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认识论视野中的教学评价理念变革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李荣   《当代教育科学》2005,(17):12-15
认识论的演变与教学评价的变革,二者之间存在着密切的关系。传统认识论“客观性”知识观决定了教学评价的本质是测量,功能主要以社会导向为主,其着眼点是“知识”;现代认识论语境中的“文化性”知识观使得教学评价的本质定格为价值判断,其功能是以能力导向为主的,相对应的客体由工具性的“知识”转变为对象性的“人”;在后现代认识论“情境化”知识观的视域中教学评价理念发生了更深刻的变革:要尊重差异是其本质特征,信息呈现是其功能,生活则是其基本着眼点。  相似文献   

唐娜·哈拉维的科学客观性思想的基本内涵在于以改造并启用视线隐喻作为切入点,强调主体的自我分裂与冲突及其认识论意义,局部视角的优先性,客体的行动者身份,以及知识的情境化特征;这一思想具有鲜明的后现代女性主义色彩,对于科学认识论与女性主义理论的发展具有借鉴意义,同时也存在一些尚待解决的问题。  相似文献   

在后现代主义科学哲学的视域内,罗蒂哲学的后现代特征主要表现在三个方面:在对传统的科学哲学反思过程中,罗蒂提出了反基础主义的口号,极力主张反实在论,及表象主义和反本质主义,从而终结传统哲学的形而上学和认识论;在后哲学文化的设计方面,罗蒂的基本策略是以解释学替换认识论,以“弱理性”取代“强理性”,以协同性诠释客观性;在划界问题上,罗蒂批判了科学霸权主义,再次重申了划界问题的消逝。  相似文献   

探究素养发展的教学认识论,旨在澄明知识与素养的关系及其转化的认识论原理与教学机制。素养作为道德性运用知识解决复杂问题的能力,这一学习结果基于知识并超越知识,诉求于学习者能够在复杂情境中开展道德性的知识迁移与运用。可见,实践性是素养的本质特征,内蕴知与行、理智与德性统一的认识论意义。这一本质特征诉求于教学认识论应处理好“学”与“用”的一体化关系。传统教学认识论虽然一贯倡导“学以致用”,但由于理性主义知识观的钳制,在处理知与行、“学”与“用”的关系问题上深陷先后论、工具论、机械论等二元论困境。二元论的症结不仅割裂了“学”与“用”内在的一体性,而且难以确保学习者所获学习结果的实践性。“用以致学”通过调整“学”与“用”的位次关系,旨在重估行动、实践的认识论意义,进而更好地促进“学以致用”。“用以致学”作为实践取向的教学认识论不仅勾勒出化知识为素养的教学机理,同时还体现了现代认识论研究实践转向的趋势、学习科学的最新进展以及中国文化内蕴的力行认识论传统等依据。  相似文献   

齐曼认为科学是一种自然种类,对它的研究应该采取自然主义的立场。客观性是齐曼科学学研究的核心问题。他通过阐释科学知识的主体际性特征,以及“客观”的涵义,描绘出他所认识的科学的形象。齐曼的自然主义认识论立场打破了自然科学与人文科学的传统划界,祛除了传统遗产赋予科学的“决不犯错”的神性,还科学以本来面目。  相似文献   

“知情型-生活化-整体性”德育新范式建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以科学认识论为哲学基础的传统知性论道德教育对我国学校德育产生了长远而深刻的影响。“知情型-生活化-整体性”德育范式以道德知识和生活育德的新建构为基础,以在实践中整合为途径,通过“知、博、意、行”的融合和德育整体性作用的发挥,促进道德知识在生活实践中生成,实现对人的整体性塑造。  相似文献   

现代科学知识的最基本的特性是客观性。对知识客观性的内在信仰和追求产生了认识论上的"客观主义"。从知识与"认识对象"的关系、知识与"认识主体"的关系和作为认识基础的实践这三个维度来考查,客观主义认识论与建构主义认识论存在着根本的分歧。尽管面临着客观主义阵营的种种责难,从客观主义迈向建构主义,实现教学认识论的变革与超越,是我国新课程改革的必然选择。  相似文献   

