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In response to the perceived need of many organizations to increase the quantity, quality, and timeliness of training, their shortage of experienced instructional developers, and constrained training budgets, software systems are being created to assist both novice and expert instructional technologists. The underlying philosophies and goals of such “ID automation” tools and their potential effects upon the organizations who adopt them as well as upon the human performance technology profession must be examined so that they will help to empower rather than hinder their users.  相似文献   

This paper presents the tools and methodologies underlying the ARIADNE framework for enabling open and distance education and for enhancing more conventional training schemes. The ARIADNE concept relies on a distributed knowledge pool system that stores pedagogically indexed educational resources, as well as on a set of tools and methodologies for authoring curricula. The basic approach is one of share and reuse. Specialized authoring tools are under development for the production of simulations, multiple-choice questionnaires and auto-evaluation exercises. Segmentation tools for video and text-based material, with integrated facilities for hypertext generation, are also under development. The distributed knowledge pool system consists of one central knowledge pool, and a number of local knowledge pools. Corporate training systems can also be built around private knowledge pools. Before pedagogical documents can be inserted into the knowledge pool system, their pedagogical and other characteristics must be described. A pedagogical header generator tool assists in this task. Pedagogical engineers can define the spatio-temporal, socio-pedagogic process that we call a curriculum, and choose the active and expositive documents that embody it, by using a curriculum editor. Finally, students consult or work with the documents of the curriculum they subscribed to, through a personalized view provided by the ARIADNE learner interface.  相似文献   

A study of authoring system technology was done to update a previous study done in 1985. While the earlier study focused on software selection methods, the current one emphasizes trends in authoring tool characteristics, vendor approaches to the market-place, and evaluation methods. It also raises questions about some of the often tacit assumptions underlying the technology's development and use.  相似文献   

基于IEC61850电力系统自动化的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着电力系统的迅速发展,电力网络的结构及运行方式日趋复杂,为保证系统的安全经济运行,对电力系统自动化水平和调度管理功能要求越来越高。很多新的应用系统软件相继出现,如:实时系统诊断系统、维护管理系统、系统监视和资产管理系统等等,将这些独立的系统整合起来,成为一个相互联系的整体,是电力系统自动化发展的必然I。EC61850标准无疑将是今后网络通信架构的方向。依据IEC61850标准,不同厂商的各个自动化系统将具有互操作性,从而整个大系统具有同一的编程开发维护环境和同一的企业标签名数据库,方便系统建模和升级扩展。  相似文献   

We argue that a focus on building an authoring tool for a complete learning environment is misplaced. An analysis of the task of authoring a commercial educational system reveals it to be best accomplished through authoring separate components. For many of these components, authoring tools already exist and need not be duplicated for use in educational systems. Connecting the various components together is a separate authoring task, and parts of this task are different for educational systems than for typical component-based software. The second half of this article describes the Visual Translator, an authoring tool we have written specifically for this purpose.  相似文献   

Computer systems, interactive technologies, and the software tools for authoring multimedia programs have evolved over the past several decades. The evolution of multimedia technology is discussed and current alternatives for authoring multimedia programs are described. Issues related to analyzing authoring tool requirements and selecting software are presented and trends in the evolution of authoring tools are identified. Many factors affecting the selection and use of authoring software are exogenous to the technology itself. Both technological trends and market forces must be considered.  相似文献   

To date, most of the research on usability and content management systems has focused on the end-user products of such systems rather than on the usability for technical communicators of the single-source authoring tools offered within these systems. While this latter research is undeniably important, attention needs to be paid to the plight of technical communicators attempting to use single-sourcing tools. Otherwise, technical communicators in workplaces risk becoming semi-skilled contingent labor rather than empowered knowledge workers. This essay, therefore, attempts to open a debate about the design of content management systems by turning to the rhetorical canon of memory as an appropriate source for insights into how stored information can be flexibly retrieved and used during composing activities.  相似文献   

