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在元伦理学界,道德错论的主张不仅常常被看作是不合理的,还被认为破坏了道德的良好地位。为了证明这一主张,道德错论的反对者常常利用对等关系的方法来进行论证。例如,如果道德怀疑论的论点内含数学怀疑论,那么一旦数学怀疑论被证明是不可信的,那么道德错论的观点也是不合理的。这种反驳策略被称为“有罪同伴论证(companions in guilt arguments)”,即CGA。但在仔细分析从认知理由出发的CGA策略后可以发现,这一策略的可行性是值得怀疑的,它所预设的对等前提和认知存在的论证都不太合理。这一发现不仅有利于错论者维护自身,还可以推动道德实在论者提出完善和发展CGA策略的一些新的方案,以接受错论者的持续挑战。  相似文献   

知识辩护理论长期处于内在主义与外在主义、基础主义与融贯主义、可错论与不可错论的争论中止步不前。导致这种状况的根源在于争论的双方都在某些方面错误地理解了知识辩护的性质。内在主义和外在主义错误地采取了个体主义立场;基础主义和融贯主义执迷于知识的绝对真理性质,错失了知识的语境性质;对可错论的担忧源于全面而彻底地拒斥怀疑论的幻想。为纠正这些失误,语境主义的辩护观认为,知识辩护是可错的、历时的、公共的。语境主义的辩护是在特定语境下以实用真理为目标的,是在"挑战-辩护"过程中的动态活动。  相似文献   

“我思故我在”奠定了笛卡尔近代哲学之父的地位。然而,其论证的出发点以及论证的过程都是值得怀疑的。“一切知识都必须建立在可靠的基础上”这一信条除了不符合知识进步的实际以外,还存在着一系列的理论困难。这种认识论上的绝对不可错论是怀疑主义的根源,也是“盖梯尔问题”存在的关键。语境主义持一种可错论和反基础主义的立场,试图应对怀疑论和“盖梯尔问题”,陈晓平提出的C-JTB是这方面颇有启发的一次尝试。  相似文献   

金岳霖的翻译问题主要表现在译意与译味的二元对立以及文学不可译两个方面,他站在知识论的立场上选择了译意,抛弃了译味,结果把文学翻译推向了死胡同。解决这一难题一方面需要摆脱知识论对文学翻译的限制,运用境界论的思想实现从译意到译味的层级超越,另一方面需要通过建构翻译语境与创造新的表达方法突破文学的不可译。  相似文献   

著名的实用主义哲学家兼逻辑学家蒯因、普特南和哈克基于各自的认识论与形而上学立场都曾明确主张逻辑可修正。蒯因的逻辑可修正论根植于他的整体主义知识观,而普特南的逻辑可修正论与其实在论立场密不可分。哈克在批判地吸收蒯因、普特南逻辑实用主义的基础上,进一步发挥了以皮尔士为代表的古典实用主义,主张更加彻底的知识可错论和激进的逻辑可修正论。尽管蒯因、普特南以及哈克的逻辑可修正论均存在这样或那样的不足,但逻辑可修正性仍然是一个严肃的哲学问题,值得深入思考。  相似文献   

葛梯尔问题的不可解性是当代知识论研究的一个共识。分离说主张,在知识三元分析模式中,信念成真项与信念辩护之间的分离是葛梯尔问题产生的原因。共变主义与同一主义致力于弥合信念成真项与信念辩护之间的分离,但它们自身也存在着缺陷。知识的信念假设是分离说的理论预设,它从根本上造成了信念成真项与信念辩护之间的分离是不可弥合的。信念知识论无法避免葛梯尔问题。无信念的知识论主张摆脱知识的信念假设,“知识优先”知识论与理解知识论是其两种主流进路。  相似文献   

在知识论领域,有两种相互竞争的信念确证理论。一种是基础论,另一种是一致论。基础论认为存在少数的基础信念,其余的知识和确证都是基于这些基础信念之上。一致论声称,基础论所说的情况是不可能的,因为所有信念只是在与其他信念的相互关系中得到确证。作为竞争的理论,一致论和基础论都有相对于对方的优缺点。而语境的一致基础论,也许能兼容二者在解决知识确证问题中的优点,为“回溯问题”的解决提供另类方法。  相似文献   

