏止不当得利。  相似文献   

中国历史上最重要的传统节日之一寒食节今几不可闻,这种现象是在漫长的历史文化发展过程中形成的.前人对寒食节的起源与发展的观点有子推说、改火说、山戎说等,本文通过对古典史料和官方、民间记载的梳理,力图展现寒食节从无到有,由盛及衰的过程.进而通过对寒食节的发展这一历史过程兴衰的原因探讨,分析民众的审美心理和国家意志在对立统一的辩证平衡博弈运动之中对民俗节日的影响,以期深入剖析寒食节兴衰的内部原因,最终推动传统民俗节日在现代继承发展上的应用.  相似文献   

翻译教学的生态观:宏观环境和微观环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成怡 《佳木斯教育学院学报》2011,(2):355+357-355,357
外语学习,不仅是一种知识认知,也是一种适应力的认知。本文通过分析翻译教学的发展形态,就如何在翻译教学上提高学生的适应力总结了一些经验与理论,以提高外语学习的能动性,促进人与人之间的和谐与发展。  相似文献   

土生土长的福州道教,历史悠久,源远流长。由于福州山多水秀的优越地形的自然条件,早在秦汉时就有方士活动;及至东汉末三国孙吴时,又有道士活动踪迹,同时他们就在方山(福州五虎山,又称虎头山)建有自己活动场所洞元观。此后逐渐发展、繁荣。至宋代趋于鼎盛,明、清、民国时期日益衰微。由此可以看出福州道教文化的特点及演变过程。  相似文献   

中国传统山水画的审美原则包含彼此对立又相互依存的两方面 ,即绘画既是画家消解自我、映现虚无之“道”的艺术 ,又是画家自我情感意念的表达。这一原则的内在矛盾决定了中国传统山水画的发生、发展、繁荣和衰落。  相似文献   

本文结合隋唐时期扬州的发展史以及当时地理条件的变化,分析了两者之间的相关性。认为地理环境也是影响城市兴衰的重要因素。  相似文献   

公安派结社始于万历八年,讫于天启初,前后持续40余年,总计达到37例。它汇入到明代文人结社的整个洪流中,大大丰富了明代文人结社的内容,对于公安派的形成、发展以及文学思想的传播、文学影响的扩大等皆有深刻的影响。公安派结社经历了由兴到衰的发展演变过程,这一过程恰恰反映了公安派兴衰演变的基本轨迹。  相似文献   

How frequently have articles about CRT appeared? What advances in measurement have been influenced by the CRT movement? What has been the lasting contribution of the CRT movement?  相似文献   

历来红学家多认为元春命运决定贾府兴衰。元春因自身的不受宠及作者主观方面的原因,无论在政治上、经济上都没有对贾府的命运起过决定性作用。贾府的衰败是其自身的结果。作者塑造元春只是要表现一个薄命女儿的形象,但元春命运确与贾府盛衰有相似性。  相似文献   

In this paper I attempt to clarify how the relationship between macro and micro social contexts has been addressed in the Vygotskian and Neo-Piagetian approaches to learning. For each approach I look at how key scholars (Cole, 1977; Perret-Clermont, Perret and Bell, 1991) come to view context as central to their theories of cognitive development. In order to illustrate my review of the dominant strands of empirical research I refer to studies that focus on the uses, learning and understanding of mathematics. I start the paper with the socio-cultural Vygotskian approach. This is closely associated with my own research into the relationship between culture and learning. Not surprisingly, I find biases in this body of research in terms of the macro and micro features of contexts which were analysed. In an attempt to gain insights into alternative ways of conceptualising these relationships I explore work which has adopted a socio-psychological approach. In the final part of the paper I discuss how these insights can be used to broaden our basis for studying interactions in the mathematics classroom and conclude by relating my ideas to new developments in socio-cultural theory.This revised version was published online in September 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

周梅森在上世纪八、九十年代发表了大量以民国史为主的历史小说,这些小说在当时引起广泛关注和争议,周梅森凭借庄严的历史小说创作步入文坛,在前期即取得了辉煌的战果.进入上世纪九十年代后,受商业化影响周梅森的历史小说呈现娱乐化倾向.1996年后他完全转向现实题材的创作,这是历史想象需求的终结,是历史题材的现实困境的表现,也是周梅森等新历史小说家们"互文性"策略的陷落.  相似文献   

中国古代的政治家和史学家十分关注国之兴亡,汉唐之际的政治家和史学家的相关论述更具有独到之处,至今仍有参考价值和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

儒家思想在春秋战国时期诞生,历经秦朝的打压、汉代的兴盛、宋代的分裂、明清的活跃、近代的扬弃以及现代的削弱与发展并存的过程。儒家思想兴盛的主要原因有政治因素、当时的思想文化形态、儒家思想自身发展和统治者的认同等几种因素。衰落的主要原因有儒家思想内部的变质、当时的文化危机和与主流统治思想相违背等等。  相似文献   

赋,起源于《诗经》,至《楚辞》扩大规模。在汉代,赋作大盛。其时,占据文学主流的是散体大赋。汉大赋的兴盛有种种原因:(1)文学的发展;(2)时代的需要;(3)统治者的提倡与奖励。至汉代后期,散体大赋日益脱离现实和人民,缺乏深刻的思想和真实的感情,失去了它的社会作用;又由于它的形式陈旧呆板,不能给读者以新的感受,因之失去了吸引力。至汉末,抒情小赋盛行,汉大赋就消失了它的辉煌。它终于因时代而兴,随时代而亡。  相似文献   

中国古代的政治家和史学家十分关注国之兴亡,汉唐之际的政治家和史学家的相关论述更具有独到之处,至今仍有参考价值和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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