To date, most of the research on usability and content management systems has focused on the end-user products of such systems rather than on the usability for technical communicators of the single-source authoring tools offered within these systems. While this latter research is undeniably important, attention needs to be paid to the plight of technical communicators attempting to use single-sourcing tools. Otherwise, technical communicators in workplaces risk becoming semi-skilled contingent labor rather than empowered knowledge workers. This essay, therefore, attempts to open a debate about the design of content management systems by turning to the rhetorical canon of memory as an appropriate source for insights into how stored information can be flexibly retrieved and used during composing activities.  相似文献   

The complexities of building educational software can be reduced by relying on appropriate tools for adapting and re-using similar, previous applications. Although researchers have been creating tools for automating some aspects of software design, most of these tools typically aim for generality, attempting to cover a broad class of interactive programs in many domains. However, this approach may not be effective for building complex interactive systems, and fails to re-apply the instruction and design expertise implicit within prior software applications. An alternative is to provide tools which use specialized, rather than general, task models, tailored specifically to a target category of software. In addition, an understanding of the authoring task itself can inform the design of such specialized authoring environments. This article presents a prototype authoring tool for interactive educational software, called IDLE-Tool. Investigate and Decide Learning Environments (IDLE) is introduced as the task model around which the tool is based, and a model of the authoring process, called Guided Case Adaptation, is offered as an approach to employing the model and an exemplar in tandem to effectively support the design process.  相似文献   

Many students have severe difficulties in successfully gaining a good understanding of Newtonian Mechanics. They exhibit deep misconceptions, many of which have developed as pre-instructional ideas on the subject in order to explain observed phenomena and experience. We have been developing a series of computer based systems to address this problem by presenting the learner with flexible routes of learning to help elicit, restructure and understand the concepts involved. The systems are based on our previously described theories of the application of Hypermedia to allow constructivist approaches to learning. We are committed to developing usable, inviting and self-paced packages that allow for individual differences, and levels of communication for students. The system is constructed using off-the-shelf multimedia authoring tools, that allow non-programmers to build educational packages that take account of soundly based theories of learning.  相似文献   

Many authoring tools have been proposed in an attempt to find more effective ways to face the challenge of developing educational software. However, most of them are reported to be restrictive, since they are strongly connected to a specific educational software development methodology. The AIDA (Ambiente Integrado para o Desenvolvimento de Aplicações educacionais) authoring environment was developed at the University of Coimbra having as its main objectives the support of most of the activities involved in authoring and making educational software development easier. The AIDA system is based on a design module, i.e. a prototyping tool allowing the creation of Windows-based software, including multimedia features. The system assists evaluation activities and it caters also for support on translation and cultural adaptation, as well as on the reutilization of educational materials. The use of the AIDA environment is illustrated by three small examples using different development methodologies.  相似文献   

Since the publication of the IMS Learning Design (IMS LD) specification in 2003, many initiatives have been undertaken to build authoring tools that are simple enough to be used by non-technical instructors and teachers. IMS LD's technical complexity is believed to be a major burden for the adoption of the specification. We have developed a new approach for course authoring and delivery that hides most of the complexities and is powerful enough to create highly flexible online courses. Key aspects in this approach are (1) integration of IMS LD authoring and delivery tools in order to enable teachers to adapt courses in runtime and (2) the use of templates to standardize aspects of the LD. This article reports on the research and development of this approach, as well as a first implementation by the Open University of the Netherlands as part of an integrated e-learning system.  相似文献   

