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Deafness is more than a medical condition. Recent theories have emphasized the importance of environmental factors on the psychosocial development of deaf children. As part of a larger scale study, this article aims to investigate the impact of the following variables on deaf students' psychosocial adjustment in Turkey: student-related background and experiential characteristics, parent-related variables, school-related factors, and teacher-related variables. The sample of 1,097 deaf students enrolled in the elementary, secondary, and high schools was drawn from 34 schools in 24 cities on a national geographical spread. The multiple regression analysis revealed that degree of hearing loss, additional handicap, and age at onset of deafness were negatively related to psychosocial adjustment of deaf students. However, there was a positive relationship between psychosocial variables and some of the independent variables, such as use of hearing aids, speech intelligibility, academic achievement, parental hearing status, and communication methods used at school. The findings of the study do not support a "pathological" view of deafness, suggesting that it was not deafness per se but that some environmental factors were also influential on the psychosocial adjustment of deaf students.  相似文献   

This study investigated deaf children's "security of attachment" relationships with their hearing parents and the relationship of parental attitudes toward deafness. Subjects included 30 deaf children and their hearing parents. The children ranged in age from 20 to 60 months. Instruments used included the Attachment Q-Set, the Attitudes to Deafness Scale, and parental interviews. As a group there were no differences between security of attachment scores of deaf children toward either of their parents; however, there were marked differences within individual dyads of mother–child/father–child relationships. In addition, negative correlations were found between parents' attitudes towards deafness scores and their deaf children's security of attachment scores. Implications for the field include the importance of inclusion of fathers in attachment studies and fathers' active participation in early intervention programs. The relationship between parental attitudes toward their children's disability (deafness) and attachment relationship provides further evidence for the critical role of early intervention in the development of children with special needs.  相似文献   

This study investigated deaf children's "security of attachment" relationships with their hearing parents and the relationship of parental attitudes toward deafness. Subjects included 30 deaf children and their hearing parents. The children ranged in age from 20 to 60 months. Instruments used included the Attachment Q-Set, the Attitudes to Deafness Scale, and parental interviews. As a group there were no differences between security of attachment scores of deaf children toward either of their parents; however, there were marked differences within individual dyads of mother-child/father-child relationships. In addition, negative correlations were found between parents' attitudes towards deafness scores and their deaf children's security of attachment scores. Implications for the field include the importance of inclusion of fathers in attachment studies and fathers' active participation in early intervention programs. The relationship between parental attitudes toward their children's disability (deafness) and attachment relationship provides further evidence for the critical role of early intervention in the development of children with special needs.  相似文献   

聋儿心理理论的发展及其培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心理理论的研究是心理学中近年来研究的热点问题,心理理论是社会认知的重要组成部分。我国聋儿占残疾人总数的比例很大,探讨聋儿的心理发展与教育对于构建和谐社会具有十分重要的现实意义。目前对聋儿心理理论的研究主要集中在聋儿对错误信念的理解和其他心理状态的发展等方面。研究结果一致认为聋儿心理理论的发展落后于正常儿童,主要原因是语言交流障碍、早期家庭环境不良、学校教育不够重视等。对聋儿心理理论的培养应从注重早期诊断和语言训练、促进家庭中有效的语言交流、充分利用学校教育、扩大聋儿人际交往等方面入手。  相似文献   

1 .IntroductionNowadays ,English ,asaninternationallanguage ,playsamoreandmoreimportantroleintheworld .AsforChina ,acountry ,whichwantstocommunicatewellwiththeoutside ,Englishhasbecomethemostusefulinstrument.Accordingtothis ,theMinistryofEducationhasmadethepol…  相似文献   

听力正常家庭和聋人家庭中聋童心理理论的发展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
聋童能否正确理解他人心理状态直接影响其正常的社会交往。已有研究表明,听力正常家庭中的聋童心理理论水平低于正常儿童,但随其语言发展和年龄增长而逐步提升。聋人家庭中的聋童心理理论处于正常水平,并随年龄增长而成熟。尽管存在心理表征能力发展的迟滞,听力正常家庭中的聋童能在一定程度上理解图片对于现实的错误表征。研究结果提示正常的社交情境可能与聋童的心理理论发展有关。  相似文献   

与正常儿童相比,智力障碍儿童由于智力功能低下会经受更多的挫折,从而产生更多的心理问题如情绪及行为障碍进而影响其身心的康复。本文通过分析其心理的特点及发展现状,期望运用多学科理论与心理学前沿的研究成果,应用WSR系统方法论,基于心理弹性理论探索影响智力障碍儿童心理发展的因素,为智力障碍儿童提供心理康复的建议。  相似文献   

通过问卷法对聋哑学校三到八年级学生共93人进行亲社会价值取向与亲社会行为的研究,发现聋哑学生亲社会价值取向难以判断的人数很多。聋哑学生认为大多数人的亲社会价值取向,与他们自身的亲社会价值取向在移情和利己这两个取向上有明显的差别。教师对聋哑学生的亲社会行为评价较高。利他的亲社会价值取向的聋哑学生产生利他行为的比例较少。  相似文献   

