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汪注 《培训与研究》2007,24(11):32-34
严重异化的女性形象在新感觉派的作品中屡见不鲜,她们往往被比附成猫与蛇游离在都市的角落里。这一文学现象的产生固然与上海社会的经济发展、文化变迁有关,更是理与欲、自我与环境冲突在都市背景下的演绎与延伸。  相似文献   

简奥斯丁的《爱玛》是其最有名的代表作之一,也是其最受争议的一部作品。通过对爱玛这位女主人公的人物刻画和性格特点尝试分析和研究,看简奥斯丁如何刻画出了一个不完美的不同于传统意义完美性格的女主人公形象,以及通过对爱玛与简奥斯丁的性格,社会环境以及她们对婚姻的态度的分析,从中得出结论:奥斯丁与爱玛的相似性——爱玛就是奥斯丁。  相似文献   

文章从反讽的三个层面——修辞反讽、戏剧性反讽、哲学反讽——探讨《爱玛》的反讽艺术,表明《爱玛》是一部具有深刻的反讽张力的好小说。  相似文献   

孟辛 《海外英语》2012,(10):199-200
Love and marriage are the favorite themes in Jane Austin’ s novels.She describes Emma as a young,beautiful,well-educated,grow out of a rich and is passionate to be a match maker.However,Emma is far from a successful match maker.Match makers are the mid dle-aged women who are noisy and warm-hearted.However,Emma is single yet high on the matchmaking,which arouses our readers’ interest.This paper is going to analyze this problem from the solitude mind and the personality.  相似文献   

奥斯丁在小说《爱玛》中再一次勾勒了萦绕其心头的“灰姑娘”情结。“灰姑娘”原型这一视角常常被用来分析第二女主人公简。费尔法克斯,现试用“灰姑娘”原型解读爱玛本人,可以发现奥斯丁用爱玛从不同方面再现并超越了“灰姑娘”这一童话原型。  相似文献   

《包法利夫人》是19世纪法国杰出的现实主义小说家福楼拜的代表作。作者在他的女主人公爱玛身上注入了自己的思想和感情,爱玛的生命的起落无处不凝聚着福楼拜对现实的深刻认识和痛苦的精神追求,爱玛的毁灭预示着福楼拜精神家园的失落。  相似文献   

Emma Castelnuovo (1913–2014) was an Italian mathematics teacher of grades 6 to 8 in secondary school. During the crucial period of the 1950s and 1960s, when important reforms were proposed, she was involved in significant events such as the first CIEAEM meetings and the Royaumont Seminar. She was an active contributor to the development of international cooperation in mathematics education and was one of the first authors in the journal Educational Studies in Mathematics. Thanks to pioneers such as Emma, the figure of teacher-researcher took shape and the milieu of mathematics education was forever changed. The main aim of Emma’s work as an innovative teacher was to actively involve learners. In outlining Emma’s action as a mathematics educator, we will pay particular attention to the use of concrete materials as this was a favorite means by which she pursued her aims.  相似文献   

Emma is"the greatest and most representative work"written by Jane Austen.After experiencing a period of pain and displeasure because of growing-up,Emma finally becomes more mature and self-recognized.This thesis tries to interpret the book from the perspective of female Bildungsroman,which can be seen as one of the reasons why the novel is so substantial and attractive.  相似文献   

论奥斯丁《爱玛》中的女主人公形象及其塑造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在英国文学画廊中 ,爱玛应有其显著地位。本文通过分析爱玛形象 ,论述了简·奥斯丁是如何打破西方传统小说中正面人物完美无缺的传统 ,运用内心观察使爱玛性格中的自以为是、自相矛盾等得以展现 ,使人物性格在不同发展阶段上得以前后对照 ,从而成功地塑造了一个虽不完美、但惹人喜欢的女主人公形象  相似文献   

作为简·奥斯丁最为成熟的一部作品,《爱玛》在文学评论界一直受到广泛的关注。女主人公爱玛也是作者本人最喜爱的女主人公。但不容忽视的是:这部作品里的男主人公南特利先生也是奥斯丁塑造的一位最完美的绅士形象,可以称之为女性心目中的理想丈夫。  相似文献   

Emma is"the greatest and most representative work"written by Jane Austen.After experiencing a period of pain and displeasure because of growing-up,Emma finally becomes more mature and self-recognized.This thesis tries to interpret the book from the perspective of female Bildungsroman,which can be seen as one of the reasons why the novel is so substantial and attractive.  相似文献   

