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The body of knowledge on critical components of reading instruction is broad and deep with phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension serving as building blocks for literacy. The importance of fluent reading (i.e., with speed, accuracy, and proper expression, as well as comprehension) in the formula for success is widely accepted. The purpose of this study was to evaluate oral reading rates in a sample of 2nd-grade children. Using growth curve analysis, we identified models for a combined sample of at-risk and not-at-risk children. Large and important differences in oral reading were evident, but the growth rates remained the same throughout the 2nd- grade; in fact, the gap between at-risk and not-at-risk students remained constant. We discuss the implications of our findings for future research and the improvement of practice.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to consider oral reading fluency as an indicator of overall reading competence. We begin by examining theoretical arguments for supposing that oral reading fluency may reflect overall reading competence. We then summarize several studies substantiating this phenomenon. Next, we provide an historical analysis of the extent to which oral reading fluency has been incorporated into measurement approaches during the past century. We conclude with recommendations about the assessment of oral reading fluency for research and practice.  相似文献   

Abstract In this article, we describe the development and evaluation of a beginning spelling intervention for young children at risk of reading disability. We first summarize the literature that supports beginning spelling as an ideal method for strategically integrating the beginning reading big ideas of phonemic awareness and alphabetic understanding. We then summarize the literature on effective instructional principles for students at risk of reading disability. Next, we describe how instructional design was applied to the development of an intervention for young children at risk of reading disability, then summarize the findings of an experimental study supporting the effectiveness of this intervention. Finally, we provide selected examples from the spelling intervention to illustrate the findings' translation into instructional practice.  相似文献   

Reading skill as the basic learning capacity in English language acquisition stands a vital position.While more and more concern on students'personal cognition and cultural impact leads to the coming of a new era of revolution in English language teaching.Knowledge construction theory emphasizing the studentcentered approaches provides the effective ways of learning strategies such as the sharing of students'experience and context-based learning mode.On the other hand,some shortcomings of such principle still exist and will be evaluated in the following of this essay.  相似文献   

Reading skills are an important component of academic success for school-age youth, and are associated with increased academic performance and positive attitudes about school. The presence of an animal appears to reduce stress during reading. Therefore, the goal of this study was to assess the feasibility and effects of a 6-week after-school canine-assisted reading program in a public elementary school setting. Second-grade students were randomized to either an intervention group (n?=?14) in which they read to a registered therapy dog for 30 min once weekly for 6 weeks or a control group (n?=?14) with a standard classroom curriculum. Children’s reading skills were assessed biweekly and attitudes about reading were assessed pre- and post-intervention. The 6-week after-school canine-assisted reading program was feasible. Reading skill scores did not change significantly for either group. Although scores on recreational reading attitudes also did not change significantly for either group, the academic reading attitudes scores increased significantly in the intervention group (p?=?.002), but not in the control group (p?=?.06). These results support the benefits of an animal-assisted intervention for child literacy on children’s attitudes about reading and can inform future programs evaluating reading programs that include dogs.  相似文献   

阅读教学作为大学英语教学的重要组成部分,不仅能提高学生学习英语的能力,也能实现英语教学目标。目前,大学英语阅读教学中依然使用传统的阅读技巧和理论,片面看待阅读技巧和理论在英语阅读教学中的运用,这阻碍了大学生英语阅读水平的提高,影响其英语听、写、读、说能力的提升。基于此,通过对阅读理论和技术的应用进行研究,就大学英语阅读教学中阅读技巧和理论运用的教学实例进行分析,强调大学英语阅读教学不能简单化,而是要把阅读教学看成一个复杂的知识传播过程。在英语阅读教学中,学生和教师都需要明确阅读的目的与性质,找到合适的学习方法,达到英语阅读学习的目的。  相似文献   

读写能力是语言能力的重要组成部分。在英语教学中,读写技能一直是语言教学的重点。二者既相对独立又相互关联,可以分立教学,也可以综合教学。从理论和实践两个层面梳理国内外英语读写技能教学的历史发展轨迹,理清英语阅读教学与写作教学由分立到综合,再到分立与综合并存的发展路径,有利于英语教师更有效地进行英语读写技能的教学。  相似文献   

教育大数据正成为推动教育系统创新与变革的颠覆性力量。文章围绕教育大数据促进精准教学以提升教学效果为目标,从常态教学的挑战与问题出发,阐释大数据技术改进教学之道:大数据何以解决常态教学问题、何以改进教学效果、何以促进个性化自适应学习。以此为理论基础,文章以"智慧学伴"为例,探究了基于"智慧学伴"开展精准教学的应用与实践,并形成了基于数据分析的精准教学模式,文章的研究结果可为应用大数据改进教学提供借鉴。  相似文献   

阅读课是英语专业的基础课程,在阅读课中正确运用阅读技巧有助于学生理解能力的提高。许多学生在上英语阅读课时只是追求做阅读理解题的正确率,而忽略了阅读技巧对阅读效率的关键作用。因此在英语专业阅读课中开设阅读技巧课来提高阅读理解能力是有必要的。英语教师应全面了解阅读技巧教学的意义、目的、任务和教学策略,指导学生进行理论学习与实践,推动英语专业阅读技巧课教学改革与创新。  相似文献   

