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“幸福村居”建设是广东省落实国家新农村政策的一项举措。选择珠海市金湾区“三板村”和“广益村”作为典型样本,调查了村民文教需求现状。调查结果显示:村民“幸福感”低,生活压力大;村民培训需求呈现多层次化趋势;村民的文教活动缺乏专业指导。村民文教活动的实现途径应该多元化;政府应该加大对村居文化生活的建设与经费投入;村居文教活动应该依托高职院校开展。  相似文献   

目前计算机网络在社会经济、文教、卫生、军事乃至政治领域的应用正在深刻地改变着人类的生存环境和生活方式。在这样一个多样化的“网络时代”里,我们更应该重视学生的道德教育,即重视学生的法制教育、社会公德教育及“三观”教育。  相似文献   

闽之先贤蓝鼎元一生致力于推崇程朱理学,振兴文教,他的教育思想是源于程朱理学而又具有当时的时代特色的。其“崇正去邪”“、经世致用”等颇具特色的教育思想的形成,与自身的政治立场、生活经历、清初的文教政策及闽省学风有着密切的关系。其重教兴学的举措和教育思想中的精华,至今仍有启发价值。  相似文献   

试析清政府"新政"时期教育政策的调整   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清末“新政”时期 ,清政府为挽救统治危机 ,不得不对旧有的教育政策进行大幅度地调整 :废除科举制度 ,建立新式教育系统 ;优先发展师范教育 ;初步向国民普及教育迈进等。由于有相对独立的教育行政机构的保障 ,加以较为积极的社会捐助教育资金政策的施行 ,这种调整在一定程度上得以实现 ,为中国教育由传统向近代的转型奠定了初步基础。但因其政策调整的指导思想仍未跳出“中体西用”的窠臼 ,加之当时财政状况的衰敝 ,其实际成效则大为逊色  相似文献   

徐畅 《高校教育管理》2010,4(1):23-27,32
为了贯彻《共同纲领》的文教政策,使山东大学顺利实现向新民主主义大学的转变,在建国初期山东大学思想政治教育中,校长华岗为全校师生所授政治大课,采取理论联系实际和以理服人的方针,系统地给山大师生讲授了党的政策和马克思主义基本原理,提高了山大师生的觉悟,为20世纪50年代山大的辉煌奠定了基础。  相似文献   

江泽民同志提出的“以德治国”思想是指把道德作为管理国家、调控社会的手段,来指导国家各项方针、政策的创制、实施和执行。它的提出,是对历史上“德治”思想的总结与提升,并有其丰富的理论和现实基础;民主的道德性理论、政治社会化理论、治国方略理论和德法辩证关系等。当然,在实施“以德治国”的过程中,我们还必须处理好以下几个方面的问题;坚持邓小平理论的指导、营造舆论文化环境、加强道德教育和加强党的领导等。  相似文献   

试论"后唯物史观"的诞生及其基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唯物史观是时代发展到资本主义社会的产物,是工业社会和机器大生产的产物,与商品经济社会是相对应的,物质资料的生产方式是其基础。“后唯物史观”是后工业社会的产物,与知识经济社会相对应,以知识创新和转化为基础的文化生产力是其基础。“后唯物史观”及其基础的诞生是物质生产力的重要性被文化生产力所取代、商品经济形式被知识经济形式所取代、物质主导的社会被知识主导的社会取代、物化的主体被自由而全面发展的主体取代的结果。  相似文献   

"免学费加人民助学金"政策的形成、实施及其作用和影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文探讨了“免学费加人民助学金”政策 ,包括其形成、实施及作用和影响。认为“免学费加人民助学金”的政策虽是在特定历史条件下确立及实施的 ,并导致一些问题 ,随着社会的发展及高等教育的改革而被“收费加资助”政策所取代 ,但其影响并没有消失。其资助贫困学生的基本观点仍值得肯定并需要加以坚持  相似文献   

中国上千年的汉字文明发展至今,源远流长,生命力犹强。但是,应看到当今其正经受着外域文字文化的浸染与侵扰。对汉字未来命运的认知与选择,国内外学者们各有其主张,莫衷一是。在此背景下,我们犹须强化“汉字生态和谐发展”观,在其战略思想上,应从国家政策、文教导向、社会创新和个体表率等多层面展开汉字文化生态保护与优化工作,不断推进我国“汉字文化生态事业”的和谐发展。  相似文献   

邓小平理论是对马克思主义、列宁主义、毛泽东思想的新发展,它的产生有其客观的社会历史条件和思想条件,“列宁的思路”即“新经济政策”的理论和实践是邓小平理论产生的社会历史条件和思想条件之一。1921年的苏联与1978年的中国有许多相似之处,他们有相似的历史、相似的国情、相同的社会制度、共同的任务、相似的教训,因此,列宁的社会主义建设思想,特别是“新经济政策”思想就成了中国社会主义改革的重要思想来源,邓小平理论则是对“列宁的思路”的继承和发展。  相似文献   

Latin is currently being trialled as a subject in 40 state secondary schools in England. This paper focuses on one of the justifications of this trial: that teaching Latin in state secondary schools provides students with cultural capital which in turn counters social injustice. By taking the example of Latin as a starting point, I reach two conclusions about cultural capital. The first is that providing students with cultural capital can be good for some individuals, and so justified on a case-by-case basis depending on context. However, this justification does not hold for curriculum policy making. My second conclusion is that in the long term, pursuing cultural capital as part of curriculum policy exacerbates the social injustices it purports to address. Wherever an activity is introduced for the sake of cultural capital rather than its educational value, educationally valuable activities risk being pushed off the curriculum, potentially degrading the educational value of the curriculum. In the case of teaching Latin, it may provide benefits to particular students, but as part of curriculum policy it risks exacerbating social injustices and undermining the educational value of school curricula. Going beyond the place of Latin on the curriculum, I argue that all appeals to cultural capital provide a poor basis for curriculum policy making.  相似文献   

