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Civil engineering drawing courses need to relate to the students expectations, and discipline and maintain their interest. The main objectives of the drawing course in the Department of Civil Engineering at Monash University are: to teach students the main drawing techniques; to enable students to read and transmit the details on these drawings into understandable information and instructions; to develop the visualization skills of students; and to teach them to present their ideas using drawings. These aims are not uncommon, the main innovation in teaching this material was the introduction of a problem-based learning approach in the progressive assessment. A problem was set and the students asked to solve it progressively. The course was built around a particular civil engineering structure; a house. This allowed many of the students to relate the drawing to their experience and expectations. The house was used as a basis for the development of ideas and the presentation of these ideas using a large number of drawing types. Students' reaction to the course was positive. Statements like “This course is real engineering” were common. Areas for further improvement in the approach are highlighted.  相似文献   

基于问题的学习(problem-based learning,PBL)在医学教育领域已广泛应用。但是,目前为止还没有统一有效的PBL评价方法。发展与PBL教育理念相适应的评价体系是PBL有效实施的关键。本文旨在通过对近年来国内外PBL评价现状的梳理,为进一步研制系统的、科学的PBL评价体系提供借鉴。  相似文献   

基于"问题解决"的数学教学设计思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于“问题解决”的数学教学设计为新课程实施提供了一务有效的教学思路。“问题解决”是数学教学设计的逻辑起点。数学学习的核心是让学生获得灵活的数学知识和高层次的问题解决能力。以“问题解决”为主线进行教学设计,以整体、综合的思维方式组织课程内容,使数学学习与具体问题解决过程相一致,为实现数学课程目标提供了一种动态、融合的机制。  相似文献   

Initial insights derived from modelling aspects of learning outcomes in the first year study of economics are presented. Of particular interest are three forms of entering students' prior knowledge: (a) subject-specific prior knowledge; (b) conceptions of learning, and (c) learning history. Part 1 compares the analyses of variance of inventory responses of the 1998 first year cohorts of the Universities of Adelaide and South Australia. Results across the two universities are consistent in confirming the significant effects of having studied economics at school, having English as a second language, and holding economic misconceptions, on (end of semester one) learning outcomes. Part 2 models learning outcomes using three approaches: (a) a single dimension of variation (selected from a more complex common factor model) which is then used to inform; (b) a k-means cluster analysis; and (c) a non-linear regression analysis. This "triangulation" of approaches produces different but complementary insights into the underlying relationships being modelled and improves our understanding of the learning engagement processes of entering first year economics students.  相似文献   

大学知识经济学思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
大学作为知识经济的重要生产部门,为社会提供新知识、人才和知识经济示范,大学的生产力要素包括教师、资本、装备、信息、时间、空间和社会关系.大学通过科技成果与学科建设向生产力的正向转化路径和科技成果市场化对大学学科建设的反向孵化路径实现生产力转化,并形成科学、技术和文化三大生产力.这个过程中资本运动发挥重要的作用.  相似文献   

迄今为止,我已经在北京住了快两年了。我可以讲我称之为日常用语的中文并且能听懂更多。有能力与当地人沟通使我在这里的经历变得更令人愉悦;我无法想象住在中国却不会讲中文的情景。如果一个人那样生活的话,那就失去太多了。我已经有五年说普通话的经历了。我在乔治亚大学呆了三年,取得了哲学学士学位。但在我开始学习中文以前,我早就对中国以及这个国家的语言颇感兴趣了。  相似文献   

王永明  李森 《中学教育》2010,(12):17-21
教育机智的特点决定了它不能仅仅通过“显化”策略去研究和获得,本文以班杜拉的观察学习理论和范梅南的教育机智思想为理论基础,分析了教育机智观察学习的必要性和可能性,并试图阐明教育机智研究和获得的观察学习原理。  相似文献   

财经管理类专业实验室建设问题探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
建设财经管理类专业实验室已经成为我国财经管理学科高等教育发展的共识。由于对财经管理类专业实验室建设与管理重视不够、投入不足,导致了财经管理类专业实验室建设与发展的滞后,针对上述情况应采取相应措施,促进财经管理类专业实验室建设的规范化、科学化和现代化。  相似文献   

在问题式学习中,问题是获取和综合新知识的起点和中心.只有让学习者感到疑难或困难,需要学习者竭尽所能去破解和克服的不确定的状态才是值得探究的问题,来自学科课程的问题使问题式学习方便教师指导、自然流畅而不流于形式,具有强大的生命力.  相似文献   