Model-based training offers a number of potential benefits in training performance of complex tasks, particularly when an interactive device model can be manipulated both by the training system and by the learner. Unlike fixed training systems, simulation-centered training allows the learner to practice in a realistic setting that is not artificially constrained, and it allows the training system to automatically support the learner in attaining complex goals. Rapid authoring of many other learning transactions can also be supported in a model-based environment, enhancing the potential for both high-quality interactive instruction and productivity in the development of such instruction. A potential problem with the model-based approach, however, is that the model development process is traditionally very unproductive and often results in unreliable or unrealistic models of the systems to be learned. Presented in this article is theRapids authoring system, an integrated set of direct manipulation tools for the production of interactive graphical models and instruction based on those models. A short course based on models of neural networks on the visual retina is described to illustrate the productive application of theRapids simulation and course authoring tools. Development ofRapids was funded by the Air Force Human Resources Laboratory, under RICIS Research Activity No. ET 13 (NASA Cooperative Agreement NCC9-16) administered by the University of Houston, Clear Lake. Our colleagues, Lee D. Coller, Quentin A. Pizzini, David S. Surmon, and James L. Wogulis, collaborated in the design and implementation ofRapids. Mark Johnson of our organization was instrumental in developing the diagnostic model used inIMTS.  相似文献   

Using tools to support learning design has been proven feasible in improving the integration of technology into the curriculum. However, novice teachers are faced with two major issues, including their limited experience in learning design and limited ability in using new technologies. Learning map is explored and developed in e-Textbooks to serves as a scaffolding for novice teachers during their development into expert teachers. This paper presents a case study in which learning map is integrated into learning design with associated resources in an e-Textbook authoring environment. The participants were instructed to complete a learning design task for an e-Textbook during a one-hour session and then complete a questionnaire afterward. The results indicate that novice teachers value the learning map for learning design in e-Textbooks regardless of their background in ICT teaching and learning design. Novice teachers adopt positive attitudes toward the use of templates because of their numerous benefits. The teachers also suggested that better quality templates should be integrated into the authoring tool to distinguish the advantage of e-Textbook learning design from that of a traditional book and to provide them with additional options.  相似文献   

The Educational Object Economy (EOE) emerged from research on end-user authoring tools for multimedia software and, by 1997, developed into a library of over 2000 freely available interactive simulations for learning. The organization's original goals and its ongoing interest in alternative methods of software authoring led to continuing connections with component-based software development and collaborative development models. Subsequent focus on learning resource development in developing countries has led to contributions to projects in India, Turkey, Brazil, and other countries. Although the need for learning resources in these and other countries is great, component-based approaches have not yet been adopted.  相似文献   

The article provides an understanding of unique characteristics of Japanese nationals in the United States of America (USA), their possible acculturation and assimilation levels, Japanese world view (assumptions, values and beliefs), and Japanese developmental psychological functions (Amae, On, Giri, Ninjo, and Ajase Complex). All these factors affect the determination of culturally sensitive techniques and approaches that would be best suited for each Japanese client. Information about assessment tools, and counselling and therapeutic strategies and techniques that may be effective is presented.  相似文献   

Summary The goal of this article has been to discuss next generation learning environments and next generation training technologies as well as the learning and design challenges faced in using these. Specifically, we discuss theoretical and design principles of constructivist learning environments and how advanced technologies can potentially support meeting these principles as well as the challenges they may pose to various types of designers, instructional, game, graphic and programming. To address methods for designing complex environments, we also address the use of methodologies and authoring systems with various tools to support the design process. In this context, to illustrate how tools can be used to help instructional design teams manage the complexities of developing for these environments. As an example, we discuss one tool,IIPI CREATE, that supports this process and organizes the development process  相似文献   

The Generic Tutoring Environment (GTE) is an authoring environment for the development of courseware. Claims with regard to GTE's epistemological foundations are analyzed and explored. GTE's assumptions are thereby shown to reveal a somewhat reductionist bias, which is to say that GTE has placed emphasis on computational approaches to instructional modeling. Nevertheless, pragmatic concerns with regard to GTE's utility and effectiveness are of interest to the developers and to other researchers in the fields of courseware design and instructional modeling. In general, GTE is seen to be both ambitious and powerful. While GTE does not truly provide an epistemology of instructional design, it does provide a powerful framework within which effective tutors can be efficiently generated.  相似文献   

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