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This paper is a response to Professor Swanwick's critique of our sociological perspective on music education. A detailed presentation of the sociology of music thesis demonstrates that accusations of ‘social determinism’ and ‘referentialism’ are both misconceived. Moreover, Swanwick's position leads to difficulties in his approach to music aesthetics, where at times he makes assumptions concerning the work of theorists such as Meyer and Keil which these authors have themselves explicitly repudiated. We then relate certain observations which Swanwick makes concerning the processes of schooling to wider sociological theories of schooling that help make sense of the kinds of constraints Swanwick correctly identifies. Finally, we accept Swanwick's challenge to be more explicit concerning both our response to his charge of relativism and our practical recommendations for the reform of music teaching.  相似文献   

This paper is a response to Professor Swanwick's further critique of our sociological perspective on music education. We argue that criticisms made in relation to our positions on referenlialism, the ability of people to appreciate music cross‐culturally, and the various analytic categories of Meyer, Chester and Keil are all grounded in a desire to isolate the essence of ‘music’ from social and cultural processes. We further argue that the difficulties perceived with our positions do not follow from a belief in the culture‐specific significance of different musics per se, but rather from overly rigid and sometimes mistaken interpretation of our perspective. Finally, we point to the danger of assuming a cross‐cultural category, ‘music’, when many cultures have no equivalent word and use what we understand as ‘music’ in ways vastly different to ourselves.  相似文献   


In 1969, the federal government enacted the Official Languages Act, the intent of which was to secure for the French minority their language rights within federal government administrations throughout Canada. Keith Spicer was appointed Official Languages Commissioner in 1970. As Commissioner, his task was to interpret and implement the Act within federal departments and agencies.Prior to his appointment, Mr. Spicer had taught political science at l'Université d'Ottawa, the University of Toronto, and York University. He has also been active in radio, television, and newspaper journalism, as a commentator and interview host on CBC's French network and editorial writer for the TorontoGlobe and Mail.In the following interview, which took place in July 1977, shortly before he resigned as Official Languages Commissioner, Mr. Spicer reflects upon strengths and weaknesses in the implementation of the Official Languages Act and expresses his views on the current status of French language rights in the spheres of government administration and education.Since leaving his Ottawa post, Mr. Spicer has returned to university teaching and journalism in British Columbia.  相似文献   

The Secretary of State for Education talks to Margaret Peter about his policies on special education and plans for future developments including those he outlined during his speech at the annual NCSE conference in April  相似文献   

如果说波普艺术对大众文化有推动作用,那么涂鸦艺术无疑是重新定义了"艺术"这一名词,打破了平民艺术与精英艺术之间的分界线。以"艺术为大众服务"的观念,引发艺术家探索大众喜闻乐见的艺术。凯斯·哈林(Keith Haring)以概括性的线条、绚丽的色彩、玩味且深沉的涂鸦形象迅速在纽约风靡一时。其个人鲜明的思想特征促进艺术观念的变革,积极参与大众文化的传播并投身于公益事业,都值得使他在当代艺术史中留下传奇一页。  相似文献   


Creativity tests measure specific cognitive processes such as thinking divergently, making associations, constructing and combining broad categories, or working on many ideas simultaneously. They also measure noncognitive aspects of creativity such as motivation (e.g., impulse expression, desire for novelty, risk‐taking), and facilitatory personal properties like flexibility, tolerance for independence, or positive attitudes to differentness. Raters can score the various kinds of test with substantial levels of agreement, while scores are internally stable to an acceptable degree. The tests also correlate to a reasonable degree with various criteria of creativity such as teacher ratings, and are useful predictors of adult behavior. Thus, they are useful in both research and education. However, they are best thought of as measures of creative potential because creative achievement depends on additional factors not measured by creativity tests, such as technical skill, knowledge of a field, mental health, or even opportunity. However, the multidimensional creativity concept they define indicates that assessments should be based on several tests, rather than relying on a single score.  相似文献   

Lectures to my Students. By Charles H. Spurgeon.  相似文献   

翻译不仅仅是一种语言行为,更多的是一种运载文化的语言交际过程.本文就<同性恋者的身份与文化转换>阐述凯斯·哈维对于语言与文化的关系的立场,不同的语言体现着不同的文化本质,不同的文化赋予不同的语言内容.凯斯·哈维以近期的法国及英美小说中同性恋者的语言为研究客体,通过对法语及英语语言的性别身份特征以及翻译交际策略的研究来进一步说明文体翻译所体现的文化的不同.  相似文献   

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