To address a major methodological problem in the body of evidence on distance learning in postsecondary education, we conducted a randomized, true-experiment paired with a quasi-experiment. Community college students randomly assigned to receive instruction at a distance via a two-way interactive telecourse demonstrated learning equivalent to that of students assigned to on-campus, face-to-face instruction. However, students choosing to take the course via telecourse at remote sites had significantly higher course learning than either randomly assigned group. Such evidence suggests that the body of evidence on distance learning could be seriously confounded by learner self-selection.  相似文献   

Approaches to Interactive Video Anchors in Problem-based Science Learning   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper is an invited adaptation of the IEEE Education Society Distinguished Lecture Approaches to Interactive Video Anchors in Problem-Based Science Learning. Interactive video anchors have a cognitive theory base, and they help to enlarge the context of learning with information-rich real-world situations. Carefully selected movie clips and custom-developed regular videos and virtual simulations have been successfully used as anchors in problem-based science learning. Examples discussed include a range of situations such as Indiana Jones tackling a trap, a teenager misrepresenting lead for gold, an agriculture inspection at the US border, counterintuitive events, analyzing a river ecosystem for pollution, and finding the cause of illness in a nineteenth century river city. Suggestions for teachers are provided.  相似文献   

利用计算机网络开展研究性学习探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德育课是中等职业学校德育工作的主导渠道。本文针对中职当前德育课教学实际,对信息技术条件下开展研究性学习进行探索,主张开放教学过程,利用互联网的交互性、自主性,创设民主平等的学习环境,开拓学生视野,鼓励协作、创新,切实提高德育效果 。  相似文献   

把校对功能问题放在历史的层面上去考察,就不难发现,20世纪80年代以前,校对的功能主要是“校异同”。随着计算机网络技术的普及,激光照排技术的应用,校对功能发生了深刻变化,从主要“校异同”提升为主要“校是非”。  相似文献   

把校对功能问题放在历史的层面上去考察,就不难发现,20世纪80年代以前,校对的功能主要是“校异同”。随着计算机网络技术的普及,激光照排技术的应用,校对功能发生了深刻变化,从主要“校异同”提升为主要“校是非”。  相似文献   

学习情景识别是个性化学习资源推送、学习伙伴联接以及学习活动建议的前提。本文首先分析了学习情景识别所需的六种要素,即学习者模型、学习目标空间、学习活动模型、领域知识模型、时空模型与情景模型,然后提出了一个学习情景识别的概念模型,包含了信息采集、动态建模和情景推理三个模块,并在此基础上讨论了学习者建模、学习活动建模、情景推理等方面的研究进展与关键技术。  相似文献   

余兰 《毕节学院学报》2010,28(11):114-117
受应试教育导向的影响,目前我国大学英语教学多着重于对学生进行语言知识的直接传递而忽略了学习者自身学习活动参与的作用,问题导向学习作为一种能够以学生为中心,提供给学习者自我学习,学会学习的教学方法已在西方国家的英语教学中得到实际运用并受到语言教学工作者的高度评价,而PBL在中国英语教学中的运用还处于初步探索的阶段。本文旨在对问题导向学习在大学英语教学中的运用过程及其评估方式进行全面介绍,以便对今后进一步深入教学研究打下基础。  相似文献   

In response to the intensifying vocationalisation and instrumentalisation of education, scholars have invoked the ideal of leisure and its educational embodiment in the tradition of liberal learning. Drawing on the work of Josef Pieper, this article seeks to bring to the fore an overlooked yet fundamental aspect of leisure, that of existential rest, a state of being and a mode of engagement with the world in which the basic outlook is one of affirmation of the goodness of the world, which is experienced as being in harmony with oneself and the world. The article also suggests three different approaches to cultivating existential rest in education derived from the educational visions of Pieper, Michael Oakeshott and John Dewey.  相似文献   

从联结主义到联通主义:学习理论的新取向   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
联结成为探究和解释个体学习现象的一个视角,从行为主义学习观、认知主义学习观到新近的联通主义各个学习流派都曾把联结看成学习发生的基础。而随着信息时代个体学习的社会化和学习情景的复杂化,联结主义学习理论正面临新的挑战。有必要提出一种新的认识框架和联结主义体系来重新建构学习,这将成为指导知识时代学习设计的新基础。  相似文献   

美国学习障碍学生的教育对策:一种整合的途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从学习障碍学生的界定出发,分析学习障碍的主要类型及形成原因,根据美国现在流行的一种满足全体学生需要的社区与学校相互联系的体系分类差异序列,提出一种整合的教育对策和途径,并加以具体阐述和分析。  相似文献   

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