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学校犹如一盘棋。普通学校里,校长或者校长兼党支部(党总支)书记犹如象棋中的“帅”和“将”。规模较大的学校或者大学的校长如帅,副校长兼副书记就如将;规模较小的学校校长如将,副校长如士,工会主席如象,中层正职如车,中层副职如马,骨干教师如炮,普通教师如兵,后勤等职工如卒。本文以普通学校为例,谈谈学校如象棋的各种角色和职责。  相似文献   

人人之修养应:如山之稳重,如山之包容,如山之崇高,如山之坚忍。人之美德应:如水之流通,如水之清澄,如水之深邃,如水之广阔。人的志向应:如天之高远,如天之明彻,如天之无涯,如天之曙色。人的器局应:如地之厚重,如地之妙用,如地之沉雄,如地之和众。悟通八然忙时井然,闲时自然;顺多偶然,逆多必然;得之坦然,失之怡然;捧则淡然,贬则泰然。悟通八然,此生悠然!  相似文献   

继伟 《小学生》2013,(5):18
纠错:"身命"应改为"生命"。分析:"身",有6个义项:①身体,如"身边";②生命,如"奋不顾身";③自己,如"以身作则";④人的品格和修养,如"修身";⑤物体的中部或主要部分,如"车身";⑥量词,如"一身衣服"。"生",义项比较多,主要义项有:①生育,如"优生优育";②生长,如"生根发芽";③生存,如"起死回生";④生计,如"谋生";⑤生命,如"丧生";⑥具有生命力的,如"生物";⑦没有成熟,如"生  相似文献   

有人说,生活如诗,生活如歌;有人说,生活如藤,生活如萝;还有人说,生活如溪流,生活如小河……可我说,生活如画。是啊,生活就如同画一般,里面蕴涵着多年来的风风雨雨,生活经历了春夏秋冬,看,那画不正  相似文献   

继伟 《小学生》2013,(5):18
纠错:"锋力"应改为"锋利"。分析:"力"有5个义项:①物体相互之间的作用,如"力气";②力量,如"脑力";③特指体力,如"大力士";④尽力,如"努力";⑤姓。"利"有6个义项:①锋利、锐利,如"利刃";②顺利,如"便利";③利益,如"利弊";④利润或利息,如"暴利";⑤使有利,如"毫不利己";⑥姓。  相似文献   

诗歌,是讲究炼句的。动心的起句如骤然鸣响的爆竹,言尽意不绝的结句如绕梁三日的余音。丽句绚烂如红玫瑰,秀句清雅如水仙花,豪句如江海翻腾的怒涛,奇句如拔地而起的山岳。那么,言简意赅的警句呢?是使人热血沸腾的军号,是令人心魄激荡的洪钟!  相似文献   

杨青松 《当代学生》2011,(22):36-37
出成都南门,左为万里桥①,西折纤秀长曲,所见如连环、如玦②、如带、如规、如钩,色如鉴③、如琅玕④、如绿沉瓜⑤,窈然深碧、潆回城下者,皆浣花溪委⑥也。然必至草堂,而后浣花有  相似文献   

邢建军 《语文天地》2012,(13):19-20
正清代桐城派姚鼐认为,文章"得于阴与柔之美者,则其文如初升日,如清风,如云,如霞,如烟,如幽林曲涧"。  相似文献   

刘桦 《广东教育》2008,(2):64-65
一、阅读下面文言文段,然后完成后面问题。 出成都南门,左为万里桥,西折纤秀长曲,所见如连环,如殃,如带,如规,如钩;色如鉴,如琅玕,如绿沉瓜,窈然深碧,潆回城下者,皆浣花溪委也。然必至草堂,而后浣花有专名,则以少陵浣花居在焉耳。  相似文献   

人生如下棋,不管多么精彩的棋,其中总有遗憾。——题记 如花的春季,阅读辉煌的黎明;如水的心境,阅读静幽的夕阳;如雪的灵魂,阅读奇妙的童话;如梦的岁月,阅读绚丽的人生。  相似文献   

Higher education as a personal, intellectual and moral cultivation is a longstanding ideal that is constantly challenged by the view that education is merely the development of specific skills for vocational and personal success. Much research argues that the latter understanding makes education a technical affair that creates an egocentric emphasis on the individual students’ ambitions and desires. This article joins in the defence of the former ideal by enquiring into the moral dimensions of education. This is done by turning to Iris Murdoch's idea of moral transformation, with a specific focus on the idea of unselfing. The main argument is that unselfing is a transformative process characterised by a growing attunement to the surrounding world, and the interconnectedness of goal and process is emphasised. Also, to gain a deeper understanding of what unselfing entails I turn to the idea of attention. It is understood as having a specific direction, outward from the egocentric, and as enabling unselfing. The article concludes by suggesting that unselfing can offer a challenge to (higher) education as it entails a moment of letting go of plans and narratives, and of surrendering to the influence of an existence that exceeds the individual. This moment is of relevance to education as it is crucial to the possibility of growing as a moral being as it cultivates a moral manner of relating to others.  相似文献   

朱子的治《诗》理念可以从治《诗》宗旨、立场和原则三个方面来观照。朱子的治《诗》宗旨可归纳为三个方面:一是试图回归圣贤本意;二是遍采群言,熔铸新篇;三是指导为人为学,以便学者切己体察。朱子治《诗》,持经学立场,但又兼顾文学立场,以经学立场凌驾于文学立场之上。朱子的治《诗》原则可以概括为:一、严别经传,以《诗》言《诗》;二、由训诂求义理,二者兼顾;三、简洁;四、多闻阙疑。  相似文献   


