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设计与城市振兴之间的互动关系一直是设计界热议的话题。是什么在推动创意产业发展中提升的城市魅力;是什么使设计步入城市生活的方方面面,使设计关乎城市观念与品质的提升?诞生于百年前,遍布世界主要城市的设计博物馆,是设计专业化趋势的权威发布平台,是城市文化的“培养器”,是振兴的“王牌”。设计博物馆在诠释创:意设计时,也在梳理城市的历史文化,从而成为城市经济与文化振兴的源泉。本文旨在梳理设计博物馆发展理念,比照城市振兴的演变印记;从博物馆培育城市文化精神的观点出发,探讨创立设计博物馆对发展中国家尤其是我国城市化建设的重要意义。  相似文献   

世界城市发展的阶段性特征与影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了世界城市发展的“四阶段论”和“五维影响因素论”,为我国以及工业化后发国家推进城市的跨越发展,提供了理论基础和决策依据。  相似文献   

城市远郊农业发展探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简略给出了城市远郊地带的定义,指出了这一地带农业生产存在的10大特点,分析了该区域农业展存在的6个方面的问题,并根据其特点和问题提出了相应的发展对策。  相似文献   

The preference of teachers in developing countries for ‘urban’ appointments is a problem which is intuitively well-known but has been neglected in research and policy. With data obtained from Nigerian teacher-trainees, this paper examines collective urban preference, as indicated by the popularity of school locations, and also the extent and correlates of urban preference as a personal attribute. In the context, urban preference is found to be the dominant form of locational preference, with a high degree of consistency among individuals. Policies are advocated which would recognize that this kind of preference is based on rational and legitimate considerations.  相似文献   

基于国内外关于城市增长管理的研究文献,首先,从城市增长管理的缘起、基本内涵、实践分析和效果评价等四个方面入手,梳理了西方国家尤其是美国城市增长管理理论的发展脉络,分析了国内学者关于城市增长管理理论的研究现状;其次,重点对新城市主义和精明增长的实践进行了详细分析;最后,对国内外城市增长管理理论进行述评,并指出了精明增长才是我国新的历史条件下城市增长管理的发展趋向。  相似文献   

高校承接城乡劳动力是改革发展的需要。统筹城乡经济社会发展,是世界多数国家特别是发展中国家发展到一定阶段普遍遵循的规律。对我国来说,城乡统筹又有着特殊的必然性和紧迫性。本文通过介绍高校承接的城乡劳动力及就业总体状况,分析高校承接城乡劳动力资源的问题及成因,提出建立高校承接城乡劳动力的五项匹配机制对策,有助于发挥出高校的独特优势,促进高校自身发展与城乡统筹经济发展的协调。  相似文献   

从生态思想论城市林业的发展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
由于城市林业的产生、形成、发展是人类文明史上生态思想产生发展的必然结果,为此本文按生态自发、生态失落、生态觉醒、生态自觉4个发展阶段,并试图从时代背景、自然空间与人工空间的关系、代表性理论等方面来揭示城市林业的发生发展规律、窥探城市林业的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

城市文化是城市综合竞争力的重要组成部分,加强城市文化建设,对于扩大城市影响力、提升市民综合素质、促进经济社会发展,加快城镇化进程具有重要意义。加强文化遗产保护,提高全民文化素质,大力发展城市文化产业,创新城市文化建设的管理模式,完善公共文化服务体系,加强城市文化品牌建设等是提升城市文化建设水平的有效策略。  相似文献   

城市走生态化发展之路标志着城市由传统的唯经济开发模式向复合生态开发模式转变,不仅涉及到城市物质环境的生态建设、生态恢复,还涉及到价值观念、生活方式等方面的根本性转变。我国是发展中国家,底子薄、人口多的国情决定了我国必须开辟"中国特色"城市生态化发展之路。  相似文献   

发展中国家在城市化过程中,大多出现了城市大规模的“贫民窟”。我国如何避免在城市化过程中产生贫民窟,是坚持科学发展观、推进城市化与工业化必须解决的问题。本文研究贫民窟产生的原因与条件,运用国际比较的分析方法,提出我国从根本上防止出现城市“贫民窟”的基本措施。  相似文献   

以2005-2007年大量基础统计数据为依据,从土地投入强度、利用程度、产出效果、持续状况4个方面建立指标体系,对城市群土地集约利用状况进行评价。在此基础上,对8个城市的土地集约利用状况的动态变化进行了对比分析,并指出中原城市群在大力发展经济的同时,要不断地提高地均经济效益水平,注重城市生态环境的建设和保护,以促进城市群经济、社会、环境可持续的发展。  相似文献   

