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主体间性的教学观是对传统主客体教学思想的批判.文章在论述了主体间性理论的内涵后,从教学活动中的教师,学生、教材三个方面,分析了大学英语教学中主体间性的具体表现,指出以主体间性构建大学英语课程教学有利于提高各主体间的可持续发展能力.  相似文献   

利益博弈时代的大学是一个由政府、大学、市场和社会共同参与的利益相关者的共同体,各主体都拥有评价的话语权。各主体价值取向的不同必然导致大学评价实践中的冲突和矛盾。矛盾和冲突本质上是利益博弈,利益争夺的主观动因是各主体的"为我"倾向,客观原因是高等教育资源的有效供给不足。厘清各主体的利益观、明确高等教育质量观、树立科学的评价观、构建利益相关者共同参与的评价模式,有助于缓和矛盾与冲突,实现各主体间的良性互动。  相似文献   

主体间性是当代西方哲学在对个人主体性弊端反思的基础上提出的范畴,主体间性作为一种新的人的生存方式和人学理念的世界观对教育理论与实践具有深远影响。从主体间性的视角解读新课程,主体间性的生成和彰显是新课程的价值追求,这一理念体现在新课程的目标观、内容观和过程观之中。  相似文献   

在大学排行中存在着矛盾冲突的现象,主要表现为:教育价值与工具价值的冲突、功利价值与道德价值的冲突、目的价值与手段价值的冲突.当前大学排行的价值冲突之本质是多元主体间利益需求的矛盾冲突.对此,必须通过建立主体间合理的利益博弈观来加以引导.  相似文献   

主体间性对主体教育的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
单子式个人主体理念导致人与人、人与自然之间的冲突。为了使人从人与人、人与自然、人与自我的对立分离状态中结合起来,西方哲学提出了“主体间性”(inter-subjectivity)的范畴。倡导主体间性对现实主体教育的价值取向、实践观、教育方法、教育内容以及教师教学研究和课堂教学都有重要的启示作用。因此,主体教育应把主体间性作为一种新的价值追求。  相似文献   

主体间性(Intersubjectivity)有其在哲学发展上的合理性和必然性。从主体间性视角看课堂中的主体关系有一定的实践意义。文章描述课堂中的各种主体间性,并受到文学中的主体间性启发,提出在大学英语精读课中课文与课文作者应被视为主体,阐述教师在各主体中应充当的角色。  相似文献   

现代哲学由主体性向主体间性的转变,为师生对话大学教学模式提供了崭新的思考框架和实践路向,通过阐释和比较基于主体性哲学思维的"教师中心""学生中心""教师主导、学生主体"大学教学模式和基于主体间性的师生对话模式,着重分析师生对话大学教学模式赖以实现的主体间性哲学思维和对话教学,及其实践价值。为大学教学模式的根本转变提供新的思维导向与实践路径。  相似文献   

雅斯贝尔斯是德国著名的哲学家和高等教育家,他提出的大学教育本质观极富人学意义。在教育本质内涵上,他从真正的教育在本质上是一种生存交往活动,生存交往构成了师生存在的基本方式,生存交往是人与人精神相契合、灵魂觉醒的活动,教育本质是对终极价值和绝对真理的虔敬等方面,论述了“教育是人对人主体间灵肉交流的活动”的著名观点。他还论述了教育本质中交往的模式:主体—客体—主体,彰显了教育本质中交往的特征:人的平等性、自由性、开放性和生成性。从人学角度研究雅斯贝尔斯的大学教育本质观,对于我国大学教育的改革具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

知识和理性主义课程观把课程等同于知识,学生成为知识的奴隶,学生的主体性严重缺失;经验自然主义课程观又把课程理解为学生的个体经验,并表现为纯粹的学生主体的课程,从而造成教师主体与文本主体的缺失。主体间性课程就是基于知识理性主义课程观和经验自然主义课程观的困惑而提出的。主体间性课程是主体间性交往的经验。理解是主体间性课程的基础,对话是主体间性课程实施的主要方式。  相似文献   

德育主体间性是指德育活动中的交互主体性。德育活动的过程是主体间交互影响达成共识、互识的过程,从主体性转向主体间性是对德育活动认识的进步。德育主体间的差异和大学教育的价值缺失都要求高校德育主体间保持适度的张力,高校德育主体间张力的结构由个人与社会、理想与现实、理论与实践、理性与感性等维度组成。  相似文献   

In this paper, I relate concepts from research (mainly psychological) on intersubjectivity to problems emerging in designing classroom learning environments by considering one of my undergraduate teacher education classrooms, which I designed to run according to an educational philosophy of “community of learners”, and I consider the issues emerging from these efforts. It seems that the notion of intersubjectivity is helpful both for understanding difficulties one can face with a teaching design for a “community of learners” classroom and for improving such a design. I consider three aspects of intersubjectivity corresponding to the teaching design difficulties described here: (1) intersubjectivity as having something in common, (2) intersubjectivity as coordination of participants’ contributions, and (3) intersubjectivity as human agency. The paper is limited to the issues of internal teaching design and does not address institutional constraints.  相似文献   

