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信息技术的兴起和发展推进了教育信息化的进程,信息技术影响、渗透、冲击着传统教育,由此带来了教育思想、内容、方法、手段的深刻变革,这场变革能否顺利进行并取得成功,关键在教师。为培养下一代,使传统教育适应教育信息化,不仅要求教师树立正确的信息技术教育观念,还要求教师重新审视并定位自己在信息化教育中的角色。  相似文献   

互联网信息技术不仅是一场物质革命,更是一场深刻的文化和教育变革,正促使教学和学习发生着重大变革。从一定意义说,信息技术应用能力是信息化社会教师必备的专业能力。调查发现,当前多数中小学教师的信息化教育教学意识与能力有了较大提高,信息技术在教育教学实践的应用不断拓展,在教师专业发展中的支撑引领作用日益显现。但是,在推进教育信息化过程中,还存在思想认识尚需深化、信息技术应用能力亟待提升、信息化与教育教学"两张皮"现象等问题。为此,需要教师充分认识和理解信息技术对教育的革命性影响,强化教师信息技术应用能力培训,完善教师培训的后续支持服务体系以及加强优质信息化教育教学资源建设等。  相似文献   

信息技术教育存在一些不当或不足之处:1.将技术引入课堂训练学生的不切实际的期望;2.技术导致教育质量提高的狭隘教育变革观;3.忽视了教育系统功能的教育科学知识;4.忽视了引发教育变革及其可持续发展的教育科学原则;5.教师由于准备不足导致教学中信息技术应用不当。对此,只有将教学法、教学理论与技术整合为教师专业能力的新维度,确立新的教师信息技术素养,才能实现由技术中心到灵活、变通、富有创造性的信息技术教育质的飞跃。  相似文献   

本文就信息技术教育在基础教育课程改革中的转变,从教师角色、教学方法、情感教育、教师自身发展四个方面做了阐述,探求在基础教育课程改革的要求下,信息技术中教师如何才能更新观念,适应新的变革。  相似文献   

高中信息技术教学的六点建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王立敏 《考试周刊》2010,(17):164-165
计算机技术(特别是多媒体网络技术)的迅猛发展,使社会发生了巨大的变革.也必然促使课堂教学过程产生深刻的变革.这种深刻变革将会改变教学模式、内容、方法,并最终引发整个教育思想的根本变革。高中信息技术教育是一项面向未来的现代化教育。是培养学生信息技术素养、计算机运用意识、提高科学文化综合素质的重要途径.现今信息技术课程已成为一门独立的知识性与技能性相结合的基础学科。但是高中信息技术课不是高考学科。在很大程度上地位受到了削弱。那么高中信息技术教师应该如何去进行信息技术教学呢7  相似文献   

教育信息化与高校教师素质   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
迅猛发展的信息技术 ,有力地推动着教育领域的创新和变革 ,也向教师不断提出新的要求。为加快教育信息化、现代化的变革 ,教师应及时更新教育观念 ,改变传统的以教师为中心的教学观念 ,建立新型的师生关系 ,同时应通过系统的学习培训和教育科研活动 ,努力提高自身的信息素质  相似文献   

关于信息技术影响教学模式的若干思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息技术首先通过影响教师的教育技术观,进而带来教学实施策略的转变,从而最终导致教学模式的变革。信息技术并未实然地导致学校教学模式深刻而全面的变革。阻抗信息化教学模式生成的主要原因应归结在作为教学模式的设计者和执行者的教师身上。要突破阻抗,促使教师教学理念转变是前提,强化教师教学技能提升是关键。  相似文献   

现代信息技术的快速发展,带动了教育教学的深刻变革,这种变革不仅是对教师个人专业技术水平的提高,而且是学生在受教育的过程中一种新的体验。在现代技术面前,我们要充分考虑信息技术对学生的数学学习课程内容、学习方式的影响;我们要充分考虑信息技术对教师的教和学生的学产生的影响。  相似文献   

陈刚 《职教通讯》2011,(8):64-65
进入21世纪以来,我国的教育教学发生着重大的变革。而变革的核心是现代教育技术的应用,现代教育技术的两个核心是信息技术和网络。主要探讨在现代教育技术环境下职校教师应该具备的基本信息技术素养及其培育。  相似文献   

在我国,信息技术教育还处于发展和变革的初级阶段,要求教师充分认识现代信息技术的优势,积极应用,提高教学效率;指出了现代信息技术与教学要素之间的关系,要求教师科学而有效地应用现代信息技术,以实现教育教学目标的最优化。  相似文献   

Higher education has a major contribution to make to the socio-economic and cultural life of contemporary Poland. The importance of promoting a continuous development in the tertiary educational sector is widely acknowledged throughout the world. In many countries, the number of students is still increasing, to reach or even to exceed a third of the relevant cohort. Yet in Poland the crisis of higher education which has been observed for some years has led to a rapid decline in student numbers. It is the purpose of the present article to look at underlying causes, including demographic, economic and other factors. Attention will be paid to the whole sector of higher education, but also to specific schools and faculties, and to the participation of women in particular. The impact of state educational policy will be considered, as will the changes in the interests and aspirations of the young generation. The focus is on quantitative changes in tertiary education, but some general conclusions will be drawn from them and an attempt will be made to assess their socio-economic and cultural implications.  相似文献   

