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委婉语是一种非常普遍的语言现象。文章从认知语言学的角度分析了委婉语在社会生活中的应用,探讨了其交际功能分类,委婉语是通过使信息理解者在理解委婉语的理性意义时感到模糊而实现其功能的。最后探讨了委婉语的几种表达方式。  相似文献   

本通过对CBR专家系统中案例知识获取的研究,提出一个带有智能搜索同类网页信息的虚拟信息网络模型。算法将搜索路径及其相关网页与网链内容描述知识有机地结合在一起,不仅能有效地帮助完成基于深度优先的目标网页搜索工作,而且可以帮助确定各目标网页搜索的成功与否,从而使得智能搜索算法能够利用目标网页的搜索过程与结果,不断地进行自学习,积累越多越好的搜索知识,进而使得目标网页的搜索越来越准确有效。  相似文献   


The present article gives an outline of the state of art in computer assisted intervention by learning-concomitant differential feedback. Based on the spectrum of possible meanings and interpretations given to the concepts ‘interaction’ and ‘interactive’ this concept is elaborated and illustrated by prototypical theoretical approaches. Based on our own empirical findings arguments are given showing that sophisticated audiovisual interactive new technologies can properly be used even on the small machines available in schools if the content materials and the flow of control given to the learner are carefully designed and based on principles of cognitive science.


European Journal of Psychology of Education -  相似文献   

Processes involved in learning from text were analysed as the result of social interactions in cultural settings, in which text remembering is defined in terms of mediated actions. Teacher–student dyads from two levels in adult education were presented with four expository texts and asked to study and remember them jointly. The analyses show different kind of actions both in study and recall of the texts. Results showed differences in the study and recall of the texts related to the educational level and phase. The general pattern of study and recall observed in more experienced students and in latter phases was characterised by a selective attention to the structural aspects of the texts. Teacher–student interaction could be promoting this form of study and recall of the texts. Teachers might have facilitated the acquisition and internalisation of new forms of remembering texts that are characteristic of school activities. These forms or remembering are social in a double sense: because of their origins, and because they are performed in interaction.  相似文献   

该文简述了摩擦学知识及其特点,提出了提高摩擦学知识共享性的一些途径.论述了摩擦学信息处理和知识获取的过程、工具等基本模式.  相似文献   

在二语习得的较高阶段,产出性词汇易于出现"高原现象",即中介语的石化现象。本文主要讨论了这一现象与成因分析以及怎样克服"高原现象",冀在为产出性词汇能力的教学和学习提供参考意见。  相似文献   

当代中国社会阶层流动探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会阶层结构是社会结构的核心内容,而要形成合理的社会阶层结构就需要保证畅通的社会阶层流动,这就要求建立公正、合理、开放的现代化社会阶层流动机制。我国当前社会流动机制已具有现代流动机制的雏形,但也有一些不足之处,需要从深化体制改革,调整公共资源配置,建立严格的教育筛选制度三方面入手,对我国社会阶层流动机制进行改革、完善。  相似文献   

Psycholinguists have often lost sight of the functions of language in their search for structural regularities. This paper focuses on three social learning variables whose roles in language development have often been discounted. Feedback or reinforcement has been said to be unrelated to grammatical development since parents tend to reinforce the truth instead of the grammar of their children's utterances. But evidence is presented showing that feedback for the child's comprehension responses can affect production of grammatical forms. Modeling or imitation has been said to be unimportant in grammatical development because most children's utterances are novel and because the frequency of imitation appears unrelated to the rate of language growth. But evidence is presented showing how many utterances can be both imitative and novel and showing that the role of these selective imitations has not been assessed properly in many studies. Contextual constraints on language have been considered unimportant in many psycholinguistic theories. But evidence is presented showing that communicative competence is related critically to the ability to adjust utterances to contextual constraints and that the language of the young child is deficient in this regard. The educational advantages of a functional analysis of language are discussed.  相似文献   