This article describes the development of a therapeutic paradigm through the course of the author's career as a college psychotherapist. The paradigm that is described incorporates a variety of (sometimes disparate) theories, hut is essentially psychoanalytic. The paradigm is viewed by the author as a dynamic process that is subject to change and elaboration as the therapist's understanding of social and psychological factors grows and undergoes refinement.  相似文献   

宾阳客家话在当地称为新民话.语音跟梅州话相同的是:古全浊声母今读塞音和塞擦音时基本读送气音;假开三与假开二的主要元音相同,都是[a];没有撮口呼;声调6类,平入分阴阳,上去不分阴阳;少部分全浊上声今读阴平.跟梅州话不同的是:精组少数字读舌尖中音[tth];心母和部分邪母、生母字读边擦音[f];精见晓匣诸母读塞擦音或塞音的送气音;流开一读[£i];较多的全浊去声字今读上声。  相似文献   


Opposition to university fees is often framed as a defence of higher education as a ‘right’ rather than a ‘privilege’. However, the basis and nature of this right is unclear. This article presents a conceptual exploration of the question, drawing on an initial analysis of international law. An argument is put forward for a right to higher education seen as one of a number of possible forms of post-school education, restricted only by a requirement for a minimum level of academic preparation.  相似文献   

The Notion of Proof in the Context of Elementary School Mathematics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Despite increased appreciation of the role of proof in students’ mathematical experiences across all grades, little research has focused on the issue of understanding and characterizing the notion of proof at the elementary school level. This paper takes a step toward addressing this limitation, by examining the characteristics of four major features of any given argument – foundation, formulation, representation, and social dimension – so that the argument could count as proof at the elementary school level. My examination is situated in an episode from a third-grade class, which presents a student’s argument that could potentially count as proof. In order to examine the extent to which this argument could count as proof (given its four major elements), I develop and use a theoretical framework that is comprised of two principles for conceptualizing the notion of proof in school mathematics: (1) The intellectual-honesty principle, which states that the notion of proof in school mathematics should be conceptualized so that it is, at once, honest to mathematics as a discipline and honoring of students as mathematical learners; and (2) The continuum principle, which states that there should be continuity in how the notion of proof is conceptualized in different grade levels so that students’ experiences with proof in school have coherence. The two principles offer the basis for certain judgments about whether the particular argument in the episode could count as proof. Also, they support more broadly ideas for a possible conceptualization of the notion of proof in the elementary grades.  相似文献   

艾德礼政府大国防务政策解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
艾德礼政府坚持维护英国的大国地位,与之相对应的就是全球防务政策,这一目标主要体现在1947年与1950年的两个防务计划上。两个防务计划有五个特点:在防务上依赖美国的同时又与美国拉开距离;把苏联作为主要敌人又避免过度刺激苏联;英帝国和英联邦是防务的重要组成部分;中东在战略上的重要性;远东在防务中处于次要地位。防务政策的演变体现出两个重要趋势:从软化苏联到更加依赖美国;中东防务的重要性逐渐倾斜为欧洲本身的防务,而冷战的爆发与升级是促成这两大转变的主要原因。  相似文献   

The power of the chi-square test statistic used in structural equation modeling decreases as the absolute value of excess kurtosis of the observed data increases. Excess kurtosis is more likely the smaller the number of item response categories. As a result, fit is likely to improve as the number of item response categories decreases, regardless of the true underlying factor structure or χ2-based fit index used to examine model fit. Equivalently, given a target value of approximate fit (e.g., root mean square error of approximation ≤ .05) a model with more factors is needed to reach it as the number of categories increases. This is true regardless of whether the data are treated as continuous (common factor analysis) or as discrete (ordinal factor analysis). We recommend using a large number of response alternatives (≥ 5) to increase the power to detect incorrect substantive models.  相似文献   

My paper concentrates on that small part of Dewey’s ethical theory that deals with the personal virtues of character. Even more narrowly, I focus on a single section of Dewey’sEthics titled “The Conception of Virtue in Reflective Morality.” I do so because my primary concern here is not so much with the virtues Dewey discusses, important as they are, but with how he believes they should interact. If I am correct, Dewey thinks that when the virtues of character are interacting as they should, the result is an open dynamic harmony that fits his classical definition of beauty. Dewey’s understanding of virtues and their dynamic interaction breaks down the barrier between art, and ethics. Given that it is reflective morality that we are considering, that means Dewey is breaking down the barrier between cognition, art, and aesthetics as well. I conclude with some reflections as to why for Dewey what we often think of as personal virtues may only be comprehended in terms of a community wherein the same aesthetic principle of open dynamic harmony. I briefly discuss why alterity is as important as ipsiety for the pluralistic democrat.  相似文献   


The British Labour Party has continued to make progress on education, following two broad policy paths and adopting a pragmatic approach that does not attempt to force these to cross or converge. One path is that of the quasi market inherited from the previous Conservative administration; the other is characterised as 'intervention' to support those for whom the market remains almost entirely irrelevant. Some observers regard this dual approach as 'opportunism' and Labour's education policy as a 'betrayal' of principle, by which is meant the principle of 'equal opportunity'. Of course, that principle provides equal opportunity to fail as much as to succeed. Rather than leaving education to the market, Labour has focused on the needs of those most likely to be failed by the principle of 'equal' opportunity in a quasi market.  相似文献   

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