高等教育大众化背景下的自学考试定位与创新发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自学考试在我国高等教育大众化进程中发挥了重要作用。高等教育迈入大众化阶段后,自学考试的发展将面临新的挑战。本文认为随着现代教育的发展,自学考试制度的定位必然调整为继续教育中后大学教育和职业教育,其发展模式、学习方式和考试评价等方面也要进行相应的改革。  相似文献   

人力即国力,是提升国家竞争力之基石,而高等教育的发展更与人才培育息息相关。随着知识经济时代的来临以及全球化趋势的影响,如何促进高等教育的健全发展,乃成为各国关切的重要课题。由于社会变迁已是必然的发展趋势,当前在多数国家普遍重视高等教育之际,有必要反思高等教育在社会变迁中的定位。全文重点探讨了变迁社会中,高等教育学校经营管理所面临的挑战与前瞻。首先分析社会变迁对高等教育之影响,其次探讨社会变迁对高等教育学校经营所产生之挑战,最后提出高等教育面对挑战之前瞻作为。  相似文献   

In recent years in China,family education has become more and more important.Family plays the most crucial role in children's education.So more and more parents begin to pay much more attention to family education than before.However,what ways are best for them to use?Most parents have no idea at all and some are trying to use some education methods learned from books.Little Women is a book from which we can learn a lot of useful things,the obvious one is family education.This novel was written by an American author in 19th century.As a result,both time and place are a little far away from people in China.But at that time,the March's family education did work very well and made far-reaching influence.So in the first part in this paper what will be introduced in is about finding out how the March's family dealt with those unpleasant things,and the second part will discuss some disadvantages of Chinese family education,then the third part will see if March's ways could be used in Chinese families or how to make some changes about their ways so that those ways could work in Chinese families as well as they did in the March's.  相似文献   

构建大学计算机基础教学新体系必须结合新形势下计算机技术发展的新特点,实施"双主教学模式",以网络为平台,着力培养大学生"计算机素质",促进大学生自主学习,保证公共课教学质量.  相似文献   

The coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic has induced multifaceted changes in anatomical education. There has been a significant increase in the employment of digital technologies coupled with the upskilling of educators' capacity and altered attitudes toward the digitalization process. While challenges remain, learners have demonstrated capabilities to adapt to digital delivery, engagement and assessment. With alternative and innovative teaching and learning strategies having been trialed and implemented for almost two years, the key question now is what the pedagogy will be for anatomy education beyond the pandemic. Here we discuss some of the changes in anatomy education that have taken place as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and importantly present some outlooks for evidence-based anatomy pedagogy as the world enters the post-pandemic phase and beyond. The authors conclude that the anatomy discipline is ready to further modernize and has the opportunity to use digital technologies to evolve and enhance anatomy education to ensure students are provided with the learning experience which will prepare them best for the future.  相似文献   

实践中,以培养公民、造就公民身份、塑造公民道德为指向的公民教育不可避免地会受到公民、公民身份等相关概念内涵变化的影响。同时,公民教育作为一种特殊的教育活动,自然也会伴随教育思想、教育理念的发展变化而变化。一方面公民教育只是造就公民的一种途径,另一方面公民教育也只是教育功能的一个方面。不过,无论如何,公民都不但需要教育,而且可以教育。公民教育的终极理想必然指向人类的善好生活。  相似文献   

The argument of this article is that higher education is forced to respond to the dominant social pressures of the day, especially the demands of advanced capitalism. Globalisation has produced an international division of labour with more knowledge-based workers in the West. Higher education in those countries has, consequently, endeavoured to respond to the demands of these workers in innovative ways and these changes point the direction that higher education elsewhere might have to go. However, some countries will not have sufficient knowledge-based workers to force changes in the higher education system and market-orientated Western universities will fill that gap through new means of delivery. Where universities are not responding to the needs of the international division of labour, transnational companies are taking the initiative in creating their own universities.  相似文献   

Though Japan has established one the largest higher education systems in Asia much earlier than most of the other Asian countries and some European countries, including the UK, Germany and France, except for a very few Japanese books and articles, little research has been published in Japan on this topic. This article will address the research question: how did Japan’s higher education shift from massification, through to post-massification and, now, to near universal access? By examining the changes in the enrollment in Japan’s higher education based on quantitative analysis, the article will provide an example of how an Asian country had experienced different stages of the growth in enrollments in higher education. Moreover, it is also argued that the major findings from Japan’s case study are not necessarily consistent with the definition of the three-stage linear changes in higher education enrollment by Martin Trow.  相似文献   

Like many other higher education systems in the Western world, Dutch higher education underwent profound changes during the last decade. In this article we will present an overview of these changes, and try to formulate an analytical framework that might be suited to analyze this process. In order to set the stage, we will begin with an overview of the Dutch higher education system, in which the broad structure is described, and some trends are presented. Next, an overview is given of the retrenchment and restructuring operations with which Dutch higher education was confronted during the last decade. Drawing, mainly, on public administration and political theory, we then attempt to formulate a framework for analysis. In this we focus on the Dutch higher education system as a policy network, and address the relationships that exist between the various key actors in the network: between government and higher education, among higher education institutions themselves, and among the different actors within the institutions, especially administrators and academics. In doing so, we hope to demonstrate that at all these levels some identical basic processes operate which to a large extent determine the outcomes of governmental policies aimed at changing the higher education system. Time and again the modern state stumbles over the academic system (Clark 1983: 137)  相似文献   

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