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Understanding what relates to the behaviours associated with derailment (i.e. failure or burnout in managerial positions) may prevent costly outcomes of derailment for the manager, co‐workers and the organization. The outcomes of derailment are especially pertinent with those working in college and university administration as many, including faculty, other staff and students, depend on these administrators. Data collected about 173 middle‐ and top‐level college and university administrators from 88 different colleges and universities across the USA revealed that self‐ and observer‐ratings (peers and direct reports) of willingness to improve negatively related to boss ratings of derailment. Specifically, the more administrators were willing to improve (and the more others believed those administrators were willing to improve), the less likely it was that bosses believed those administrators displayed the characteristics and behaviours associated with derailment. We conclude with a discussion of our findings including guidance for college and university administrators.  相似文献   

随着我国助学贷款工作的逐步开展,助学贷款工作的风险也逐渐显露出来。如何有效地防范和化解高校助学贷款业务中存在的风险,最大程度地保障此项工作中各参与主体的权益,成为助学贷款工作面临的主要问题。本文分析了以前解决这一问题的方法,提出了将商业保险引入助学贷款流程的解决办法。并从博弈的角度分析了这一办法的可行性、必要性。  相似文献   

This research uses cognitive load theory and theories of visual literacy to provide a theoretical underpinning for techniques to improve students' ability to recognise designers' styles in higher education. Using a lecture followed by tutorial format, students were required to learn the characteristics needed to identify a designer's work either by studying worked examples or by completing problem-solving tasks. The principle conclusion drawn from two experiments was that novice learners who have a moderate level of visual literacy skills are more successful at identifying a designer's work after studying worked examples compared to novice learners provided with problem-solving tasks.  相似文献   

校长信息化领导力是学校教育信息化发展的重要影响因素。对国内外信息化领导力及领导效能相关研究成果予以梳理,解读信息化领导力及领导效能的内涵,设计中小学校长信息化领导力及领导效能的评价指标。通过问卷调研和数据分析,探析中小学校长信息化领导力及领导效能的当下特征,并有针对性地提出校长信息化领导力发展的四点建议:加强学校办学的指导及考核,提升校长的信息化办学规划能力;以教学质量管理为目标,提升校长的教学评价信息化规划能力;以质量和公平为资源建设导向,提升校长的信息化教学资源建设能力;以教师激励为核心关注点,提升校长的人力资源信息化管理能力。  相似文献   

多媒体教学在各科教学中已经成为教学手段的主流,尤其是在英语教学中,更是广泛采用多媒体教学,其方便、快捷、内容丰富和交互性,受到教师与学生的欢迎。但是在运用中,由于种种原因,多媒体教学在大学英语教学中的运用还存在一些问题,如何更好地运用多媒体进行教学,还需要教师认真探讨。  相似文献   

学校领导的研究已有100余年的历史,20世纪80年代后出现了两种占主导地位的领导范式:教学领导和转型领导。前者强调自上而下的控制;后者强调自下至上的参与式改革,是一种分享式的领导范式。教学领导凭借管理与控制组织成员导向既定的目标;转型领导则通过提升组织成员的期望值来憧憬、创造未来。鉴于两者的优点与不足,未来的领导范式将是两者的有机整合。  相似文献   

Transformational leadership is well documented in organizational and business literature. Classroom and faith-based applications are more recent phenomena. The authors of this mixed-methods study explored professor behaviors and characteristics perceived as transformational in students' faith and focused on transformational leadership in the classroom at a faith-based institution. Thirty-four undergraduate students completed surveys containing open-ended and forced-choice questions; the findings highlighted the importance of compassion, optimism, encouragement, and openness as behaviors that facilitated faith transformation.  相似文献   

<野性的呼唤>是美国近现代著名现实主义作家杰克-伦敦的第一部畅销书,也是他动物小说中最为出色的名篇之一.本文运用荣格的集体无意识学说对<野性的呼唤>进行心理分析,以证明主人公巴克是在人格面具、阴影和自性这三种集体无意识原型的引导下最终自我实现的.  相似文献   