Rarely has a demand regarding school been so persistently repeated through history as the demand that school be related to life. From Seneca to our day this demand has been stressed with variations, never with complete success. Evan our era, characterized by rapid and profound changes in the whole of social life, has not been spared the renewed postulation of this task: school is not only expected to establish a balance between itself and life, it is also expected to hasten social changes. Teachers, politicians and futurologists of all kinds compete in attempting to envisage a type of school which would satisfy this centuries-old aspiration. The essence of the question lies in the fact that school is an institution which originated at the time of the invention of written characters, extracting a certain strata of people who could engage in science and the arts beyond the sphere of productive labour. To this day, school has retained some basic characteristics of this origin. Many of our contemporaries would be surprised if we told them that there was a time when schools did not exist and that perhaps in the far-off future they will cease to exist. Marshall McLuhan has already announced the end of the era of written letters and books, and consequently the disappearance of school in the traditional form to which we are accustomed. Dr. Franković is a former director of the Yugoslav Institute for Educational Research and has served as president of the Yugoslav Union of Pedagogic Societies.  相似文献   

知识教育:现象学教育学的检视   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
现象学教育学摒弃先在的理论成见和抽象的形而上学,倾注于个体真实的生活世界,力图发现教育的“意义”之所在。这样的探究理路,为我们认识知识教育提供了一种新的可能,为我们在知识教育实践中摆脱无休止的理论吵闹和纷争,重新找回生命的本真提供了新思路。在现象学教育学的视野中,不仅知识教育的生活面貌得以恢复,而且知识教育的根本使命也得以再认和申明。  相似文献   

球迷是现代社会的一种特殊文化现象.对球迷现象与社会经济、生活水平的关系,对推动世界各国经济和竞技体育发展的影响,以及球迷的社会整合功能和社会化功能等做了综合分析.  相似文献   

研制开发了霍尔效应实验数据采集与处理自动化的硬件和软件,详细描述了下位机控制系统的工作原理、逻辑设计以及上位机的算法,并得到了理想的实验结果。  相似文献   

"酒驾入刑"的正式实施,不仅冲击着人们的传统观念,也改变着人们的生活习惯,对社会发展起着积极的推动作用。但要使"酒驾入刑"真正收到理想的效果,还需对现行醉驾的认定标准重新确定,并对"代驾"行为进行规范。  相似文献   

Using adaptation level (AL) theory as a frame of reference for determining the perceived value of college grades, 166 students rated the following sources of influences affecting grade incentive AL: self, peers, major field, and parents. Subjects also provided GPAs, ACT scores, and evaluative ratings for the grade categories of A-F. Results revealed that AL values for family were most similar to AL values for self and that family influences were more significant than any other in affecting overall AL value. Students having higher incentive ALs rated all grade categories less positively than did student having lower ALs. Grade AL was found to predict GPA significantly (even when ACT score was controlled); it did not predict satisfaction with grades, which was more directly a function of GPA. Results were taken to suggest that college grades, for both students and professors, are best conceptualized as an adaptation level phenomenon in which their meaning for the individual depends upon the personal and situational frames of reference within which they are given and received.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of mode of acquisition (MoA) of word meanings in reading comprehension: children acquire word meanings using perceptual information (e.g., hearing, seeing, or smelling the referent) and/or linguistic information (e.g., verbal explanations). A total of 72 deaf and 99 hearing children between 7 and 15 years of age performed a self-paced reading task. Comprehension scores increased with age in both groups, but reading speed increased over age only for the hearing participants. For both groups, reading times on linguistically acquired words were longer than on perceptually acquired words. Although deaf children scored lower than hearing children in both conditions, comprehension scores for both groups were lower on linguistic items than on perceptual items. Thus, MoA influences reading comprehension, but the deaf show difficulty on both the perceptual and the linguistic items.  相似文献   

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