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The press is often attributed with little credibility, and the recent phenomenon of fake news has put it under the spotlight once again. As a result, the objective of this study is to discover the margin of the veracity versus falsehood of the news reports on tablets in primary education published in digital newspapers. This qualitative study has been developed on the basis of an analysis of 120 news items in Spanish newspapers. The conclusions show that news items on the topic correspond with reality and can be considered credible since they are in line with results provided in the scientific literature. Nevertheless, and in accordance with this type of publication, the treatment of the topic in these news items is superficial, even though they usually dedicate a full page to it. When discussing benefits and controversial points, both newspaper articles and scientific studies highlight the immediacy offered by tablets and the motivation generated in students. At the same time, their use is also linked with harmful effects associated with technopathologies.  相似文献   

To determine the amount of newsspace devoted to articles about aging and the elderly 254 Sunday issues of 22 daily newspapers in 3 circulation groups published in 1983 were examined. A content analysis of the age‐related articles was also done. A total average of .87% of the news‐space was allocated to aging. This figure varied only slightly with circulation size, the ratio of elderly residents in the areas, or with the independence or affiliation of the newspapers. There were, however, differences among individual papers in space allocation. More articles were event—rather than issue—oriented. Metropolitan papers published significantly more issue articles than did papers in the lower circulation groups. Metropolitan papers significantly more often depicted the elderly in active rather than passive roles, whereas the opposite was true for papers in the lowest circulation group. Males were predominantly the subjects of articles in all papers. Recommendations for further study and implications for educational gerontologists are discussed.  相似文献   

The publication of A‐level examination results in England, Wales and Northern Ireland has become one of the major diary items in the news media’s calendar. This paper is based, in part, upon the findings of an inter‐disciplinary study funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). It explores two key questions about the relationship between the education sector and news media in the UK. Firstly, it asks why educationalists appear to have become pessimistic about the possibilities for raising the quality of media debate about education. Secondly, it takes the example of the annual coverage of A‐level results, in order to discuss why education news coverage tends to adhere to templates that many educationalists criticize as producing ritualistic and polarized coverage. The paper concludes by exploring some suggestions for those who are seeking ways to influence the quality of education news coverage.  相似文献   

成人教育中的报刊英语教学对提高学生综合语言能力起到很重要的作用。因此阅读理解报刊新闻英语的尊力被视为成人教育中成功习得英语的必要手段之一。本文首先讨论成人学生在报刊英语学习中遇到的困难,然后指出教师在开展教学活动中面临的问题,在此基础上,作者结合教学实践,论述了尝试进行报刊英语教学的新方法。  相似文献   

以俄语功能修辞学为理论基础,分析了俄罗斯现代报刊、网络中体育新闻语言在词汇层面的功能修辞特征。功能决定着语言手段的选择。体育新闻语言在词汇层面上的特征是由体育新闻的信息功能、娱乐功能和审美功能所决定的。伴随着现代俄罗斯大众媒体的发展,体育新闻的娱乐功能开始占据了重要地位,俄语体育新闻语言也出现了新特征。研究的结果有助于俄语语言学习者对现代俄罗斯体育新闻进行有效的理解。同时对于研究团体语言中的语言规律有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

作为一名杰出的教育家,徐特立十分重视教育报刊对教育理论的宣传。他早年亲自办过一些教育报刊,后来一直积极支持各类教育报刊的举办,为教育报刊撰写文章,还曾专门撰文阐述教育报刊编辑思想,指出教育报刊在教育工作中的重要性,提出编辑教育报刊的基本原则等。徐特立举办教育报刊的思想与实践,对于当前教育报刊的举办具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

洪仁玕受西方民主政治的影响,构建了一个美好的新闻愿景;同时,受儒家思想的影响,又不自觉地将"文以载道"的文化观渗透进他的新闻思想中,着力强调新闻的政治教化功能.洪仁玕新闻思想的内在矛盾,源于两种文化的冲突碰撞,却在无意中构建了当今党报与大众化报刊的两种经营模式.  相似文献   

