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由于新技术的广泛使用使亚洲远程教育对互联网的利用率大大提高。同时远程教育在亚洲的蓬勃发展也促进了新技术的使用。但是,教育质量、资源能否方便地获取、公平参与、新技术的利用以及利用互联网获得知识等方面的问题尚未解决。本文论述了亚洲远程教育在利用互联网方面的新趋势、新挑战、存在的问题以及做出的努力。 在历史背景、目前环境、近期变化以及开放大学的新角色的大环境下开展了亚洲远程教育近期发展的讨论。亚洲远程教育的发展迎合了利益相关者的需求,新技术的使用也促进其发展,亚洲开放大学可望在满足利益相关者需求的基础上进一步发挥其作用。 随着对互联网的使用不断增加,亚洲远程教育的发展趋势将会在教学和学习上进一步增加对互联网的利用,以及为远程学习者提供支持和行政服务的方向发展。亚洲远程教育机构能够向学习者提供各种形式的开放教育资源、混合式学习以及虚拟学习的机会。布卡开放大学(简称UT)提供的简短个案研究说明了该校如何引进新的教学和学习方法,以及新的支持和行政服务模式。该校发起的管理创新是重新把该机构建设成为一个学习型组织的一部分。为确保该机构的不断发展,质量保证已成为一个重要的管理战略。 由于地理位置、人口统计、客户数量的差异,以及语言、文化、技术水平、规范管理等方面存在的地区多样性,使亚洲远程教育在使用互联网方面仍然面临挑战。显然,亚洲远程教育的发展将依赖于新技术的增加和对新的学习资源的利用。亚洲远程教育将不得不重新设计、重新构建和重新发明新方法,以适应远程教学和利用学习资源。要确保亚洲远程教育的可持续性发展,在质量方面也存在巨大的挑战。最后,在介绍教育创新和改进方面,  相似文献   

Parental dissatisfaction with special education services is a national problem. This article presents two districts that have undergone systemwide changes to decrease the dissatisfaction of families who have children with disabilities. Using qualitative inquiry, the authors analyzed documents and observed and interviewed 24 informants about the system problems and changes. Data analysis revealed three themes within the systems problems category: (a) lack of leadership, (b) not keeping up with the law, and (c) parents excluded. Systemwide changes were organized into seven themes: (a) new leadership, (b) partnerships, (c) creative use of resources, (d) updated educational practices, (e) relationship building, (f) teacher and parent support, and (g) alternative dispute resolution. Findings revealed effective leaders who focused on all levels of the system.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国学校体育在推进素质教育过程中取得较大成就,但也存在一定的不足。运用文献法、逻辑辩证法对我国学校体育面临的现状进行总结,并依此对其未来的发展趋向进行展望,目的在于找到我国学校体育改革的方向,为我国学校体育改革和构建适应素质教育要求的体育教育体系提供借鉴。  相似文献   

缺血性眼病(ocular ischemic syndrome)是由于眼和眼眶血流灌注不足所引起的一种眼部疾病;缺血性眼病病因复杂,治疗棘手,治疗的目的是防止进一步的眼部损害和继发性的系统疾病,通过分析缺血性眼病的病因,提出多种手段相结合的综合治疗成为新世纪缺血性眼病科学合理的治疗模式。  相似文献   

当代美国特殊教育的新发展   总被引:4,自引:9,他引:4  
本文以1997年美国重新修订的<能力缺陷者教育法>为依据,对当代美国特殊教育的目标、教育原则、能力缺陷学生的种类与鉴定以及特殊教育服务的范围等问题作了全面的评述.  相似文献   

This article discusses cases from my 9-year longitudinal study of 100 home school students. The article focuses on students who have been identified as exhibiting learning disabilities and giftedness. There has been widespread concern that parents who are not trained in special education cannot adequately teach children with special needs. This article chronicles the academic development of 6 special education students and examines their parents' educational backgrounds and pedagogical approaches. I conclude that these students have not followed the expected patterns for students with their classifications and they have not been taught with the same assumptions and techniques used by special educators. These cases raise serious questions about the stereotypes that influence current practices in special education.  相似文献   