This study had two purposes. First, we sought to compare the overall effectiveness of different types of fluency interventions for students with learning disabilities (LD). Second, we attempted to identify how individual‐ and class‐level characteristics moderated each intervention's effectiveness. We used multilevel random coefficient modeling to analyze results from 30 single‐subject studies involving 107 students with or at risk for LD. Doing so allowed us to assess the intervention's impact in terms of both intercept‐ (i.e., mean difference between study phases) and slope‐level (i.e., rate of growth) changes. Results indicated that two motivation‐focused interventions were significantly more effective than other types of interventions across gender, age, and placement. The least effective intervention was word recognition training; this finding was consistent across all levels of analyzed variables.  相似文献   

Ten first grade students who had responded poorly to a Tier 2 reading intervention in a response to intervention (RTI) model received an intervention of video self‐modeling to improve decoding skills and sight word recognition. Students were video recorded blending and segmenting decodable words and reading sight words. Videos were edited and viewed a minimum of four times per week. Data were collected twice per week using curriculum‐based measures. A single subject multiple baseline across participants design was used. Results indicated an increase in decoding skills and sight word recognition for all participants. A 2‐week posttest maintenance assessment showed retention or increases for 70 percent of participants. Results from the study offer promise for a specific intervention that may reach particular students who respond poorly to Tier 2 reading instruction.  相似文献   

“删繁就简三秋树,领异标新二月花.”面对课程改革后语文教学的“热闹”景象,笔者认为:语文教学需要恢复“原生态”,需要还语文教学之本来面目,遵循语文教学之基本规律,发展学生的语言能力,培养学生的言语智慧,使语文课堂散发浓厚的语文情趣和文化气息.  相似文献   

知识经济时代的到来,对高校化学教学提出了更高的要求。如何结合时代特征和化学学科本身发展规律进一步提高教学技能乃是每一个高校化学教师必须面对的问题。为此,探讨了高校化学教师在教材组织、教学设计和课堂教学等教学活动中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

An interactive videodisc system designed to teach language concepts to deaf students was evaluated in a classroom trial. An experimental group of 18 students spent 60 twenty‐minute sessions over a five‐month period learning language concepts by interacting with the system while a control group of 16 students learned the same concepts in their regular classroom setting. Both groups made significant progress from pre‐ to post‐test on two criterion‐referenced testsdeveloped by project staff. Experimental students were enthusiastic about the videodisc, felt that their language skills had improved, and were anxious to continue working with the system.  相似文献   

以教育改革的总原则及社会的需要为导向 ,结合武术专选课及学生素质教育的特点 ,研究了对学生的专项技能、自学、创编、组织教学、竞赛裁判、科研 6个方面能力的培养途径。指出 ,通过增设实践课 ,采取有效的教学策略 ,通过教师的引导使学生的能力得到培养和发展  相似文献   

本文在简要介绍经管类实训教学及新任课教师提升实训教学技能重要性的基础上,以《ERP沙盘模拟实训》为例,从理论知识强化、软件应用、实训软技能和教学方式四个方面分析了新任课教师实训教学存在的不足和技能提升策略。  相似文献   

英语阅读教学的思维导图分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
英语阅读中运用思维导图分析,能使困难、复杂的内容非常清晰、系统地凸显出来,因而能帮助学生更深刻地理解所学内容,更容易地组织和记住所读材料,也有助于组织语言材料进行写作练习.文章讨论了思维导图类型、创建过程以及理论依据,给出了思维导图分析范例.  相似文献   

In the present study we investigated a developmentally changing role of text reading fluency in mediating the relations of word reading fluency and listening comprehension to reading comprehension. We addressed this question by using longitudinal data from Grades 1 to 4 and employing structural equation models. Results showed that the role of text reading fluency changes over time as children’s reading proficiency develops. In the beginning phase of reading development (Grade 1), text reading fluency was not independently related to reading comprehension over and above word reading fluency and listening comprehension. In Grades 2 to 4, however, text reading fluency completely mediated the relation between word reading fluency and reading comprehension, whereas it partially mediated the relation between listening comprehension and reading comprehension. These results suggest that text reading fluency is a dissociable construct that plays a developmentally changing role in reading acquisition.  相似文献   

职业生涯管理技能课程(CMS)是英国高校就业工作体系的重要组成部分。CMS课程重在唤醒学生的内在潜能,对学生进行分群类教,并且注重传授支持学生长远发展的技能。里丁大学所研发的职业生涯管理技能课程以其鲜明的特色领跑于英国各高校。其中的经典课程“毕业生去向课程”(Destinations)。定位全球市场,设计理念灵活,拥有可重复使用的学习目标、系统全面的主题、丰富多样的视频资源以及互动式的练习资源库。这些成功的经验对推动和促进我国高校职业生涯规划课程发展具有重要的启示。  相似文献   

通过调查,结果表明小教专业学生的数学教学目标设计技能的整体水平较低,无法根据课标、教材要求,进行内容全面、具体明确的设计。基于数据分析专业课程对小学数学教学目标设计技能培养的主要问题,探寻对策:重构习得小学数学教学目标设计技能的方式,协同学生主体参与和教师专业指导的课堂教学,善用信息化资源丰富小教专业学生的知识与技能。  相似文献   

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