洪仁矸受西方民主政治的影响,构建了一个美好的新闻愿景;同时,受儒家思想的影响,又不自觉地将“文以载道”的文化观渗透进他的新闻思想中,着力强调新闻的政治教化功能。洪仁矸新闻思想的内在矛盾,源于两种文化的冲突碰撞,却在无意中构建了当今党报与大众化报刊的两种经营模式。  相似文献   

新记《大公报》作为我国历史上著名的报纸,它与同期学界的联系主要体现在:关于报纸的职业主义理念;报纸是代表国民说话的社会舆论机关;对新闻报道的重视和对读者的重视。这些联系的产生主要基于:社会政治环境及新闻气候;新闻教育与报刊新闻时代的发展;新记《大公报》对自身经验的总结和对徐宝璜等人的新闻理念的借鉴。  相似文献   

文章用认知语言学象似性理论来总结并解释英语报刊文章中的一些文体特征,挖掘其形式与意义之间的理据。数量象似性原则是象似性理论的一条主要原则,在英语报刊文章中的应用很普遍。新闻作者往往通过遵循或违反该原则来达到特定的文体效果。运用该原则可大大加深对英语报刊文章的理解,从而促进英语报刊选读课的教学。  相似文献   

外报来华是中国新闻传播史上的重要现象,东北地区尤其是哈尔滨外报在时间、特点等方面较关内地区不同,形成了20世纪初期十年哈尔滨报业独具的特色。在哈外报在充当宣传工具的同时刺激了国人报刊的出现,俄日机关报、国人民营报奠定了日后一二十年代的新闻事业格局,政治控制和文化传播作为显隐的影响一直持续到在华外报消失。  相似文献   

刘冰 《唐山学院学报》2013,(5):82-83,102
文章论述1956年《人民日报》改版的背景、历程,认为这次新闻改革是党报由新闻宣传主义向新闻专业主义的一种适度回归。改版之后,《人民日报》业务有了新变化,新闻传播超越政治报道,善用漫画和连环画,广告种类和数量明显增多。今天的一些党报在新闻专业理念上甚至还不如改版前的《人民日报》,现在的党报改革应在去除新闻报道礼仪化现象、注重讲故事技巧的运用、增强可读性、注重反映基层批评声音等方面向1950年代的《人民日报》学习。  相似文献   

英文体育报刊标题是新闻内容的凝缩。通过巧妙地运用词汇,新闻记者和编辑们赋予体育报刊新闻标题准确、具体,简洁而生动的鲜明特点。本文结合《时代周刊》对伦敦奥运会报道的大量实例,分析了英文体育报刊标题的词汇特色:广泛使用名词,多运用小词和缩略语、借用词,大量使用新造词和外来词。  相似文献   

Alternative teacher education programmes have emerged in many countries as a new approach to recruiting, educating and placing teachers in underperforming schools. The media plays an important role in framing perceptions of these programmes and their teachers, including in Australia, but this has not been the subject of significant research to date. This study examines how one alternative teacher education programme—Teach For Australia (TFAus)—has been positioned and framed within the news media since its inception. It critically analyses the portrayal of TFAus and concomitant educational discourses to explore their connection to larger issues surrounding teacher education and teaching quality. Drawing on an analysis of 122 print/online media articles, we identify narratives related to prestige, benevolence and the ‘alternative’ nature of the programme, alongside a narrative critical of TFAus. Despite this critical narrative, in investigating and opening up a dialogue on the perceptions and depictions of TFAus, we posit that the programme—although controversial in nature—has generally benefited from print media coverage, advancing its reputation as a major contributor to education reform and champion of educational equity.  相似文献   

文章分析了中国高校新闻媒体中报纸、广播、电视和校园新闻网等四种主要新闻媒体的现状、弊端及其发展过程,并比较了其优劣。在此基础上分析了我国高校主要新闻媒体对大学生的影响,提出了高校新闻媒体的创新措施。  相似文献   