In recent decades, educational policy researchers have considered critical policy sociology, mostly known as ‘policy sociology’, as a useful research methodology for analysing educational policies. However, despite its increasing popularity, policy sociology has been a confusing concept hence it is often used interchangeably with other terms such as policy analysis. In the main, there is a dearth of literature outlining its key underlying assumptions and how this methodology helps policy researchers to analyse social, political and economic issues related to educational policy. By reviewing current body of literature in the field, this paper identifies policy sociology as one of the four major traditions in the policy analysis field. The paper presents six key underlying assumptions of policy sociology – value based study, political study, historical study, multidisciplinary study, assemblage study, and discourse study – and discusses how researchers have used policy sociology as a research methodology for analysing educational policies.  相似文献   

Theoretically informed by the sociological work of Pierre Bourdieu, this analysis represents an initial attempt to examine what it would mean to analyse educational policy as a social field. By employing such a frame, two main claims are addressed: (1) that the sociological perspective of Bourdieu offers valuable potential for understanding both educational policy, per se, and what it means to analyse educational policy; and (2) that there is good reason to question claims about shifts in power relations in US educational policy. Where other contemporary analyses of educational policy draw on some of Bourdieu's conceptual framework, in this paper I hope to more systematically elaborate methodological concerns raised when applying a Bourdieuian framework to educational policy. Further, I argue the perspective developed here suggests that in the 1980s US educational policy reforms reveal the historical maturation of a social field which has developed its own autonomy and its own rewards.  相似文献   

从教育事业发展、教育政策学科发展和教育政策制订本身出发,对教育政策空间的理论研究是非常必要的;教育政策空间产生的原因是由于教育政策价值取向多元性、不确定性和外溢性所决定的。教育政策空间要求教育政策的主体必须做到有效的政策知识学习和抓住教育政策的有效时机。  相似文献   

"教育与生产劳动相结合"是马克思主义教育理论的重要内容.江泽民继承并发展了这一理论,创造性地提出了"教育与社会实践相结合"的教育方针,具有鲜明的时代精神和创新价值.<中华人民共和国教育法>将我国的教育方针表述为:"教育必须为社会主义建设服务,必须与生产劳动相结合,培养德、智、体等方面全面发展的建设者和接班人."根据江泽民对教育方针的创新论述,有必要将其完整、明确地表述为:"教育必须为社会主义建设服务,必须与社会实践相结合,培养德、智、体、美等方面全面发展的建设者和接班人."  相似文献   

教育政策的价值系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教育政策是政策主体控制教育资源,追求教育利益的一种活动。教育政策的价值系统主要由教育政策活动的价值要素及其关系构成,包括教育政策的价值主体、教育政策的价值客体、教育政策问题和教育政策的价值关系等主要方面。教育政策主体控制教育资源并追求教育利益时,产生和形成各种教育政策问题;教育政策试图解决这些问题的过程中,其价值要素之间构成了一系列基本的价值关系。  相似文献   

This paper uses Bourdieu to develop theorizing about policy processes in education and to extend the policy cycle approach in a time of globalization. Use is made of Bourdieu’s concept of social field and the argument is sustained that in the context of globalization the field of educational policy has reduced autonomy, with enhanced cross‐field effects in educational policy production, particularly from the fields of the economy and journalism. Given the social rather than geographical character of Bourdieu’s concept of social fields, it is also argued that the concept can be, and indeed has to be, stretched beyond the nation to take account of the emergent global policy field in education. Utilizing Bourdieu’s late work on the globalization of the economy through neo‐liberal politics, we argue that a non‐reified account of the emergent global educational policy field can be provided.  相似文献   

Educational research: What (a) to do about impact!   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is a growing emphasis being placed on identifying the utility and value of social science research by government and other funders as they seek justification for its funding in the current economic climate. Even if this was not the case, however, educational researchers have been facing criticism about insufficient impact of their work from a variety of sources and for a variety of reasons since the mid‐1990s. There are considerable and enduring challenges in demonstrating the value of educational research in terms of its impact on practice and policy, not least because of the complexity of the educational contexts it seeks to influence. This paper examines these challenges from the perspectives of the purposes and audiences that educational research serves, how it is perceived by government and in the media, and how the extent of its impact might be improved through addressing the needs of its various audiences.  相似文献   

价值范式及其对教育政策主体的价值分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育政策价值问题是教育理论研究中的重要理论问题。对教育政策价值的分析不应忽视对教育政策主体的价值分析,教育政策从根本上体现并实现着政策主体的价值内容、价值追求与价值选择,教育政策价值与教育政策主体价值有着内在的不可分性。教育政策主体价值依次表现为元价值、隐价值和显价值三重形态。  相似文献   

教育政策分析的范式特征及其研究路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育政策分析的范式特征包括四个方面:教育政策分析是一个科学性、综合性和应用性的研究领域;教育政策分析既是技术又是艺术;教育政策分析是从问题发现到问题解决的全过程;教育政策分析是描述的,而且也是规范的。教育政策分析的研究路径包括政治学路径、经济学路径、社会心理学路径、马克思主义路径、系统科学路径和现象学路径。  相似文献   

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