儿童期自我概念的发展及影响因素研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了儿童自我概念在从小学到中学这一年龄段的发展轨迹及性别差异,并对父母教养、同伴关系及个体行为模式在儿童自我概念发展中所起的作用进行了论述,最后对学业自我概念形成中的BFSPEs现象进行了简要介绍。  相似文献   

利用江苏省2018年年度义务教育质量监测数据,建立多元线性回归模型,实证分析个体非认知因素、家庭背景以及学校条件对小学阶段随迁儿童与本地儿童学业成绩的影响,并通过Shapley值法揭示两者学业成绩影响机制的差异.研究发现,1)在小学阶段,随迁儿童与本地儿童存在显著的学业成绩差异,且家庭背景、学校条件和个体非认知因素是解...  相似文献   

高等教育规模发展的影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,我国高等教育发展迅速,在校生规模已位居世界第一.本文分析了社会经济发展与高等教育、人口和高等教育规模发展的关系,认为国家宏观调控对高等教育稳步、协调发展中起着重要作用.  相似文献   

Recent findings have shown that deaf children have a different rationale for the emergence of emotions than their hearing peers. It was hypothesised that deaf children--in case of negative outcomes--are more concentrated on the loss of the desired state (which evokes sadness predictions), whereas their hearing peers focus more on the conditions that lead to the negative outcome (which brings about anger predictions, especially when the situation does not seem totally hopeless yet). The results in this research, obtained from nine- and 11-year-old deaf and hearing children, confirmed this pattern and showed that deaf children tend to concentrate primarily on the fulfilment of desires in their emotion predictions and explanations, whereas they neglected the factors that had led to the negative outcome. Also in contrast with hearing children, they ignored the controllability of the situation. Possibly, deaf children keep their messages short and simple to minimise a potential misinterpretation and they might hold on to this out of routine. Another explanation is that deaf children lack more advanced theory of mind capacities, due to the limited means of communication they are faced with in a hearing environment. Consequently, they have restricted opportunities to learn from their own and others' experiences in this respect.  相似文献   

社会文化因素是影响学前儿童心理行为问题的主要因素,主要包括体制混变、观念混变、多媒体文化泛滥、童年的消逝、儿童文化缺场等多种因子的相互作用。学前儿童常见心理行为问题不利于学前儿童身心和谐发展。从社会文化因素分析,应对学前儿童心理行为问题的策略为:打破城乡二元体制,加快社会转型;革新观念,为学前教育注入新的内涵;严控多媒体,尊重儿童游戏的价值;重构儿童文化,解放儿童。  相似文献   

地方课程是我国基础教育课程体系中的中间环节,是新课程的重要内容,加强地方课程管理和地方课程开发是地方课程改革的主要职责和基本任务。地方课程开发应注意国家制度与政策、教师观念与能力、课程专家、时间与经费、家长与社会等因素,形成地方特色,发挥地方课程的作用。  相似文献   

地方课程是我国基础教育课程体系中的中间环节,是新课程的重要内容,加强地方课程管理和地方课程开发是地方课程改革的主要职责和基本任务。地方课程开发应注意国家制度与政策、教师观念与能力、课程专家、时间与经费、家长与社会等因素,形成地方特色,发挥地方课程的作用。  相似文献   

适应,原本是一个生物学的概念。我国心理学家朱智贤对适应作了这样的解释:“适应是来源于生物学的一个名词,用来表示能增加有机体生存机会的那些身体上和行为上的改变。心理学中用来表示对环境变化作出的反应。如对光的变化的适应和人的社会行为的变化等。”简括地说,个体对社会环境的适应就是社会适应。  相似文献   

生活质量既包括物质生活需要的满足程度,也包括个体主观心理方面对生活的满意程度。由于社会的发展,农村留守儿童的问题已成为社会性的问题。留守儿童的生活质量既直接影响着他们当下的成长,也关系着他们未来的生活质量。留守儿童生活质量的高低依赖于他所在的社会,因此,家庭、学校及同辈群体是最重要的影响因素。  相似文献   

为有效提高聋童言语康复训练的效果,在现代教育技术观念指导下,运用"缺陷与补偿"原理以及计算机多媒体技术,开发了"聋童言语训练系统"。研究者组织聋校师生试用该系统并进行了问卷调查和实验研究,结果表明:系统全面考虑了聋童的特点和认知规律,营造了人性化的言语学习环境和"寓教于乐"的言语训练环境。利用该系统辅助聋童言语康复训练,能够使他们的言语能力得到显著提高。  相似文献   


The present study examined die influence self-concept played in a verbal free recall and non-verbal paired associate learning task with gifted children. Twenty-four male and 24 female pre-adolescents were divided into high and low self-concept groups for each sex, forming four groups with 12 subjects in each group. A 20-item free recall task and a five-trial, six-item non-verbal paired associate learning task were administered. High self-esteem boys and girls showed significantly greater mastery of all learning tasks than lower self-concept counterparts. Analysis of organization scores supported the use of more sophisticated learning strategies by children with higher self-perceptions.  相似文献   

特色化发展是高校健康可持续发展的关键所在,而特色是在竞争中形成与发展的,是市场检验与社会评判的结果。随着高等教育资源配置市场化程度的加大,高校尤其是地方高校要在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出,必须走特色化发展之路。  相似文献   

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