This paper analyses the representation of international education in the Korean print media, by comparing texts produced by the leading conservative (Chosun) and progressive (Hankyoreh) newspapers in 1997 and 2014 (N?=?271 articles). We find a major expansion and diversification of media articles on international education, including rising numbers of articles mentioning non-traditional destinations (beyond USA and UK), written or shaped by non-traditional media producers (i.e., educational agents), and including individual-utilitarian and positive themes. We quantify, and find statistically significant correlations among, three key variables (destination, media producer, discourse theme). Articles mentioning non-traditional destinations are more likely to be written or shaped by agents than by journalists only. Articles mentioning non-traditional destinations and articles written or shaped by agents include relatively more positive and individual-utilitarian themes (but not more individual-expressive themes) than do articles not mentioning non-traditional destinations and articles written by journalists only. Theoretically, we link the evolution of media discourse to neo-liberal structural and ideological changes that encourage market competition and consumer choice.  相似文献   

近年,随着高职教育的发展和电视行业市场的需求,新闻采编与制作专业相继出现在很多高职院校,新闻教育在近些年也取得了一些成绩。然而,因为新闻专业的高实践性和高校实践条件不足的矛盾,使得高校新闻采编与制作专业的实践教学现状远不尽如人意,出现了许多问题。面对这种现状,作为高校教师的我们必须通过认真思考和实践来寻求一条适合新闻采编与制作专业的实践教学改革路线。在此,主要在分析新闻采编与制作专业实践教学现状的基础上探索实践教学改革新思路。  相似文献   

大众传播媒体通过构建自己的叙事框架赋予文本特定的意义,从而迎合并影响受众对新闻事件的解读。通过对北京奥运会火炬传递期间三份报纸发表的火炬传递的新闻报道进行内容分析,探讨持有不同立场的报纸如何利用新闻标题、报道倾向、新闻视角、关键词这四个新闻要素搭建新闻框架,传播了怎样的态度、立场。  相似文献   

This research note concerns the construction of a bibliography of written materials about Aboriginal science and technology drawn from books, theses, dissertations, scientific and non-scientific journals, conference papers and newspapers etc. in fact, articles about the science and technology that relate in some way to Aborigines, from whatever source, have been included. The articles collected have been listed and classified using Hypercard and major issues and themes have been drawn out of these classifications. It is hoped that the bibliography will be of value in itself and that the categorisation of written materials with help curriculum developers. Specialisations: Science teacher education, chemical education, science education in developing countries, educational issues.  相似文献   

高等医学院校学报栏目设置现状的调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解高等医学院校学报的栏目设置状况。找出不同类型医学院校学报的栏目设置特点及存在问题。方法:在高等医学院校学报中按重点院校和普通院校各选10所院校2008年度发表的学报作为样本,分为AB两组,每组60期。运用统计学方法,对两组栏目名称,栏目数量,栏目使用数、使用率,栏目载文数、载文率进行统计分析。结果:A组的栏目数最多8个/期,最少2个/期,平均5.46个;B组栏目数最多12个/期,最少2个/期,平均6.02个。A组栏目使用数(使用频次)最多的分别为:论著141次(43.12%),述评、综述、专题58次(17.73%),技术、方法、调查41次(12.54%);B组栏目使用数最多的分别为:论著138次(37.81%),述评、综述、专题48次(13.15%),其他54次(14.78%)。两组比较X2=36.287,P〈0.01。A组发文数最多的分别是论著类1748篇(74.67%),短篇、个案、疑难病例206篇(8.8%),述评、综述、专题197篇(8.41%);B组发文最多的分别为:论著1551篇(55.14%),其他397篇(14.11%),经验交流、短篇论著386篇(13.72%)。两组比较X2=755.439,P〈0.001,差异有非常显著性意义。结论:重点医科大学学报论著栏目比重及发文量均大于普通医学院校学报,学术氛围更加浓厚;两组的栏目设置均存在一些问题.尤以部分普通院校学报为重。有待进一步改进。  相似文献   

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