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In this research, the residential environment index system and evaluation model were established by means of subjective and objective methods. The methodology for establishing the evaluation system for residential environment was first analyzed; then the subjective evaluation data-base was established by questionnaire survey; and at the same time, the objective evaluation data-base was constructed by Geographic Information System (GIS); and then the related equation system between subjective and objective system was developed by multiple regression analysis. This research could benefit evaluation of the residential environment quality for various purposes, and also provide important rudimentary data-base for the development and improvement of residential environment for officials. Furthermore, the index system and evaluation model established in this research could construct a strong relation between subjective evaluation and objective data; and thus could provide a comprehensive, efficient and effectiv  相似文献   

In this research, the residential environment index system and evaluation model were established by means of subjective and objective methods. The methodology for establishing the evaluation system for residential environment was first analyzed; then the subjective evaluation data-base was established by questionnaire survey; and at the same time, the objective evaluation data-base was constructed by Geographic Information System (GIS); and then the related equation system between subjective and objective system was developed by multiple regression analysis. This research could benefit evaluation of the residential environment quality for various purposes, and also provide important rudimentary data-base for the development and improvement of residential environment for officials. Furthermore, the index system and evaluation model established in this research could construct a strong relation between subjective evaluation and objective data; and thus could provide a comprehensive, efficient and effective methodology for the evaluation of residential environment.  相似文献   

我国居住环境评价的尺度、方法与技术分析(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了完善我国居住环境评价体系并加强其指导作用,通过对比、归纳与实证应用等方法从研究尺度、评价方法和应用技术3个方面对现有研究成果进行分析与总结.现有宏观尺度评价体系普遍对城市规划建设的指导作用不明显,而中观与微观尺度评价体系对改善住区环境的指导作用则逐渐加强.我国评价体系中确定指标阈值与权重的方法多元化,以AHP法确定权重为例,在实证计算的基础上,分析了该方法的优势与不足.在综合评价过程中,非线性模型比线性模型更能够体现各指标间相互影响的关系;ARCGIS平台下的评价模型具有空间与属性一体化的优势,而且结果直观.我国居住环境评价的方法体系仍未系统建立,学科领域、研究范畴需要拓宽,指导作用有待加强.  相似文献   

Scholarly activities are a collection of academic related activities such as research, teaching and consultation work which result in research outputs such as journals, theses and articles in proceedings. The output will then be disseminated to researchers all over the world by means of the WWW. The four pillars of this scholarship i.e. discovery, teaching, application, and integration of knowledge are supported by research activities which often start with the process of identifying key research questions. The ocean of information available on the interact could sometimes cause the scholars to be "lost in Cyber Ocean" Thus, this study aims at recognizing the key research questions and suggesting a support environment for scholarly activities for novice researchers. A structured interview was conducted among researchers to capture three pertinent aspects of research activities: becoming proficient in the new field of research, reviewing a research paper and identifying special research interests in specific research areas. The analysis of the interview shows pertinent questions that scholar make while carrying out their research. The feedback provides an overview of the range and altitude of support needed by scholars in seeking information especially in the electronic joumal environment. Based on the result of the study, a proposal for system prototype and future work will be discussed.  相似文献   

航空维修保障能力模糊综合评定模型   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
运用模糊数学的方法,结合航空维修保障系统的因素分析,提出了航空维修保障能力评价指标体系,建立了三级模糊评判模型,并利用层次分析法确定了各因素的权重,提出了维修保障能力的量化评判方法.  相似文献   

在终身教育的背景下,发生在非正式环境中的科学学习逐渐受到国内外研究者们的重视。相比课堂上的科学课程的学习研究,目前国内关于非正式科学学习的研究还处于起步阶段。欧美研究者对于非正式环境中科学学习的目标、特征以及评价做了系统研究,本文主要通过梳理文献概述非正式环境中所关注的结果的种类及其评价,为我国的相关研究提供资源,为我国在此领域的研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术以及工业设计技术的不断发展,传统的手工绘图式的设计方式已经严重影响到工业设计的效果,关于计算机辅助的工业设计系统的研究逐渐受到专家学者们的关注。本文从CAD工业设计技术为出发点详细阐述了计算机辅助工业设计技术的应用特点,最后根据较为成熟的层次法和结构法设计出计算机辅助工业设计系统,并针对具体的组成部分进行详细的分析比较。  相似文献   

Demarcating distribution area of goods is often guided by the rule of thumb by business proprietors. However, this method seems to be unsuitable when the demand points increase to a certain large extent. The present work attempted to convert the problem of distribution area demarcation into a localized problem of warehouseing and networking, and tried to establish district-based planning mode based on location based heuristic (LBH). Two methods were used in this study: 1) the manual method to construct the mathematical model and conduct simulation; 2) the automatic method using TransCAD software of geographical information system (GIS) for simulation. By comparing the effects of the two methods, the research provides theoretical support for business proprietors to demarcate the distribution area rationally with the application of GIS system. The results show that GIS has very good graphics construction function to replace complex text, and the automatic demarcating mode with human-machine interaction provides a good business decision-making support.  相似文献   