卡尔·波普尔认为,除数学知识和逻辑学知识外,一切知识,尤其是科学知识都是猜测的、可错的.这是波普尔可错论思想的核心.文章一从历史角度探讨了波普尔对历史上关于知识确定无误论的批判;二从逻辑角度探讨波普尔可错论思想与其 "三个世界" 理 的关系,此外,还简略的分析了其可错论的影响.  相似文献   

维特根斯坦在其晚期哲学的核心著作《论确定性》一书中,基于对摩尔反怀疑论论证的批评,对枢轴命题和知识的关系等进行了系统研究,这为一种反激进怀疑论和知识论的建构提供了重要资源。根据学界对维氏文本的多维解读,相关的体系性建构面临基本困难。科里瓦提出延展理性的观点,即将认知理性延展到认知实践的基础上,意图建立一种所谓的枢轴知识论,但她对枢轴命题的处理仍有遗留问题。在考察普理查德对枢轴命题的非信念式阐述后,我们认为在语境主义基础上,结合了延展理性的枢轴知识论建构并非不可能的。  相似文献   

任何知识归因理论都必须涉及两个方面的问题:知识是否是可错的;以及知识的归因是否应该包含实践理性因素。语境主义选择了可错论和理智主义,但是它既无法解决由可错论所引起的阈值问题和反直觉宣称,又无法对语境的转换机制做出确切地说明。理由-知识原则虽然提出了更加符合我们直觉的反理智主义,但是却选择了不可错论与之相结合。我们关于日常知识的打赌表明,我们的知识并不满足认知概率等于1。并且,将知识视作唯一能够作为行动理由的认知状态,这点也不符合我们对日常行为的评价现象。只有知识-辩护原则和用实践因素定义的可错论相结合,才能够在尊重我们的直觉的同时,最好地解决上述两个问题。  相似文献   


Introductory students regularly endorse naïve skepticism – unsupported or uncritical doubt about the existence and universality of truth – for a variety of reasons. Though some of the reasons for students’ skepticism can be traced back to the student – for example, a desire to avoid engaging with controversial material or a desire to avoid offense – naïve skepticism is also the result of how introductory courses are taught, deemphasizing truth to promote students’ abilities to develop basic disciplinary skills. While this strategy has a number of pedagogical benefits, it prevents students in early stages of intellectual development from understanding truth as a threshold concept. I argue that we can make progress against naïve skepticism by clearly discussing how metadisciplinary aims differ at the disciplinary and course levels in a way that is meaningful, reinforced, and accessible.  相似文献   

Much reference has been made to Paul Ernest??s ??philosophy of mathematics education?? to legitimise a strong fallibilist trend in mathematics education. This article presents the argument that: (1) This philosophy makes unwarranted assumptions that have been taken as ??given??. For example, that ??absolutist?? or ??Platonist?? views of mathematics necessarily imply the transmission model of teaching mathematics. (2) The very basis of this philosophy contains a contradiction: that mathematics cannot be separated from its social origins, yet mathematics has a logical necessity that is independent of its origin. (3) This philosophy downplays mathematics as a formal, academic system of knowledge in the attempt to promote a child-centred pedagogy or the mathematics of social practices. (4) Ernest??s attempt to semiotically reduce proof to calculation is flawed. This article explores what is meant by fallibilism in relation to the views of many educationalists who appear not to like mathematics as a formal, academic body of knowledge and draws out the educational implications of these views.  相似文献   

一种较为流行的看法是,相对主义思想往往导致怀疑论。但这似是而非。相对主义思想很普遍,在古今中外的哲学家甚或一般人那里都可以发现,但强有力的怀疑论传统仅仅属于西方思想史。本文以中国先秦时期最富怀疑精神的庄子为例,通过评析其相对主义思想是如何削弱乃至取消他的怀疑论萌芽的,具体反驳了流行看法,从而表明:相对主义思想不能构成怀疑论,本质上,它同怀疑论无关。  相似文献   