后现代知识观的主要特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于现代知识的性质有很多表述,其中“客观性”、“普遍性”和“中立性”常常被人们认为是现代知识观的三个基本特征。但是,在后现代主义看来,科学并不是一种客观性的知识,而是一种较为主观性的、相对性的知识。后现代知识观的主要特征是:  相似文献   

钱学森以马克思主义哲学为指导,运用矛盾论、实践论、系统论的观点,创造性地建立了现代科学技术体系结构。它揭示了现代科学技术发展的整体情况,其内容几乎囊括了人类认识世界、改造世界的全部知识。钱学森实现了从科学认识论向科技认识论的跨越。他创建了交叉科学的认识论与方法论。此外,他还创造性地提出了复杂性科学的研究方法。  相似文献   

认识论是哲学的主要课题.儿千年来.哲学家们为作为结果的知识曾塑造了成千上万种“模式”,并企图以其“模式”来规范人类的认识过程。当然,其塑造工具并不是远离文明大道的哲学家所独创的,而是有赖于其时代.今天随着数学与逻辑的进步,或确切地说由于两者结合的发展,使认识论的研究有了新的突破.本上试就这方面作些探讨。一匈牙利哲学家拉斯洛·豪森曾指出,科学推理是赋值的一种特殊类型,作为这些推理论据的假说与我们所相信的具有肯定性的知识相对应.这类知识的项叫作变元.而其整个系统为背景知识.变元所提供的逻辑基础是建立…  相似文献   

性别视角下的科学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
女性主义为我们如何看待科学提供了一种新的视角。“科学的”和“男性的”的结合导致科学对女性的排斥和分离,使得科学知识、科学的认知方式以及科学与社会的关系都带有男性的偏见。女性主义提倡“强客观性”的科学。  相似文献   

Feminist philosophy of science has been criticized on several counts. On the one hand, it is claimed that it results in relativism of the worst sort since the political commitment to feminism is prima facie incompatible with scientific objectivity. On the other hand, when critics acknowledge that there may be some value in work that feminists have done, they comment that there is nothing particularly feminist about their accounts. I argue that both criticisms can be addressed through a better understanding of the current work in feminist epistemology. I offer an examination of standpoint theory as an illustration. Harding and Wylie have suggested ways in which the objectivity question can be addressed. These two accounts together with a third approach, ‘model-based objectivity’, indicate there is a clear sense in which we can understand how a standpoint theory both contributes to a better understanding of scientific knowledge and can provide a feminist epistemology.
Sharon CrasnowEmail:

There have been debates about the place of religion in science and in what ways knowledge that is produced through religion can aid in the learning and teaching of science. The discord between science and religion is mainly focused on whose knowledge is better in describing and explaining the reality. Constructivist epistemology seems to give some scholars hope in the possibility that the discord between science and religion can be ameliorated and that their expressions of reality can co-exist. In this forum contribution I present some Hindu perspectives to re-interpret how science and Hinduism explain reality. I have used only few Hindu perspectives based on selected Hindu writings, particularly Vedanta, to expand on objectivity and reality. Finally, I recommend that social constructivism may be a better framework in keeping science and religion discord at bay.  相似文献   

余文森 《教育研究》2012,(1):118-124
筛选、编制和传递公共知识,一直是学校教育的主要任务。从主体构成来看",复合主体性"是公共知识的一个最为显著的特征;从基本向度来看,公共知识具有明显的"认识向度"的特征;从认知方式来看,公共知识所遵循的是科学认识论路线;从来源和发展过程来看,公共知识主要表征为间接经验;从实际内容来看,公共知识主要表征为本质、科学、规律、真理等形式;从基本性质来看,公共知识具有明显的客观性、普遍性、确定性;从知识信念来看,公共知识是所谓的现代主义知识观所认同并给予辩护的一种知识类型。  相似文献   