现有教与学支配地位的研究多持主客体对立或复合主体论观点,后现代主义则认为教学活动中师生是以主体间性关系存在的。从主体间性出发,探究师生相互间的认知及其调控活动,形成对教学活动中支配地位变化的理论认识,更为迫近复杂多变的教学实际。中国道教的太极演化图可以用来形象地表征师生主体间的认知作用,展示教与学支配地位阶段转化的理论形态。应用这一理论认识成果,可以探究出师生之间在学段教学、学科教学、单元教学和课堂教学中,教与学支配地位演化的实践形态。  相似文献   


The bodily experiences and implications of understanding the functioning of the human brain–body mechanism has been a center of attention in the field of cognitive neurosciences for over two decades. Research in this field has enlarged the theories of learning and development, and contributed to changes in educational practices involving language processing, mathematics, and spatial thinking; however, these changes have not yet been applied to the analysis of transversal competencies such as collaborative learning. The aim of this paper is to bridge the theoretical and applied advances in the field of embodied cognition, specifically collaborative learning. The definitions, theoretical frameworks, and current methodological approaches in the field of collaborative learning are reviewed, with a particular focus on those studies that have investigated interactive dynamics in collaborative situations. The need to take the field further by exploring the theoretical perspective of embodied cognition as a possibility that can open the field is also presented. The relevance of investigating learning in groups by analyzing bodily engagements and intersubjectivity is demonstrated and methodological considerations are raised.


阅读教学是一种带有文学解释性质的主体间性对话。从阅读教学的运行机制和内在规律来看,作为阅读教学的主体间性对话显现为文本改写的过程:学生不断地在教师引导下优化自己的解释文本,并借此最终达成知、情、意、言全方位的教育生成。这样的文本改写应遵循三个基本原则:教育性原则、文本解释的有效性原则和语言学习效能原则。  相似文献   

An analysis of one ten minute episode in which three seven year-old students engage in collaborative small group activity is presented to explore the relationship between individual learning and group development. Particular attention is given to the establishment of a taken-as-shared basis for mathematical activity and to the attainment of intersubjectivity. From a perspective which treats communication as a process of active interpretation and mutual adaptation, learning as it occurs in the course of social interaction is characterized as a circular, self-referential sequence of events rather than a linear cause-effect chain. In addition, the relationship between individual learning and group development is such that the students can be said to have participated in the establishment of the situations in which they learned.  相似文献   

This article explores the implications of Hegel’s theories of language on second language (L2) teaching. Three among the various concepts in Hegel’s theories of language are selected. They are the crucial role of intersubjectivity; the primacy of the spoken over the written form; and the importance of the training of form or grammar. Applying these three concepts to L2 teaching results in several recommendations. Firstly, there should be more emphases of the goal of L2 learning as achieving intersubjectivity. Secondly, the teaching of spoken language should precede the written form. Thirdly, in L2 instruction, the teaching of forms, or rules of grammar or mechanical practices, should be treated as another major goal. The final recommendation is that culture learning is essential.  相似文献   

Teacher learning and the development of in-service education for teachers are both an active area of research and a broad challenge. In working as teachers, theory and practice are often seen as divided, or problems in teaching and the requirements of development are solved on the basis of experience. This study focuses on collaborative teacher learning as part of an in-service education course that supports teachers in connecting learning theories with practical knowledge and that aims to create new knowledge and practices for teaching. The starting points for the study are the changes of the curriculum and theories of learning. The aim is to analyse developing of teaching in teachers’ collaborative group discussions and how the theoretical knowledge of learning theories is connected with developing teaching practices. The research method of the study was data driven, systematic and qualitative analysis of the content of the discussion. The research data consist of video recorded group discussions of two teacher teams from the in-service education course meeting. The analysis focused on developing talk and further, on finding interconnections between the developing talk and the theories of learning. The analysis shows three different ways how the learning theories emerged in method developing talk. The findings indicate that theoretical knowledge can be used or left unused and imply that creating and changing teaching practices is challenging. However, the findings show that theoretical, research-based knowledge on learning theories can be applied to developing teaching practices in the teachers’ collaborative knowledge creation process. Long-term in-service education based on collaborative knowledge creation and supporting the interconnection of theoretical knowledge of learning and experience knowledge of teaching is a promising way to arrange and develop in-service education.  相似文献   

研究表明语料库检索技术对语言教学有积极的促进作用。在科学原则的指导下,语料库检索技术能够用于分析新词汇、区分近义词、分析语法特征等。为了更好的发挥语料库检索技术对语言教学的辅助功能,在教学中应施行以学生为中心、学生自主学习和合作学习相结合的教学新模式。  相似文献   

协作学习是现代远程教育一直以来所提倡的重要学习形式之一.如何提高小组协作学习的有效性,是当前教师和教育研究者面临的共同问题.概念图可以提供知识整合、沟通协作、思维可视化等功能,非常适合于远程教育中协作学习的开展.本文借助支架教学理论,对概念图作为协作学习支架的类型、概念图支架教学模式在协作学习中应用的规则设计等进行了探讨.  相似文献   

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