The present article focuses on connections between part-time special education and the good results of Finnish students in PISA studies. After a brief summary of the comprehensive school system and special education in Finland, PISA results are analysed. The analysis shows that the relative amount of special education targeted at language problems is highest in Finland among those countries from which comparative statistics are available. The writers argue that this preventive language-oriented part-time special education is an important factor behind the good PISA results.  相似文献   

We attempt to answer where the social justice is in service-learning by probing what it is, how it looks in the process of being institutionalized at a Jesuit university, and why it is important. We develop themes about institutionalizing service-learning from a social justice perspective. Our themes were developed through an analysis of service-learning research focused on institutionalization and social justice, and a case study of a Jesuit university attempting to institutionalize it, including five faculty action research service-learning projects. From these themes, we share lessons that we learned from this experience.  相似文献   


Native American youth face a number of challenges that affect their academic success and wellbeing. In schools, Native American youth are presented with textbooks that include stereotyped and distorted information about their peoples’ history. However, there is a gap in the literature showing whether these textbooks contain microaggressive statements. The current study is a qualitative inquiry into five Montana history that explores the following questions: The first, are there microaggressions in history textbooks used across Montana, and the second – if there are microaggressions, what are those themes? Results of this study indicate that these books included 96 microinvalidations, 54 microinsults, and 11 microassaults. The themes of these microaggressive statements expanded beyond Sanchez’s (2007) original themes. In turn, this study discusses the results from a perspective of White privilege, and how educational consultants can help combat this prejudice engrained in curriculum.  相似文献   

第三届亚洲遥距及成人教育研究研讨会(CRIDALA)暨第四届海峡两岸及港澳地区远程教育学术研讨会(DEC)于2005年6月20至22日在香港公开大学召开。本文根据会议的内容,全面概括和总结当前亚洲远程教育发展的热点和趋势。论文包括以下四个部分:第一、会议的基本情况;第二、亚洲远程教育发展的主要热点;第三、亚洲远程教育发展的主要趋势;第四、综述。笔者认为,从研讨会的论文来看,如何有效利用信息技术实现远程教育的创新是当前亚洲远程教育领域的重点工作。  相似文献   

聋生在提高自身综合素质的同时,常常随之产生一定的心理压力和心理障碍。而这些心理因素的消极作用恰恰是阻碍他们健康成长的最大隐患。所以作为聋哑学校的一名班主任,我们应该义不容辞地担负起聋孩子们成长过程中的“心理医生”这个重任。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was (a) to survey school counselor preparation and perceived and projected role in serving special education students in the southwestern region of the United States; and (b) to determine the status of counselor education programs throughout the nation in preparing counselors to effectively serve exceptional students. The results indicated that 50 percent of the school counselor sample advocated additional involvement with exceptional students, 43 percent felt inadequately prepared to deal effectively with exceptional students, and 60 percent would be more willing to serve exceptional students if their training in special education had been more extensive.  相似文献   

资源教室是普通学校或特殊学校为有特殊需要儿童提供支持和帮助的特定场所,在随班就读的保障体系中占有重要地位。根据我国实际情况,特殊教育学校也应该建立资源教室,而且要加快步骤,并尽快升格为资源中心和后援中心,为有特殊需要的儿童服务。  相似文献   


This study evaluated a program to modify the school attendance of special education (SE) high school students. Twenty 1st and 2nd-year SE high school students from a semirural area in the Southeast were randomly assigned to treatment and control groups. Treatment students received social and tangible rewards for good attendance, and their parents were notified whenever they were absent. All tangible rewards were donated by local businesses, and all procedures were implemented by university undergraduates working for course credit. Thus, treatment involved no cost to the high school. We predicted that treatment would lessen the degree to which students would show the decline in attendance that usually occurs over the course of the semester. As expected, students in the control group showed a significant linear decline in their attendance to SE and regular classes, p < .05. In contrast, students in the treatment group showed no significant decline in attendance over the course of the semester. The findings show that programs like the one evaluated here can reduce the absenteeism of SE high school students without any cost to the schools.  相似文献   

本文根据从事特殊教育工作的实践经验,论述了“赏识——成功”教育的含义、特殊教育学校实施这一管理模式的的必要性以及对特殊教育教师提出的更高的工作要求,并总结出实施“赏识——成功”教育的主要方法为表扬、信任、关注和团队精神的教育等等。阐述了实施“赏识——成功”教育所需营造的自然环境和人文环境。  相似文献   

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