福楼拜笔下的女主人公爱玛一直是人们经久不息的讨论话题。从萨特的存在观来看,自我的存在要关注与自我本身和与他人的关系。爱玛与自我的关系包含想象的自我,自以为的自我和客观实际中的自我三个层面,却只存在于过去和现在两个时间维度。爱玛高居于他人之外来对待与他人的关系,在超越自我实存的时空去追求“想象的自我”的客体欲望满足,自我存在的多层分裂和时空差异的实存,最终以消灭自己的肉体生命来承认自我意识存在的回归。  相似文献   

在18世纪晚期到19世纪早期这一段时期,英国社会、经济、政治和意识形态处于急剧变化之中。著名的小说家简奥斯汀以这一时期的社会关系为素材,创作了六部现实主义小说。其中《爱玛》尤为著名。本文认为,小说《爱玛》中所倡导的理想社会——有序社会,它指的是生活于其中的人们在社会地位、经济地位、情感和道德标准上和谐共处。社会集体与个体之间的平衡是理解这一主题的关键。如果我们考查一下这个观点的内涵,一个更广泛意义的,和道德价值紧密相连的社会集体会更加加深我们对《爱玛》这部作品主题的理解。而生活中充满活力的不同角色的坚持传统价值观的活动是实现这个理想的动力。  相似文献   

福楼拜的《包法利夫人》,不惟是对日益落入庸常的浪漫主义的反讽,更是对物质主义的鞭笞。艾玛悲剧的制造者商人勒合,以奢侈消费品捕杀了艾玛浪漫主义的心理诉求,以物品系统的无限取代了浪漫主义的自由,秘密构建了现代资本社会女性解放的迷人陷阱。  相似文献   

Emma is considered to be the most successful character created by Flaubert,though arouse fierce criticize at the time of her first debut. Finally,the novel receives the due respect and attention and Emma,becomes the center of the discussion of numerous readers and critics. In this paper,I would like to provide my analysis of Madam Bovary,focusing on the tragic traits of this character and attempt to fi nd the answers.  相似文献   

Recent research in English education has emphasised dialogically organised instruction to promote learning talk; yet little is known about teachers’ perceptions of their efforts to teach dialogically. This study draws on video-cued interviews to examine how secondary preservice English teacher Emma experiences trying to teach dialogically and the conflicting demands it elicits for her. Findings indicate that she must navigate competing discourses including the curriculum, the ideas of her mentor teacher, her beliefs about dialogic teaching and her university schooling. Emma’s accounts revealed that satisfying these at once was not achievable, and that her endeavour to become a dialogic teacher was rife with conflict.  相似文献   

In this article three education and health services professionals, Julia Halpin, Sally Pitt and Emma Dodd, describe and reflect upon the way in which a small group of professionals from health and education services worked in collaboration to meet the need to inform and empower parents of preschool children with a diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder (ASD). Julia and Sally, both clinical nurse specialists, and Emma, an educational psychologist, outline the background to the project in terms of demographics, epidemiology and service needs, and explain the way in which the interagency project was initiated as a ‘bottom‐up’ response, reflecting on the advantages and disadvantages of this way of working. The team piloted an innovative evaluation method which is offered as a tool that could usefully be developed further.  相似文献   

简·奥斯汀是世界文学史上最具影响力的女性文学家之一,以写作风格独特而著称,被誉为"散文中的莎士比亚"。她的作品《爱玛》以其暗藏智慧的妥协艺术,不露声色地批判了当时的社会价值观。作品巧妙地运用含而不露的作者型女性叙事策略和独特的女性视角,不动声色地摆脱了男性话语的控制,成功建构了女性的写作立场。作品中自由间接引语和篇章结构的反讽手法等充满艺术个性的写作手法的运用,使《爱玛》一书充满女性妥协的魅力,既有平衡的美感,又具有独特的内在张力和活力。  相似文献   

陈明霞 《培训与研究》2008,25(10):126-129
孙致礼和孙易翻译了大量优秀作品,实践经验非常丰富。从翻译美学的视角比较他们对《爱玛》的不同翻译,剖析他们在语言、内容和翻译风格等方面所显示出不同的审美取向,对于探寻文学翻译如何忠实原文、如何再现原文的艺术风格和美学意蕴具有重要的指向性意义。  相似文献   

通过对《爱玛》两个中译本的比较研究,具体分析了译者主体性的特征在翻译过程中的体现,并且揭示出.译者虽然受到各种条件的制约,但仍能积极发挥其主观能动性。  相似文献   

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