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Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the Scottish author and physician. As a London-based"consulting detective"whose abilities border on the fantastic, Holmes is ...  相似文献   

Sherlock Holmes is the fictional creation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. In The Adventure of the Speckled Band, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has succeeded in creating the image of Sherlock Holmes. He is not only...  相似文献   

In the history of detective stories, Sherlock Holmes and Miss Jane Marple remain as two of the most prominent fig-ures. Focusing on the two detectives' images, personality traits, detective strategies ...  相似文献   

张豪若 《海外英语》2014,(18):209-213
In the history of detective stories, Sherlock Holmes and Miss Jane Marple remain as two of the most prominent figures. Focusing on the two detectives’ images, personality traits, detective strategies as well as settings of the stories, this study examines the grounds that magnetize readers.The purpose of this research is to inquire into readers’ orientations to Sherlock Holmes and Miss Jane Marple, and to investigate the causes for their views. To fulfill that purpose, a questionnaire was designed and distributed. Sherlock Holmes and Miss Jane Marple prove themselves to be successful detectives. Both of them have distinct images and personality traits as well as plausible detective strategies. The settings, combining reality with imagination, also play a dispensable role. Besides, reasons given by students who disbelieve that they are real persons fail to convince.  相似文献   

Sherlock Holmes, the literary image that Arthur Conan Doyle created in The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes, has undoubt?edly become an iconic figure of detective. For over a century, a number of films and...  相似文献   

文章指出了柯南.道尔姓名翻译混乱的现象,简要地介绍了清末至今《福尔摩斯探案集》在中国翻译的情况及其对中国文化的影响。通过对三个探案故事的三个中译本的比较,发现了各个译本翻译中的问题。  相似文献   

分析福尔摩斯故事中的渉印叙事,发现故事叙述背后隐含着划分我、他的帝国视角和自视为优等民族的帝国意识。印度被视为他者和劫掠对象,并被认为会腐蚀所谓高贵的英国性,但是帝国话语构建英印二元对立的时候却也无形中解构了自身。  相似文献   

陈小玲 《海外英语》2015,(2):211-213
Sherlock Holmes is the fictional creation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. In The Adventure of the Speckled Band, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has succeeded in creating the image of Sherlock Holmes. He is not only an excellent detective who is skillful in astute observation and deductive reasoning, but also the symbol of justice and wisdom.  相似文献   

阿加莎·克里斯蒂作品中悬念设置的主要技巧和方法:一是倒置设悬;二是连环设悬;三是隐形人设悬以及运用哑谜、切隔、反常、危局等方法来故布疑阵,营造氛围。由此说明成功设置悬念能给读者提供多层面的审美参与,成功的侦探小说可以承担起文学的多种审美功能。  相似文献   

晚清小说杂志《小说林》具有独树一帜的文学主张,有重要研究价值。《小说林》青睐的侦探小说译作以情节取胜,满足了读者的猎奇心理。结合典型案例和文献分析,考辩《小说林》的文学观念与其在侦探小说译作语言、心理、文本模式上的具体实践。  相似文献   

季枫吟 《海外英语》2011,(11):246-247
Despite of only producing five ratiocinative tales in the whole life,Edgar Allan Poe is acknowledged as the "father of the detective story".In those tales,Poe portrays the hero Dupin who is the first detective image in the history of the western literature vividly.Based on the stories in which Dupin appeared,concerns on the creation of Dupin,the analysis of his features and the function of the setting fellows,like friend and police,summarizing the traditional image pattern of detective stories created by Poe,revealing the great influence Poe had on the development of detective literature,even on the literature of the whole world.  相似文献   

清代白话公案小说创作者在小说中大量表现超人力因素,鬼神等怪异现象在作品里司空见惯,创作者做这样安排,有其特殊目的。可以说,体现故事的传奇性、讽刺性、揄扬性是清代白话公案小说着力表现超人力因素的直接动机。  相似文献   

构建和谐社会迫切需要人文关怀的精神支撑。马克思主义人文关怀思想是和谐社会加强人文关怀的一个理论依据,现代国人的精神境况是加强人文关怀的一个重要现实依据,注重人文关怀也是构建和谐社会本身的内在诉求。当前加强人文关怀自觉需要特别注意四种关怀的自觉:文化关怀、终极关怀、生态环境关怀、教育关怀。  相似文献   

西方侦探小说模式的创立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
这里从《莫格街血案》、《窃信案》等5篇侦探小说入手,对艾伦·坡在西方侦探小说方面做出的特殊贡献进行了深入阐释,对这一小说样式的独特模式的四个要素及各个要素在小说中所起的作用进行了详细剖析。  相似文献   

相对主义研究范式的产生及其应用,丰富了比较教育学的理论体系.相对主义研究范式在一定程度上有自己的进步性和合理之处,但也存在明显的方法论上的缺陷和不足.本文在论述比较教育学的相对主义研究范式基础上,简要探讨了霍姆斯的比较教育研究方法论.  相似文献   

清代白话公案小说大量表现鬼神因素,这并不是可有可无的点缀品,也不是创作者为了达到令人惊愕的阅读效果,从而在小说里极尽全力叙述鬼神妖魅之事,而是有其直接的目的,那就是满足大众好奇传奇之心,借鬼神调侃讽刺与以神为戏。  相似文献   

尝试运用语用预设理论,从指称预设、语境预设、背景预设、交际对象预设四个方面,通过小说中的具体人物对话,分析柯南·道尔《四签名》严密的逻辑推理手法,从而更好地理解该作品的精髓所在。  相似文献   

Modern detective novels are believed to have their roots in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes, when nearly fifty years prior Edgar Allen Poe had published one of the first murder mysteries in hi...  相似文献   

佐哈尔的多元系统论致力于对翻译文学与整个文学体系之间的互动关系的研究,引起人们对翻译文学在译入语文学体系中的地位和作用的重新关注,解释了一些以往的翻译理论无法解释的问题。侦探小说作为一种新的文学样式,被译介到中国以后对中国文学乃至文化都产生了深远的影响。运用多元系统理论,分析了侦探小说在中国的译介与创作情况,并以侦探小说这一特定文学样式在中国的发展证明翻译文学在本国文学多元体系中地位的动态变化与当时的文学创作是一个相互影响、相互深化的过程。指出了侦探小说在翻译文学中占据主导地位的社会、历史和文化背景及其原因,实现了多元系统论在文学实践中的具体应用。  相似文献   

人文关怀是一种崇尚和尊重人的生命、尊严、价值、情感、自由的精神,它与关注人的全面发展、生存状态及其命运、幸福相联系。人文关怀的缺失是目前阻碍教师发展的重要因素之一。促进教师的发展需要从影响教师人文关怀的缺失的因素着手,即创造外在的人文环境和教师自我更新人文理念。  相似文献   

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