Far from being the uncritical believers young children have been portrayed as, children often exhibit skepticism toward the reality status of novel entities and events. This article reviews research on children's reality status judgments, testimony use, understanding of possibility, and religious cognition. When viewed from this new perspective it becomes apparent that when assessing reality status, children are as likely to doubt as they are to believe. It is suggested that immature metacognitive abilities are at the root of children's skepticism, specifically that an insufficient ability to evaluate the scope and relevance of one's knowledge leads to an overreliance on it in evaluating reality status. With development comes increasing ability to utilize a wider range of sources to inform reality status judgments.  相似文献   

维特根斯坦对怀疑论给出了新颖的解答,但有人认为他并没能对怀疑论给出系统的解答,他的遵守规则悖论本身即是一种类型的怀疑论。这种看法是基于对维特根斯坦的误解。不过,在维特根斯坦思想中的确存在怀疑论成分,他未能完全解答怀疑论,因为怀疑论在根本上是人类认识局限的体现。  相似文献   

历史上各种类型的怀疑论本质上包含这样一个共同的观点:我们没有知识.同样,休谟的怀疑论也可以理解为:我们缺乏知识.但是,体谟虽然否认我们拥有排除怀疑的确定性意义上的知识,却并不否认我们拥有后来所称的“得到辩护的真实信念”这种意义的知识.休谟的知识观由此可以称作知识二重性论题.这种知识的区分虽然预示人们所熟悉的分析与综合的二分,但同时也暗示蒯因后来对这种区分的攻击以及这种二分的消解.  相似文献   

The structure of David’s Bloor argument for the Strong Programme (SP) in Science Studies is criticized from the philosophical perspective of anti-skeptical, scientific realism. The paper transforms the common criticism of SP—that the symmetry principle of SP implies an untenable form of cognitive relativism—into the␣clear philosophical issue of naturalism versus Platonism. It is also argued that the concrete patterns of SP’s interest-explanations and its sociological definition of knowledge involve philosophical skepticism. It is claimed, then, that the most problematic elements of SP reside primarily in philosophical skepticism. It is also claimed that this sort of criticism can be directed against other more radical, versions of constructivism in science and science education studies.  相似文献   

Including the perspectives of scientists about the nature and process of science is important for an authentic and nuanced portrayal of science in science education. The small number of studies that have explored scientists’ worldviews about science has thus far generated contradictory findings, with recent studies claiming that scientists simultaneously hold contradictory sophisticated and naïve views. This article reports on an exploratory study that uses the framework of Bhaskar’s critical realism to elicit and separately analyse academic scientists’ ontological and epistemological views about science in semi-structured interviews. When the views of scientists are analysed through the lens of critical realism, it is clear that it is possible to hold a realist ontological commitment about what knowledge is of, simultaneously with a fallibilist epistemological commitment about knowledge itself. The apparent incongruence of scientists’ so-called naïve and sophisticated views about science is resolved when analysed using a critical realist framework. Critical realism offers a simple and coherent framework for science educators that avoids many of the problems of positivism and social constructivism by finding a middle ground between them. The three pillars of critical realism: ontological realism, epistemological fallibilism and judgmental rationality help to make sense of how socially constructed scientific knowledge can be anchored in an independent reality.  相似文献   

怀疑主义在西方哲学史上占有十分重要的位置,而古希腊怀疑主义是西方近代怀疑主义哲学的渊源。章从地理环境、经济结构和社会政治结构等三个方而进行中两之间的横向比较,以此剖析古希腊怀疑主义的成因,进而指出怀疑主义是推动西方社会发展的重要思想动力之一,从另一侧面也揭示出怀疑主义的缺乏是导致中国古代社会长期陷入凝滞状态的思想原因之一。  相似文献   


As a response to what I see as the challenge posed by constructivist and narrative pedagogies, this paper seeks to sympathetically reconstruct Bernard Williams’ Absolute Conception from the scattered texts in which he briefly sketched it While ultimately defending the Absolute Conception or something close enough to it, the paper criticizes and distances itself from some aspects of Williams’ version, notably his conception of philosophy as insurmountably perspectival. Williams’ understanding of perspectival knowledge as contrasted to absolute knowledge is illustrated with the concrete, if fictional case of the Dr Manhattan character from Zack Snyder’s Watchmen (2009). Adrian Moore’s reading, and Hilary Putnam’s criticisms of Williams’ Absolute Conception are amongst the positions engaged with.  相似文献   

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