创建世界一流大学的制度支撑体系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
创建世界一流大学,是中国在世界舞台上全面崛起的重要基础。发达国家的实践表明,制度的建设是根本性的问题,只有构建一流的制度支撑体系,才能创建世界一流大学。一流大学成长与发展的制度支撑体系,包括一流的图书馆服务支撑体系,一流的网络信息资源服务支撑体系,一流的教学服务支撑体系,一流的科研管理服务支撑体系及一流的校长和管理支撑体系。  相似文献   

目前,在我国对于旅游企业绩效的评价侧重于经济绩效,较少关注其社会绩效。借鉴利益相关者理论的研究,界定了旅游企业的主要利益相关者和次要利益相关者。从主要利益相关者的角度出发,构建了包括游客、员工、社区参与、环境、社会贡献等5个一级指标,以及每个一级指标下所包含的若干个二级指标的旅游企业社会绩效评价体系。  相似文献   

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University Technology Malaysia is currently moving towards a Problem-Based Laboratory implementation rather than the conventional instructional-based laboratory for final year students. The laboratory has commenced session with about 500 students' registration in the 2007/08/1. The Problem-Based Laboratory requires each group of four or five students to solve three given problems in three different laboratories per semester. Each problem has to be solved by conducting the related experiment within four weeks. As they are various evaluation criteria that need to be considered, a web-based evaluation system is proposed in determining the final grade of the students. The evaluation system allows the laboratory coordinators to log in as administrators in order to monitor the evaluation process, which involves both the laboratory technicians and students. The developed web-based evaluation system has proven its capability in working interactively with the users. From the uploading of student's information, group division, marks insertion and total marks calculation for the final grade. It is anticipated that the web-based evaluation system can ensure reliability and security in determining a student's grade in a Problem-Based Laboratory in a shorter time especially when dealing with a large number of students.  相似文献   

运用专家访谈法和问卷调查法对河南省新农村体育文化建设的发展环境及动力支持进行研究.结果表明:河南省新农村体育文化建设通过省政府和体育主管部门的领导,在乡镇文化工作站和农村社会体育指导员的指导下,向着常态化、科学化和可持续性的方向发展,并呈现出不同的地域特征.同时,中央关于农村建设的政策法规、农民的个人需求、和谐社会建设的本质需要为河南省新农村体育文化建设提供了动力支持.  相似文献   

对江苏省普通高校体育课程进行了调查研究。用层次分析法(AHP),采用多元综合评价的方式,探讨了高校学生体育成绩评价方法,并提出评价过程中应重视学生的学习效果,重视社会有关方面的评价意见,以此尽量能客观的描述每一个个体,全面、客观地给出一个完整评价。  相似文献   

The related existing energy saving index system of buildings is deficient in direction, index coverage, depth, and technological and economic considerations. Aiming at the deficient existing research and with the advancement of energy saving of buildings in China from northern heating regions to southern hot summer and cold winter regions, selecting residential buildings in hot summer and cold winter regions as the research object, and through much evaluation index reference and repeated demonstrations and the borrowing of literature research home and abroad and relevant energy saving standards, filters and eliminates energy efficient technologies evaluation indexes according to the design principle of index system, the factors influencing the energy saving of residential buildings are evaluated, index system weight is established by adopting analytic hierarchy process, and finally the evaluation index system of energy saving technologies of residential buildings in hot summer and cold winter area of China is established. Each target layer includes five standard layer indexes and sixteen index layer indexes The standard layer of evaluation index, namely primary indexes, includes the technological, energy saving effect, economic, environmental, and social indexes. The secondary indexes are selected based on the principles of concision, comprehensiveness, representativeness and operability.  相似文献   

高校辅导员是实施大学生思想政治教育的骨干力量,建立科学、规范的辅导员工作考核评价体系,通过多层次、全方位的工作指标来指导和评价辅导员的工作质量,是推动辅导员队伍职业化、专业化发展的重要手段,也是提升大学生思想政治教育工作科学化水平的基础。  相似文献   

高职英语作为专业课程的辅助课程,主要体现出其应用能力,沿用原有的终结式考试已经不能体现出学生对本门课技能掌握情况。鉴于此教师对考核方式进行改革,加强考核引导和过程控制,注重学生英语应用能力培养及提高,建立基于过程控制的高职英语课程形成性考核与终结性考核并重的考核体系,深化高职英语课程改革,促进高职学生英语应用能力的提高。  相似文献   

在研究灰色系统理论的基础上,以福建省生态村的评估工作为例,将灰色关联分析法应用到乡村生态环境质量的综合评定中,建立以多重指标下的生态环境灰色关联模型,并进行实例应用。结果证明该方法可行,得出了实测值分别与标准值和理想值的关联度,而且可以进行同级别的比较分析。  相似文献   

经过二十多年的发展,我国高等教育评估事业取得了飞速发展,但其中也遇到了许多问题和矛盾。本文试从我国高等教育评估的实践出发,对制约我国高教评估健康发展的主要矛盾即评估中的行政本位与学术自由,评估中政府、高校与社会的矛盾进行系统分析,提出构建和谐高等教育评估体系的方法途径。  相似文献   

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