<野性的呼唤>是美国近现代著名现实主义作家杰克-伦敦的第一部畅销书,也是他动物小说中最为出色的名篇之一.本文运用荣格的集体无意识学说对<野性的呼唤>进行心理分析,以证明主人公巴克是在人格面具、阴影和自性这三种集体无意识原型的引导下最终自我实现的.  相似文献   

The educational research community has made great strides in clarifying and enhancing our understanding of professional development and how it occurs. Yet in relation to one question – How do people develop professionally? – this knowledge base falls short, for while much research has been directed at addressing the question, findings have tended to lack the specificity that offers the kind of elucidation that may usefully inform professional development-focused leadership policy and practice. In particular, the micro-level cognitive process of professional development – what occurs inside an individual’s head in order for her/him to experience a professional development ‘episode’ – remains under-examined in educational research. This article makes a contribution towards addressing this short-fall. It presents the author’s conceptual analyses of professionalism and professional development – revealing the multidimensional componential structure of each – and examines how understanding of this multidimensionality may help school leaders promote and facilitate professional development.  相似文献   

校长课程领导:角色、困境与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国基础教育课程改革实行国家、地方和学校三级课程、三级管理,让学校自主开发一部分课程。校长是校务的最高领导人,学校层课程改革进行得如何与校长密切相关。为此,教育行政部门应多为校长领导课程创造条件,校长要善于“顺势、造势、导势”,要发挥每位教师参与课程改革的积极性、主动性和创造性。  相似文献   

幼儿园价值观领导的意蕴、过程与实现方式   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
幼儿园文化管理的核心是幼儿园价值观领导.幼儿园价值观领导指园长运用共享价值观念激励、团结和教育幼儿园教师,促进幼儿园每一位教师与利益相关者的价值认同与整个幼儿园的价值团结,帮助其树立正确的价值信念,从而实现幼儿园办园目的的过程.幼儿园价值观领导具有导向力、凝聚力、感染力、约束力、推动力.价值观领导过程分为幼儿园价值观的注入与认同、幼儿园共享价值观的形成与强化、幼儿园共享价值观的实践三个阶段.实现幼儿园价值观领导的方式包括制度渗透与思想宣传、奖励和惩罚以及教育培训等.  相似文献   

This essay argues that the transition from physical education to Kinesiology involved the development of the kinesiological sciences such that over the last 35 years, the discipline has come to be dominated by a scientific outlook. The incorporation of science is in itself a benefit for the discipline. However, the cost is that the scientizing of the discipline has led to the marginalization of the humanistic features of movement. Thus, the history, philosophy, and literature of sport and movement stand in need of development in the American academy. More importantly, there needs to be a reawakening to the humanistic import of movement itself. So-called “gym classes” are being slowly weeded out of many university programs. The claim is that these need to be retained and strengthened with a focus on the importance of movement in developing our humanity.  相似文献   

In his retrospective essay, Seymour Fox (1997 Fox, S. and with Novak, W. 1997. Vision at the heart: Lessons from Camp Ramah on the power of ideas in shaping educational institutions, New York: Council for Initiatives in Jewish Education and Mandel Institute.  [Google Scholar]) identified “vision” as the essential element that shaped the Ramah camp system. I will take a critical look at Fox's main claims:
  • A particular model of vision was essential to the development of Camp Ramah, and

  • That model of vision should guide contemporary Jewish educators in creating Jewish educational excellence.

I will draw upon historical accounts and theories of organizational leadership and change to question Fox's first claim about the history of Camp Ramah and to offer an alternative model of vision to guide future leaders of Jewish camps.  相似文献   

Leadership is a complex process.It is one of the most researched areas around the world.It has gained importance in every walk of life from politics to business and from education to social organizations.According to the study of"Leadership in Adult Education Venues",here has a much more clear recognition of leadership:leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.There are many approaches of leadership throughout the study of this class,the three theories of leadership I choose to describe in this paper are:Leader-Member Exchange(LMX)Theory,Transformational Leadership,and Team Leadership.  相似文献   

一只狗嘴里衔着一块肉。想带回家自己安静地吃。经过一条河上面的桥时,他看见自己在水里的影子,以为是另一只狗,也衔着肉,他也想得到那一块肉,于是他冲着水里的影子大叫,刚一张开嘴,他嘴里的那块肉就掉进水里不见了。  相似文献   

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