In order to develop higher education in theEuropean Union there is a need to increase themobility of students and teachers. Improvingthe flexibility of educational programming isan educational policy in the Netherlands tosupport this development. To get a clearpicture of the operational characteristics ofcurrent educational programmes, theirflexibility and conditions for improvement, asurvey was carried out in Businessadministration programmes in higherprofessional education institutes in theNetherlands. The results indicate that theseeducational programmes are organised in ratherrigid operational formats that seem to restrictflexibility. The issue of developing newoperational models that allow for more flexibleeducational programme formats is discussed.Operations management and educationaltechnology are considered as potential domainsfor a re-engineering of educational systems.  相似文献   

城市灾害风险评估系统是发达国家编制城市应急预案的重要基础和城市应急的主要方向。目前,关、英、日等发达国家已积累了一些成熟的经验值得学习和借鉴。青岛市应尽快建立城市灾害风险评估系统,从而使城市应急管理科学化水平、应急预案修编的针对性、应急管理协调能力、城市灾害预警预报体系、重大事故类风险评估及监管制度、企业应急管理工作机制等方面的工作得以不断完善和提升。  相似文献   

经营城市作为一种全新的城市建设和管理理念模式,政府在其中占据主导地位,发挥着重要作用。在拓宽分销渠道、融资渠道以及城市促销等方面,政府要积极作为。  相似文献   

目前,我国城市建设如火如荼,期间往往忽略城市化的延续、城市脉的传承。针对现状,以城市更新的原理深层次地剖析城市发展的本原和内在机理,以及在城市更新中理清城市物质形态,城市经济和社会化三的关系,探讨二十多年来我国城市建设的经验与得失,力求我国城市的可持续发展。  相似文献   

本文分析了当前我国城市发展与城市规划面临的困境及其根源,从人文关怀的视角重新思考了城市规划的作用与功能,认为城市规划的本质应该是协调社会关系,降低交易成本,促进分工合作。在此基础上,以人文关怀为导向,从道德并重、形神兼顾、学术互动、教学相长等四方面提出了城市规划教育变革的基本原则与应对之策。  相似文献   

Many developing countries are investing in large-scale initiatives to deploy information and communications technology in schools. However, merely equipping schools with hardware and software does not guarantee that the technology is used effectively to improve learning outcomes. This study aims to identify factors that influence the use of technology in schools in a developing-country context. It investigates this through a multiple-case study of the Australian AID tablet computer programme in the Philippines, in which 1000 tablets were given to nine public schools for student use. Focusing specifically on the impact at a whole-school level, the study revealed factors affecting outcomes that were specific to a developing-country context, as well as confirming the relevance of more general factors identified in the literature. The study also brings to light tablet-specific benefits and issues in this context. These results have implications for the effective school-level implementation of technology programmes in developing countries. Recommendations that proceed from these are presented for policy-makers and school administrators looking to use these devices in schools.  相似文献   

State-led education policies that centre on citizenship formation and are based on socialist-inspired values have been found in many newly independent post-colonial regimes. Such policies have led to a number of educational exchange programmes between developing countries and former ‘Eastern Bloc’ countries. This paper looks at an ambitious secondary school education exchange programme between Mozambique and the former German Democratic Republic in the 1980s. Using Yuval-Davis' three analytical categories of social location, identification and emotional attachment, and ethical and political values, the paper shows how an important part of the identity of former participants in a school exchange programme, who returned to Mozambique in 1988, is built around the concept of being ‘German’ and ‘socialist’. These values of socialist solidarity continue to guide many aspects of participants' lives. However, because in contemporary post-structural adjustment capitalist Mozambique, such values are perceived as a hindrance to contemporary notions of citizenship, these values are lived out mainly in relation to their peer group of fellow ‘German children’.  相似文献   

The environmental integrity of many urban protected areas in developing countries is at risk and the important mission to reach out to people living close to them provides a special opportunity to spread the conservation message. Guided visitation to urban national parks with the necessary and appropriate interpretation can contribute towards environmental education in general and can also be the point of departure in nurturing environmental stewardship. The research reported here focuses on the evaluation of a three-day nature-learning experience by schoolchildren to Table Mountain National Park. Data were collected through pre- and post-visit questionnaires and supplemented by informal discussions with learners and teachers. It was found that the environmental interpretive programme had a minimal impact on the learners’ environmental knowledge, it had a reasonable impact on the pro-environmental attitudes but the findings also indicated that the behavioural impacts were limited. Other important findings were related to behaviours of learners towards environmental issues in general and critical areas in simple pro-environmental behaviour that could be emphasised in future edutainment experiences to contribute more substantially towards moulding stewardship behaviour among young school children.  相似文献   

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