Preservice teachers in six sections (n = 87) of a sequenced, methodological and process-integrated elementary mathematics/science methods course were able to reconcile an issue centered on a similar area of epistemology. Preservice teachers participated in a science inquiry lesson on biological classification and a mathematics problem-solving lesson on polyhedra. Preservice teachers were asked why it was possible to derive a mathematical formula for polyhedra and not organisms and what this implies about the similarities and differences between the epistemologies of mathematics and science. An area of epistemology known as simplicity was triangulated as “simple versus complex” emerged from the constant comparative method (28 %) and “justification and simplicity” (96 %) was coded with a content analysis. Implications include how methods course instructors can create other appropriate activities which incorporate and reconcile other areas of epistemology.  相似文献   

论知识观转型与课程改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
知识作为课程的主要来源,是课程设计与编制的重要依据之一,决定着课程改革的方向。当代知识观已经或正在发生一系列重大转换,即从重视"客观性"走向重视"理解性",从重视"反映性"走向重视"建构性",从重视"普遍性"走向重视"境域性",从重视"公共性"走向重视"个体性",从重视"描述性"走向重视"规范性"。知识观的转型为课程改革奠定了认识论基础,课程改革必须反映新知识观的客观要求。  相似文献   

In this paper, I consider the relevance of the view of cognitive existentialism to a multi-gendered picture of science education. I am opposing both the search for a particular feminist standpoint epistemology and the reduction of philosophy of science to cultural studies of scientific practices as championed by supporters of postmodern political feminism. In drawing on the theory of gender plurality and the conception of dynamic objectivity, the paper suggests a way of treating the nexus between the construction of gender within the interrelatedness of scientific practices and the constitution of particular objects of inquiry. At stake is the notion of characteristic hermeneutic situation which proves to be helpful in designing a multi-gendered pedagogy as well.
Dimitri Jordan GinevEmail:

科学知识在内容上具有客观性、确定性、普适性、单维性,科学知识的探究形式为因果说明、主客分离、客观方法;科学知识的表达形式为科学概念的操作性,科学判断的数学化,以归纳方式为主要的推理形式;科学知识旨趣体现在对自然的描述、解释与预测。科学知识的价值体现为科学的道德价值,科学的审美价值,科学的方法价值。科学知识独特内容、形式、旨趣与价值对科学课程的设计、实施与评价均有重要影响。科学课程开发不能忽视科学知识的知识论基础。  相似文献   

Fuselier  Linda  McFadden  Justin  King  Katherine Ray 《Science & Education》2019,28(9-10):1001-1025

From literature on understandings of the “nature of science” (NOS), we know that sometimes scientists and others that participate in teaching and mentoring in the sciences lack an informed view of the philosophical underpinnings of their discipline. In this study, we ask whether biologists who are also teachers or mentors for college students agree with the tenets of critical contextual empiricism (CCE), a social epistemology of science that foregrounds the importance of a diversity of voices in knowledge-producing communities. We used a Q-sort methodology to examine beliefs about social knowledge construction that are related to teaching science inclusively. Overall, we found that biologists-teachers held viewpoints somewhat consistent with the tenets of Critical Contextual Empiricism. Although participants shared many beliefs in common, we found two significantly different groups of participants that were characterized under the themes “knowledge is constructed by people” and “the truth is out there.” Overall, although participants believed a diversity of cognitive resources aids scientific communities, they failed to recognize the more nuanced ways certain social interactions might impact objective knowledge production. For one group, outside of a belief that collaboration in science is valuable, other social influences on science were assumed to be negative. For a second group, the search for universal truth and the separation of rational and social aspects was critical for scientific objectivity. We use the results of our Q-sort to identify areas for professional development focused on inclusive science teaching and to recommend the explicit teaching of CCE to science educators.


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